This match is starting to get reallllyyy unpredictable.
First thought was that this is the match where Trips will return to "screw" Sheamus out of the match, right at the end. But I'm beginning to doubt it. I still have a small ray of hope that HHH will at some point be at NOC and do SOMETHING to Sheamus, but I think he might be out a little longer...
John Cena...look, I know everyone's gonna hate it, but I don't mind the guy. BUT, I do NOT want him winning. We've all seen too many Cena belt runs. They're boring. VERY BORING. The only way I wouldn't mind seeing one, is if he magically turns heel like most of us have wanted for awhile now. I don't think it's gonna happen though.
Wade Barrett. Not yet. A Little more time before he wins please. The man is amazing though. Excellent on the mic, and very good in the ring. I just think he needs to spend some more time feuding with main-eventers. He COULD win. But I'd rather him not, and he just doesn't look like he'd work well as Champion yet.
Edge. NO. Just NO. He's become stale as previously stated, and he hasn't built up enough steam. Yeah, this is a Six Pack Challenge so any of the six could win, but unless a feud is started TONIGHT, I do not see him winning.
Jericho. To be honest, I'm begging for him to win. I simply love Y2J, and believe me, if WWE loses him, I might stop watching. The people that keep WWE at the top are leaving, and the ones that are staying, are becoming annoying. (IE. Cena, Edge, Mysterio, Kane, Christian, exc.) If Jericho turns face, he could easily return to the top of the 'E. I doubt that he could win, but I'm really rooting for him.
Orton. Has a really good chance. With the steam he's building up, I think he could walk away with the title. If he does, he's gonna feud with Sheamus for a while, and then whatever happens at HIAC happens, and he might not be Champion.
Sheamus. He's probably going to retain. Let's face it. He's going to. If he loses, it will most likely gonna be because of Triple H, or something from the other universe. hahaha. I expect him to win though.
The Miz. I threw him in because if anyone but Sheamus or Orton wins, the Miz will most likely cash in and win with his MITB Briefcase. I think it might be about time that he has a good title reign.
Overall, I really do think this is gonna be a great match for NoC, and I hope we're gonna be happy with the outcome.