WWE NoC 2010 - Six Pack Challenge - WWE Championship Match

Wade Barrett is the one I want to see win this match. I can't see why it would be good for anyone else in this match to win. Barrett is the leader of The Nexus which may be the hottest thing going in wrestling today. Why not have him bring the gold to the faction? It would be great. I think it is fair to say that Barrett should be the one to win this match as I also see two Nexus members getting shots at the tag titles as well, which they could very well win also. So Wade should be the winner of this, I want him to be the winner of this but I just have this sneaking suspicion.

I see John Cena and Randy Orton's names written all over this match, mainly Orton's though. As Cena is usually known to win titles under extreme odds such as this but I don't think he has a chance at winning this one but the feeling is always there. Orton is the one who seems in my mind the unfortunate winner of this. He is red hot and WWE seems intent on keeping him as the most dominant figure on RAW for whatever reason. I don't think he should win it but WWE seems high on pushing his ass to the title. But again I will state that Wade Barrett is not only the man I want to see win this thing but he should be the won to win this match as well, it only makes sense from kayfabe stand point.

Agreed, Nexus needs to win this in order to re-establish their dominance and peak interest in the faction they need to start winning championships, it would re-ingnite the fire that the stable had prior to getting their butts handed to them at Summerslam.

Wade is the logical choice at gaining the momentum that the title will bring with him and allow Nexus to stay on top of the WWE heap.

We need to see if Barrett can hang with the rest of the main eventers in this match, we've seen some work from him but we have yet to see Barrett actually work, over time he will improve I just hope he's not too green to hold the companies top prize.
I honestly do not understand why people are not backing Sheamus for this match. Doesn’t it just seem like something that the WWE would do? To have Sheamus go over all of these guys just legitimises him as a WWE Champion. I am not saying that he definitely needs it but he could be doing with a clean win over someone on PPV. Going over all of these guys would only do wonders for his title run. However, I think we are all of the opinion that Sheamus wont be escaping Night Of Champions as the WWE Champion.

Personally, it is too hard to see past Orton right now. He is in incredible form right now and no one is standing in front of him in my eyes. What happened at the end of Raw last night said a lot to me. I knew that everyone was going to be getting a finisher in somehow and the only question that I still had in my mind was who was going to be left standing at the end of the flurry. For me, putting Orton over Cena in this fashion said a lot about how the WWE see Orton right now and there is no one who is on his level right now. If the WWE are as serious about Orton as that would suggest, then I cannot see how anyone else will be walking out of Night Of Champions as the WWE Champion.

However, the WWE have been known to throw these curveballs at us from time to time and it might not be the person you expect it to be that wins the match. I could foresee any of these guys winning the Championship and coming out of it with a ready-made feud in the pipeline. I guess it just comes down to how serious they are about Orton and Sheamus. Orton is still my pick though.
Barrett's oh so ready for this. One reason why; build-up. People complaining about first time champions being underwhelming. Well, it's pretty much been because of a lack of build-up:

  • Sheamus - Came from nowhere on ECW and won a battle royal. Hardly proper build-up, is it?
  • Swagger - Won Money in The Bank, cashed in barely a week later. Not to mention he wasn't really built as champion as much as he should have been.
  • Punk - Similar situation with Swagger, only he waited longer to cash in.

It wasn't a case of them not being ready - well, it might have been in Swagger's case; time will tell - it was a case of them not being built up enough, and then not being built at all while champion. Wade right now is essentially the number one heel on Raw and has been for several months. He's beaten Mark Henry and Chris Jericho clean, and was the last surviving member of The Nexus at SummerSlam.

Though, frankly, I'm excited at the prospect of the WWE's first English world champion. That he's a suitable candidate to receive the belt is just icing on the cake. I'm also, additionally, a sucker for first time champions. So I could marking out like a schoolgirl on lithium two WWE pay-per-views in a row, who knows?

Oh, and I'd imagine Edge, Cena and Jericho have no hope of winning the match. Just thought I'd tack that on. Additionally, I find it unlikely that Orton will get the belt at anything other than "a big name" PPV. So, really, I'd say this one is between Wade and Sheamus.
This match belongs to Wade Barrett. Like Doc, I take the line that NOTHING should be booked over the brand/company's top title (with the possible exception of 'Taker's streak) which Nexus has been since Day 1. Like it or not, Raw is Nexus right now and the only guy who should have Raw built around him like that is the top guy(s) in the company who have the belt to go with it. After all, the belt signifies that the holder is the best guy in the world at wrestling, NOBODY should be bigger than the best guy in the company.

Barrett himself is good enough to hold the fort. He's in the right place cardwise (so it won't exactly be a bolt from the blue if he won), is red hot because of that, he's solid in the ring, and top notch on the mic.

Barrett is more than good enough to hold the belt and the logical thing to do is to give him that chance.
I definitely see either Orton or Barrett getting out of this match with the title. Orton's reason for winning is the fact that Orton is huge right now and even probably over Cena as far as the universe is concerned and giving Orton a title is perfect right now.

Barrett on the other hand is huge as far as Raw goes right now and giving the Nexus the Title and the momentum from it would make Nexus even bigger then they were going into SummerSlam.

Also, Sheamus, Orton, and Cena can carry storylines without the title in them so giving the Championship to Barrett could work nicely.
In fact, I'd like to make an adjustment to my earlier logic:

  • Jericho won't win because, well, basically, because he just won't. He's being used in an enhancement capacity at the moment; putting guys like Barrett and Bourne over.
  • Edge won't win because, again, because he just won't. Does this argument lack substance? Fuck it. Nothing I've seen over the last two months suggests either of the Canadians are being prepped for the belt.
  • Cena won't win because it's too soon for him to be carrying the title again after losing it.
  • Orton won't win because he's too hot right now - they'll give him the belt at a bigger pay-per-view. Probably 'Mania.
  • And Sheamus won't win because Triple H is coming back soon and that won't be a title feud.

Which leaves Barrett. He'll either go on to feud with Cena for the belt or get cashed in on by The Miz, who'll have lost his United States championship earlier in the night to Daniel Bryan.
The guy has never even wrestled on PPV in a one-on-one match. That's the point, he's NOT ready to Main Event.

He does have really good mic skills, but he's not exactly setting the world on fire.

You're right, Sheamus wasn't ready to be a Main Event guy when he won the title, and he STILL isn't, IMO.

I don't mind pushing a guy when he's ready like Brock Lesnar was, but Wade Barrett isn't nearly as over as Brock was.

Nexus doesn't need the World Title either. What they need to do is subtract members, if not break up all together.

You mean to tell me that 6 months ago, most of these guys weren't even ready to be on television and now there's supposed to be the "most dominant group in WWE history"?

They haven't even had real matches. Most of their stuff in the ring involves them beating down someone 7 vs 1 or 7 vs 2.

The fact that they had Cena and Danielson pretty much beat all of Nexus by themselves just pretty much killed the group's credibility.

I think the WWE should start pushing younger guys and new talent in the Main Event, but not guys who've only been in the WWE long enough to blow their nose.

If the WWE makes the awful decision of putting the title on Wade Barrett, he's gonna get exposed right away.

I could have sworn that it was just Cena vs. Gabriel and Barrett in the last two. So how did Cena and Danielson basically beat of all Nexus by themselves. I guess you didn't watch last week when all of the members except Young won their matches.

There should be only two options: Barrett should win and that will make the Nexus strong because if he loses, where is Nexus going to go? You need your leader to look dominant and this is the perfect opportunity. Other option is Sheamus retaining and HHH returning to face him at Hell In a Cell
The guy has never even wrestled on PPV in a one-on-one match. That's the point, he's NOT ready to Main Event.

So what if he's never been one on one on a PPV? It doesn't fucking matter. Barrett's tallent is about number 3on the list of why he is 'ready' (behind being booked above the title and how hot Nexus is). He is being booked to be ready, so he is ready. That simple.

He does have really good mic skills, but he's not exactly setting the world on fire.

He kind of is. Nexus IS Raw.

You're right, Sheamus wasn't ready to be a Main Event guy when he won the title, and he STILL isn't, IMO.

Barrett's booking for a ME push was FAR better than Sheamus'. Nexus is a vehicle to get Barrett into the Main Event, and get the losers of NXT over with a larger audience. Nexus MADE Sheffield and Tarver, and got Gabriel over as a cold vicious heel and Barrett is the right guy to win the 6 pack match. Mission accomplished.

I don't mind pushing a guy when he's ready like Brock Lesnar was, but Wade Barrett isn't nearly as over as Brock was.

Yes he is.

Nexus doesn't need the World Title either. What they need to do is subtract members, if not break up all together.

Nexus, the Barrett vehicle which is being booked over the most important thing in the company doesn't need the WWE title? You're sort of right in that it doesn't 'need' the title, but it is the right move.

You mean to tell me that 6 months ago, most of these guys weren't even ready to be on television and now there's supposed to be the "most dominant group in WWE history"?

Well, six months ago Nexus weren't the biggest thing in the company. Things change fast in WWE.

They haven't even had real matches. Most of their stuff in the ring involves them beating down someone 7 vs 1 or 7 vs 2.


The fact that they had Cena and Danielson pretty much beat all of Nexus by themselves just pretty much killed the group's credibility.

Nexus beating 6/7 of team WWE one on one kpretty much revived it.

I think the WWE should start pushing younger guys and new talent in the Main Event, but not guys who've only been in the WWE long enough to blow their nose.

Bullshit. Barrett payed his dues in FCW and NXT. whatever you think about Wade's tallent or time in the company, he's being booked as the biggest thing in the company. That is reason enough to give him the title.

If the WWE makes the awful decision of putting the title on Wade Barrett, he's gonna get exposed right away.

No. Just no. He's looked and acted the part of main eventer since he filled in for Chris Jericho in NXT and pinned Christian.
Personally, I see it being a set-up for the The Miz to walk away from NoC with the WWE Championship.

To me the most likely scenario is Orton winning the title and having Miz cash in the MitB contract on him. This allows you to set up a Sheamus/Orton/Miz feud for a little while until HHH returns, which can then become just Orton and The Miz.

Another reason for this: the next few weeks are going to entirely focused on the Miz/Daniel Bryan U.S. Title feud. It would be nice to have Miz come out (presumably dropping the US belt to Bryan) and cash in the briefcase to leave NoC with the title. It also sets up plenty of promo material for him (The TRUE Champ at NoC, etc.)

I'm hoping it happens because I think Miz can really inject some life into the title, that true cocky heel champ that we all love when they hold the belt.
i would have to say randy orton will win it b snaking john cena out of pinning wade barret after the attitude adjustment the shamus will beat randy orton down and the miz will run out cash in his money bank match only to lose to randy orton by a sneak rko becasue he if randy orton which will set up a triple threat match at HITC between randy orton the miz and shamus
I thought Orton was going to win the belt at summerslam. Well since he didn't maybe they will wait until wrestlemania for him to regain the title and have it become even a bigger moment.

I wouldn't mind if Sheamus won. Let him for once get a clean win and have a nice reign as champion that should stabalize him has a main eventer. Wade Barrett winning would be the other logical choice.
While we are still a ways from the event, and the booking hasn't fully played out yet, my initial thought as to how his is going to go over is just like New Years Revolution 2006. Have Miz defend in one of the first matches, and lose (DQ or his title), only for him to cash in after the 6PC. And the ways I see it playing out is ether Miz wins, so that the possible angles after would be Bryan saying he's not finished with Miz, and whomever is wins the 6PC match, leading to 2 ways for creative to go. Or, Miz loses both his title, and his MITB title match, and enters panic mode, trying to get a Bank rematch, and get his US title back.
Wade Barrett NEEDS this win. He's the leader of a powerful stable and with his first title shot to come out on top of five or Raws biggest stars would be a great push for him.

I would have Barret get a win over Orton. After the match have nexus celebrate but Jericho, Edge, Cena and Sheamus all fight them off into the backstage area leaving just Barrett still standing in the ring over Orton. Cue The Miz who just lost his U.S. title to Daniel Bryan earlier. He comes down with his briefcase to cash in. Orton upset that he got pinned RKO's The Miz and walks away for Barrett to get the win and retain

This could lead to a Orton/Miz feud that would see Miz come out on top and still make it to the mainevent scene and finally have someone unsuccessfully cash in the briefcase.
Let's take a look at the current match. We got WWE Champion Sheamus defending against John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Chris Jericho, and Wade Barret. Let's break them down further.

WWE Champion Sheamus: Retained his WWE Title against Randy Orton at Summer Slam by getting himself DQed. Won the title at Fatal Four Way thanks to the interference from Nexus. He's had a good reign so far for his second reign, but I believe that his days as Champion are numbered. And his chances in the 6 Pack Challenge are slim, unless it's Elimination.

John Cena: Currently in a feud with Nexus. He was the sole survivor in the Team WWE vs. Team Nexus match. However, I don't see John Cena winning the title either.

Randy Orton: Still continuing his feud with Sheamus. He is very likely to win the belt from Sheamus.

Edge: In no particular feud right now. Chances of him winning are slim.

Chris Jericho: Same with Edge.

Wade Barret: He is also likely to win the WWE Title from Sheamus. Currently seen as the Leader of Nexus and cashed in his title opportunity against Sheamus at Night of Champions.

Randy Orton or Wade Barret are the most likely to walk out as WWE Champion from Night of Champions. I'd like to see Wade Barret walk out with the title, but I don't see him winning. I see The Miz losing the United States Championship to Bryan at Night of Champions and the Miz cashing in on Orton or Sheamus. It remains to be seen.
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I'm actually somewhat excited for this one. There's actually quite a bit of unpredictability going on here. Sure, it'll likely mean a complete clusterfuck of a match, but it's worth it to get all these guys on the card and whatnot. Let's run down each of them.

Edge - No way.

Jericho - No way.

Sheamus - Doubt he retains here, but he is the champ, so you never know. They may want to end all this Triple H shit in a Cell, which would be, umm, fine I guess. I bet he loses though. He hasn't really been a bad champ though. But if he would've taken turty days off, he might've been able to keep the belt for awhile.

Cena - Probably won't win, as he really has no need for the title at this point and he's coming off a huge win last month. He is John Cena though, meaning he always has a shot to win.

Orton - He's hella over at this point, like more than ever. This is an oppurtunity they're not gonna have forever, and I'd think they should really pull the trigger at this point. There's a feud with, uhh, Jericho, I guess, sitting right there as well. That hasn't been done, has it? Like I said, it just seems like the right time.

Barrett - I'm guessing he's going to win. The Nexus could use something to recover from their recent loss, like, say, THE WORLD TITLE! That'd do the trick. Barrett is more than capable of handling it. He's brilliant on the stick and more than capable in the ring. I really think they could use the belt to keep this thing going.
I'm looking forward to this match as it is a concept that hasn't been used since 1999. It will probably be a clusterfuck but then again that's not necessarily a bad thing. The match also has the suprise element as you really can't pick who will win.

Edge - He's just in here as a main event filler and can't be delegated in competing for the U.S. title. I think he'll be leaving for SD after this and make a much needed face turn.

Jericho - He has a slight more probable chance at winning than Edge but he won't as Jericho isn't a great champion more than chasing it and putting over competition.

Cena - He has a good chance of winning but most likely won't. Although, I don't mind a Cena reign but he's already been a champion a decent amount of time and doesn't need the title at this point unlike the others.

Orton - He's hot right now and there's no denying it. It would be a good idea to put the belt on him from a marketing standpoint. I'm not liking it though as he's kind of boring to me and is need of a character enhancement if he's to hold the belt. Although, he does have a decent chance at winning

Sheamus - The odds are stacked against him is and understatement. I doubt if anybody gives him a slight chance to win other than the possible return of HHH for HIAC. Even then, I think HHH can return and it just be a non-title match. Although, this would be the perfect opprotunity for Sheamus to look more credible than ever to go over 5 of the best superstars today.

Barrett - He has the best chance out of any of the others. He has Nexus backing him so there's the chance of winning due to intereference. It would also make sense for Nexus to rebound from SS by having the leader win the WWE title. I also doubt the WWE would have Barrett lose his title opprotunity he won from NXT. It would add to the fued Nexus is having with Cena by making the title a part of the best storyline on Raw at the moment.
Well, what I DO know, is Sheamus is likely dropping the title here. Why? becuase if he don't then who the motherfuck does he feud with after this? Exactly. I cant tell you who exactly WILL come out of here with it, but it wont be The Big Red Machine.

EDIT: I lie, I DO know who will win. The Miz. NOC right? Every title on the line right? That means the US title, earlier in the evening. D-Bryan is walking out with that, as he damn well fucking should. Huge, crazy, armageddon 6 man brawl? What better time to cash in a MITB?

None. I am calling a Miz cash in for a title win.
I disagree with you Norcs. Miz does not need the title right now. He's got Danielson to feud with first (you've got to tie up that loose end first) before he's free to ascend to the ME. While this may be the most logical time to cash in his title for now, I don't think it is the right time (if you know what I mean). And besides, Hell in a Cell is coming up. ask Batista and Edge how easy it is to win a WWE title after a grueling enclosure match.

Meanwhile Barrett (and by extention Nexus) will have litterally nowhere to go after this if Barrett loses, and in addition they have been consistently booked over the WWE title, which I don't think is the right thing to do.

So yeah, Miz can wait for his WWE title. Barrett can't.
EDIT: I lie, I DO know who will win. The Miz. NOC right? Every title on the line right? That means the US title, earlier in the evening. D-Bryan is walking out with that, as he damn well fucking should. Huge, crazy, armageddon 6 man brawl? What better time to cash in a MITB?

None. I am calling a Miz cash in for a title win.

Which leaves Barrett. He'll either go on to feud with Cena for the belt or get cashed in on by The Miz, who'll have lost his United States championship earlier in the night to Daniel Bryan.

Get your own hypothesises, NorCal. Though, for some reason or another, I excluded the possibility that Miz could cash in on somebody other than Barrett. But really, would it be so bad to have an English world champion for a minute? Throw me a fucking bone over here!

Unsex's prediction that Hell in a Cell is a more realistic possibility isn't out of the question, of course.

I'm going to guess that NoC will be free on Sky Sports 1 (or 3 or 4) as well, so if Barrett wins - and/or Miz cashes in on him - you can look forward to some really excitable keyboard smashing from yours truly. And, you know, everybody looks forward to that, right?
Ok I just need to say this ......... Sheamus is a HEEL .... all the talks about his Credibility and He needs a clean win and stuff , yea , yea its true but you gotta look at the fact that he's a HEEL which means most wins by DQ , Count Outs , HEEL tactics I mean come on how else would he gain heat in title matches or any other match etc , ?! He will have his clean win eventually , Lets not forget that he's only been in the WWE for like what ? a year and half or something he has a lot of time to get a clean win over top guys , People keep talking about him staying Relevant and "cemented" in the main event picture when he gets his clean win , I mean come on you have to look at the fact that he's in the main event picture already Heck HE's THE CHAMP! and what else other than the title he's had a "feud" with John Cena , Triple H and one currently with Orton I mean if that doesn't "Cement" you in the main event in the WWE now a days i dunno what will so people need to back off on the Whole - " Sheamus needs a clean win as over top guys" - thing I mean come on already :shrug:
I really would love to see Barrett kinda break away from the Nexus. It is a little bit of a clusterf*&^ right now with them exiling Darren. Then you have Skip out 6 months to goodness knows when with a broken ankle, and that kinda messes up the original plans. I am rooting for either Jericho or Barrett. I can't foresee Edge in all honesty since you have the rumors circling that he is coming to Smackdown come October in time for their premiere on SyFy. As much as I wouldn't care if Cena won, we all know that people are a little over and done with Cena, (not saying that I dislike him) but I think people are ready for a change nonetheless. However, not to veer too off topic, while on Night of Champions, can I ask this question. Since Night of Champions mandates that EVERY title in WWE be defended, what about Ted DiBiase Jr and his Million Dollar Title belt? Should that be considered a belt to be 'defended' and the PPV as well? That was just a thought I had last night while watching AM Raw on the replay.
I think this could be a fun match to watch. If the WWE books this right, Barrett and Sheamus can both come out of it smelling like roses. I like Sheamus, I've been a supporter of Sheamus even back when he was the most reviled wrestler in the IWC crosshairs, but Sheamus needs to get at least one big and decisive win in a WWE Championship match in order to really silence some of the haters in my view. He'll probably always get some hate of course, but a win in this type of match without interference would really elevate Sheamus and it wouldn't hurt any of the main eventers involved. Jericho loses all the time and still looks like a winner everytime, Randy Orton is the overall top contender for the title right now and doesn't even have to be pinned for Sheamus to look good, Cena has been the top overall face in the WWE for over half a decade and I think a loss could actually do Cena some good.
I have no idea who's gonna win this match. But it'd be a safe bet to say that the title will change hands.

Edge: Least likely to win. He's probobly going to SD in October, so why would they give him the belt? Just a filler.

Chris Jericho: The only reasoning for Jericho winning the Title would be to start some feud with Wade over it, being Wade's pro and all. Even still, Jericho probobly won't be winning here. More filler, but with more of a chance than Edge.

John Cena: Not really any reason to give him the title, but... He's John Cena. Always a possibility.

Randy Orton: He's the most over thing in WWE right now, and he's in a feud with Sheamus, so it'd make some sense to give him the title. But not enough! Orton doesn't need a win here, and he won't be affected by a loss here either. I hope he doesn't win the title, paritally because I don't like him, but where would they go from there? What would they do with the Nexus? Who would he feud with? Sheamus? He's going to have a feud with Triple H when he returns, so I'm doubting it. I don't think he'll win, but there's no telling right now.

Sheamus (c): Sheamus's only clean title defense has been against Zack Ryder. Zack isn't the most credible person to beat for the title, so Sheamus still needs a win over a top star. Or in this case, 5 other top stars. Sheamus needs this win to make him a true, credible top star, but I doubt he'll get it. On second thought, Sheamus is already a pretty dominant guy, so it wouldn't be the end of the world if he didn't retain here.

Wade Barrett: Wade's my pick to win. He's the leader of the Nexus. The Nexus just lost a HUGE match at SummerSlam. If Wade won the title, it would build them up again as a strong, dominant faction. It'd be even better if he won with no Nexus interference, but... Yeah, right. Wade is the best choice to win this, and I hope he does. Things on RAW would get much more interesting if he wins.

One more...

The Miz: I see the Miz losing his US title to Daniel Bryan at NoC, considering no one else is really a contender for it, and they're already in a feud. If/when he loses, he'll want to cash in his MITB...

If he does cash in, it depends on who wins the 6-pack challenge to decide if Miz will win.

See, if anyone other than Wade Barrett wins, Miz will likely become WWE champ. If Wade wins then the Nexus will stop Miz from cashing in or cost him the match. But if the WWE wants to keep the Miz/Bryan feud going after NoC, then Miz is completely out of the question.

I'd say the most likely winner is Wade, followed by Orton, then Sheamus. Miz can't cash in until this Daniel Bryan thing is over, and we don't know if it will be after NoC.
The most important factor is that HIAC is the next PPV and Sheamus no matter what the outcome of this match . Sheamus is gonna be on WWE title match at HIAC , so we have some possibilities :

A) Sheamus retains : It means we will have either RKO vs. Sheamus atr HIAC or HHH will finally make the return to face Human Jar of Mayonnaise

B)RKO wins : The Ultimate Rematch will happen at HIAC.

c)Cena wins : I mentioned him because he is face but it would stupid to put title on him and hve Cena vs. Sheamus at HIAC , because they just met in a cage match a few while ago.

D)Jericho wins : With rumors about him turning face , and the tension between him and sheamus at last monday , It may happen.They can have a match at HIAC where Jericho puts over Sheamus .

Barret and Edge (and Cena ) victories will make no sense.
The most important factor is that HIAC is the next PPV and Sheamus no matter what the outcome of this match . Sheamus is gonna be on WWE title match at HIAC , so we have some possibilities :

What makes you say that? Why does Sheamus need to be in the title match at the next PPV? Anything could happen between now and Hell in a Cell. Triple H could return and want to hurt Sheamus for putting him out of action. This would lead to a battle in a Cell. Sheamus would be on the PPV without having to be in the title match.

Barret and Edge (and Cena ) victories will make no sense.

How would Barrett winning make no sense? I've explained it time and time again: The Nexus is the most important thing on RAW. The title is taking a backseat. This is not supposed to happen. So the two ways of curing this are to either push Nexus down the card, or give Nexus the WWE Championship. I'd much rather see the second option, personally. That way we could have a new main eventer, lots of fun new feuds, and the WWE Championship scene and Nexus storyline will be of equal importance and the hottest things on the show.

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