WrestleZone Tournament Bar Room Sidetalk Thread

Shocky created this tournament right? I was looking through old tournaments in light of the Benoit stuff to see if he said anything about voting criteria. I found this:

And I was surprised to find him, a few lines below, directly addressing the consideration of a wrestler's private life in the voting process:


Thank you for looking that up. I'm sure, if it were mentioned mid-debate, in the thread, it would be dismissed as being from Shocky, who used to run it, and not KB, who currently runs it, but it's good to know it was somewhere in writing.
I can already see the bullshit logic starting for next round.

"Thesz is too smart to lay on the mat for a splash." So Thesz is too smart to do something that is essential to professional wrestling, which is what he is doing in the match, called sell for your opponent? This is not a shoot.
Thank you for looking that up. I'm sure, if it were mentioned mid-debate, in the thread, it would be dismissed as being from Shocky, who used to run it, and not KB, who currently runs it, but it's good to know it was somewhere in writing.
I wish there was a link provided, so we could see just how many years we've been operating without that rule for. ;)
It's also not a kayfabe fantasy tournament.

Anyone voting for RVD is being an absolute ass hat.

Kayfabe fantasy tournaments have a tendency to devolve into popularity contests, which is also what this tournament is not about. Even though that is usually what the tournament becomes.
Drawing a crowd that enjoys your matches is a popularity contest. So essentially it is both. Difference being sometimes you have to watch shit matches or end up cheering your favorite even though they have no real chance at winning the big ones.

Example? We all went nuts cheering Santino despite knowing he would not win the belt or that rumble. Just the thought he may gave me tingles.

So it should not surprise anyone if he gets in & makes a run based on popularity.
Yep. It's Wrestlemania weekend so the tournament will A, be overlooked and B, get on people's nerves when they're looking for Wrestlemania stuff.
It's also not a kayfabe fantasy tournament.

Anyone voting for RVD is being an absolute ass hat.

I am not an asshat :icon_neutral:

Do I expect RVD to win? No. But, he was one of the best, while the business was at its best, so he deserves some votes. I don't expect it to be nearly as close as Misawa/Rollins, but a decent dozen or so votes isn't that bad, is it?

I wish there was a link provided, so we could see just how many years we've been operating without that rule for. ;)

Oh probably since 2009.

^^^ What he said. The first one I took part in was 2009, and it was definitely posted then. I'm not sure about any time after that, since...y'know...common sense would imply that we're voting a wrestling tournament based on shit that has to do with wrestling :shrug:
Or that someone decided that was a silly rule. Or someone decided that the arguments were a lot more fun without that rule.

Didn't we dispatch with the 'common sense' logical fallacy last night? I stopped at three links, but there's a whole Internet out there that can describe how your argument is ridiculous.
Or that someone decided that was a silly rule. Or someone decided that the arguments were a lot more fun without that rule.

Or C) Shocky stepped down as admin, KB took over, and we all pretty much agreed that it didn't need to be beat into our heads every year that we're voting in a wrestling tournament?

Sounds about right.

I couldn't say this in the other thread, because of rules and shit, but seriously...fuck off with the bullshit.
I guess I better stop, or you'll send me red rep with a mean picture. Maybe you'll call me a stupidhead, yell common sense repeatedly?

Maybe you could refer to yourself as high-functioning again.
I guess I better stop, or you'll send me red rep with a mean picture. Maybe you'll call me a stupidhead, yell common sense repeatedly?

Maybe you could refer to yourself as high-functioning again.

If "high-functioning" means the ability to comprehend the meaning of common sense, then yes. Definitely. If there was a way I could color you a picture and help explain it on a Kindergarten level, I would, but I'm sorry. You'll just have to work from behind and try to keep up with the people who aren't sandbagging the tournament.
.......you may want to Google "high functioning". After that, you may want to look for a mean picture to send me.
Drawing a crowd that enjoys your matches is a popularity contest. So essentially it is both. Difference being sometimes you have to watch shit matches or end up cheering your favorite even though they have no real chance at winning the big ones.

Example? We all went nuts cheering Santino despite knowing he would not win the belt or that rumble. Just the thought he may gave me tingles.

So it should not surprise anyone if he gets in & makes a run based on popularity.

From an objective standpoint drawing power and marketability equals popularity, which is why so many people bring it up. But I was referring to a subjective popularity contest, where we just vote for the guys we like more with no rationale behind it.
When people actually have to balls to say that they're just voting for whoever they like more, it's respectable. What kills me is when people either argue for someone they like more or against someone they strongly dislike and they try and dress it up as actually being objective. Like Goldust/Owens. If you came in there and said you were voting for Owens because you like him more or he entertains you more, fair enough. Don't try to paint him as the better professional wrestler though because he's not. Evidence of that was in the, "He's going to be WHC someday so I'm going to vote for him", arguments.
I am not an asshat :icon_neutral:

Do I expect RVD to win? No. But, he was one of the best, while the business was at its best, so he deserves some votes.

Against Lou Thesz? No he doesn't. Not a single vote. Just as Rollins didn't deserve any against Misawa. Its ridiculous.
BTW the Ambrose - Benoit result was one of the most obscene in Tournament history, and a JO-fest for sure, but the path taken was subtle enough that it worked, and the arguments were presented in believable fashion.

Someone could have very easily brought up the fact that the "killing the business" argument was dramatically overstated and has simply been a convenient scapegoat for the industry for a decade now, OR they could have also argued that in the short-term Benoits actions were damaging, but in the big picture, his was the initial incident that led us to study the effects of CTE and brain trauma and sports, which has led to immense advances in our understanding of it, and efforts to safeguard against it. Because of Benoit, people do not take chair shots to the head anymore. Because of Benoit, concussions are treated with extreme seriousness (Daniel Bryan says hi) Because of Benoit, wrestling and many other sports are much safer, or efforts are underway to make them so. These arguments are valid..... but no one did that in convincing fashion (or at all, I didn't get to read the whole thread) .....so no one has any right to be pissed about it.
Against Lou Thesz? No he doesn't. Not a single vote. Just as Rollins didn't deserve any against Misawa. Its ridiculous.

:2ar15smilie: I can't help it. It's like a "need" at this point.

BTW the Ambrose - Benoit result was one of the most obscene in Tournament history, and a JO-fest for sure, but the path taken was subtle enough that it worked, and the arguments were presented in believable fashion.

Someone could have very easily brought up the fact that the "killing the business" argument was dramatically overstated and has simply been a convenient scapegoat for the industry for a decade now, OR they could have also argued that in the short-term Benoits actions were damaging, but in the big picture, his was the initial incident that led us to study the effects of CTE and brain trauma and sports, which has led to immense advances in our understanding of it, and efforts to safeguard against it. Because of Benoit, people do not take chair shots to the head anymore. Because of Benoit, concussions are treated with extreme seriousness (Daniel Bryan says hi) Because of Benoit, wrestling and many other sports are much safer, or efforts are underway to make them so. These arguments are valid..... but no one did that in convincing fashion (or at all, I didn't get to read the whole thread) .....so no one has any right to be pissed about it.

I don't remember who, but someone had made the case for it on the...second?...page, I think it was. After that, a few people mentioned they agreed that it was good in the long term as far as treatment and such, but it never picked up steam.

And, while you're right, I never waved that flag, because I honestly didn't think it needed to be said. It was bullshit to even be brought up in the first place.

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