WWE NoC 2010 - Six Pack Challenge - WWE Championship Match

This one's a bit of a head scratcher. I feel like Sheamus deserves to have a strong win here in his not-so-impressive title reign, but Orton could get it because of how over he is right now. Wade seems too green to carry the title this soon (what people said about Sheamus). Jericho and Edge feel like filler to me. I hope to God Cena doesn't win. The man should not hold the title again this year. If Triple H returns to screw Sheamus, Orton will likely win here, but I don't see it happening. I'll go with Sheamus to retain here. I also wouldn't expect Miz to cash in right after losing the US Title.
I'm abit spoilt for choice on this one. Relating to another match on the card, I want The Miz to lose his United States Championship. Hear me out, that gives him the perfect reason to cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase on whoever wins the 6 Pack Challenge.

If Chris Jericho or Wade Barrett win the 6 Pack Challenge then I'll mark out because really, if Chris Jericho doesn't win, he's gone; not just because he said it himself, but because it's the truth. If he doesn't get another Championship then that'll be it for Chris Jericho, he'll have nothing left to give, nothing to prove and he'll be on his way out of the Wrestling industry forever. I don't want that to happen just yet.

Wade Barrett could also win the Championship and I wouldn't be too bothered. I'd like him to win because the Nexus storyline has become bigger than the actual WWE Championship. It's getting ridiculously huge now. Barrett winning the WWE Championship would just be the "fullstop" mark on The Nexus for good. I think so anyway.

I wouldn't really mind if Sheamus retained his Championship. I always said that as soon as he won the Championship, I wanted him to have a decent/long reign, not an R-Truth US reign. He deserves more credit than he's actually given. Not alot of people see him as a formidable Champion, people just mock him alot. He's actually got alot of potential and talent...the only problem with elevating somebody in the WWE as quick as they've elevated Sheamus is that it looks unnatural when they drop the Championship and go into mid-card. It looks wrong.

I don't want John Cena to win because he's held the title too much now and the last thing we want to see is a 10th John Cena title reign, I'd rather see another Triple H reign and his are boring as hell.

I don't want Randy Orton to win because he's golden right now, he's on fire every Raw. Giving him the WWE Championship would just dull him down to unexplainable feats. He's turning into a Stone Cold with the way he drives through people every time he's actually in the ring competing. I don't think giving Randy the title so soon would be a great idea.

I don't want Edge to win because Edge is dull now aswell. He hasn't got any gimmick left in him and he hasn't had since his days with Gangrel and Christian in the brood. Edge is just your typical face or heel, nothing more, nothing less. His title reigns aren't anything to be spoken about because they're all the same.
I don't want Edge to win because Edge is dull now aswell. He hasn't got any gimmick left in him and he hasn't had since his days with Gangrel and Christian in the brood. Edge is just your typical face or heel, nothing more, nothing less. His title reigns aren't anything to be spoken about because they're all the same.

Edge has been dull since we left the Brood? I think you should go watch some Edge stuff from back in like 2005-2007ish when he truely was the Rated R Superstar and was great. I agree that his gimmick is too watered down now but he's not dull.
Randy Orton is on fire and is no doubt the favorite to win this match. That said though, Sheamus could very well retain and Miz could cash in on the WWE Championship. It's been teased on and off for weeks and if Miz loses the United States Championship (which seems very likely at this point) I could see this going down. One way or the other, before Night of Champions is over, there WILL be a new WWE Champion.

As for the match itself, it may surprise some fans in the respect that Barrett will get to flex his muscles against the former and current champion(s). He'll be fun to watch. Cena will do his superman gig as usual. Edge and Jericho will carry the match for the most part. Sheamus will be fun to see as in how he's going to act in this environment and finally there's Randy Orton. He's going to clean house and RKO everyone I'm sure and if he doesn't win, I want to see how he gets eliminated. He's on such a hot streak as of late, so that should also be something to watch for. Hopefully this match will steal the show.
It's obvious that Jericho will win this Sunday and soon go back to his Y2J persona. He's been going by Y2J for a while at House Shows, and as we all know, those are usually the gate way for gimmick changes and the like.

If he doesn't win, then I'm going with Sheamus... I want him to have a good and solid reign.
I read in this site they are hyping Cena vs Barett at HIAC and Sheamus vs Randy tagged as Sheamus' redemption..

Going by the odds, Cena, Barett are not gonna win it.

Edge- Moving to SD, so he dont need it

Jericho- Band. But But But, i will address it at end

It comes down to either Orton or Sheamus

Sheamus losing it and regaining it back at HIAC is a completely fucked up storyline.

So Sheamus retains his title.

Fast Forward, Orton RKO's him at HIAC, then you have bang AWESOMEEE :lmao: :banghead: and Miz comes on to cash his MITB briefcase and take the WWE Belt

My thoughts on why Miz wont use MITB Briefcase at NOC

Miz losing at NOC his US belt, he has his rematch clause left which he will invoke @ HIAC and lose again. But he vows to leave the arena as a champion and he does that at WWE championship match

Or other possibility

NOC-HIAC- Only two weeks time. So, Jericho winning the title and losing it in HIAC to MIZ :lol: Short reign will not affect Jericho's career
I really don't see Jericho walking away from the WWE even though he wants more time to spend with his family and band, so I gotta go with Y2J. That is if his stipulation to leave the company if he looses the match still stands.
Sheamus is going to retain. Of this I am almost certain. So almost certain that I put it in bold. So you know to take it to the bank.

Edge, Jericho, and Cena might as well be non-factors. Sure, Cena's the top man in the business. But he's clearly not in line for the strap right now. He's giving the match some sizzle. That's all. Edge and Jericho... Well, let's not even go there.

Barrett could use the strap, but I have a feeling that he won't get it. And I put stock in my intuition because I'm so right it's righteous.

The story is Orton vs. Sheamus. We've had no resolution to it yet, and I could see the company wanting to give us resolution between hot face RKO and cheater, cheater, banana bread eater Sheamus. I can't see them blowing off Orton's momentum this early in the game, so a Sheamus win seems logical. Unless Barrett wins. Or someone else does.

Really, it's anyone's game. Except for The Miz. He's awful.
This match should be amazing. Every single guy has a chance of winning. I'll go through each challenger individually.

Always a good pick for a victory in any WWE title match. I don't really know if he's going to win this one, but I'll take another Cena title reign any day.

Orton needs the victory more than Cena does, and he's been built up to have the best odds of winning other than maybe Barrett. A well timed RKO should be all the Viper needs to get this one.

I just don't see him winning. He has the lowest chance of winning in my opinion. If he does.... it will probably mean a Miz cash-in right afterwards.

Don't count Edge out. That 10th title reign could be coming at this PPV. He has better odds than Jericho but I see Orton or Barrett to be more likely to win than Edge. They also need a world title reign more right now than Edge does.

Sheamus is not walking out champion. This match is meant to get the belt off of him without him looking weak. The question is WHO will win. He has better odds of winning than Jericho, but I am almost fully convinced that Sheamus is going to lose. Trips could return and cost him the belt or something.... I'm going with that one.

If Orton's not winning.... Barrett is. He won NXT season 1 and his Nexus stable has been incredible ever since they formed. Barrett will win a world title soon. If it's not at this PPV, it will be VERY soon. He needs the victory here more than the other guys put together, so my predicted win is going to Barrett. Unless Miz cashes in, there's really no reason why he shouldn't win. This would legitimize him in the world title scene.

I don't think Miz will cash in, so Barrett's got this one. It will probably close the show and is one of my picks for match of the night. I can't wait, I'm excited no matter who wins!

Wade Barrett will win the WWE Championship.
I think we are in for a real treat with this match. I see Jericho making a full turn in this match from heel to face, starting off as an afterthought. Edge will get eliminated, then Barrett, then Cena, then Orton, and probably in pretty quick succession, but not until at least 15-20 mins into the match. This will leave the champ, Sheamus, against Chris Jericho, who has looked very good to this point, with Cole building up the point that Jericho looks to be on a mission. Jericho will have worked the crowd behind him at this point, and after 5 mins of one on one with Sheamus, will have countered into the Walls, which will force Sheamus to tap, and Jericho will be the NEW WWE Champion to the surprise of everyone. One final run for Y2J as a face, and as the champ to boot.
This match is starting to get reallllyyy unpredictable.

First thought was that this is the match where Trips will return to "screw" Sheamus out of the match, right at the end. But I'm beginning to doubt it. I still have a small ray of hope that HHH will at some point be at NOC and do SOMETHING to Sheamus, but I think he might be out a little longer...

John Cena...look, I know everyone's gonna hate it, but I don't mind the guy. BUT, I do NOT want him winning. We've all seen too many Cena belt runs. They're boring. VERY BORING. The only way I wouldn't mind seeing one, is if he magically turns heel like most of us have wanted for awhile now. I don't think it's gonna happen though.

Wade Barrett. Not yet. A Little more time before he wins please. The man is amazing though. Excellent on the mic, and very good in the ring. I just think he needs to spend some more time feuding with main-eventers. He COULD win. But I'd rather him not, and he just doesn't look like he'd work well as Champion yet.

Edge. NO. Just NO. He's become stale as previously stated, and he hasn't built up enough steam. Yeah, this is a Six Pack Challenge so any of the six could win, but unless a feud is started TONIGHT, I do not see him winning.

Jericho. To be honest, I'm begging for him to win. I simply love Y2J, and believe me, if WWE loses him, I might stop watching. The people that keep WWE at the top are leaving, and the ones that are staying, are becoming annoying. (IE. Cena, Edge, Mysterio, Kane, Christian, exc.) If Jericho turns face, he could easily return to the top of the 'E. I doubt that he could win, but I'm really rooting for him.

Orton. Has a really good chance. With the steam he's building up, I think he could walk away with the title. If he does, he's gonna feud with Sheamus for a while, and then whatever happens at HIAC happens, and he might not be Champion.

Sheamus. He's probably going to retain. Let's face it. He's going to. If he loses, it will most likely gonna be because of Triple H, or something from the other universe. hahaha. I expect him to win though.

The Miz. I threw him in because if anyone but Sheamus or Orton wins, the Miz will most likely cash in and win with his MITB Briefcase. I think it might be about time that he has a good title reign.

Overall, I really do think this is gonna be a great match for NoC, and I hope we're gonna be happy with the outcome. :)
My best three guesses for this match are Sheamus retaining, Barrett winning, or Orton winning. And I give three only because I cannot really think of a definitive answer. Its going to be an unpredictable finish between these three.

I dont see Edge, Jericho, or Cena winning this at all. Edge just doesnt need the belt and can find other things to do. Cena should still be concerned with taking down Nexus. There is a really small chance Jericho wins maybe as part of contract negotiations, but highly unlikely.

That leaves the other three. A big wild card in this whole thing is HHH. If he is close to a return, then chances are Sheamus will be dropping the belt. They dont need the belt for their feud. But if HHH is still out for a few more weeks, I think the belt stays on Sheamus. If he is going to drop it, my best guess would be to Barrett. Why not give the belt to the leader of the monster faction and make them look stronger. Orton has a shot, but not as good as Sheamus or Barrett. If he does win, I can see The Miz getting involved, adding another unpredictable aspect to the match.

So it should be a good match and a very unpredictable match. There are a few outside factors that could play a role such as HHH, The Miz and Nexus and it makes it even harder to pick who's leaving with the belt. But, I think Sheamus will be retaining.
This is a very exciting match and at this point, I have no idea who my personal favourite is. I think that all of them will be good Champions, if we do indeed see a title change. However, I don’t think we should count out everyone’s favourite Irishman. A win for Sheamus here would definitely put him in a good position to go on and put anyone who doubt his Championship credentials in their place. A win over all 5 of these guys would be an epic victory for The Celtic Warrior and although I don’t think that he will be the man who will be walking out of Night Of champions with the Championship, it is definitely not beyond the realms of possibility, is it?

I think if I had to pick a favourite for tonight, I would have to go for Wade Barrett. A week ago, I would have definitely have gone for Randy Orton but I feel that Orton is great when he is chasing the belt. However, as a Champion, I feel that the rut we have seen him fall into with his current tweener gimmick will only be made to look worse if he is the man that the WWE are going to put the strap around. Now, I am not saying that he would make a poor Champion but it would be the same old thing we have seen hundreds of time before and he would likely feud with Sheamus again.

To me, the most likely winner is definitely Barrett. I think that for the Nexus to continue to co-exist, Wade Barrett needs to take the Championship from Sheamus. Personally, I might not think he is ready for that yet but I do think that he could surprise us allo, somewhat like what Sheamus did after TLC last year. I definitely think that The Nexus still has some legs in it but Wade really needs to win tonight to get the most from it.
Wade Barrett
Since The Nexus lost Skip Sheffield they have not been the same. The numbers of the group and the strength has died down completely and no matter how good Wade Barrett is I believe that tonight won't be his night. Wade Barrett will win the WWE Championship by himself at another day and another time.

If WWE want to put him over as credible champion he needs to win tonight! Period.

Randy Orton
At this point is the most reasonable choice. He is the most over in WWE at this point and he has been on this mission the title for so long, but came up short and I think that he will finally achieve tonight and win the title.

Some other factors in this match will be The Nexus and John Morrison.
Ok so the PPV is over, Ortons champion :) but.......wtf was up with Jericho, he got eliminated and EVERYONE stopped.....even the heels stopped and watched him walk off, Cena tried to get him back in the match even though its aan ELIMINATION match. Why? They didnt explain it and Michael Cole or Lawler said "theyre so shocked they wont continue" which I find to be some BS. Theres gotta be a legitimate reason they stopped the match like that.
Wade Barret had to win the championship tonight to keep the Nexus angle alive. Now the Nexus momentum is dead which is a shame, but most of us saw the writing on the wall after SS. The WWE REALLY dropped the ball on this one. As much as I like Randy Orton, I felt that if the WWE had allowed Wade Barrett to become champion, you could have revived the Nexus angle in a major way heading into The Survivor Series. Or, you could have Orton win the Royal Rumble and challenge Wade Barrett at Wrestlemainia. Orton really did not have to win the championship right now. I mean think about it, are we ready to see another half a year of Cena/ Orton?
Wade Barret had to win the championship tonight to keep the Nexus angle alive. Now the Nexus momentum is dead which is a shame, but most of us saw the writing on the wall after SS. The WWE REALLY dropped the ball on this one. As much as I like Randy Orton, I felt that if the WWE had allowed Wade Barrett to become champion, you could have revived the Nexus angle in a major way heading into The Survivor Series. Or, you could have Orton win the Royal Rumble and challenge Wade Barrett at Wrestlemainia. Orton really did not have to win the championship right now. I mean think about it, are we ready to see another half a year of Cena/ Orton?

But I thought Cena/ Orton couldn't wrestle any more for the belt due to the last match they had for the belt. It was on the whole speculation that as long as one or the other had the belt they could not challenge each other for the belt. Oh well glad that Orton won it can't really stand any of the other wrestlers really but was really surprised that Miz didn't cash in the brief case with just losing the belt also.
i didnt see the match, but hearing about how jericho lost so quickly, and everyone else stopped to watch him, i think that was his last match in the wwe for a bit. he's my favorite so i hope its not so, but he has his fozzy tour to do. he'll probably be out a couple weeks, and will probably return at hiac. they have been testing him as a face, so he could transition to one over on smackdown and fued with people like punk and alberto.

i think its ******ed that orton won though. he is an incredibly boring champion, but he is great chasing the title. i understand he is on fire now, but i would have waited till mania.

sheamus loosing comes as no shock since they probably used this six pac challenge to get the belt off him, with out him looking weak.

did anyone think edge would win. he has lost full steam since going face.

barrett not winning is also a good thing. he is way to green. let him win it down the line when he builds a better following.

and finally, all i have to say is thank God it wasnt cena.
Wade Barrett will win the WWE Championship.

This was the only match that I was incorrect on. 5 out of 6 is probably the best my prediction columns have ever done. Anyways, back on topic. So even if Barrett lost, he still did a good job and my second guess was the correct one. I thought if Barrett wasn't going to win.... The Viper would, and he did! Orton is going to have a great title reign, I am sure of it. Barrett got to eliminate Cena, which probably few saw coming. Jericho didn't last long.... Taking forever to re-sign your contract will do that to you. He never did, did he? Guess he's gone then. My friend hates Sheamus and we all gave him a hard time about that, which was amusing. All of us kept thinking that Miz would come cash-in at the end since Orton's celebration lasted so long.... All in all, it was definitely the best match of the night because all 6 men did an impressive job and at any moment they all looked like they could win (other than Jericho). I really, really liked this match!

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