Batista VS Randy Orton


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Because of the rumors that this is our WrestleMania main event, I wanted to take a look at the past offerings these men have displayed. After digging it up they've had 10 matches and 3 non-matches, and have a record of 6-3-1 in Batista's favor, or 6-6-1 if you count the forfeits.

So, before listing every match, do any of you have a favorite? I frankly couldn't remember any of them in detail and only recalled them after watching the videos. None of them really scream out to me, although I definitely have a LEAST favorite, that awful Steel Cage match at ER.

Are you excited to see this match-up take place for the 11th time at Mania or are you hoping for something else?

Here's every match! Enjoy... if you can:

• Batista defeated Randy Orton in a No DQ match, Raw (Sep 27, 2004)

• Randy Orton defeated Batista, Raw (Nov 8, 2004)

• Randy Orton defeated Batista in a #1 Contender's match, Raw (Jan 10, 2005)

• Batista defeated Randy Orton in a World title match, Raw (Apr 4, 2005)

• Batista vs. Randy Orton ends in a No Contest, Smackdown (Nov 27, 2005)

• Batista defeated Randy Orton, Armageddon (Dec 14, 2008 )

* Randy Orton defeated Batista via forfeit, Raw (Dec 22, 2008... not really a match)

• Batista defeated Randy Orton via DQ in a WWE title match, Judgment Day (May 17, 2009)

• Batista defeated Randy Orton in a Steel Cage for the WWE title, Extreme Rules (Jun 7, 2009)

* Randy Orton defeated Batista via forfeit for the WWE title, Raw (Jun 18, 2009... not a match either. Title didn't change hands either.)

• Batista defeated Randy Orton in a No Holds Barred, Raw (Sep 14, 2009)

• Randy Orton defeated Batista via DQ, Raw (Apr 12, 2010)

* Randy Orton defeated Batista via forfeit to qualify for the WWE title Fatal 4 Way, Raw (May 24, 2010... third time's the charm. Batista quit right after.)
I think Randy Orton has become extemely stale. He used to be one of my favorite wrestlers. At one point in time, I'd even say he was on top of that list. But the bigger he became as a star, the more boring he got. Now he seems to focus less on his wrestling and more on has camera close-ups and facial expressions. He is constantly trying to seek out a photo opportunity in his matches it seems. Then he just does his slow ass walk to the ring, and in the ring during his matches, like he is picturing himself on a runway somewhere.
That being said, I think that Batista can bring a little bit of excitement to the match. I thought they always put on good matches in the past together and I'm hoping Batista will keep the match at a decent pace. It seems in the current wrestling style, any big name match shows a little bit of offense followed by a lot of down time. They don't quite keep the action up anymore. Whether one wants to call it story telling is irrelevant, because stories can still be told with a faster paced match, and even better IMO. If the match were a faster pace then, when they finally do slow down and are down more often, it looks as if the match actually took a toll on them because they actually endured some offense. I think this is something Batista can bring to the table. He is pretty explosive in the ring and I hope that he kind of sets the pace in this one. All in all I think that it will be a good match. Above anything else, I see this as a perfect chance for Orton to reinvent himself in the ring. I'm looking forward to Batista's return and just wish he'd work a match with Lesnar at some point.
I thought they always put on good matches in the past together and I'm hoping Batista will keep the match at a decent pace.

Yeah JJ, I hate to break it to you, but you're remembering wrong. All 10 matches have links right next to them. Watch 'em again. Even if you do appreciate them more than I do, I doubt you'll consider any of them WrestleMania-caliber main events. These two never had chemistry so it seems. I don't know if that might change for WM30, but I definitely hope so.
What bugs me the most about this, if it is indeed the WWE Championship match at Mania, is that it clearly won't headline the ppv. Why would you not want your championship match to go on last? I don't think they understand that they have the guys on the roster available to them so that they are able to not put John Cena in the title match and still be able to book the title match as a true main event that goes last on the card. If Orton and Batista are the ones battling for the belt, it just be an afterthought on this year's card. Much like Punk vs Jericho at WM28.
Yeah JJ, I hate to break it to you, but you're remembering wrong. All 10 matches have links right next to them. Watch 'em again. Even if you do appreciate them more than I do, I doubt you'll consider any of them WrestleMania-caliber main events. These two never had chemistry so it seems. I don't know if that might change for WM30, but I definitely hope so.

I hate to break it to you, but you are wrong. If someone enjoys their matches then that's the end of it. They aren't remembering wrong, you just happen to disagree with their opinion.
Yeah JJ, I hate to break it to you, but you're remembering wrong. All 10 matches have links right next to them. Watch 'em again. Even if you do appreciate them more than I do, I doubt you'll consider any of them WrestleMania-caliber main events. These two never had chemistry so it seems. I don't know if that might change for WM30, but I definitely hope so.
I completely agree. The first thoughts to pop in my head when I first read about this were:
- When did these two ever have a really good match together on TV or on a PPV?
- & how could it not be even worse years later when they are both older & Batista hasn't been in the ring in several years?

I'll admit I don't completely hate the idea of Batista & Orton having a match at Mania XXX if it is some sort of grudge match in the middle of the PPV but as a co-main event (which is even worse because once again the title match wouldn't be the actual main event) & for the ONLY World Title in the company? Would anybody even think Batista would have a shot at winning the title? & if so would he even hold it for more than a few lousy weeks at most?

Sadly the only matches I actually remember from these two were the forfeits/non-matches & I also vaguely remember the No. 1 Contenders Match before the 2005 Rumble. But that's it. I saw Orton vs. Batista in a Cage Match at a Live Event just prior to Extreme Rules & while it was WAY better than the match they had on the PPV it still wasn't what I would consider Mania Quality, let alone one of the Main Events at one of the biggest Mania's of all-time.

So short story long, I'm definately hoping for some other match. The Batista/Orton rivalry is one of the worst of the 2000's & anything more than these two having a short grudge match at Mania XXX to help fill out the card would be pretty ridiculous.
Im also not thrilled to see Orton vs Batista at Wrestlemania if it does happen but I can understand why they might do it. Batista is most likely going to get the big name return pop and come back as a face. Its logical to book him against his former stable partners Triple H and Orton. They can just have him refuse to join the authority and have him clean house on Orton, Triple H and Kane etc. I think it would be ok for a mid card non title match but not in the main event for the title.
I have zero interest in this match, Orton bores me more than anyone in WWE right now and the match is not appealing to me in the slightest, atleast not at WrestleMania. To me, it seems more like an Extreme Rules PPV match not WrestleMania XXX. Batista vs Brock Lesnar should happen at WrestleMania XXX, WWE would be dropping the ball if they did not give us that match.
I didn't remember a lot of these but after looking up the ones from December 2008 I remember hating their whole rivalry during this time.

WWE posted the full steel cage match on their youtube account. I watched it since it was so highly recommended in the OP. Didn't think it was very good and the crowd wasn't helping. I was expecting worse though.

I like Batista much better now than I did during the earlier matches these two had, unfortunately though I don't like Orton's modern matches nearly as much as I liked his matches from back then. So I'd rather see Batista vs Lesnar. At least storyline wise it would be more interesting. IMO.
If this ultimately does become the WWE WHC match for WrestleMania XXX, I'm not expecting much out of it. As I said in the "Batista's Return" thread created earlier this week, Batista showing up to flex his impressive physique, stomping around the ring, snorting like a beast while shaking the ropes just isn't going to impress some people. Batista's never been all that great in the ring most of the time, nor is he particularly charismatic. Batista has a fantastic look and image but, to me, that's really all has. If the WWE brass think that people are just going to be wowed and floored by his presence, it's not going to happen in a good many cases. Frankly, if you ask most people who they'd rather see, I think it's fair to say that most would say either CM Punk or Daniel Bryan over Batista.

When Batista pops up on the go home Raw for the Royal Rumble, he'll help pop a rating, the live crowd will pop and the commentators will geek out as if Shatner & Nimoy walked into a Star Trek convention. But when a few weeks have passed and the buzz of his return dies down, then WWE has to sell fans on Batista vs. Orton, if that's what they're ultimately going to go with for WM XXX. If they don't buy into it, don't be surprised if Batista's promo segments or matches are bombarded with "Daniel Bryan" or "CM Punk" chants.

Things have changed a bit since Batista's been gone. They've seen & gotten behind wrestlers who've been pushed that are universes ahead of Batista in the ring and whom they're simply a lot more interested in at this time. A lot of fans just won't ooooohhh and aaahhhhh over him just because Vince wants them too no matter how much it might piss him off and send him into one of his trademark meltdowns backstage. I think WWE has some hard work ahead of it if they want Orton vs. Batista to be the WWE WHC match for WrestleMania XXX.
Hoping that Batista vs Orton isn't on the cards, nor am I hoping that Orton headlines Wrestlemania at all,tbh. Who should be Randy Orton's Wrestlemania opponent? At this point, I have not much of a clue.

I think Batista coming back and joining the Authority would be good, maybe have him beat Orton at Elimination Chamber and take over as the Authority's face of the company, and have Daniel Bryan(post-Wyatt feud after winning the Royal Rumble) be his opponent at Wrestlemania. I think D-Bry can bring a good match out of him.
The problem thereafter, is where do you stick John Cena and Randy Orton, and also remember the returning Sheamus.

Cena is rumoured to be in a possible Wyatt family program, so that could possibly see Orton maybe making the WWE World title match a Triple threat with Orton being a One-Man vicious Viper tweener type who is neither Face nor an Authority figure either, but one bent on regaining his dignity and respect and the title....


Batista(C) vs Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton

John Cena vs the Wyatt family(or maybe just Bray Wyatt with the other 2 at ringside)

CM Punk vs Triple H

Streak Match

Big E Langston vs Mark Henry; IC title match

the Shield US Championship Triple threat match

Tag title match,Divas title

possible Rhodes Brothers feud...
Things have changed a bit since Batista's been gone. They've seen & gotten behind wrestlers who've been pushed that are universes ahead of Batista in the ring and whom they're simply a lot more interested in at this time. A lot of fans just won't ooooohhh and aaahhhhh over him just because Vince wants them too no matter how much it might piss him off and send him into one of his trademark meltdowns backstage. I think WWE has some hard work ahead of it if they want Orton vs. Batista to be the WWE WHC match for WrestleMania XXX.

Agree, I was never a big Batista fan but I welcome him back... I just don't see a spot in the Main Event vs. Orton doing much, if anything Batista vs. Brock may be able to draw better, have they ever fought? I think Batista coming back is fine, but again he was never as over as say HHH, HBK or even CM Punk or Bryan are now. If he gets a spot in the main event, it just takes away from others who are working their way up.

Batista vs. Randy Orton #11 at WrestleMania!!!! Can't freaking wait!


(Seriously, sometimes it's like WWE doesn't even care.)

Batista vs. Randy Orton #11 at WrestleMania!!!! Can't freaking wait!


(Seriously, sometimes it's like WWE doesn't even care.)

I mean serious. The WWE title deserves better than this. I am getting the WWE network and there is a very good chance I will skip Wrestlemania even though I will get it free.

Batista vs. Randy Orton #11 at WrestleMania!!!! Can't freaking wait!


(Seriously, sometimes it's like WWE doesn't even care.)

I've been saying this for the longest. They have wrestled soooo many times and quite recently too. In 2010 they were essentially the same characters as they are I see no difference.

For some crazy reason though, on polls results were like 35% in favor of Batista taking on Orton in his return. Brock was like 33%...hopefully they go that route instead. We can't forget about Lesnar chasing the title. He may get it from Randy and take on Batista which is a money maker.

I don't see them pulling the Rock vs Brock to have Brock against Undertaker and having Batista headline with Orton. Big difference in marketability here. Now that Sting is a real big possibility to finally take on Taker maybe that frees up Brock to take on Batista. They can put Orton against anybody else...maybe Reigns?

Just a side looks like the Bray vs Cena match is set and the Punk vs HHH match is set too with another authority member taking out Punk.
What bugs me the most about this, if it is indeed the WWE Championship match at Mania, is that it clearly won't headline the ppv. Why would you not want your championship match to go on last? I don't think they understand that they have the guys on the roster available to them so that they are able to not put John Cena in the title match and still be able to book the title match as a true main event that goes last on the card. If Orton and Batista are the ones battling for the belt, it just be an afterthought on this year's card. Much like Punk vs Jericho at WM28.

True. It's unfortunate Orton's been booked so weak as Undisputed Champion. Reminds me of Punk's reign.

I remember he was a face the past few years he was so dominate and fans wanted him to turn heel so bad and WWE finally listened yet made him weak like Punk's recent reign.
I do not understand the hype behind Daniel Bryan?
Given: Incredible in the ring, hilarious and generally fun to watch. But how can you watch a match between Daniel Bryan and Batista? Brock Lesnar? The size difference makes it hard to "suspend reality"?

I also do not understand why most people on the forums find Randy boring? I find the slow way he speaks "intense" its all business no jokes and fits his character well. He does not speak in a monotone voice, it varies. In the ring he is amazing, just look at his matches with DB or Zigler?

Probably biased on this topic, but I am personally very excited to see Batista vs Randy Orton (praying for a triple threat with Brock Lesnar). I think the history between them with Evolution would be great. For example, authority choses Batista over Randy again (evolution). Randy goes to wrestlemania as tweener/heel.
Meanwhile, to make majority audience happy have the MITB match at Wrestlemania, DB wins and cashes in to leave as Champion? What do you think?

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