WWE NoC 2010 - Six Pack Challenge - WWE Championship Match

I swear to God I had this dream the other day, no lie!!! I dont remember the dream but it was a PPV, and Darren Young won the WWE championship by pinning John Cena....I know it seems like a long shot, but it was a dream.....I woke up almost instantly and I was WTF just happened, and he was celebrating.....it was truly the most random dream I have ever had.....so I think I'll go with my dream on this one lol
The sixth man could really be just about anyone, because the person being added doesn't really have to be, and likely won't be, a main event contender. Let's face it, in all likelihood, had Jericho remained in this match (and he could still be re-inserted mind you), he in all likelihood wasn't going to win, as it's been widely reported and speculated that he's taking some time off.

I could see Darren Young being the sixth guy. Obviously he's not ready to hold the world title and he really isn't in a position to even contend for one, but as I said, the sixth person will likely not be in serious contention for the belt anyway. Young could come in as a face and cost Barrett the match. Or he could return to heel status, helping Barrett and re-joining Nexus, especially with the loss of Sheffield lowering their numbers.

I could see John Morrison entering the match in Jericho's spot. He probably won't win or even get serious consideration either, but for all of the reasons I already stated, that's irrelevant.

I don't think it will be HHH, I don't think he's physically ready at this time as I understand it. As well, he apparently just got appointed to some backstage role/promotion involved with creative and while I don't think this means he's done, it in all likelihood means he's done for another little while. No need to rush him back. Of course this could all be a swerve as well.

They could just leave it as is, and only have 5 guys. As I recall (and I could be mistaken), didn't something happen prior to their last 6 pack challenge costing someone (possibly Foley?) an opportunity in the match, and they proceeded with just five? They also could insert any random guy (Bourne, Ryder, whoever) just for filler.

Here's what I'd like to see. The Miz drops his US belt to DBD earlier in the evening. Some would argue this makes him look weaker (I don't agree with this personally if it's done properly). So the Miz inserts himself into the 6-pack challenge and makes it known upfront. In other words, rather than being a cowardly little shit like all of the previous MITB winners, waiting until the champ has been beaten down and incapacitated, and then exploiting the situation (like the "ultimate opportunist"), have the Miz come out after losing to Danielson, saying even though he lost, he's still Awesome!!!!, and that he'll prove it tonight in the 6-pack challenge. Have him participate in the entire match with his intentions known upfront, and have him win the title in this manner. No longer has to worry about looking weak by losing to DBD, and gives himself instant credibility by winning the title fair and square against the top guys on RAW. This would enhance his push far more than having him come out after, for example, a Nexus beatdown of someone to win the title in a cheap fashion, and certainly is more beneficial to him than having him lose his MITB briefcase altogether.
WWE putting the title on Darren Young?..Hmm, i could see WWE pulling something like that off and shocking the holly heck out of everybody. But a dissapointing suprise? I dont think it'll be Triple H or he would have already been announced to hype it up..

My vote goes to Jericho getting back in and winning the title...
I too think it will be the Miz, however, I don't think it will be upfront. It will be at the end. He will announce he is cashing his MITB in to be the sixth man and steal the win before the end of the match. That way he can claim he beat 5 of the top guys in the company in one night.

Next Monday will give a better idea - if they still call it a 6 pack challenge but do not reference a new 6th man, then you can count on something happening at the PPV - otherwise they will just call it a 5 something challenge (5 pack doesnt make sense - no one buys a 5 pack of beer).

Be curious to see. Although I would like Miz to hang onto the MITB, I think its being cashed sooner than later.
who's to even say there will be a 6th man, i wouldn't be surprised if either darren young or hhh were enter as a 6th man if they're so desperate for it.

if it's triple H I think he will cost sheamus the WWE title, thus re-igniting their feud, if it's darren young I think he will either cost wade barret the title, or help wade become champion and join the nexus once again.

Miz will not cash his mitb just to be the 6th man, he's not that stupid, if he cashes in the mitb, it will be after the match is over.

i see wade winning this match somehow, i mean we all know the nexus will interfere big time, and take out some of the guys.
Here's a thought. Far fetched, but anything could happen...

Miz becomes the 6th man and wins without cashing in the briefcase. Then cashes the briefcase to win back the US title.

Everyone says someone has to lose the mITB eventually - but no one mentions that the MITB has never been cashed in for anything else (which it can)

Would be interesting but highly unlikely.
Here's a thought. Far fetched, but anything could happen...

Miz becomes the 6th man and wins without cashing in the briefcase. Then cashes the briefcase to win back the US title.

Everyone says someone has to lose the mITB eventually - but no one mentions that the MITB has never been cashed in for anything else (which it can)

Would be interesting but highly unlikely.

Very unlikely, especially since the stipulation is for the MITB winner to have a WHC/WWE Heavyweight title shot.

I can see Jericho getting back into the match as there have been rumors of him reverting back to the face Y2J, maybe we'll see a tweener Jericho win the title only for the Miz to cash in the case then, that way Jericho doesn't actually have to retire.
People saying The Miz wouldn't use it before the match or until it's over - he'll probably do neither. He could use it just near the end of the match as the 'suprise' 6th man in the match. We'll be expecting another 6th man because the mystery Raw GM will say "I've found the 6th man for the match" and as the match is near wrapped up - The Miz's music hits and he comes to ring and then wins the title.

All fantasy booking but it's who the 6th man is. Darren Young - he's way too green. For me he'll cost Barrett the match.
For me, i can think of 3 people that could actually make it to the match :
A)The Mi]z He could use the money in the bank DURING the match, would generate SICK heat for him, and he would win
B)JoMo Since he defeated Jericho, why not give him a goddamn opportunity to get a shot on the title? Just a shot, not winning tho
C)HHH Okey, now we know he is injured bla bla bla... but STILL this could be some shit WWE is doing, i mean you know WWE's creative, they are really (positively) insane...

I was also thinking about a... Scramble match. Since there are 5 people, and last Scramble match was 1 year ago ( and last actuall World Title Scramble match was 2 years ago...) this could ALSO happen... To be honest... we will see at RAW.
Next Monday will give a better idea - if they still call it a 6 pack challenge but do not reference a new 6th man, then you can count on something happening at the PPV - otherwise they will just call it a 5 something challenge (5 pack doesnt make sense - no one buys a 5 pack of beer).

Actually, the name for a 5 man match is a... 5 way dance
Since JoMo beat Jericho shouldnt it be him

i agree it should be john morrison. he beat him cleanly so he deserves the highest consideration. that's like beating a champion and not been given the no. 1 contenders spot. which reminds me i hate what they're doing these days in terms of that especially recently with dolph ziggler and kofi. kofi was the champion and dolph ziggler beat him. then the next week he had to beat him again to earn a title shot. this pisses me off so much. shouldn't he have earned one by beating him the first time round? should he have automatically qualified for a shot instead of giving a champion an opportunity to ward off defending a title against a man that has already beaten him. that's bullshit!!
even in this case jomo beat jericho ( a man that was already in the NOC match) so shouldn't he automatically qualify for his spot. he should get main consideration. i feel screwed over if i beat someone out of their spot in a match and then had to re-qualify and prove again why i deserve the spot. i'm a jomo fan so i think that this will also help him move into the main event scene a bit. i really want to see him get into the main event. he was so close to getting there before but then again he was on smackdown ( the show i prefer him on. the show he should be on. big mistake moving him to raw) but he was so close. if he was still on smackdown he could be still ic champ while moving up jus like miz and getting into the world title picture or who knows he could be world champion today. he certainly would have been a bigger draw than the kurt angle knock off jack swagger. anyway back on point. jomo should be in this match but jericho i suppose could earn his spot back. they have to add a sixth man to the 'six' pack challenge as it makes no sense with 5. everybody should stop saying its going to be triple h as he's still on injury, has a new daughter and is now an executive in the company and if he comes back it won't just be for one night, it will have to be full time and with all this going on it's not possible so IT WON'T BE TRIPLE H!! other than jomo and jericho nobody else on the roster could step up. evan bourne could but what has he done recently. certainly nothing to merit a wwe title opportunity as he has become irrelevent and his push has worn off. r-truth? i don't like this man to begin with as i think he is ridiculous and is a permanent mid carder who will never get to the main event and i hate him for having to team with jomo and bring somone with main event potential down with him so in my opinion it won't be r-truth anyway nor should it be. ted dibiase? the man is so boring. i mean who's gonna bring more excitement to the match jericho/jomo of ted dibiase? after that there's the great khali ha ha lol as if. therefore it should be jomo unless jericho gets his spot back but it should be one of them two. also miz has a match to worry about so how could he become the sixth man unless does a chris jericho on it from unforgiven 08
On the other hand, Many are saying Triple H, however, many are saying Triple H has just been given a managerial position in the business. So I don't really know other than Darren Young.[/QUOTE]

The managerial position is nothing more than a title, its the same work Trips has been doing all along, he just now has a title and his own office in Stamford.

That being said I can just hear Cole at NOC, "And I quote since this match was scheduled as a 6 pack challenge the 6th member of the match is this man" que HHH's music and mark out moment of the night, except for when The Miz taps to the Labell lock.
What if instead of cashing it in before or after the match, The Miz cashed it in half way through the match. Lets say 15 or so minutes into the match the bell rings and all 5 wrestlers are looking around thinking what the fuck, only for The Miz to sneak into the ring and roll up Sheamus in a pin with another ref counting the pin and Miz becoming WWE Champion, to end of the PPV with The Miz running up the ramp celebrating his win while leaving every wondering what just happened. The next night on RAW Miz would explain that he cashed his Money in the Bank in the middle of a already on going match.

It probably won't happen, and maybe its a bit crazy, but it would be original.
It's an interesting question and leaving the answer unknown for all this time and not even mentioning if there's even going to be a replacement was a good idea. Lots of people have been talking about this and they're curious to see how it's ultimately going to play out on Raw. Even though there are currently 5 men listed for the match, it's still called a 6 pack challenge so it's all but assured that there'll be a 6th man.

Since the Raw Roulette is returning this Monday, the most logical assumption is that some sort of match will take place in order to determine who'll be Jericho's replacement in the match. It's a perfect excuse to use the Roulette Wheel and the match in and of itself will have a genuine and legit purpose.
I think the most likely outcome is Jericho getting himself back into the match. With Triple H returning & Jo Mo taking his place also possibilities.

I don't see Miz getting in the match at all, with Hell in a Cell only 2 weeks later and no time to build a feud whatsoever.

I think the most likely scenario is Orton winning at NOC, defeating Sheamus in the rematch at HIAC and Miz cashing in on Orton, setting up a feud between the 2.
Since Morrison beat Jericho it SHOULD go to him. But if it was going to be JoMo they likely woulda added that to the match stip last week.

It'd be awwwwweeesome if Miz was the 6th man, won the title w/o cashing in the MITB then after the Kane/Taker match he cashed in, won and became the unified champ at NOC! once again, liely won't happen but would be awesome.
Not even sure there's gonna be a 6th wrestler in it right now? Sure they're talking about it being a 6 pack challenge all the time. But there has been little hype about a second entrance, and again I know that Jericho haven't even been off the card for a week, however they really would need to hype it instantly considering there's less than 2 weeks to go.

Really it could easily end up as a 5 pack challenge or whatever they call those matches. However there's certainly also other available wrestlers to enter it. However nobody but Triple H seems to make sense, because the rest aren't ready, or at the level of the card to even be a part of it.

Other than that, there's really nobody else that makes sense to be in there. And Triple H hasn't shown any sign of returning, nor have there been any rumors about it. So as it looks now, I doubt there'll even be a 6th member.
I think there are three possibilities that could happen with this 6th spot right now. The first possibility is that no one fills the spot. I can see this happening for several reasons. a 6 pack match is really crowded and maybe they realized that. The match really doesnt need a 6th guy either. Even with three or four of the guys in it, its still a star studded matchup.

I thought about Darren Young and I thought that he might be in there for storyline purposes, but he really is nowhere near being ready to be in that match. So my second possibility is Triple H. It really just seems like the right time and place for him to come back. However, if he were to return and then not pin Sheamus for the title, I'm not sure how their feud would continue. So it seems like the right scenario, but I dont see him winning the belt which what I think would be needed to push his feud with Sheamus.

My third possibility is Jericho. I say this because I saw something interesting on Monday. The way he was calling out the GM was something we havent seen before. It made me think that maybe he is the GM. If this is the case, I can see him putting himself back in the match. And even if he isnt the GM, there are still ways that he could get himself back into the match, like a rematch with Jomo and the winner takes the 6th spot.

The first and third possibilities are the more likely ones in my opinion.
Something tells me it will be Darren Young. While it makes a tiny bit of sense considering his history with Wade Barrett, I dont think he is at all ready for a title shot lol.
i actually agree, and even though he's not ready for a title shot, it's a good idea, he goes in, has a match, does NOT win the title, but also (because of Young) Barrett doesnt win which causes a Young and Nexus feud and then maybe that's where Young can form his tag team. Darren Young would be best with a partner and the partner i am thinking of is Percy Watson. So even though he's not ready, i could see Young in the match.
I think Jericho will wind up in this match when it all shakes out. They can't keep calling it a 6 pack challenge when they've only got 5 men competing. Somehow/someway Jericho will worm his way back into this match on Raw Monday night.

I still think, whoever wins it, is going to be beat down and worn out....and The Miz will cash in becoming our new WWE Champion. The reason I say this, if HHH is coming back to the ring, they want to continue the feud with Sheamus but not tie up the title along the way. I could even see HHH helping cost Sheamus the match at NOC...IF he comes back.
i have an idea on what will happen, tod grisham kinda pushed the idea to me on todays episode of smackdown. he said "Who will be the sixth man in the six pack challenge? We will find out at N.O.C" i think that was a message to the real wrestling fans that it will be jericho who will be the 6th man and in my personal opinion jericho to win the match!
jericho is looking more likely to move back to smackdown than get back into the 6-pack challenge at this point.

wwe kinda painted themselves into a corner with the nexus storyline b\c u have 6 guys fighting the nexus & then somehow fighting eachother. the big 2 fueds from this is sheamus\orton & cena\barrett.

if they keep the 6th guy a secret until the night of the ppv- look for it to be HHH. if he comes in to the match & smashes sheamus it takes him out of the title picture & sets up a match @ hell in a cell between the 2. setting up a good fight & giving the others a shot to change the title picture.

with sheamus taken out, this will lead to a great 4 way fight. i would love to see barrett walk away with the gold. cena is kinda left to just continue to fight the nexus & i think that the title on barrett will help continue the story without it getting stale. definately dont see cena getting the title back for a while.

but there is always orton. he is in the middle of a huge push & wwe could benefit alot from him getting the belt. after miz drops the us title to danielson (ya its gonna happen) he will go after orton, teasing the mitb title shot.

imo this is gonna be great tv because it brings about a great little 3way feud. orton is the champ, & cena\barrett(nexus) with hhh\sheamus in a program, that leaves the miz to chase the gold & edge to rekindle his battle with orton that never had chance to get off the ground again. miz would gain huge cred on the mic as the 3rd guy in the fight & would be pure gold 'teaming' up w\ edge just to turn on him for a shot at ortons title. this could also work if the roles reversed & edge sneaks away with the strap instead of orton.
I don't think there will be a 6th man.

I dont think it's a coincidence that there are 5 men in the match and there are now 5 men left in NEXUS. I think NEXUS gets involved and attacks the other participants in the match which leads to Barrett winning the title.

IF that were to happen, I think a logical follow up would be a WAR GAMES match at Hell In A Cell with NEXUS facing Sheamus, Cena, Orton, Edge, and a mystery partner. WAR GAMES has always been a 5 on 5 steel cage elimination match, so now would be a perfect time to do it. Either HHH OR Darren Young could be the 5th member of team WWE.

I dont think its a coincidence that there are now only 5 men in the match at the exact time that NEXUS is down to 5 members. The numbers add up for NEXUS to intervene and attack the other participants. If Jericho had stayed in the match then NEXUS wouldn't have an advantage. But now the numbers are in their favor.

The other likely scenario is Miz cashing in similarly to Edge cashing in after 6 guys wrestled in the elimination chamber back in 2006. Someone mentioned this earlier and I agree that this could happen. But NOT if Barrett is the winner as he would be protected by NEXUS and Miz would have no upper hand in sneak attacking him.

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