WWE Survivor Series 2010 - Randy Orton (c) vs. Wade Barrett - WWE Championship

I wasn't expecting much from the Bragging Rights because Orton was in the match. In the Bragging Rights, Wade tried really hard get the crowd to react. He prolly realized that the crowd was getting bored. He was running around to get the ringside people to react, he slapped on several submissions, and all sorts of stuff. What did Orton do? Failed at making big comebacks or making Wade look like a threat.

A friend told me that Orton's current run is about to reach his first face run in terms of "epic fail." I agree. Orton is very limited in what he does in the ring. If you don't work around what his match set up is, then you pretty much got a bad match. Orton doesn't sell well and his comebacks just seem sorta "Well, I gotta do this because it is basic, etc. etc." I know they haven't actually said he was a "good" guy, but his matches are booked as such. Orton is a completely deadpan face.

I hope Wade wins as well. Wade vs Cena took up almost 45 minutes of Raw this week, that is literally half of the show. Wade with the title would prolly.. I dunno.. JUSTIFY having the show revolve around a hungry power Englishman and a conflicted super hero.
The Stipulation is like Barett losing na? How about Miz coming in as a third member, making it a triple threat match and pinning Orton? Barett is not pinned so it means he didn't lose. :confused: The stipulation is confusing :icon_neutral: Either Cena has to turn on Orton or Barett getting a clean win? :disappointed:
I wasn't expecting much from the Bragging Rights because Orton was in the match. In the Bragging Rights, Wade tried really hard get the crowd to react. He prolly realized that the crowd was getting bored. He was running around to get the ringside people to react, he slapped on several submissions, and all sorts of stuff. What did Orton do? Failed at making big comebacks or making Wade look like a threat.

A friend told me that Orton's current run is about to reach his first face run in terms of "epic fail." I agree. Orton is very limited in what he does in the ring. If you don't work around what his match set up is, then you pretty much got a bad match. Orton doesn't sell well and his comebacks just seem sorta "Well, I gotta do this because it is basic, etc. etc." I know they haven't actually said he was a "good" guy, but his matches are booked as such. Orton is a completely deadpan face.

I hope Wade wins as well. Wade vs Cena took up almost 45 minutes of Raw this week, that is literally half of the show. Wade with the title would prolly.. I dunno.. JUSTIFY having the show revolve around a hungry power Englishman and a conflicted super hero.

Wow, you don't sound like the biggest, blinded mark on the planet...

However, I'm not all that interested in this match either. While the Nexus storyline has been rather interesting, the WWE has done nothing to make me care about Orton vs. Barrett. Not one bit.

This whole thing revolves around Cena and Barrett. The title means almost nothing, and it's a shame. Orton has been thrown into this mess because they really have no one else for him to currently feud with.

A match like this cannot be saved by basically turning it into a streetfight. Why? Because there is no hatred between Orton and Barrett. There is no feud. In all honesty, as much as I am a mark for Orton, he shouldn't have won the title at Night of Champions.

It's not that I don't want to see Orton as champion, but not in this current environment. You have one storyline dominating the show, and everyone else is left out in the cold. You have you're most over superstar, Orton, carrying the title..and nothing more. The WWE hasn't given him one interesting thing to do since holding the title. They should have just given the title to Barrett at The Night of Champions if this is what they had planned for their current champion.

So in short, no, I'm not looking forward to this match. It offers nothing but the continuation of the Cena/Nexus storyline, and leaves the champion looking like a dope. Horrible.
Of course Barrett's going to win. But, wat i think is that they won't turn Cena heel. I mean he's the biggest draw in the company. They won't turn him heel. So I guess Orton's going to win and Cena is about to be fired when someone like Vince or Triple H come out and fire the GM instead and make themselves the GM.
As I think I've said before in other threads. I just don't see Cena turning heel at any point unless he's feuding with a bigger face (ie. Undertaker). As long as Nexus is around Cena is gonna be a face and trying to take them out.

What I see happening is very simple and played to hell (ie. Right up WWE's alley.) Cena helps Barrett win the title. I think this is a given. Directly after the match, Cena gives Barrett an AA and probably the STF. I say about 2.3 seconds after Cena leaves the ring Miz's music hits, he runs down the ramp, hits the SCF and we have a new champion.

Like I said, predictable, expected, and repetitive. Exactly, what WWE is going with right now.
This whole thing revolves around Cena and Barrett. The title means almost nothing, and it's a shame. Orton has been thrown into this mess because they really have no one else for him to currently feud with.

Woah.. Wait a minute. Back the bus up and put in park.

The title means "almost nothing." Then why the fuck has Wade been forcing Cena to do his bidding? It has been clear since the first night of Cena in Nexus that Wade is only using him to become the 40th WWE champion. I am not one to cry about prestige when it comes to belts, but Wade is the first contender on Raw in a LOOONNNGGGG... to actually talk about the importance of the belt. He isn't going "GIMMIE GIMMIE! IT'S MINE" in his promos. He is talking about how he wants to bring the title to the Nexus (as well as England; he is patriotic) and how it will elevate the Nexus.

If anything (or one I should say) is unimportant in this match, it is Orton. It really feel like he is only in it because he holds the title. He doesn't have nothing to do, but it isn't like the guy is worth building a show around. Especially when you got Cena/Wade completely knocking it out of the park as well as literally taking up half the show.
What I see happening in this is Cena helping Barrett win the title, but looking like he's sad/mad about having to help Barrett do it.

Then once Cena counts the 3 and gives Barett the title, he FU's Orton and puts on a Nexus shirt....

This would actually turn him heal because he was given his out from Nexus for getting Barett the title, but decides to stay in Nexus, this means its something he decided all on his own and wasn't forced to do. Then we can see Cena actually doing Heel things and fighting WITH Nexus.

Then if the whole Cena Heel turn doesn't work out, they would still have Cena close to Barrett and could easily make Cena screw Barrett later on and get the title back and go back to being a Face. Only if Heel Cena doesn't work out.
Woah.. Wait a minute. Back the bus up and put in park.

Consider it parked...?

The title means "almost nothing." Then why the fuck has Wade been forcing Cena to do his bidding? It has been clear since the first night of Cena in Nexus that Wade is only using him to become the 40th WWE champion. I am not one to cry about prestige when it comes to belts, but Wade is the first contender on Raw in a LOOONNNGGGG... to actually talk about the importance of the belt. He isn't going "GIMMIE GIMMIE! IT'S MINE" in his promos. He is talking about how he wants to bring the title to the Nexus (as well as England; he is patriotic) and how it will elevate the Nexus.

Are you attempting to say Wade Barrett is (kayfabe) being honorable? You are taking your love for the guy a bit far. He is absolutely saying "Gimmie Gimmie" (whatever the hell that means). He wants the title to be an honorable champion? You mean to be an honorable champion on the show he and his stable are attempting to destroy? On the show where he and his crew are basically attempting to steal a title by cheating (using Cena)? Seriously, pull your head out of the sand. Stop drinking the kool-aid. You know it's all fake, yeah?

If anything (or one I should say) is unimportant in this match, it is Orton. It really feel like he is only in it because he holds the title. He doesn't have nothing to do, but it isn't like the guy is worth building a show around. Especially when you got Cena/Wade completely knocking it out of the park as well as literally taking up half the show.

In this paragraph, you have proven my point that, A. You're a horribly blind mark, and B. The champion means nothing. Thanks, you actually made my job a bit easier.

When I say Orton means nothing, it means he has no real place in this feud. You would have us believe it's because he isn't any good, which couldn't be further from the truth. Who, besides you and a few other bent-out-of-shape Cena fans, believe Orton is terrible? Surely not the fans in the arena's he wrestles in, seeing he gets the biggest pop in the business right now.

WWE is banking on this Cena/Barrett feud, and I get it. I'm a big Wade Barrett fan (not on the level of insanity where you seem to reside, but I like him). I don't come out, like you, and knock a guys work ethic. Orton, Barrett, Cena; these guys bust their asses out there. And for some blind smark like you to say one of them (Orton) doesn't work hard is rather pathetic. Actually, it makes you look stupid. Not a big Cena fan, but he's been alright in this whole storyline. It's been successful, and it draws. But why have Orton win the title at Night of Champions?

I know your answer to this will be the same ol', same ol'; "Orton Sucks!" bullshit. But once again, you will be showing your own ignorance. The WWE put the title on him because he's the most over guy, right now. And obviously the WWE, and millions of fans, see reasons why you can build a show around Orton. My question has been, and still is, why did Orton win the title when he did? If WWE can't make their champion the focus of the show, that's WWE's fault, not Orton's. It was bad timing. He shouldn't have won the title until this whole Cena/Nexus thing concluded. You can't have a guy win a title during this kind of an angle, when he isn't really involved in it. It made no sense.

When I said the title means almost nothing, that's exactly what it means; almost nothing. The Cena/Nexus feud has begun to center around the title. But when you're champion is in the background in a feud like this, it diminishes the value of the title. Understand? You probably won't, but I at least I tried.

That's why this match means nothing to me. If Orton wins, does that mean Wade and company give up their hunt for the WWE championship? No. Does that mean Cena leaves Nexus, and everything goes back to normal? No. I fear if Wade doesn't win the title, Orton will once again be nothing more than background, as the champion. And that makes no sense, no matter what shit you spew about it. So in all honesty, I hope Orton loses the title. He's my favorite wrestler, but if they aren't going to use the most over guy on the show properly, what's the point in having him carry your most precious title?
This is how I would book this match, for the most part it would just be Barrett and Orton going back and forth, each would get several close falls, just falling short each time, and each time they would get in Cenas face, then at some point near the end of the match Orton gets Barrett down, and sets up for the punt, Cena clearly looks torn, does he allow Orton to hit the punt which would effectively take out Barrett but would lead to him having no choice but to count the 123 for Orton, or does help Barrett and screw Orton out of the WWE title, then just as Orton charges to deliver the punt you see Cena deliver a devastating clothesline out of nowhere, leveling Orton, then Cena grabs a chair and as Barrett is getting up he blasts him a vicious chairshot to the head, then picks him up onto his shoulders and stands next to Orton, who is still down on the mat, Cena then proceeds to deliver the AA to Barrett, driving him on top of Orton, Cena then drops down and counts the 123 giving Barrett the win and the WWE title, Cena then rolls out of the ring and walks to the back with his head hanging, looking back once as he nears the top of the ramp/entrance, he see's Orton staring back at him, this would then set up a triple threat match at TLC
First of all I wanted to clarify something: If Barrett does not win is Cena fired from all WWE or only Raw? I'm thinking its all WWE but some posters mentioned Cena going to Smackdown if he loses so I am a bit confused.

I think Barrett winning the title is the best way to book this match. It will raise the whole question of did Cena do that to save his job or did he do that because he hates Orton and wanted Barrett to win anyway. Its almost like 1998 and the conspiracy concerning Austin, Mcmahon and Undertaker. Ideally I'd like to see something similar to what transpired during Summerslam 1997 with Orton playing Undertaker, Barrett playing Bret Hart and Cena playing Michaels.

If Orton wins I see it going down the route in which Cena gets fired and there is some petition to get him back and all this leads to a gimmick match with Barrett at Elimination Chamber which Cena wins signifying the end of the feud.
I have the feeling that Barrett will win the match but I'm wondering if Barrett will keep to his word over releasing Cena from the Nexus. I also have a feeling that Otunga will have an input in this match also. He is not happy that he was shown up and had to lay down and be pinned by fellow Nexus member Heath Slater for his tag team championship belt. Not sure He will be happy that Barrett takes the WWE title when he could not keep the tag team title.
I feel a huge swerve coming on. I don't know what but one will come. I do feel that it maybe will be a "Screwjob" deal or something like that. In order for Cena to stay face, he'd have to do something that won't get the crowd to hate him. Whether he gives Orton the Atitude Adjustment or he calls the match and awards the belt to Barrett, he'll more than likely turn into a heel. Great job to WWE once again making a match impossible to predict. Again, something has to happen, something like a swerve. Could you really see Cena turning heel right now? Could you see him screwing Orton? I can't at all. Barrett has to win or seems that way with the odds stacked against Orton. Maybe Cena will just quit or something, take some time off, return and that will add to the storyline.
I feel a huge swerve coming on. I don't know what but one will come. I do feel that it maybe will be a "Screwjob" deal or something like that. In order for Cena to stay face, he'd have to do something that won't get the crowd to hate him. Whether he gives Orton the Atitude Adjustment or he calls the match and awards the belt to Barrett, he'll more than likely turn into a heel. Great job to WWE once again making a match impossible to predict. Again, something has to happen, something like a swerve. Could you really see Cena turning heel right now? Could you see him screwing Orton? I can't at all. Barrett has to win or seems that way with the odds stacked against Orton. Maybe Cena will just quit or something, take some time off, return and that will add to the storyline.

This got me thinking, to the best of my knowledge we havn't really seen Vince since he was taken apart by Nexus, could he possibly return during this match, walk down to ring and somehow screw Barrett out of the title?
I just can't see the long awaited Cena heel turn happening here. Barrett will obviously try to cheat here, and then Cena will have to make the tough decision. I think Cena will be put in a tough spot in this match.......he will do the right the thing or he will help Barrett win the WWE Championship. Since we all know that Cena will be fired if Barrett doesn't win the title, then he's going to have to do something that goes against everything he stands for. Again, I don't think Cena will turn heel here. Orton is pretty popular with the fans right now, but I just don't think this is the right time for a heel turn. Also, if Cena is to become a bad guy, then it won't happen anytime soon. I think Barrett will get help from Nexus or try to cheat some other way, and Cena will be forced to turn a blind eye to all of this. He will reluctantly count to three, and we will have a new WWE Champion.

As far as the match goes, I don't expect much. There's going to be a lot of tension between Cena, Barrett, and Orton. Barrett will probably yell at Cena the entire time, and Orton will give him his signature creepy look.
My first reaction would be that Cena would get fired and then sent to Smackdownto help confirm the reports stating that Smackdown is to be the number one brand. However, I do believe it was already stated on TV that if Cena was fired, he would be FIRED and GONE. No move to Smackdown. That said, I think Barrett wins it here. I think this storyline will be drawn out for awhile longer. I think Cena will help Barrett capture the title which will culminate in a title match between Cena and Barrett or a triple threat featuring Orton.
When I first saw that if Orton won,Cena would be fired I was like YES(cause i hate Cena and i'm a huge mark for Orton)but then the logical side of me remembered WWE wouldnt be stupid enough to have John Cena fired.I can see Barrett winning it with help from Cena,then Cena immediately attacks Barrett. At TLC its a triple threat for the WWE Title between Cena,Barrett and Orton whose using his rematch clause.Cena and Barrett feud until Royal Rumble where they end it in a special gimmick match. Later in the night Cena screws Orton out of defending his title and Orton loses his title, turning Cena heel.I havent thought about after that but its sounds alright to me.
I think this match is quite obviously, and simply building up to Miz cashing in his Money in the Bank contract.

Barrett and Orton will be going back and forth, probably lasting no more than 15 minutes, until Nexus run down and interfere, beating down Orton. I can't remember if the match is "no DQ", but if it isn't, Cena won't call the DQ for fear of being fired. I can see Cena banning Nexus from ringside (possibly from the arena) after they've pounded on Orton, resulting in Barrett screaming at Cena only for Cena to say back "Orton is unconcious, the title is practically yours! Let's just get this over with!". Barrett glances at Orton, smirks, and picks him up for Wastelands. Cena will very slowly make the 3-count and crown Wade Barrett the new WWE champion.

Holding the belt, Wade will grab a microphone, and thank Cena for the common sense of counting the 123 for him, and officially relieve him of his duties from Nexus. Cena walks to Barrett with a hand outstretched, ready to shake his hand (teasing the heel turn) before he picks Barrett up and slams him down with an Attitude Adjustment, then slapping on an STF and holding it there for what seems like eternity.


Miz sprints down with Riley and the pair of them kick Cena away, before he brings out a referee and cashes in on an unconcious Wade Barrett.

Cena is free from Nexus, Barrett is still without a title, and The Miz has cashed in and we have a brand new WWE Champion. :lmao:
IMO, I think that they won't turn John Cena into a heel, especially with the PG-13 thing WWE has going on now. Two people who won't turn heel are John Cena and Rey Mysterio, they have the whole interaction with the kids thing, imagine all the parents writing into the WWE if this happened. I think a Cena heel turn would be interesting for about 3 weeks, but after seeing him as a face for the last 5 years, I can't see it working long term. Same thing happened to The Rock, he was a good heel in my opinion but after he turned face and won the crowd over permanently, he could never really go back. Now to the match, I personally would like to see Randy Orton retain, I think he's a good champion and the crowds seem to love him at the moment even with his whole sociopath routine. I can't see how he will retain, as WWE will not "fire" Cena and Barrett pretty much has the other options locked down so there is only one outcome. I suppose The Miz storyline could work but I hope that doesn't happen. I am honestly surprised that they brought this whole thing to a head really quickly, this usually would run for a lot longer, but I suppose you can only keep John Cena out of the WWE title picture for so long, it has been a good storyline and I don't see it ending here, Survivor Series will reveal all.
You know what's crazy? Every single pay per view, the line forms where people start claiming "Ok, this is the one where cena turns heel" and/or "This is the one where miz cashes in."

Every single time. And not to say that it is not possible, but neither is going to happen yet, and then for the next pay per view people will start saying "Ok..um...well, THIS time it will happen for sure!"

First, with the whole miz cashing in thing, there have been quite a few cash ins that weren't at pay per views. Why does everyone assume that this time will be at a pay per view only? In addition, this entire barrett/orton/cena triangle has been a very interesting story and arguably one of the better ones in recent history. The thought that this whole story is going to culminate with miz getting the title would be completely insane. This story has nothing to do with the miz and involving him as the end would do a disservice to everyone except the most hardcore miz lovers. It's like if at the end of Rocky, adrienne jumped in the ring and knocked everyone out, and then the movie ended. It wouldn't make sense and would be a huge disappointment.

Second, people have been hoping for the cena turn for a long time now. Maybe it will happen, maybe it won't. I don't see it happening for quite some time, and even if it does happen, it makes more sense for Cena to be a heel on his own. He is not likely to need to be a part of a stable, and a heel turn here only makes sense if he's going to be a full fledged nexus member which just would not be very likely.

As far as this match itself goes, outside of the ridiculousness of Cena getting fired actually being an option (barrett does not have the power to fire anyone, and the raw general manager would not be so foolish as to go along with firing a big ticket draw because he refused to let barrett cheat his way into the title) but I do understand that having that twist in there makes for a more interesting story. But I think that with this stipulation the WWE wants everyone to have the mindset "No way is Cena going to be fired." But I think he will be (not for real of course).

I honestly believe that in the end he will keep his integrity and let himself be fired. First, his status as a superhero will certainly go up in the eyes of the kids, and that is probably more valuable right now to the WWE than anything else. But his firing will be similar to the steve austin firing a while ago. Mcmahon fired him publicly for something (involving himself in a match? I don't recall exactly), but he came back when shane rehired him. I think we'll probably have something similar here. The GM or vince will eventually overrule this firing stipulation and we'll have him back after a while. Maybe even as a "surprise" entrant in the royal rumble (we've seen that already but it would be plausible).
I hope, HOPE Barrett comes out as champion BUT not end up feuding with Cena for the title. I would hate that so much especially since I'm intrigued with what they're doing with Cena, he has been so stale for so long, I want to see him as a heel really badly. Cena can either be "fired", and just go to Smackdown. I see Barrett winning and Cena feuding over the title with him, than Cena winning at title from Barrett at the Royal Rumble. Afterwards, Cena will defend the title against Randy Orton at Wrestlemania, and I'm hoping Cena turns heel by than, so it might be able to work out but I don't want to see that as I was hoping to see Cena face Taker with Cena being the heel. I just know I'm going to be disappointed with this match, but I'm going to have to give this program some time and see what unfolds.
Well, when was the last time Cenna had taken break from WWE? It could be Cenna does "right" thing and gets "Fired" takes break and then returns after some time... May be its all Vince's idea getting Cenna out and Vince is boss of Nexus from start . Vince always hated Cenna esp when he was with Bret hart. And finally Linda Mcmahon can bring him back when she returns as she has lost elections.. She had done this I guess with Stone cold...
Survivor Series is upon us. I got to thinking about the Wade Barrett/Randy Orton match. I FIRMLY believe that John Cena will call the match equally...in the beginning. And towards the end...Somehow, Wade Barrett will Win the WWE Title...Not finished there! Wade Barrett will get on the microphone, and "Relieve Cena of his duties"....Cena and Barrett will go at it, fighting. Cena will get Barrett in the Attitude Ajustment, and leave him lying there....The Nexus will come down, and try to feud with Orton/Cena, while Barrett is in the ring, knocked out.....And then.....Strolling to the Ring, with Referee in tow....The Man that won his Money in the Bank Briefcase....almost 8 months ago...comes down, and pins Barrett, and takes the WWE Championship! What a Monday Night Raw it will be....If this happens!!! Pure Speculation!!!
theres only 1 way i can picture john cena leaving nexus , barrett winning , and orton keeping his title in the same match .. okay wade barrett & randy orton battle it out .. barrett goes for the pin .. 1 , 2 . orton kicks out ! orton goes for the pin and cena freezes at the 2 count .. orton gets mad and attacks cena .. hes disqualified . keeps his title , barrett wins , cena is free , and orton and cena destroy barrett .. cena did said when its all over he's " beating the hell out of barrett " and no heel turn for cena .

what do you guys think ?
First things first, the ruling is that if Wade Barrett does not win then John Cena will be fired from the WWE and cannot return. It is also been stated that John Cena does not have SmackDown! as his secondary back-up option as the ruling prevents him to. However, the second ruling is something that seems quite intriguing. It states that if Wade Barrett has his hand raised in victory, John Cena is relieved of all duties to the Nexus. We know that it's no DQ and no Count-out, so a definitive winner has to come out of this... but it doesn't mean that Wade Barrett has to leave Survivor Series as the WWE Champion. Nowhere in the rulings does it say that Barrett has to leave the champion or Cena is fired. This opens up for two possibilities:

1) The Miz cashes in the Money In The Bank and wins the WWE Championship, after Wade Barrett wins the match and gets his hand raised in victory. John Cena is free from Nexus, Barrett/Cena story can continue and Orton can invoke his rematch clause against Miz (making for a good ME match at the next PPV)... and depending on how Miz cashes in, Cena can still turn heel (story reveals that Cena plots with Miz so he can win the title, guaranteeing his freedom).

2) Randy Orton has Wade Barrett in a point in the match where he is going to end the match definitively, and retain the title (i.e. the punk kick). Cena is torn at what to do and at a point when Cena is going to cave to take down Orton, Nexus arrives to help out Orton. He tries to fight them off but can't handle it. Orton looks at John Cena for assistance (creating a plea from his eyes, good for video promo)... but Cena can't do anything as it is a no DQ match so he HAS to allow it, making the crowd hate him. They all do their finishers and Cena counts the pin for Barrett, hands him the belt, raises his hand in victory and walks out. It allows John Cena to go on his slow heel turn and have a program with Randy Orton (again, but opposite reversal), but at the same time Orton goes after the WWE title in a rematch. Due to the program, John Cena costs Orton the match (in a shocking conclusion) and becomes a full-fledged heel against Orton. Nexus is dominant, but not strong.​

I can see other possibilities, but these are the two most logical ways to book the match.
I think Barret and Orton will battle it out for awhile. Then Orton RKO'S Barret. Then Orton will set up Barret for the punt. Randy starts to run for the punt then Cena grabs Orton and gives him the AA. Barret gets up and is pleased with Cena. Barret picks Orton up and hits the wasteland. Cena very quickly counts 1,2,3. Cena hands Barret the championship in shame. Barret celebrates in the ring for awhile. Then Cena gives Barret an AA. Cena leaves. Then.....AAAWWWESOOOOMEEE!!! The Miz and Alex Riley and a ref sprint to the ring. The Miz and Alex Riley attack Wade Barret. The Miz cashes in his MITB. The bell rings. The Miz hits the SCF. 1,2,3. The Miz is champion. Cena is out of Nexus. Barret still doesnt have the title.

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