Wrestlemania XXX: WWE WHC - Orton VS Batista VS ?

What exactly happens to the WWE if there is a title clause for Batista and they breach it? If it's less than the financial strain of Daniel Bryan not winning (which I believe they could have), then they should breach it. Or they could, like I said in the other thread about this, have him win vs Orton then have made it a mini tournament. Dave wins vs orton then loses vs DB.

I really think DB wins at Mania and I think it's a fantastic match. I think a fatal fourway is the way they go.

Nothing will happen if Batista wins. These people on here are all talk and will continue watching regardless and the rest of the WWE fans, I seriously doubt would stop watching or going to events because of one wrestler, I know I wouldn't.

As far as WWE breaching Batista's contract goes, I'm pretty sure Batista would just walk similar to how Punk did. Why would Batista get f'd over but stay and do the match? That doesn't even sound like something Batista would do. I think Batista is winning this match and I really don't have a problem with it. DB puts on great matches and he will do that with or without the belt.
I wonder how long before this match, the HHH vs DB match will be. Will it be right before this one?

Also, what if we have a Vince Russo swerve, and we see Trips help DB win the title? Danial Bryan: Corporate Champion? Don't think it will happen, but it's possible, all things are possible.

No, I think HHH will beat DB earlier in the night, we'll have an all Evolution main event, HHH or Batista will win, then Vince will come out, flaunt that he is still in charge, and make an impromptu match where DB will beat HHH (my pick to win the triple threat). This way, nobody really looks too weak, and Bryan leaves the champ.
I wonder how long before this match, the HHH vs DB match will be. Will it be right before this one?

Also, what if we have a Vince Russo swerve, and we see Trips help DB win the title? Danial Bryan: Corporate Champion? Don't think it will happen, but it's possible, all things are possible.

No, I think HHH will beat DB earlier in the night, we'll have an all Evolution main event, HHH or Batista will win, then Vince will come out, flaunt that he is still in charge, and make an impromptu match where DB will beat HHH (my pick to win the triple threat). This way, nobody really looks too weak, and Bryan leaves the champ.
How is anyone going to look weak? Unless the other guy waits 40 seconds to pin you after his finish like HHH did to Booker T at WMXIX, no one looks weak in a title match at Wrestlemania.

I think there will be some swervage and a lot of fun. I don't think you turn DB heel. Not that it wouldn't be fun with the character, I just don't think DB has that in his DNA. Some guys you just can't boo.
If DB has a long grueling match with HHH, then goes on to the title match, which could be right after (i.e. Jericho vs Rock then Austin at Vengeance 2001). As a main event, this should last awhile. And yes, it can make Bryan look strong, but could it be at the cost of either Orton or Batista? There is too much build up of the HHH and Bryan match for it to be a simple one. So that would mean that Bryan would have to outlast all 3 still active (or, at least, somewhat active) members of Evolution in longer/harder matches in order to be champ. Either that, or he wins by what can be described as a lucky break. Then, later on, when Bryan finally loses the title, it'll make him look weaker (if it's clean). Somebody is going to lose steam in that scenario. And if Bryan doesn't win the title, then he's going to look weaker because he didn't win the championship (which following history, he should).

Now, with my idea, Bryan and HHH can go the distance in their match, and Bryan can lose due to cheating or something like that, something that's not truly "final". If HHH wins the triple threat, then yay! Big whoop! He's beaten Orton before, Batista won't lose as much steam by losing, blah blah blah. But when he's feeling all smug and everything, he gets shocked with a last minute decision, and gets beaten by Bryan. This not only keeps everyone looking strong enough for rematches, but enables exactly that, rematches. Bryan comes out of Wrestlemania as champ. Batista comes after him, talking about how he wasn't beat by Bryan, or whatver, they have a couple matches, their feud ends when Batista taps out, then goes away/moves on to another feud. By that time, Orton will have found "The Viper" part of him, and will come back "stronger" than before, he'll have his match(es) with Bryan. By the time this all has gone through, Bryan will have cemented his status as champ. You can throw in anybody else by that point, and it will be okay.

At least, that's how I feel about it.
Punk leaving screwed up the main event angle. Punk was suppose to be HHH opponent. Based on how Bryan keeps pinning Orton in non title matches and keeps getting screwed when the title is on the line. It was always going to be a triple threat title match, but when he punk left they needed to find Triple H a match.

I think theirs a good chance that it gets turned into a fatal fourway. I have a hard time believing Triple H will just put DB over and get out of the way.

This will go on last, the world title should go on last unless there is an epic dream match on the card. The only question is.... Who joins Randy Orton and Batista in this match? Will it be Daniel Bryan? Triple H? Why not both? Daniel Bryan wins the match against Triple H and the triple threat that everyone thinks is going to take place begins, only for Trips' music to hit and he comes out ready to also work the match as Stephanie announces that The Authority is going to do what's best for business by over-riding their own rules and make it a Fatal Fourway. It could happen. I don't see why not. I'm just glad we didn't get stuck with Orton VS Batista by themselves after all.

Bryan is going to win this match regardless of if it's a triple threat or a fatal fourway. If he doesn't, the fans get deprived of the Wrestlemania moment of a lifetime. Tens of thousands of fans screaming YES YES YES YES in unison while Bryan holds up a world title in each hand. Why miss out on that? For Trips to have another run at the top that could happen any other PPV? For Orton to retain, when he already got his Wrestlemania title retention at Wrestlemania 24? For Batista to win and get boo'ed out the building? A bad ending to a show would tarnish the event as a whole. Wrestlemania 28 immediately comes to mind. Daniel Bryan MUST win this. There is no other option.
Bryan winning has to happen. This has been set up perfectly and the build has been awesome. Right from Summerslam, Bryan's popularity has been growing and this is where he finally gets his moment.

If he defeats Triple H and gets injured in the process then this will only further this storyline. The match itself is difficult to predict. It doesn't need to be a 5-star classic but I hope it is good quality - it will be the WM main event.

I can't anticipate any major shocks but hopefully some great storytelling and an awesome moment.
This has been all set up for a Daniel Bryan victory. I see him going over Triple H, but probably cops some sledgehammer action following his match. He will enter the main event injured, but will find a way to prevail, maybe with assistance from Hogan or Austin or Rock. I can see the show finishing with Bryan with the title standing on the second rope with 70k screaming Yes yes yes, and with the WWE's finest superstars from days gone by celebrating from the ramp, guys like Hogan, Rock, Austin, Hart, Michaels.
This is a no brainer. Daniel Bryan will win and I do see a big celebration style after the match like we have seen in milestone Mania's (10 & 20) Maybe CM Punk comes out to congratulate him, then HBK just to put closure and an end to the mini feud they had months back when HBK screwed DB out of the title back in the fall. It would be really cool to see either the legends or even the current roster to come out and congratulate him or cheer for him up on the ramp.
I'm so glad that Daniel Bryan got his big moment. WWE ended the show in the best way possible. There were a few of those 2 counts where I really thought it was over, which is a great thing. It makes the match that much more exciting as it continues on. Bryan coming back after being sent off on the stretcher following the RKO on the announcer table was pretty awesome. One of my guests at my PPV party thought he was done and not coming back for the end of the match. He and a few others started rooting for Orton thinking he was the next best thing. No one in attendance wanted Batista to win. Easily the best match of the night for me and the moment at the end was just perfect, that ending was what I had been wanting to see. Daniel Bryan holding up those belts and the fans chanting YES YES YES YES! This might be my favorite ending to a Wrestlemania event now, and such a great way to close a highly enjoyable show with only one major negative. On a side note, that has to be the most confetti following a victory that I've seen in a long time, possibly ever.
Epic night for DB. He beat Triple H, Orton and Batista at WM and became champion. You got the big pay off after months of getting screwed.

I thought the Triple threat match was very entertaining. That powerbomb rko was sick. Orton's tough as hell for getting up after landing on the monitor. That looked so painful.
This felt more like an extended angle than a match, some big spots, Trips and Steph running in to stooge out for Bryan, him getting stretchered out, and then finally the moment we've all been waiting for and damn what a celebration! The best Mania moment and ending in a decade? YES!

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