WrestleMania XXIV: Money In The Bank

I believe they said there was going to be 8 men in the match, but now I don't remember. Either way there are 4 men qualified, with four left. I really don't think that the WWE will defend either Tag-Team titles at WrstleMania because they've only defended it once at the past 3 I believe. Here are the 4 guys I think could be involved in the MITB match:

John Morrison
Wang Yang

So maybe that wouldn't make a difference but it could lead to some nasty spots. I could see Carlito or Morrison being close to the briefcase before the ladder was pushed down on him. It would make these guys look good and they probably won't be doing anything else at Mania.
I was thinking about the Money in the Bank match in genral and realized how it is pretty much the WWE's version of American Idol. You have eight stars just below the main event competing for a chance at the big time. Except that the winner doesn't really matter, because there are so many other ways to make it to the main event.

Even if Jericho or Hardy lose this match, they'll likely get a title shot before next year's Mania anyway making the match pointless. Just like American Idol, Daughtry is selling more albums than all of the people who beat him that year. The idea for this match sounds good on paper, but when you think about the long run, its pretty pointless.
i see mr kennedy winning the money in the bank and cashing it in on the New WHC the undertaker at wm 24.... The original plans so ive heard was to have kennedy to cash in the MITB @ WM24 to beat taker for the WHC so why wouldnt they keep that plan? In my oppinon taker will beat edge then kennedy will cash in the MITB on the undertaker making undertaker technically 16-1 though some could debate a 16-0 record
I was thinking about the Money in the Bank match in genral and realized how it is pretty much the WWE's version of American Idol. You have eight stars just below the main event competing for a chance at the big time. Except that the winner doesn't really matter, because there are so many other ways to make it to the main event.

Even if Jericho or Hardy lose this match, they'll likely get a title shot before next year's Mania anyway making the match pointless. Just like American Idol, Daughtry is selling more albums than all of the people who beat him that year. The idea for this match sounds good on paper, but when you think about the long run, its pretty pointless.
I guess it would make more sense if they gave the winner of the MITB a automatic title shot after Wrestlemania, like at Backlash, Vengeance or so, because wouldn't make sense to win the match and don't get thrown to the a main-event status.

I think perhaps we will se a one night appearence from Mr. Tuesday Night, Van Dam, what would be gigantic, but that would lead him to lose, and I don't see RVD coming back to lose a match and go away.

So perhaps they will add 4 more guys, and I bet on this ones: Kane, Elijah Burke, Kofi Kingston and Tommy Dreamer.
ok so far...jericho...j.hardy.....shelton.....and kennedy are in...so 4 superstars left to pic

and i pic
5....c.m. punk



8...matt hardy as a surprise entrant

so thats 4 from raw....2 from smackdown and 2 from ecw....

the winner i thinks gunna be mrrrrrr kennedy.....kennedy hes gunna cum out after cenas match and "shock the world" by beatin up cena and takin the belt cena just won...and he forfills his promise of headlining wm24...magic!!!!
ok so far...jericho...j.hardy.....shelton.....and kennedy are in...so 4 superstars left to pic

and i pic
5....c.m. punk



8...matt hardy as a surprise entrant

so thats 4 from raw....2 from smackdown and 2 from ecw....

the winner i thinks gunna be mrrrrrr kennedy.....kennedy hes gunna cum out after cenas match and "shock the world" by beatin up cena and takin the belt cena just won...and he forfills his promise of headlining wm24...magic!!!!

How is that gonna shock the world exactly? He said last night on raw thats what he was going to do, and honestly i think it means he wont win the match, because everyone will be expecting that. and the plans last year might have been for him to cash in this year at mania, but that was before he got hurt and got caught with his foot in his mouth about steroids. i dont think they are ready to give him that chance again and like someone said, a kennedy/y2j feud after mania about how they cost each other the match would be good for both of them.
Right now, since Jericho beat Hardy clean on RAW last night, I have Jericho as the favorite, but then I started thinking what he could actually do with the case if he got it and I came up with a brilliant plan.

Cena wins the belt at Mania (meh, better than HHH), HHH gets pissed and does a semi-heel turn, he and Orton are both trying to prove they should be the #1 guy to challenge over the summer, they challenge in a Handicapped match at the GAB, unless Cena finds a partner, Cena can't find anybody, but Jericho says he will help get rid of them so he can become the contender and cash in the briefcase. Cena and Jericho win, after the match, Jericho lays Cena out with the case, turns heel and wins the belt. I know it's a longshot, but I am all for this happening.
Cena wins the belt at Mania (meh, better than HHH), HHH gets pissed and does a semi-heel turn, he and Orton are both trying to prove they should be the #1 guy to challenge over the summer, they challenge in a Handicapped match at the GAB, unless Cena finds a partner, Cena can't find anybody, but Jericho says he will help get rid of them so he can become the contender and cash in the briefcase. Cena and Jericho win, after the match, Jericho lays Cena out with the case, turns heel and wins the belt. I know it's a longshot, but I am all for this happening.

This senario is fine except that it is too predictable, but in fact it is something right up WWE's alley. However, why would Jericho help Cena get rid of HHH and Orton to be the #1 contender? As MITB winner, he can challenge at any time he wants, regardless of who the #1 contender is. Plus I think WWE has lost all faith in Jericho as a hip and current main event player, and doubt they would put him in that role before he proves himself to be a good draw as a championship contender again. Not that he doesn't have good matches. His match with Hardy on Raw last night was some of the most fun I've had as a fan watching Raw in a long time. But I think until he does something great to truly set himself outside of the pack, WWE will look on him as nothing more than a good hand.
This senario is fine except that it is too predictable, but in fact it is something right up WWE's alley. However, why would Jericho help Cena get rid of HHH and Orton to be the #1 contender? As MITB winner, he can challenge at any time he wants, regardless of who the #1 contender is. Plus I think WWE has lost all faith in Jericho as a hip and current main event player, and doubt they would put him in that role before he proves himself to be a good draw as a championship contender again. Not that he doesn't have good matches. His match with Hardy on Raw last night was some of the most fun I've had as a fan watching Raw in a long time. But I think until he does something great to truly set himself outside of the pack, WWE will look on him as nothing more than a good hand.

Yeah, it is wishful thinking on my part but I have never seen Jericho have great drawing power as a face. He is a natural born heel and is gold as such, he has had so many great feuds as a heel, and maybe turning him before he uses the case makes more sense to test the waters kind of, but I am already getting bored of face Jericho and am loathing an uber hilarious monster heel Jericho, but I doubt they will do this as they are trying to get rid of "cool heels" apparently.
First off the plan was for Kennedy to say the whole time he was going to cash it in at WM 24 only to do what Edge did and surprise the Undertaker and take the title but he got hurt. Since that moment I had been predicting that he would win MITB again and shock everyone by cashing it in that night but still over the Undertaker because he isn't ready to run raw with how top heavy it is but after a Smackdown run he'll be ready for it. But, now with him telling Orton his plan last night this won't happen and I'm beyond annoyed about it because it would be one of those great moments if it wasnt talked about before hand. Now I have no idea what was going to happen cause if Kennedy won this then it would set up Jericho to be flip heel on Hardy and have what would undoubtedly be the feud of the year and restore prominence to the IC belt. So now what is going to happen:

Going off the past MITB you first have Edge who was close to being a main eventer at the time but was stuck hanging around the midcard and really it was the MITB which propelled him into main event status and a heavyweight champion. RVD another solid career mid carder who whenever he was put into the main event spot it was just to job like in an elimination chamber but never in a 1 on 1 spot. Then you have Edge again through Kennedy. At the time he was stuck with nothing really to do after the DX feud and break up with RKO if it wasn't for that injury to Kennedy I wouldn't doubt you would be seeing him in a feud with Jeff Hardy over the IC belt. So where am I getting at, it has to be a mid carder who has been stuck there and wanting that final push to main event level. Who in WWE is in this predicament: Would of said Kennedy but his speech gave it away hes not winnning as stated before. Possibly Jeff, but he has been in the main event spot recently and wasn't exactly jobbing but with Cena's return could be put into that category. So he's my 2nd choice. As much as this could fit Shelton I just don't see an ECW guy winning. What does all this lead to..... MVP. As a heel he can effectively use the surprise title shot as warranted. He is stuck in the mid card but constantly puts on solid performances against the current upper card. This is all on the basis that Matt Hardy isnt healthy enough to finish the feud at Wrestlemania or that WWE feels the match needs more star power. So if hes in i'm going with MVP if not then as much as I don't want it I think Jeff is the only other viable option after ruining Kennedy's shot with his speech
I think that Mr. Kennedy will win. It ruined the shock by reminding everyone of his claim, but it would still be good. He is already having matches with the champion and number 1 contenders. Jericho got the clean win over Hardy. And I doubt that that the other contenders coming up are going to even considered as possible winners.
I don't think they can get away with having a heel do the same thing that Edge did twice. Granted, its EXACTLY what I'd do if I won the Money in the Bank, as its the most intelligent option, but at the same time, its too repetitive. That would mean that 3/4 times it had the exact same result. Having Edge do it the 2nd time was more than understandable, as that's the same man, the ultimate opportunist, etc etc, plus it was their best option with the injuries. Having MVP or Kennedy just follow Edge's suit, though, is poor writing. It reminds me of these people that pitch movie sequels and all they do is type the first movie out scene by scene.

Because of that, they need to give it to a face who will be "too honorable to cash it in like Edge has done". Hardy fits that bill and all the others they're looking for in the Money in the Bank winner.

Question, though...if Hardy wins, he'll have to wait until the HHH/Cena/Orton feud spills over, which will probably be two or three ppvs (or a million, since its HHH/Cena), before he can challenge for the title. In that time frame, who does Hardy feud with? He's had a feud with Kennedy, Orton will be tied up, he's had a small feud with Umaga.........hopefully the draft comes soon after Wrestlemania and Hardy gets someone good to feud with for the Intercontinental title, like Elijah Burke.
So who is in it now? Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Shelton Benjamin and Mr. Kennedy? If there are 4 more spots based on who is not in a WM match right now you'd have to think that Batista and CM Punk would have to be in Mania. Probably MVP and I guess you have to put Chavo in there so that the ECW champ has a WM match unless he's fighting Punk. The last guy would probably be Umaga (or Umanga as Regal says) or Kane.

I think it's too early for Punk or MVP and Shelton just wouldn't cut it. Chavo isn't main champion material. I doubt Kane would get it and there's no way Umaga would get it. As for Jericho, I don't think he's really in for a title run at any time during his comeback course. I think all signs are pointing to a Jeff Hardy win unless Batista is in it, then he'll probably have to be the favorite. Kennedy has a shot though.
I think that Mr. Kennedy will win. It ruined the shock by reminding everyone of his claim, but it would still be good. He is already having matches with the champion and number 1 contenders. Jericho got the clean win over Hardy. And I doubt that that the other contenders coming up are going to even considered as possible winners.

Yeah, I'm kind of upset that he blew any "shock value" that would have happened if he cashed in the "Money in the Bank" title/suitcase or whatever you want to call it.

I think it would be really exciting if he did go ahead and win, then take the title. It would just give us a breath of fresh air on a brand that's been dominated by John Cena for over a year.
Now I really dont think Kennedy will win this years MITB, especially with him telling everyone how he is going to cash it in. MVP would be a great choice here, but if the match with matt happens that goes down the toilet. So you are going to see either Jeff Hardy or Y2J win this one, the others arent there yet. I just really want to see who else will be in the match since they are running out of talent to put on a good match.
i would like to see mr. kennedy win the money in the bank ladder match at wrestlemania 24. however, i know he won't being that wwe has had a new winner since the creation of the match. y2j or jeff hardy are the best bets in my opinion. jeff will probably lose the IC title either before or soon after WM 24 to secure himself as a true main eventer. i recently seen mr. kennedy, y2j, jeff hardy, DX, randy orton and others in action here in honolulu, hawaii on feb. 13th. it was an excellent show and y2j and jeff hardy both proved that they can still fly high off the ropes and ladders. i hope for jeff hardy to win but i wouldn't mind seeing y2j win and get a bigger push into the mainstream.
I see Kane vs. Chavo for the ECW title at Mania. That would allow a build up of BOD vs. Ma Familia towards Mania.

I believe that the four remaining spots will go to mainly ECW talent. They are the best ones in these matches as the show the best athleticism left. Elijah Burke (a whipping boy in this match, imagine the Outer Limits Elbow Drop atop a ladder), Tommy Dreamer (Give him his Wrestlemania moment), Jimmy Wang Yang (I see him winning a last chance battle royal, much like Lashley did a few years back, he would be unbelievable in the match) and my favorite is CM Punk (he could use the contract that night and beat a champion Cena, like I would have wanted last year from Kennedy, leave Mania on a shocker).
Even with Kennedy announcing it, I think it'd still be shocking, simply for the fact that it would push him to the moon. I mean, going over ANY of those three guys AT Mania would be a huge boost, regardless of whether it was after a match or not.

The one thing that WWE needs right now is top level heels. Even if it's not feuding for the belt, it would give the main event faces something else to do other than fight for the belt. You know, turn Jericho heel, up Kennedy to the main event level... boom. You've got some nice new people for Cena, HHH, and HBK to fight.

Anyway, for what it's worth, those he's amazing, I don't think Jericho should be in the match. He's a former title holder, and has actually demanded and received a title match in the past few months. I'd rather see MITB as something that GUARANTEES that a mid-level guy moves up, not a title shot for someone who could easily just get one anyway.

Personally, though he should technically finish out the feud with Hardy, I'd love to see MVP in the MITB, and have him walk away with it. Give it a few months, have him use it, and have Taker put him over. Perfect.
i say jeff hardy is going to win it because it seems like he always steals the show at wrestlemania. they have been pushing him pretty hard and he deserves another shot. the fans would love to see jeff as the wwe champion.
i think jeff is awesome.
his swantons are amazing!!
i hear he wants to do a higher one at mania than he did on orton.
this means he will probably be carried out of the match again....=[
he deserves another shot.

I think Undertaker will win by DQ in the WHC Match - destroys Edge in anger and lets the winner (Kennedy or Jeff Hardy) walk in an win the title. Taker keeps his streak, Edge keeps the title (for the moment) and the MITB winner gets the WrestleMania moment.
hey alot of people have been saying jeff has to lose the ic title to be a ligit main eventer hey wait what was that feud with the 2 main eventerers you know stone cold and the rock hey they had a fued over the ic title so jeff can still keep the title if he wins but heres how i see it let dreamer burke kane and stenven richards in the match jeff wins easy then edge loses to taker via a low blow keeping the title then him and edge heads take him out but jeff makes the save and cashes it in edgeheads try to interfere but taker stops em jeff wins then goes over even(in wwes oppinion) by beating a monster like khali or big man boobs i mean daddy v
The way I see it, this could be the best MITB match so far, because of the talent involved already. But, it could easily turn into shit if they put Kane in the match or someone else just as big, slow and boring as him. Perhaps they should just hold off the end of Matt Hardy and MVP's feud until Backlash or something and even then I can't see it ending before another couple of ppvs anyway with rematchs involving ladders and a cage. But, yeah this should be the best match on the wrestlemania card and that's really not saying much. We should all know by now that it's gonna be shit. Definately not worth the money. So, just watch it online for free instead. Anyway, the winner will obviously be Hardy taking it, then probably going on to beat hhh for the strap at summmerslam or something... who knows?
Somebody like Kane would serve more of a purpose than most. He's big and strong. He's the sort that catches people like Jeff Hardy and stops his from crippling himself. Same with Big Daddy V if he was involved. He wouldn't use the ladder, but he'd be a big help to the wrestlers that do.
The match will be good but they should limit it to 4 guys, 6 or 8 is too many and makes it too hard to focus on what is going on. I also agree with Jake, there needs to be a big guy in it, but prefrebly one that is agile, ideally Umaga. Every gimmick match Umaga has had has been awsome. I really hope Kennedy doesn't win it though, Jeff wouldn't be too bad because it is his type of match and he has the momentum to pull it off. Kennedy would be a let down, and I just feel that Kennedy isn't good enough to get a title shot of any kind.

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