WWE NoC 2010 - Six Pack Challenge - WWE Championship Match

Doc's logic is flawless here. So flawless in fact that now I'm almost certain WWE won't do it. Therefore I see two possible outcomes:

Sheamus O'Shaunnessy retains and then has to defend against a returning Triple H in a Hell In A Cell match at... well... Hell In A Cell. Horrible idea for a pay-per-view by the way.

Randy Orton wins and then either goes on to fight Sheamus at HIAC for the mandatory rematch or immediately drops it to Mizter Money In The Bank that night.
not sure here....I would actually like that everyone of them win! lol except John "Hulk up" Cena, right now he doesn't need it AT ALL!

however I rather see it difficult for the cases of Edge, Jericho and Barrett.

Edge: might be the "ultimate opportunist" and could make another "Edge has shocked the world" moment..however he hasn't been exactly on the spotlight or on fire lately.

Jericho.....:shrug: don't get me wrong, he is the best in the world at what he does, but I just can't see him winning the title at NOC.

Barrett: definitely the one that needs it the most. he looked completely weak with Cena making him tapped like two seconds right away he entered the ring. anyway back on topic, he definetely needs it, but he's not ready... plus it would be obviously Cena vs Barrett at Hell in a Cell, not sure if I want to see that...plus IMO, that would make the NxT winner just like the MitB winner, a fluke for his first title...

Cena: don't need it, cut the BS

Orton: I'm sorry Doc, but it's true it's the "logical thing to do". typical BS of the E. yet Orton vs Sheamus at Hell in a Cell would made a lot of sense. you have to see it long term.

OR......Sheamus retains in some cheap way... the most likely thing to happen wich isn't that bad at all....

just my thoughts
Why not?

Does he have the wrestling skills? Yes, he's proven that time and time again on NXT and RAW. He is more than capable of working well and putting on decent matches.

Does he have the mic skills? Absolutely. He has a unique voice and good delivery, and is entertaining to listen to. He sounds very confident and smooth on the mic.

Does he have the momentum? Yes indeedy, he has been built up wonderfully, being in the Nexus as their leader and even already main eventing RAW. He has all the momentum in the world, and the only person with more is The Miz.

Does he have the look? 100% yes. When you see the groups of main eventers in one area, like you saw last night, Barrett just seems like he fits. He is big, and looks like a champion. All he needs now is some gold.

Would the story be better off if he were champion? Again, yes. I have already explained that this is the perfect opportunity to make the WWE Championship red hot again by putting it in the middle of a red hot storyline.

Would his winning the title unlock lots of great new feuds that would make for interesting TV? Ding ding ding! If you guessed "Yes", you're a winner! Cena vs. Barrett. Orton vs. Barrett. Sheamus vs. Barrett. Miz vs. Barrett. Edge vs. Barrett. Jericho vs. Barrett. All potentially great feuds that would make for some great TV.

How is Barrett not ready to be champion? He's certainly more ready than Sheamus was, and look at Sheamus now.

Barrett should win this. The whole deal of "paying your dues" is bullshit. If someone is ready to main event, then why hold them back? It doesn't matter if he's new. If you're ready, you're ready, and Barrett is ready.

The guy has never even wrestled on PPV in a one-on-one match. That's the point, he's NOT ready to Main Event.

He does have really good mic skills, but he's not exactly setting the world on fire.

You're right, Sheamus wasn't ready to be a Main Event guy when he won the title, and he STILL isn't, IMO.

I don't mind pushing a guy when he's ready like Brock Lesnar was, but Wade Barrett isn't nearly as over as Brock was.

Nexus doesn't need the World Title either. What they need to do is subtract members, if not break up all together.

You mean to tell me that 6 months ago, most of these guys weren't even ready to be on television and now there's supposed to be the "most dominant group in WWE history"?

They haven't even had real matches. Most of their stuff in the ring involves them beating down someone 7 vs 1 or 7 vs 2.

The fact that they had Cena and Danielson pretty much beat all of Nexus by themselves just pretty much killed the group's credibility.

I think the WWE should start pushing younger guys and new talent in the Main Event, but not guys who've only been in the WWE long enough to blow their nose.

If the WWE makes the awful decision of putting the title on Wade Barrett, he's gonna get exposed right away.
Person by person...

Edge and Jericho: Neither of these two will win. It just wouldn't make sense from a booking standpoint. Both are heel and would go on to feud with Sheamus, Nexus, and eventually Miz, all of which are heels. Without some massive turn in the coming weeks, Edge and Jericho are little more than filler here.

Barrett: Barrett is my pick to win. It just would make the most sense really. In a match such as this, Nexus can freely interfere and assist him in a victory. It makes Barrett the champ and in control of the top stable. Nexus looks strong as hell, and all the other guys don't look weak because they lost to a stable. Even if Nexus somehow doesn't interfere, I can still see Barrett winning the title here, probably in similar fashion to Jericho's win at Unforgiven 2008. Barrett gets abused by the other five guys early and sneaks in a win at the end.

Cena, Orton: Yeah, I'm putting both of these guys in the same boat. Both are the insanely over faces that CAN both win, will look like both WILL win, but NEITHER actually will. I'd actually give Cena a better shot at winning than Orton, just to allow for more Cena/Barrett and Cena/Miz interaction. However, I don't see either winning.

Sheamus: Ok, it seems like Sheamus will never look weak when he loses the title. Last time it was in an Elimination Chamber, and this time it might be in another match with five other guys. Sure, if Sheamus is going to get a big win, this will be it, but I don't see it happening. There are just too many variables that are not in his favor, from the return of Triple H, to the continuity and growth of story-lines, and even the option for Miz to cash in. I just can't see Sheamus leaving with the title.

If I had to put money on a guy right now, I'd guess it would be Barrett. He has the most to gain from the win. I also don't think the Miz will cash in at Night of Champions unless Orton or Cena wins the title. My "hail Mary" long-shot would be Cena winning, Nexus giving him a post match beatdown, Miz cashing in and revealing himself as the Nexus leader as well. I doubt it will happen, but hey, anything can happen, right?
If I'm booking this, there's only one clear way for this to make sense (for the time being, anything can change between now and NOC, especially with the 900th episode next week).

Sheamus HAS to retain here. It's only logical. Think about it...

I think the WWE knows they might lose interest (even with the Nexus angle going) if they put the title back on Cena. Putting the title back on Cena basically means that no one will legitimately win it until Survivor Series at the earliest.

Orton clearly doesn't need it. The guy is super over right now without the title. He can continue in this anti-hero/tweener role for the time being and still be the biggest thing on Raw.

Wade Barrett would be my choice in a perfect world. However, I think the moment he wins the WWE title, it's the beginning of the end for Nexus. Jealousy sets in within the group, infighting starts, we've seen it all before. This has the potential to kick start the Nexus collecting titles, but I don't think the WWE has any plans to have them become that type of a stable. Plus, with all their recent talk of a "bigger plan" and "no one individual being bigger than the group", putting the title on Barrett somewhat negates that.

Jericho and Edge are in the same boat to me. While it would be great for either of these guys to get a run with the WWE title (when is the last time Jericho even had the WWE title?), we all know how the company views them right now. They're both one month paper champions and having either of them hold it won't make any sense in the current climate of Raw. Plus, there's no feuds for either of them. Edge/Orton is still too recent to be interesting, and either guy vs. Cena is as stale as it gets. Jericho/Orton could be great, as that's only been touched on briefly in the past.

That leaves Sheamus. He wins for the simple fact that he NEEDS it more than everyone else and it makes the most sense. As much as I'm enjoying Sheamus right now, if he loses the title he loses all relevance. I think he needs to do more with this reign than he has been, but I think he can if he's given at least another month. I see him getting a sneaky win here and launching into a mini-feud with Wade Barrett and the Nexus (the Englishman vs. the Irishman? C'mon, it writes itself).

Miz only has a slight chance of cashing in if Daniel Bryan takes the US title earlier in the night. But I don't see him cashing in at NOC. I think he totes the briefcase around a few more months.
i think this will be an awesome match.. but lets think about this, as someone said the nexus is pretty likely to get involved in this match which means anything could happen.. and i know its unlikely (and probably sounds like a shit idea to most of you) but i reckon it would be awesome for nexus to turn on barret at NOC since he would be the only one getting a title shot and the other members would be pretty jealous of him, this could make things interesting...

oh and i think sheamus should reatain, i wanna see him in a fued with triple h when he returns, also i doubt miz will cash in just yet i've got a feeling he will hold onto it for a little while longer
I don't think it's a good idea to put it on Edge or Jericho. Where they are at right now doesn't feel like they have any chance right this second to be world champion, at least for the rest of this year.

Putting it on Cena to me would be the worse case scenario. I don't think I can take another Cena World Championship run right now. I think he needs to stay away from the title for a while.

For Barrett I think it would be too soon. I won't mind when he finally does capture the belt. But, I think for maximum impact, they should wait until next year sometime.

The BEST scenario for me in this. Is Randy Orton winning. I don't think he needs to win to stay over though. He is on fire and a world title has nothing to do with it. He is leaving bodies laying every week with RKOs and simply wrecking shit. But I call this the BEST scenario for me because Orton is my favorite wrestler and I believe he is the best in the world. So I obviously would like to see him with the title.

But the one I think it does the most for is Sheamus. Of course Barrett winning his first world title would be huge. But where Sheamus is at, a win here moves his title reign into a decent one length wise. Especially with Cena around. It elevates him even more here to get the win over all 5 of these other guys. It cements Sheamus as even more legitimate than he already is. Then he can lose the title a short time after and still maintain he was a great champion and/or held it for awhile. Then he feuds with HHH when he returns. Thus moving him out of the title picture for someone else to step it as the Road To Wrestlemania begins.
barret SHOULD win but orton and cena are most likely..

but wouldnt it be great if the match goes on before the world heavyweight championship match, after kane retains (IMO) camera goes to the parking lot
and shows who ever won the title jumping into a limo to go home and camera goes to the driver and its the miz! he locks the doors takes the champ on a crash test pulls him out the backseat and cashes it in right there to win
-show ends-

highly unlikely but would be great to see!http://forums.wrestlezone.com/images/smilies/lmao.gif
This should be a good match albeit a bit of a clusterf**k. I think that Wade should win this match but Sheamus probably will setting up a HHH fued down the line. Anyway I'll go through the competitors and see who has a chance and who dosent.

Jericho: As much as I want it to happen, Y2J is not walking out with the title after this match, if he did that would mean a Sheamus/Jericho fued and the WWE isn't big on Heel/Heel fueds. Also the way he has been booked lately it dosent look likely.

Edge: Same as Jericho

Cena: Whenever Cena is in a title match there is always a possibility that he will win wether he should or not. I dont think he will here though as he holds the title 3/4 of the time anyway, what would another title do for him?

Orton: Sure he is hot right now but I don't think he is winning here, his time will come but I think that it should come at WM. Like Cena he has really got nothing to gain from winning this.

Sheamus: I wouldnt mind if he won here he has been good as champ and I would like to see him have a long reign. If he does win he really needs to win clean, I know he is heel but it is getting to be ridiculous, look at his defences/wins so far. He won from Cena in a tables match, defended against Cena on Raw lost by DQ, won by DQ at the Rumble, Lost the title at EC, won the title with the help of Nexus at F4Way, beat Cena with the help of Nexus at MITB, lost by DQ at SSlam. He really, really needs a clean defence.

Barrett: I aggree with Doc completly here, Nexus is bigger than the WWE title and that shouldnt be the case, this is the perfecct solution. And for those who say he isnt ready, why not? He is certainly more ready than either Sheamus or Swagger were but that didnt stop the WWE then. He is goood in the ring, great on the mic, great look, huge heat how isnt he ready?

Miz: While he isn't in the match he has as good of a chance as anyone one else. After a 6 man match everyone will be prettty beat up marking the perfect time to cash in. I think that it could very possibly happen.
So much for a great pay-per-view line up at night of champions. Instead of WWE deciding to set up some individual fueds to fill the card with good matches, they use SIX of their main event guys in ONE match??? Are you serious?? NOC means every title will be defended, it doesnt mean that every match must be a title match. Then what other matches will there be from Raw except the anticipated Miz and Danielson? The Hart Dynasty vs. Kozlov and Santino?? I would've thought the Uso's would be facing them for the belts but after they lost this past monday, thats definitely not going to happen and its a shame the Skip broke his ankle because I can picture him and Otunga with those tag belts. BTW, what happened to the Uso's push?

WWE's buy rates are lower now not because of main event guys but because of the lack of a full pay per view card where there was emotion put into the story line and they are allowed proper time to develop reguardless if its a title match. You cant just throw your top 6 (minus the Miz) guys from Raw in a 6 way match and think its going to sell. Thats ridiculous, give us fans some more credit than that. Sure you may have surprises...what if the game comes back?? What if Miz cashes in his money in the bank?? What if Nexus reveals new members..etc. But those surprises are bonuses for people that order the pay per view. People dont order because of what MIGHT happen, they order because of what they are looking forward to on the card. Oh I sure am excited to watch all six guys hit their finishers then see somebody steal a victory. Oh and good way to get Cena in a title match that he probably wont win but he won't get pinned either. That way Super Cena can stay invinsible.
Guys I hate to break it to you that while a lot of us love the nexus and think it has been incredibly sucesfull. Vince Mc Mahon does not agree with us as was reported here on wreatle zone


Vince said to investors ""Basically, we had a lousy quarter," he then went on to pin the loss of Shawn Michaels, Batista, Triple H, and Undertaker (all 40 + years old) as the reason for the hit to PPV and live event revenue.

With Vince considering the last quarter a disapointment it seems to me the last thing he wants to do is put the belt on Barrett. If you notice he blames the decrease this quarter on not having some of the older established stars while he can't do anything about Shawn and Batista you notice Taker is back and will be fueding with kane for the belt. I think it is pretty obvious Sheamus is going to win then defend and loose the belt HHH at Hell in a cell a match made famous by Taker, Foley, and HHH. We may not agree but vince doesn't think the recent quarter was a sucess and Nexus was the drivng force behind this quarter. I also don't think nexus as a group is in the long term plans I think they will start to scater soon you notice nexus didn't come help barrett when he was getting stomped out and Sheffield is hurt the end is coming soon for the nexus time to see if they can cut it on thier own.
my picks would be barrett, orton, or cena...

Barrett: well, if the nexus is going to be here for a while, this is the right move, he may not win cleanly, but he'll win...

Orton: people love him = more ppv viewers = more $$, but besides financially, he's good, haven't had a title since bragging rights last year, lost all 5 of his title matches, this could be his time...

Cena: he always wins, even after a DDT to a concrete floor and getting his ass kicked pretty bad at summerslam, somehow, he manages to lock in his stf and win.

Sheamus: i don't see him winning fairly against 5 other contenders, besides HHH could be returning and reignite their feud...

Jericho and Edge: Doesn't fit in the current storyline, but who knows there might be an unlikely twist....
My two picks are Orton or Barrett

I see orton winning this because he is on super fire right now and wwe is clearly pushing him to become the champ again. I want to see another title reign of orton but I would like it to happen at WM 27. He needs that moment.

Barrett is my second option to win this because the guy is leading the hottest stable right now and they clearly dominating besides their loss at SS. Giving barrett the title would make him and the nexus look completely unstoppable and make everyone wonder how could he ever lose the title with his stable behind him. But besides all that, to be honest I see Cena vs Barrett at Hell in the Cell ppv for their feud can continue.

So from the two of them, I'm gonna have to go with Barrett on this one, even tho I would like to see orton with the title.
Barrett: I aggree with Doc completly here, Nexus is bigger than the WWE title and that shouldnt be the case, this is the perfecct solution. And for those who say he isnt ready, why not? He is certainly more ready than either Sheamus or Swagger were but that didnt stop the WWE then. He is goood in the ring, great on the mic, great look, huge heat how isnt he ready?

You're right. Sheamus and Swagger weren't ready to be Champion when they won the title.

That's why they lost their titles as soon as the WWE could get them off of them.

Sheamus is finally over as the WWE Champ, but he should've been before he won it the 1st time.

Jack Swagger was taken seriously as Champion, and that's why now he's on back Superstars and feuding with M.V.P.

You'd think they'd learn their lesson the 1st time they put the belt on a guy who was too green, but they didn't. You'd think they would've learned their lesson when Swagger pretty much bombed as World Champion, but they haven't.

I'm all for the WWE pushing younger, newer talent, but I'd like it if the guy was in the company for at least a year. So, when he wins the title, it won't look like a fluke and a joke.

If Barrett wins the title in this match, that's exactly what people will be saying. He got lucky in a clusterfuck of a match with 5 other guys.
You're right. Sheamus and Swagger weren't ready to be Champion when they won the title.

That's why they lost their titles as soon as the WWE could get them off of them.

Sheamus is finally over as the WWE Champ, but he should've been before he won it the 1st time.

Jack Swagger was taken seriously as Champion, and that's why now he's on back Superstars and feuding with M.V.P.

You'd think they'd learn their lesson the 1st time they put the belt on a guy who was too green, but they didn't. You'd think they would've learned their lesson when Swagger pretty much bombed as World Champion, but they haven't.

I'm all for the WWE pushing younger, newer talent, but I'd like it if the guy was in the company for at least a year. So, when he wins the title, it won't look like a fluke and a joke.

If Barrett wins the title in this match, that's exactly what people will be saying. He got lucky in a clusterfuck of a match with 5 other guys.

I will agree with you on Swagger, he certainly wasn't ready and should never have been champ. I would argue that Sheamus was ready for the title when he won it and while it may not have been the best reign ever it wasnt as bad as people make it out to be. He certainly didn't lose the title at the first chance as if that was he case he would have lost it to Cena in his rematch but that didnt happen and he got a good 2-3 month's as champ.

Also there is a major difference between Barrett and Sheamus/Swagger, when the latter won their titles it was completely out of the blue as all they had been doing was, in Sheamus case squashing Jamie Noble, and for Swagger jobbing to Santino, both were looked upon as mid carders at best what I am trying to say is that they werent being pushed and no one took them seriously as champ. The difference is that Wade already has main event exposure with wins over the likes of Jericho and Edge and he is already being pushed being the leader of Nexus, Main Eventing SSlam and fueding with Cena, he is along with the rest of the Nexus the top heel on Raw, and without Nexus he is considered an Upper Mid Card talent at the worst. So if Wade were to win, fluky or not people would still take him seriously as the champ as he has already been pushed to look like a mojor threat. Aswell as all that he is the total package with Ring Skills, Mic Skills, Good Look and Serious Heat, it isnt very often someone like that comes along so when it happens why wouldnt you push them to the moon?
It's an interesting selection to choose from. At the moment, I think the only thing we can safely say is that neither Edge nor Jericho will be lifting the WWE Championship. At the moment, you have the Most Over guys in the Company (Randy Orton), the face of the company (John Cena), the leader of the biggest group of heels in the company (Wade Barrett) and the heel champion who really doesn't want to defend his title (Sheamus).

Right now I think it's a little too far ahead for us to make any certain decisions based on those four. A lot of people are going to be calling for one of those four to win and then there's still the shadow of the Miz being cast over this match because of his Money in the Bank. Interesting set-up right now, I'll make my decision closer to the date of the PPV as to who I think will/should win.
So this is not a scramble match is it, just a six pack challenge with one-fall...

I would like to see Sheamus retain, somehow, I have that funny feeling he will steal a victory, I would also like to think Wade needs this as well, to really take Nexus to the TOP level, I mean its a great stable and if their leader was to have the biggest prize in WWE, then that would be a huge step...

Another option would be Randy Orton... As for Cena, Jericho and Edge, I don't see it..Edge maybe because he lost his WM match and 2 years ago when Cena lost his WM match he waited until Survivor Series to win it, but don't know if it will happen to Edge..
ok so this is how i think it will all go down even the WWE wont probably be smart enough to do it.
At Night Of Champions Cena will win the wwe title in a match that took alot out of him. at that moment The Miz comes out with his briefcase and is ready to cash in. before he cashes in, the whole nexus team comes out and with Wade Barrett and enters the ring and surrounds Cena and Miz. at that moment a beatdown begins on Cena and when they turn to miz, they smile as the miz takes off his shirt revealing the nexus armband under. he cashes it in giving him his wwe title and still making nexus hold championship gold. this is also good because the nexus being a young group would make sense to have a young but more experienced superstar to lead the group.

So the miz holds onto the belt until the royal rumble due to nexus interferences at his championship matches. the reason he loses at the royal rumble is because wade barrett and the whole nexus group could end up being sick of the miz taking all the spotlight of the group that is too be considered a group that is a whole who has no one bigger than the other (even though we know there is) which ends up leading too the miz becoming face and him squaring off with Barrett at WM27. But this all has to happen if The Miz is revealed the leader of nexus at Night Of Champions.
Miz will lose his IC Title to Daniel Bryan in an undercard bout. Then he will use his MitB to cash in on the winner of the WWE Championship Match. My guess is Wade Barrett will win, then lose the belt immediately. This will allow a new storyline where he feels cheated about getting his shot and having it taken from him.
I would like to definitely see a Title Change, but that’s just the type of SMark I am. My number one pick to walk out of Night Of Champions as the WWE Champ is Wade Barrett. The Nexus, after all they went through since NXT, deserves this run, even if it’s only for a month. I do like the idea of having the Nexus capture all of the Gold. My next pick is a tie between Edge’s former Championship Tag Team Partners, Chris Jericho and Randy Orton. Both of them deserve # 7. I just hope we don’t see a 10th reign just yet for either the Rated R Superstar, Edge or the Rated PG Superstar, Cena.
I'll be there in person in my Randy Orton shirt cheering him on so you know who I WANT to win, but I just don't have a good feeling about him actually winning. I can definately see Sheamus pulling something out and retaining again. I would like to see Barrett win too but I think it might be a little too soon even though it has all the skills in the ring and on the mic to be champion. Really I would be happy with anyone but Cena or Sheamus winning since I'm a big Orton fan and like Edge, Barrett, and Jericho too. Also, IF the Miz were to cash in I don't see him doing it on a heel since they are trying to keep him from getting face reactions like he has a couple times so if he were to cash it in it would most likely be on Orton or Cena. If he cashes in there could be all kinds of scenarios with if he were to win or lose.
Quite a lovely mix of talent in this one. Definitely gonna be a good, very interesting match, I'm sure of that.

I'm torn in who should come out victorious. In theory I could very well see everybody winning this, and I wouldn't be saddened by either one of them winning.

John Cena, well he's the biggest draw in the WWE right now, and he has good feuds, definitely worth the world title, but it might be too soon again.

Edge, been a while, could definitely use a WWE championship again, and would maybe make him interesting again.

Chris Jericho: Well he's probably the least possible winner of this, because he's really just a transactional champion, which would mean - Why give him the championship when you can just put it on one of the other 4 or keep it on Sheamus? Eliminates the purpose of moving the title around two waists rather than one.

Wade Barrett: Definitely could use a victory here, to build credibility as well as to give him that worthy push into the singles competition. Wade is one I would definitely mark out like a little fucking kid on Christmas eve if he won it. Wade is probably one of two I would prefer to watch come out victorious in this one.

Randy Orton: Could use a title since his face turn, would do nicely for him and I'm sure he'd do great carrying the top title of RAW with his new face alignment.

Sheamus: Yep, the other choice I want to see victorious. He needs a longer title reign. While I'm willing to compensate for another champion, he definitely needs to continue in the top as the champion. He needs to come out victorious in a clean way of this as well, so definitely would love to see him be victorious.

So it's either Sheamus or Wade I want to see win, but I won't put any money on either one of them, simply because the chances are wide open. But it will only make for a much, much better match.
Interesting...I sorta got excited when Cole announced the former World Champions, mostly because I love Edge's music.

I don't really care who wins. Miz has got to cash in his MITB contract. Maybe like Jericho or Edge would win, then Miz can cash it in? (Unless you don't want to see Edge becoming a 10 time world champion and Jericho becoming a 7 time world champion...) Plus, I look into things too much, and that promo with Sheamus and Edge sorta stuck with me. How Sheamus didn't beat the "Rated-PG Superstar' yet...

But, in case that doesn't happen, then it's either Wade Barret or Orton who gets the title. Wade Barret and his group of NNNNNNN's, can be most dominate. Orton is super popular, so why not? But, I kind of don't want it on him.

So in that case, I think either Miz will cash his MITB on Edge or Jericho or Wade Barret should win.

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