Judgment Day: WWE Championship: Orton vs Batista

The WWE has tried to do some of the most suprising shit just to give us a swerve (ex. Matt Hardy Turn

Not really surprising, a lot of people were calling for it to happen.

No Way Out in general,

Yes, but there was a reason for that. They were building toward WM feuds. (Cena/Edge, HHH/Orton), so it actually made sense.

Orton at Mania, just to name a few)

That wasn't a swerve. It was just the WWE putting over one of their top faces at the end of Wresltemania, like they usually do.

which leads me to think that Vince has people looking up these sites and using the material to confuse us, but i'll make a thread similar.

Really? Do you think that the IWC has that much of an affect on WWE's booking. If they did everything just to swerve us, the main event scene would be a complete mess

1. This is just an opinion but, Cena and Batista have always had the same amount of title reigns, and this can bring them back to being even. Small detail I know, but if you really think about it, they've been pushed similar.

That doesn't make any sense. The amount of title reigns doesn't really matter that much and Cena and Batista are completely different wreslters. Batista is retiring within a year and Cena will be at the top for at least the next decade.

2. The last time the World Heavyweight Championship was defended was at Royal Rumble.

What? Orton has the WWE Title, so how would this affect him?
Don't get me wrong in anyway, I like Orton and I want him as champ. But if they keep the title on Orton, Trips will be forced to feud wit Randy, and do any of us really want to see a repeat of WM25 main-event. I didnt think so. I expect Batista, if Orton does, i'll be happy for days.

Orton is going to win. He wasn't built up with the Legacy for months just to lose his title after one month. I expect him to have a lengthy title reign. Of course Triple H is going to feud with Orton when he comes back. He put him out of action, so he's coming back for revenge. I'm sure that their next series of matches will be better and probably involve some sort of gimmick
Orton regains the WWE title - Orton will regain through the interference of the returning Triple H. The match itself will be snail paced, boring and filled with an astounding number of rest holds. I doubt it will surpass their Armageddon encounter, which was actually not bad.
way to make Legacy and Orton look like shit. stupid ass booking, especially when it was at a time when the match was fairly even. I dont mind him looking like a weak heel, but fucking commit WWE. badass tweener, or punk bitch heel, lets go a direction here.

actually not a bad match at all, id say right on par with their Armageddon match, maybe even better. Was very solid right up until the finish, which seems to be WWEs theme for the main attractions in this show. B-
I'm mystified at what WWE is doing with Orton. He and Batista put on a good match like Armageddon and then he slaps the ref and gets DQ'ed like that. Orton should have won with the RKO and then he and Legacy could have still beaten down Batista afterwards. Didn't expect Flair to come out and Orton, Rhodes, and DiBiase got owned like they always do.
Orton Retains. I really want to be happy about this, but I felt this match made Orton looked kinda the same way he did last year when he had the title. He looks like a punk bitch that can only defend his title by getting disqualified. He got DQ'ed the same way that he did when he faced Cena at NWO 2008. Ric Flair, thought he would come in the feud, but wasn't for sure if it was Judgement Day. Batista will probably get another match that will be gimmick, or feature another person (Cena, Trips, etc). I was kinda interested in how this feud was going before Wrestlemania, but after that, it got uninteresting and had nothing to do what they were fighting about to me. Hell, every McMahon is not even on a show at this point besides Shane. I give this match a good 3.5 outta 5 cuz the match did do some good storytelling. But to me doesnt have that Flare like the Armageddon match had.
this match was average at best Flair ruined the whole dam thing for 1. 2 Legacy looked like the 3 little bitches and Batista as the big bad ape. 3 Orton should have won RKO agree not getting DQ thatis the same thing he always does. this booking sucked all around and ruined a match 10 times better the HHH and Orton at mania.

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