Wrestlemania XXX: Daniel Bryan VS Triple H

Bryan wins this match, then receives a solid beatdown afterwards softening him up for the main event. This will be a cracking match, but Bryan has to win, in my opinion.
DBryan for the win. It's all leading up to Bryan winning the title. Triple H knocks him out with the sledge hammer at the end of the match to put the fear in the yes movement and have the cards stacked against Bryan. This match will be either 2nd or 3rd on the card. It has to be. Even though Triple H will lose tonight I do see him still being involved in the main event in some form.
While it won't happen, I would completely mark out if CM Punk surprised everyone by appearing and helping Daniel Bryan beat HHH. One can only dream!
This was a very good match. I found it to be the 2nd best match of the night. There were a few moments where Trips had me believing he was going to get the win. Trips also got by far the best entrance of the night, I loved it! The barbarian chair, the armor, just awesome. They definitely picked the right match to start things off tonight. It set the pace for the rest of the night quite nicely and it gave Daniel Bryan a chance to rest before his triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Quality match. Initially I wasn't sure if it was going to work as the size difference seemed to great for me initially. Then it turned almost into a Benoit tribute match mid-way through and it all came together.

Considering the outcome was never in doubt I was fully into this. Great match to kick off with. Though I actually think it should've gone on directly before the world title match.
After the meeting of three of the most iconic superstars in Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, and The Rock, this was the best way to start the action to the evening. As someone posted in here, this match was a great way to set the tone to how the entire night was going to go. I thought that Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, and Daniel Bryan all played their roles very well. The ring psychology that both men brought to the table was top notch and the ending actually surprised me a little bit. I believed that Bryan was going to get a roll up victory and save the running knee finisher for the main event. Either way, great match and the post match tamper tantrum from Triple H and Stephanie worked well too.
It seemed the black marble last night might be Stephanie. For her to stay at ringside indicated she might have something to do with affecting the outcome. On the other hand, that would have involved her trying to get the victory for her husband, which I figured wouldn't be happening because Daniel was going to win this, regardless of how hard the company tried to convince us Triple H had a chance. It was simply good theater to handle business in that manner.

Instead, Stephanie was there to accent the notion that the Daniel vs. Authority angle is far from finished; they're now going to focus their attention on getting the title away from Bryan.

In fact, I don't expect him to hold the belt for very long because I still feel the audience has the most appreciation for him when he's an underdog ......which a champion rarely is........and when he does lose the title, the Authority will probably be at hand to assure it happens.

Terrific match last night. Trips is a consummate ring worker and certainly didn't spare any energy in his efforts.
It seemed the black marble last night might be Stephanie. For her to stay at ringside indicated she might have something to do with affecting the outcome. On the other hand, that would have involved her trying to get the victory for her husband, which I figured wouldn't be happening because Daniel was going to win this, regardless of how hard the company tried to convince us Triple H had a chance. It was simply good theater to handle business in that manner.

Instead, Stephanie was there to accent the notion that the Daniel vs. Authority angle is far from finished; they're now going to focus their attention on getting the title away from Bryan.

In fact, I don't expect him to hold the belt for very long because I still feel the audience has the most appreciation for him when he's an underdog ......which a champion rarely is........and when he does lose the title, the Authority will probably be at hand to assure it happens.

Terrific match last night. Trips is a consummate ring worker and certainly didn't spare any energy in his efforts.

It's possible he might not have a long run but, at the same time, you have to consider the demonstration of just how genuinely over Bryan is. Last night, we saw the streak die and not a single soul watching WrestleMania XXX last night saw it coming. The crowd was utterly and completely shocked, the biggest surprise since Hogan's heel turn back in '96. There are reports of some fans breaking down and crying over it. Taker's respected by pretty much everyone and the streak staying alive was about as reliable as the sun coming up the next day. With the wind taken out of their sails last night, the crowd may well have been flat for the rest of the show had it not been for Bryan. Even though Taker's loss hurt, Bryan delivering another gutsy performance and winning is the only thing that was able to balance things out.
Gotta agree with a lot of what was said already. One of the best if not the best match of the night. Like Dagger said, Trips entrance was AWESOME! I loved it. He looked like a cross between Ned Stark (Game of Thrones) and Skeletor (He-Man) with that mask lol. So badass having the girls around him too.

I posted in another thread about how I thought Stephanie did an amazing job shouting at DB throughout the match. I thought the stuff she was saying and the way she said it was absolutely hilarious. The insults were almost like physically hurting to DB lol. At one point she was yelling at him so much that when he fell off the table onto the floor it almost looked as though she was the reason haha. Too funny.

HHH and Steph's actions after the loss and in the main event just gave me flashbacks of their McMahon-Helmsley Era back in the day...they did everything they could to get their way. I loved it. Also thought Trips retreating/running to the back holding his nose (after getting hit with the sledge hammer) was too damn funny. Not to mention Steph getting hit with that splash from DB along with Trips n the crooked ref.

Such good writing, acting, storytelling, comedy, and entertainment.
This was easily MOTN, and damn did Steph look hot! I loved how they essentially worked a match that missed out signature spots and brought out sequences that were unexpected. I'd say that was Triple H's best pure singles match since Mania 26 and he sold his ass off and did the right thing.

The arm work in particular was great and Steph's glorious heeling at ringside was icing on the cake, her doing Triple H's pose being the highlight of her act. Someone mentioned Benoit (Nice Mania XX callback to the crossface roll through spot by Trips) above and it seems WWE are booking Bryan in the same buzz-saw manner going forward, simply replacing chops with front kicks.

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