WWE Survivor Series 2010 - Randy Orton (c) vs. Wade Barrett - WWE Championship

First of all, this match will be intense from bell to bell. If cena doesn't allow Barrett to win the WWE Title, he's fired. This means that at the point in the match (I'm assuming about 10 minutes in) where Orton goes for his first pin attempt, Cena will not count. This will go on throughout the match, since Cena is torn on what he is going to do, thus pissing Orton off to no end.

I don't know what is going to happen here, which makes the whole angle so great, but my thought is that what we all expect to hapen, won't.

1. I don't see Cena just screwing over Orton, it's not who he is. He either screws Barrett, thus getting himself fired, or I could also see it where Cena is involved in a ref bump. He gets taken out and when he gets back up, Barrett is making th cover, thus he didn't have anything to do with how Barrett wins.

2. Cena and Orton will not engage in a fight, Orton won't attack Cena and Cena certainly won't attack Orton to give Barrett an advantage.

3. Miz WILL NOT CASH IN!!! Every PPV people think he is going to, it's not happening yet, he's just not ready yet. Let it build and it'll be that much sweeter later in the spring when he does.

All in all, I think Orton retains, Cena gets fired and we go from there. IDK where, but I do think it'll be just as intriguing as it has been.
honestly, this match can go either way. I could see Orton winning and seeing Cena fired and then getting a match where if he beats Wade Barrett (at the next pay per view) he would get his job back. I could also see Barrett winning by Cena helping him or by counting the 3 and Barrett cheats and Cena doesnt see it. I could also see The Miz cashing in on Barrett AFTER the match is over, WWE actually has this match unpredictable which is a good thing. one thing we DO know is Cena isnt going to be really fired. he will either be gone for a short time (if Orton does win) or he will come to RAW after the Survivor Series and ask for one more match where if he wins, he gets his job back. All in all, the storyline is interesting.
IMO the main reason i think Cena will turn heel is the fact he still wears his own colours & tee's with his own music while in Nexus right now. I think him wearing a Nexus tee when he finally turns heel will symbolize the full turn. Otherwise, if WWE was planning for him to get out of Nexus at Survivor Series, why wouldn't they have done the Cena in Nexus thing bigger since Night of Champions (Cena in N tee, wearing their colours, coming out to Nexus theme music etc.)...

If they make it so Cena gets out of Nexus, i see this whole storyline as being a waste of time, and a complete drop of the ball for WWE. This is the most interesting thing I have seen in WWE for a while now, please don't ruin it by keeping Cena face... PLEASSSEEEE WWE!!!!!
The stipulations added for this night made this an easy call for me.

While it may seem that The GM is trying to ensure a "fair" match by barring Nexus from ringside, this is easily escable. Cena defeated Otunga tonight, and I fully expect Otunga to lose to Edge on Friday, which will oust Otunga from Nexus.

The second stipulation noted that the match "must end in pinfall or submission." That means no disqualifications and no countouts, I would think. Whats' to say that ousting Otunga(all of which was brought up after the GM's announcement) won't lead to Otunga helping Barrett in beating down Orton, allowing Barrett to "get around" the stipulation of no Nexus interference? This seems pre-planned, too convenient, and strategically plotted by Barrett.

The other thing is I can't in see Cena in any way losing his job, even if he were to be "rehired" later on Smackdown. Cena is the face of the company, and the flagship show is Raw. Cena isn't going anywhere. I see an Orton takedown at the hands of Otunga and Barrett,tying Cena's hands, and reluctantly forcing him to make the 3 count. I see a new champion emerging in Wade Barrett.

I don't see Barrett leaving Survivor Series with the title however. After all, Cena has declared he will give Barrett the "beating of his life" one way or another after the match is over. What better way could there be to set-up Miz to cash-in his briefcase on a weakened and beat-down Barrett?

So I see Barrett initially winning the title from Orton due to interference from an "ousted" Otunga, and Miz cashing in his MITB on Barrett after Cena has beaten Barrett up. At the end of the night, I see Miz as WWE champion.
So I see Barrett initially winning the title from Orton due to interference from an "ousted" Otunga, and Miz cashing in his MITB on Barrett after Cena has beaten Barrett up. At the end of the night, I see Miz as WWE champion.

A lot of people seem to think this. But what doesn't make sense is if barrett wins the championship, why would the rest of nexus sit idly by and allow miz to steal the title? Especially in your scenario, when otunga is right there?

Also, even if this happens with the cash in, what happens next? A nexus/barrett feud against the miz? I just don't see that being the next big feud.
A lot of people seem to think this. But what doesn't make sense is if barrett wins the championship, why would the rest of nexus sit idly by and allow miz to steal the title? Especially in your scenario, when otunga is right there?

Also, even if this happens with the cash in, what happens next? A nexus/barrett feud against the miz? I just don't see that being the next big feud.
Easy, have Cena beat up on Otunga and Barrett, have him use a chair on both guys then leave and have Miz with Riley (who would have a chair) come out and cash in and have Riley stand outside the ring with that very chair, then have Miz pin them while Nexus trys to come out OR have Nexus locked in their room by either Miz, Riley or Cena (who did it so he can get his beatdown). As for who would Barrett/Nexus would feud with, how about John Cena (again) for costing him the title then have a Cena/Barrett match where this time there isnt a stipulation and have it being just Barrett wanting payback or a triple threat match and have the rest of Nexus feud with Cena.
remember all the promotion and visual descriptions of Survivor Series is all based around The Nexus and a "NEW ERA" beginning... I see Nexus doing something big and i think Wade will definitely come out with the title, if not, this whole storyline and the focus on Nexus as the main promo for Survivor Series seems a bit dumb... You even go to the Official WWE Survivor Series site and everything is about Nexus... Something big is gonna happen. But i see Nexus coming out of it with the Title and being stronger then ever.
Blah. I still think having the Miz cash in would be completely unneeded and overbooking 101.

Wade Barrett vs John Cena is the focal point of Raw right now. I don't think it needs the belt, but they have booked the belt into the angle.

Since Hell in a Cell, Wade has had one mission: Become WWE champion. And he is used devious tricks to be in position to become try to become WWE champion. He won a battle royal with the help of Cena (and to a minor extend, the other Nexus guys). He failed at getting the title because he got too arrogant over his control of Cena. The next night, he gets to pick the referee of the match and gives Cena the ultimatum: Free or Fired. Cena, so far, hasn't shown any favoritism; which has really gotten to Wade since the other Nexus guys, sans Otunga, have done everything but jump off a cliff for Wade.

So even if Wade wins, you guys still want Miz to cash in? Ignore the fact that Wade has been pushed so damn hard, he might as well be watching TV with you. Ignore the fact that Cena would screw Orton, whom will most likely want his title back. Ignore the fact that Wade still has an army behind him (even banned from ringside, Justin Gabriel is one fast mofo).

Ignore all the details of the match just because people are obsessing over *when* the Miz will cash in his title shot.
I agree with LSN80. Otunga has no chance against Edge on Friday, and will be 'gone' from Nexus. Thus allowing him to interfere in the no DQ match between Orton and Barrett.

Don't get me wrong, i hope it doesnt happen..

Here is what i think could happen. Somehow, Orton retains but Cena isn't fired. Don't know how, but Cena isn't going anywhere. No chance. Nexus will lay the beatdown on Cena and Orton after the match, cue Miz's music, he cashes in on Orton. He may win, or he may lose, but this gets the title out of the Cena/Nexus angle and starts a feud between Miz/Orton.


What everyone thinks will happen, does. Cena helps Barrett win, then beats the crap out of him and Nexus, or Cena could have 'Team Raw' (Aka Henry and co.) come down and they beat down Nexus. Miz's music hits, briefcase in hand. He throws Barrett in the ring, and gives Cena/Random Ref the briefcase. He stands waiting for Barrett to get up, then Orton jumps in and RKO's him. This has been done before when Miz tried to cash in, but that hasn't stopped them before. This way, Cena isn't fired and is out of Nexus, Barrett gets the title, and Orton/Miz fued. Only problem here is Orton's rematch clause..
Another option, which I would REALLY would like to see, is that before the match begins, Barrett tells Cena he HAS to walk out SS as the champion, with no other option for Cena to be released. Cena gives us his "I don't want to do it" look and reluctantly agrees.

The match itself as mentioned before won't be great, but after some back and forth action Orton RKO's Barrett and goes for the pin. Then Cena interferes and use the AA on Orton, thus giving Barrett the win.

Then Barrett celebrates while Cena struggles, but after a loud Cena chant from the crowd, he picks up Barrett and thrashes him.

"I came to play...."

Miz comes out and looks smurky, and slowly cashes in MITB and goes for the Skull Crushing Finale.

Then Cena remebers what Barrett told him, and knocks down Miz for Barrett to retain the title. This way the MITB will be the first time unsuccesfully cashed in, Barrett walks out the champion and Cena will be released from Nexus/Barrett.

Next night on Raw, Cena comes out, explains his actions but gets interrupted by Orton/Miz and tells Cena that he's a coward for not doing the right thing.

Cena will be transitioning into a heel, by ways of a "I had to do it, no one understands me" story on his own, without Nexus.

But probably Barrett will win, Cena will be released and we will see SuperCena for the rest of the year.....
well who's to say cena has to screw over orton for wade to win the belt. Think about it cenas back is turned and orton gets hit in the head with belt or sneak attack or whatever and cena doesnt see it and counts 3. Then you have orton arguing with cena that he was attacked but cena says he did not see it. I would love it to if after the match cena gives him the AA and the miz comes down and pins him but i dont think that will happen.
I already know the answer to my question but I'm going to ask anyway. Why does Cena have to screw Orton for Barrett to get the title? Everyone is saying Cena should do the right thing. As the ref the right thing is for Cena to call the match down the middle without bias. Why can't Barrett just beat Orton fair and square? I know the answer is because that's not the direction the storyline is taking us. I just find it unusual that the announcers and even Barrett himself is basically saying he needs Cena to screw Orton to win the match. A competitor like Barrett should have more confidence in his own ability.

Also does anyone see R Truth getting involved? He reminds me a lot of Tatanka going into SummerSlam 94. For those who don't remember Tatanka was a face accusing Lex Luger of selling out to Ted Dibiase. It turned out Tatanka was the real sell out. I don't think it will have much impact, but something just isn't right about Truth sticking his nose in Cena's business.
I already know the answer to my question but I'm going to ask anyway. Why does Cena have to screw Orton for Barrett to get the title? Everyone is saying Cena should do the right thing. As the ref the right thing is for Cena to call the match down the middle without bias. Why can't Barrett just beat Orton fair and square? I know the answer is because that's not the direction the storyline is taking us. I just find it unusual that the announcers and even Barrett himself is basically saying he needs Cena to screw Orton to win the match. A competitor like Barrett should have more confidence in his own ability.

Also does anyone see R Truth getting involved? He reminds me a lot of Tatanka going into SummerSlam 94. For those who don't remember Tatanka was a face accusing Lex Luger of selling out to Ted Dibiase. It turned out Tatanka was the real sell out. I don't think it will have much impact, but something just isn't right about Truth sticking his nose in Cena's business.

It's funny you bring this up Brain, because I just finished watching this show a few days ago. I don't know if I could see this happening, because if it does, then WWE might push Truth in a HUGE way, and I don't think they have big plans for him at all. Ever since he lost the US Championship, Truth has been stuck in a bunch of feuds that haven't gone anywhere. It's funny because we've seen Truth as Cena's lone friend lately, and I'm sure this would drop a lot of jaws if this did happen, but I just can't see WWE giving Truth a big moment like this.
well as everyone else knows cena is very famous worldwide especially here in INDIA, so there is no way that he will get fired, in other words there is no way that randy will win....... now the question is will cena help wade purposely or forcefully? again knowing how famous this guy is, there are very few chances of him turning a heel and i dont see otunga having any major part 2 play here....... so the result is obvious here, wade will win
A lot of people seem to think this. But what doesn't make sense is if barrett wins the championship, why would the rest of nexus sit idly by and allow miz to steal the title? Especially in your scenario, when otunga is right there?
wAlso, even if this happens with the cash in, what happens next? A nexus/barrett feud against the miz? I just don't see that being the next big feud.

I didn't see anyone point out that a Nexus member could be "ousted", then return as part of Barrett's plan to get around Nexus being banned from ringside. so when you say "alot of people seem to think this", you're wrong. The other person I could see getting involved is R-Truth. He's been playing the 12 year old tattletale who has been getting into Cena and Orton's business, and he's stale as a face. The way he's been acting has been too disengenuous in terms of how he's been engaging with Cena and Orton.

Secondly, Cena promised to give Barrett AND anyone who got in his way the beating of their lives IMMEDIATELY following the match. Just because a former Nexus member, or R-Truth(won't be Otunga now, most likely), gets involved, that doesn't mean Cena, Miz, Riley and/or an outraged Orton wouldnt fend Nexus off, allowing Miz to cash in the briefcase.

As for what happens next? Obviously, you go to a Barrett/Cena feud, and a Miz/Orton feud. I think Barrett might be slightly peeved Cena cost him the title after he just won it, dont you? And Orton, as the former champion, would have a rematch clause. I suppose Barrett would too, but you could have a one-off match on Raw where Cena interferes to prevent Barrett from winning, thus setting up their feud even further.
So fucking pumped. Not the slightest idea who gets the win here. Sure, Cena said he is gonna do the right thing monday night, but that is exactly what he should say nefore he TURNS HEEL.

On the other hand, calling it down the middle and getting himself fired would be far more catered toward the Cena character, and seeing him slowly annhilate the entire Nexus guerilla style would be fucking awesome.

Either way, things will be VERY interesting come Sunday.
I'm so fucking pumped for this match that I can't even handle it. This one match could change the landscape of WWE for years to come if Cena does not do the "right thing". It does suck that Barrett doesn't really know what he's doing in the ring. But still, this should be a mega entertaining match and one I'm sure where people will be shitting themselves with the ending.
Wade Barrett for sure will win. WWE offical's had plans of making sure Wade won last PPV but they decided not to go with that plan. Plus WWE offical's want Nexus to dominate Raw holding all the title's including the WWE Title
BARRETT of course wwe cant afford to lose cena.But what i want to happen is cena to turn heel i dont think that would happen it mite spice things up a bit but i dont see that happening i do see miz cashing in the money in the bank contract there for wade would win but a assualt by cena after he is free and for the miz to capitalize.
I sure hope barrett doesn't somehow win. First, I personally don't understand either how, with just storyline and logic purposes, barrett is supposed to be a legitimate champion contender anyway. He's still supposed to be a "rookie", while he was in NXT he got beaten down by pros all the time. Yes, he is great as a mouthpiece for the nexus group but suddenly he's supposed to be good enough to be a contender?

Yet even if we take logic and throw it out the window, all that aside, I've been watching him wrestle very closely every week on RAW when he does perform, and I'm sorry to all the Barrett lovers, he is absolutely horrendous in the ring. Honestly, he is not good technically whatsoever. It's a good thing he's in a match sunday against orton who (like Cena) will be able to carry him through it. Sadly, orton, while good at carrying others, is kind of a bore himself, so the only really interesting thing about this match is how it will end.

Fortunately I can just check online to see how it ends and not have to be subjected to orton's yawning performance and barrett's clumsy and confused impression of the frankenstein's monster lumbering about the ring.
I have no clue what is going to happen in this match. This is the first time in I dont know how long that the outcome was not fairly obvious. The thing that gives this match a surprise factor is Cena. No one will believe that he is going to be fired and at the same time no one can see him giving Barret the title. The reasons for those things are because if Cena gets fired everyone knows he won't really be fired and if he Turns heel and gives the strap to Barret what was the point of the heel turn if he is aligned with the heel champion
I sure hope barrett doesn't somehow win. First, I personally don't understand either how, with just storyline and logic purposes, barrett is supposed to be a legitimate champion contender anyway. He's still supposed to be a "rookie", while he was in NXT he got beaten down by pros all the time. Yes, he is great as a mouthpiece for the nexus group but suddenly he's supposed to be good enough to be a contender?

Yet even if we take logic and throw it out the window, all that aside, I've been watching him wrestle very closely every week on RAW when he does perform, and I'm sorry to all the Barrett lovers, he is absolutely horrendous in the ring. Honestly, he is not good technically whatsoever. It's a good thing he's in a match sunday against orton who (like Cena) will be able to carry him through it. Sadly, orton, while good at carrying others, is kind of a bore himself, so the only really interesting thing about this match is how it will end.

Fortunately I can just check online to see how it ends and not have to be subjected to orton's yawning performance and barrett's clumsy and confused impression of the frankenstein's monster lumbering about the ring.

Funny you say that actually, as i just finished watching Barrett vs R-Truth from OS Raw and i agree, i don't think Barrett is any good in the ring, and Orton is boring when he has the title.

The only thing interesting about this match, for me anyways, is seeing what Cena will do. Will he call it down the middle? If he does this it will most likely be an Orton win, meaning he gets fired. Will he hand Barrett the strap screwing Orton in the process?

What i think will happen, which i'm sure has been mentioned, is that Cena will be distracted by lets say, R-Truth at ringside, and is telling him to leave or something, behind Cena's back Barrett cheats to take Orton down, Cena turns as Barrett is hitting wasteland. 1,2,3. This way, Cena is free from Nexus without 'Screwing' Orton.

I thought Miz may cash in after this match, but due to what he said on Raw about potentially cashing in at SS, i highly doubt he will anymore.
Funny you say that actually, as i just finished watching Barrett vs R-Truth from OS Raw and i agree, i don't think Barrett is any good in the ring, and Orton is boring when he has the title.

The only thing interesting about this match, for me anyways, is seeing what Cena will do. Will he call it down the middle? If he does this it will most likely be an Orton win, meaning he gets fired. Will he hand Barrett the strap screwing Orton in the process?

What i think will happen, which i'm sure has been mentioned, is that Cena will be distracted by lets say, R-Truth at ringside, and is telling him to leave or something, behind Cena's back Barrett cheats to take Orton down, Cena turns as Barrett is hitting wasteland. 1,2,3. This way, Cena is free from Nexus without 'Screwing' Orton.

I thought Miz may cash in after this match, but due to what he said on Raw about potentially cashing in at SS, i highly doubt he will anymore.

OOOOOOO I like this idea. I've been thinking for a few weeks that Truth may do something a little screwy. sohow about this:

Orton hits the RKO on Barrett, crawls over for the cover but Cena just stands in the corner with a look on his face that screams "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!" R-Truth comes running down to ringside to yell at Cena for not "Doing the right thing."

Orton gets up and a member of Nexus (maybe Gabriel) comes through the crowd and nails Orton in the back with a chair. Barrett is up and Cena turns away from R-Truth to see Wade hit Wasteland. Than we get the HBK/Hitman from Summerslam '97 where Cena stares at Barrett while slowly counting the 3.

But, what makes this whole PPV so awesome is that I really have no clue!
I'm going to side with Wade Barrett winning, but not because of Cena or Nexus (well the active Nexus)... My reason is as simple as it comes...

Skip Sheffield will return and help Barrett win. I know what people are thinking "Oh SLS, you're so stupid, Sheffield's injured"... well yes, this is true, but WWE's been known to give out false return dates... For example, Edge and John Cena.

How the outcome will turn out, I don't know... however, I do know that Skip Sheffield will be involved in the outcome. Because, if I'm not mistaken, the match is No DQ which means Skip can easily interfere on Barrett's behalf.
As usually happens at the Survivor Series there will be a swerve. I can see one of two things happening. Orton retains and Cena is fired. He starts doing run ins and starts his own faction with the "fired" members of Nexus. The reason for the delay in taking the title from Orton is because it allowed one more month for Skip Sheffield to heal from his ankle injury.

Another scenario... Cena is the "higher power" of the Nexus and Cena fighting with them was to toughen them up and to test his members. He screws Orton out of the title.

A third scenario... Orton is the "higher power" of the Nexus and his hatred of John Cena is so great that he gives the title to Barrett al la laying down in the middle of the ring...

Beware there is a screwjob lurking somewhere in all of this.

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