Wrestlemania failed on every level from a fans perspective.

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Your stupid believe that Wrestlemania was bad. Which, after I watched it, do not believe. The show while lacking major surprises had 4 straight high quality main event matches. Sounds like a success from one end. The show set a new attendance record in Metlife Stadium. Sounds like a second success. Presumed high buyrates. It's Wrestlemania. It would be stupid to think it would have low buyrates.

Lets face it. You simply did not like who won or lost and are pissing about it rather than watching and enjoying the rather good matches the show had.

Oh look, it's the guy who started the whole ratings war and then tucked his tail when I proved him wrong. *wave*

So you just now watched Wrestlemania? *sigh* It's a little easier to appreciate it from a pure wrestling stand point when you already know all the outcomes 100%.

My real problem with Wrestlemania was indeed the outcomes, I don't believe I ever really claimed other wise? WWE dropped the ball on basically ever outcome with the exception of Kane/Bryan and Swagger/Del Rio.

Hell, the ONE match where predictability was 100% all that was required (Henry vs Ryback) is the one match WWE didn't give us predictability for.

Cena turns heel - BAM rematch between the two with a heel Cena vs The Rock at Summerslam. Just like that you have a more interesting 3rd match between Cena and The Rock (The third match is likely going to happen anyway no matter what, at least spice that shit up.) I can picture the video packages of cena talking about redemption and his "downward spiral" and then cutting to his new heel actions. Cena cutting promos about how he would get his "Redemption by any means necessary" that shit would be gold.

Undertaker vs CM Punk - Ref. gets knocked out and the shield come out. Tell me this wouldn't have had you on the edge of your fucking seat. Toying with the possibility in your head of maybe CM Punk will end the streak and 4 people will get to brag about it. Edit: Cole screaming through his headset like the little douche he is "No the streak can't end! Not like this! Not like this, King!

Then Kane and Daniel Bryan run out to make the save... Undertaker wins. Kane and Undertaker pay their final respects to paul bearer - That would have given the match the level of excitement it needed, with the perfect pay off, and yet managed to move everything forward at the same time.

Wrestlemania was lazy booking 101. You think WWE didn't hear all the people going "This Wrestlemania is soooo predictable" how is that not the perfect time to make a statement and go "This is still the WWE bitches, even when you know the outcomes you still don't know the whole story, so tune the fuck in and buy our PPV"
Oh look, it's the guy who started the whole ratings war and then tucked his tail when I proved him wrong. *wave*
I didn't start anything, you did. You didn't prove anything. I don't a tail. You couldn't prove a cat has 4 legs.
So you just now watched Wrestlemania? *sigh* It's a little easier to appreciate it from a pure wrestling stand point when you already know all the outcomes 100%.

If this quote doesn't prove how stupid and ignorant you are, nothing will.
My real problem with Wrestlemania was indeed the outcomes, I don't believe I ever really claimed other wise? WWE dropped the ball on basically ever outcome with the exception of Kane/Bryan and Swagger/Del Rio.

Why? I thought the idea was to enjoy the show.
Hell, the ONE match where predictability was 100% all that was required (Henry vs Ryback) is the one match WWE didn't give us predictability for.

Cena turns heel

And you wonder why people think you are a joke.
- BAM rematch between the two with a heel Cena vs The Rock at Summerslam. Just like that you have a more interesting 3rd match between Cena and The Rock (The third match is likely going to happen anyway no matter what, at least spice that shit up.) I can picture the video packages of cena talking about redemption and his "downward spiral" and then cutting to his new heel actions. Cena cutting promos about how he would get his "Redemption by any means necessary" that shit would be gold.
Wow. Good thing you don't book this stuff. That sounds dull as fuck.
Undertaker vs CM Punk - Ref. gets knocked out and the shield come out. Tell me this wouldn't have had you on the edge of your fucking seat. Toying with the possibility in your head of maybe CM Punk will end the streak and 4 people will get to brag about it. Edit: Cole screaming through his headset like the little douche he is "No the streak can't end! Not like this! Not like this, King!

Then Kane and Daniel Bryan run out to make the save... Undertaker wins. Kane and Undertaker pay their final respects to paul bearer - That would have given the match the level of excitement it needed, with the perfect pay off, and yet managed to move everything forward at the same time.

That sounds like an overbooked sack of shit.

Wrestlemania was lazy booking 101. You think WWE didn't hear all the people going "This Wrestlemania is soooo predictable" how is that not the perfect time to make a statement and go "This is still the WWE bitches, even when you know the outcomes you still don't know the whole story, so tune the fuck in and buy our PPV"

You know what, you do deserve to be angry. You should write a letter. Pitch storylines to them. By all means. You're clearly in the right here as opposed to every other fucker who came into this thread to you otherwise. How many have come here to tell you that you're wrong? 15? 20? Screw them. You are clearly right.
I didn't start anything, you did.

No you?

You didn't prove anything.


I don't a tail.

What that your santino impression?

You couldn't prove a cat has 4 legs.

No shit. This is kinda the point, most of you are apparently too stupid to listen to anything.

If this quote doesn't prove how stupid and ignorant you are, nothing will.

If this quote doesn't prove that you're a racist, nothing will.

Why? I thought the idea was to enjoy the show.

If you enjoyed the show - more power to you.



And you wonder why people think you are a joke.

No I wonder how the WWE managed to turn a once rational place for discussion into a group of people swinging from Cena's pubic hairs like monkeys off vines.

Wow. Good thing you don't book this stuff. That sounds dull as fuck.

No dull as fuck was the entire build to this rematch between them. But I'll bet you slurped it up because Sly told you it was good. Apparently common sense and reason died here and so then someone made him the authority.

That sounds like an overbooked sack of shit.

Overbooked? Perhaps. Only an extreme CM Punk mark ever thought CM Punk had any chance of winning. Considering WWE tends to underbook everything these days some over booking would be a welcome fucking change.

You know what, you do deserve to be angry. You should write a letter. Pitch storylines to them. By all means. You're clearly in the right here as opposed to every other fucker who came into this thread to you otherwise. How many have come here to tell you that you're wrong? 15? 20? Screw them. You are clearly right.

Angry? I find this comical. I have people sending me messages like "Dude I agreed w/ you until you started talking about age! Go fucking die!" most of you are now a bunch of over sensitive bitches who act like women going through menopause :shrug:
RAWR! CENA SUX! HE ONLY KNOWZ 5 MOVEZ! BECOS OF HIM WRASTLIN IS IN DECLINE! RAWR!!!! That's what you sound like Sedated. You sound like those 14 year old smarks who think they know what the fuck they're talking about when in reality they don't.
IWC booking 101: Overbook everything. Turn every face heel. Turn every heel face.

Only a Cena mark would equate changing one character over from a face to heel to role reversing the entire roster.

Sorry buy role reversals are cena booking 101: CM Punk is an over face? BETTER MAKE HIM HEEL. Ryback is an over face despite months of being buried? BETTER TURN HIM HEEL.

Hyperbole is fun!
Only a Cena mark would equate changing one character over from a face to heel to role reversing the entire roster.

Sorry buy role reversals are cena booking 101: CM Punk is an over face? BETTER MAKE HIM HEEL. Ryback is an over face despite months of being buried? BETTER TURN HIM HEEL.

Hyperbole is fun!

Only an idiot would equate a hyperbole as a literal statement and take it so seriously to try a rebuttal.
Only a Cena mark would equate changing one character over from a face to heel to role reversing the entire roster.

Sorry buy role reversals are cena booking 101: CM Punk is an over face? BETTER MAKE HIM HEEL. Ryback is an over face despite months of being buried? BETTER TURN HIM HEEL.

Hyperbole is fun!

^Smark 101. Smark 101. Get over yourself you 14 year old piece of shit.
lol, this argument is getting silly. You might have the rest of these people believing the earth is flat but I'm not falling for it. I ask you to explain how Benoit causes decreased ratings from 2011-2012 and you move the goal posts.
You want me to explain something which didn't happen. That doesn't make sense.

I'll try to make this easy for you.
Raw before Benoit: 3.9
Raw after Benoit: 3.4

You now have your proof Benoit affected ratings. As far as why ratings have gradually moved from a 3.4 to a 3.0, that goes back to the other things I mentioned, which doesn't suggest any less viewership. This really isn't hard to understand.

I said viewership just to see if you would come back here and continue to harp on the one thing that can't be proven and low and behold you did.
Of course. You made a claim which you cannot prove to be true and I countered it. :shrug:

All the evidence shows a general decrease in interest but you'll decry it all for the one statistic we don't have. You'll then say the business isn't down, but then defend the business is down due to Benoit, Piracy, Economic woes, DVR etc. Which is it? Is the business perfectly fine or not? Like usual you just appear to be arguing for the sake of arguing.
So much confusion on your end...

Business is not down. Interest is not down. The WWE HAS been effected by numerous other factors which has impacted ratings and their bottom line, but that does not suggest a downward trend in business, but rather a bump in the road due to factors outside of their control, which when stabilized, will not impair their future business prospects.

The business is running perfectly fine. John Cena is still making them millions of dollars.

Does that make sense?

For starters DVR doesn't mean fuck all to a network or to advertisers.
Of course it does, advertisers need to know ratings which are revised to include DVR.

Who is going to sit there and watch most of the commercials when they can fast forward it?
Even more reason to know which shows are being watched on DVR and which shows are getting their ratings from live viewing.

Is hulu an issue? No because the WWE is well of aware of what's happening on hulu.

You are right, the WWE is well aware of what is going on with Hulu. You don't. Hulu is not reflected in the ratings you keep harping about. Thank you for finally understanding what I'm saying.

Are people more likely to pirate something if they continually feel ripped off by it? Yes.
I'd love to see you support this with research. My experience is people are more likely to pirate something if they do not feel they can afford it or if the content is not available in their area.

You can easily attribute increases in piracy to a partial result of a poor product.
That must be why Game of Thrones suffers from a high level of piracy, right? :rolleyes:

Again, please direct me to the research to support your claim.

We're way past the point of arguing just ratings.
No, WE are not, I am the one doing this. You want to look at quick and easy numbers and not analyze the numbers at all. Furthermore, you want to cherry pick the numbers you use and ignore the ones which prove you wrong.

You're continually grasping at straws and either put your head in the sand when the over whelming majority of hard numbers just don't support what you're saying on a multitude of levels or you concoct an array of excuses. This isn't just about your economic crisis claims, this is about the general stances you've taken.
On the contrary, the hard numbers support EXACTLY what I'm saying. Economic crash in October 2008? Lower revenues in 2009. Economic crash in October 2008? Lower PPV numbers in 2009.

The numbers do support me. You just want to ignore context and focus on a single aspect. And that's an absurd way to analyze something.

What the fuck... it's absurd that after years and years interest in Cena would start to decrease?
A) Yes
B) What I said is that it's absurd interest would decrease IMMEDIATELY from one year to the next.

People even stopped giving as much of a shit about Hogan until his heel turn. How many times do I have to say that I'll buy into things like economic crisis having an effect but it still doesn't magically clear Cena of any responsibility or liability.
I could not care less how many times you say it, it won't make it true. What liability is Cena supposed to be cleared of? If you accept economic crisis, then what is Cena responsible for?

We're not comparing Cena to Austin because there is no comparison. The fact of the matter is that WWE tries their best to portray Cena in that light and sometimes it's worth pointing out how untrue it is just for the lulz of it.
Which is why you also point out how Funaki is no comparison to Austin, right? Because it's fun to do to point out how Wrestler A doesn't compare to Austin.

Please direct me to the lulz thread where you compared Dolph Ziggler's drawing ability with Austin. Thank you.

By the way, Cena is not portrayed in any manner similar to Austin. The only similarity between the two is that both men were undisputedly the best draws in the company for a year or two. Of course, Cena has been the undisputed best draw for 8 years and Austin was only for 2.

Hey, I guess you were right. There is no comparison between Cena and Austin.

I'm not trying to discredit all of John Cena's merchandising accomplishments. I've simply pointed out that WWE's success doesn't rely solely on merchandising and that there have been other changes to the merchandising business model to increase revenue beside John Cena.
Then you're wasting your time, because I don't think anyone has argued merchandise is the only source of revenue. But aside from the DVDs, which helped propel a spike in merchandising which has since subsided, merchandising after John Cena is clearly higher than merchandising before John Cena.

Beyond all that if merchandise translated over to being a draw than Zack Ryder was at one point a draw, I think we all know that's not true.
Being in the Top 10 once or twice doesn't make you a draw. Being the #1 merchandise seller for 8 years, however, is a pretty good sign people pay to watch you.

I can still give credit where it's due though and I admit that John Cena has done some impressive things when it comes to sales of his merchandise.
Which would suggest he's over, would it not?

I addressed my feelings on all this in a rather lengthy post a couple of posts back, I'm not going go back over it all again.
Then link me to the post where you explained why John Cena would still be headlining Wrestlemania cards when he is a drain on WWE's business. You won't have to repost it, just link me to the post you discussed it.

If WWE is THAT worried about viewers who are so fickle they change the channel each time a segment or character airs that they don't like they'd be doing it wrong, that's not an audience really worth chasing if they're THAT easy to lose. If you think ratings are actually a better indication of what's happening at that exact moment compared to the quality of the program in weeks leading into the current program I'm not sure what to say. Again, it's not like people know if a show is going to be shit until they watch it.
What are you talking about? This isn't hard. Maybe an example will help you. Let's take a 10 minute John Cena promo.

Minute 1: 30,000 people added, 10,000 people lost
Minute 2: 12,000 people added, 7,000 people lost
Minute 3: 15,000 people added, 3,000 people lost
Minute 4: 4,000 people added, 5,000 people lost
Minute 5: 8,000 people added, 2,000 people lost
Minute 6: 6,000 people added, 5,000 people lost
Minute 7: 6,000 people added, 4,000 people lost
Minute 8: 4,000 people added, 3,000 people lost
Minute 9: 1,000 people added, 4,000 people lost
Minute 10: 4,000 people added, 3,000 people lost

Total: 90,000 people added, 46,000 people lost for a net gain of 44,000 fans

Now, those are totally made up numbers, but it's a basic example of the information the WWE gets. It shows people were very interested in seeing what John Cena says, to the point where they tune in as soon as he comes on the screen, and for the most part, stay. The WWE gets these numbers, and they can see who draws fans to the show and the trends in their appearances in terms of ratings.

This is an incredibly important measurement. For you to dismiss it seems strange to me.

Nobody said ratings exist in a vacuum.
No, but your argument relies on it. You want to say "3.9 rating in 2006 and a 3.0 rating in 2012. People tired of Cena." You want to say "$53 million in profit in 2010, $31 million in 2012. People tired of Cena".

The only way your argument works if you ignore things like Benoit and DVR and piracy and if you ignore economic collapses and WWE Films cutting into profits.

You never said they exist in a vacuum, but your argument can only be propped up with it.

I feel you're 100% claiming ignorance on this matterl.
...how am I the one claiming ignorance, when you're the one who only wants to look at a narrow set of criteria and numbers and not look at the big picture?

Basically you're too big of a Cena fan that it prevents you from looking at all of the evidence in a completely rational and level headed manner.
I'm not at all. I've been a huge fan of AJ Styles for years, but I'm not upset he's not holding the World title for years at a time. The business is what it is. It's absurd to apply emotion to it. The fact is John Cena has been the top guy in the WWE for 8 years. The fact is the WWE is only concerned about making money. If the WWE shows us John Cena is the top guy/biggest draw/most over, then it's going to be true.

At which point, your argument that John Cena is not over and/or not a draw is destroyed.

You can try to say how regardless of being a Cena fan it hasn't clouded your judgment when it comes to him but I'm not going to believe you, it's human nature to defend the things we care about and if none of us cared about wrestling we wouldn't post here ever.
I'm a big Cena fan, he's my second favorite active worker (Sting being the 1st). But to say a person cannot objectively critique something because he's a fan is absurd. I'm ALWAYS critiquing and analyzing things I like. As a teacher and a coach, you have to.

Just because some people cannot put aside biases, it doesn't mean everyone can't.

Again, credit where it's due: Nicely done. On a side note I wish WWE would release more information about buy rates from before they went public. Arguing purposes aside, it's fun stuff to look at as a fan.
Even when the WWE releases the information, they later go back and revise the numbers. Generating PPV numbers, especially now they are coming in from all over the world, is a rather imperfect science, and numbers are constantly being revised. It's better now than it used to be, but usually the final numbers for the first year can be found in the quarterly report from the second year.

Honestly, all the 2012 numbers show to me is there's a decent case that could be made that Lesnar is a bigger draw than The Rock in wrestling currently..makes their booking of him that much more infuriating but that's a whole other story I suppose.
Ignoring for a moment Lesnar and Rock both worked with Cena, how do you figure a 53,000 increase in buys (Extreme Rules) is better than a 158,000 increase in buys (WM)?

I wasn't counting Wrestlemania because it's well Wrestlemania, I already stated this when I initially talked about buy rates declining that it was with the exception of Wrestlemania.
And like I said, Wrestlemania is Wrestlemania from one year to the next. For you to not count Wrestlemania makes no sense.

Brock being a draw doesn't mean Cena is a draw.
So Extreme Rules would have sold just as well if Brock was wrestling Santino? Of course not.

The draw was in Brock vs. Cena.

This is like saying Vince McMahon is a huge draw because Austin was feuding with him so much at that time. You keep trying to give credit to Cena for The Rock and Lesnar being draws just because they were in the same ring as him. That doesn't mean that Cena is a huge draw, that means he's a passable main event caliber wrestler. Summerslam saw about the same level of increased buys as Extreme Rules did and Lesnar fought HHH, I think we all know by now that regardless of your opinion of HHH he was never really a draw.

How is Triple H not a draw? Do you even understand what being a draw means?

No, no, let's stick with this, I won't even read the rest of your post right now (I'll respond to it next time if you'd like). Do you understand what it means to be a draw?
Only a Cena mark would equate changing one character over from a face to heel to role reversing the entire roster.

Sorry buy role reversals are cena booking 101: CM Punk is an over face? BETTER MAKE HIM HEEL. Ryback is an over face despite months of being buried? BETTER TURN HIM HEEL.

Hyperbole is fun!
Yes. Because Cena, as a good guy, does a great job of selling other performers as bad guys. We aren't playing games of "your favorite performer gets to be the good guy champ who all the kids adore", we're playing "who makes money". But, of course, it isn't him, it must be whomever he ends up with in the ring. Right?

It seems you have a hard-on for people who perform against Cena. You've been rooked, son, and you don't even know how.
So Extreme Rules would have sold just as well if Brock was wrestling Santino? Of course not.

Brock being a draw doesn't mean Cena is a draw. This is like saying Vince McMahon is a huge draw because Austin was feuding with him so much at that time. You keep trying to give credit to Cena for The Rock and Lesnar being draws just because they were in the same ring as him. That doesn't mean that Cena is a huge draw,that means he's a passable main event caliber wrestler.

Read the bold part again.

I already told this to you and yet you conveniently leave the answer to your response out and want to compare Cena to Santino.

You remember when you wanted to know why I didn't respond to your posts in depth awhile back? Things like this are the reason why. I've tried to engage you in at least semi constructive, slightly mature discussion/debate and there's clearly just no having it with you.

If you can't be bothered to take the time to actually read or think about the other side of the argument what purpose does this serve? You've reached the point of just taking swings at anything I say, and just get more and more belligerent as the "conversation" progresses.

Here's a few more examples:

You can easily attribute increases in piracy to a partial result of a poor product.

That must be why Game of Thrones suffers from a high level of piracy, right?

What the fuck part of the word partial do you have a problem understanding? That's not even touching base on the fact that Game of Thrones is a sub product of the much larger product, that is HBO. The reason for Game of Thrones being pirated is because the interest that Game of Thrones generates is offset by a general disinterest in the HBO service

"Last month Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, the actor who plays Jaime Lannister in the show, said that although people watch the show online, he hoped they would still go out and buy the DVD or Blu-ray. And guess what? According to HBO, they do.

“The demand is there,” Lombardo said. “And it certainly didn’t negatively impact the DVD sales.”

These comments from HBO are significant and underline what many observers have suspected all along. If you have a great product you should expect piracy, but you can also count on large numbers of people to support your efforts financially too. Every viewer – paid or unpaid – is a potential ambassador for the show and therefore a valuable part of the marketing cycle.

Once again quality wins over piracy.

Now what about the disinterest in HBO's overall service?

"Currently if you want to stream HBO content online, you have to sign up for the cable channel. There was an online campaign called 'Take My Money, HBO' that was essentially, 'We'd love to stream the shows, we'd like to pay for this, but we don't want to sign up for a cable subscription. Can you offer something else?' And HBO has teased the option. Before, they've said, 'Maybe, if we can get the math correct,' but they've never really come out and said, 'This is something we're interested in.'

"Their concern is in order to stay competitive with other streaming services, they would have to have a low price point for streaming, which would undercut the cable subscription."

You never said they exist in a vacuum, but your argument can only be propped up with it.

You're STILL ignoring the proof I gave you that showed the rating system working in WWE's favor by giving them a higher rating with lower viewership. You still want to either pretend it can only be to their detriment or just completely ignore it because it doesn't go along with the bullshit you spew.

Here's one more

B) What I said is that it's absurd interest would decrease IMMEDIATELY from one year to the next.

What the fuck are you talking about? We're talking how interest has continued to decline from 2009-2012. How is that IMMEDIATELY? That's called gradual decline. What's wrong with you?

3.5 -> 3.2 -> 3.2 -> 3.0. On what planet do you live that this is IMMEDIATE interest decrease?

Merchandise revenue: $99,700,000 -> $97,400,000 -> $94,900,000 -> $87,800,000. Once again, GRADUAL decreases.

There's no point even bothering to respond to the rest of the crap you spew because there's just no talking to you. I'm not going to partake in this farce any longer.
Read the bold part again.
I understood your point. My point is you cannot claim he's not a draw when you acknowledge Santino could never draw with Brock what Cena did.

You have now admitted Cena is a draw and we thus know he's over. You have made our point.

You remember when you wanted to know why I didn't respond to your posts in depth awhile back? Things like this are the reason why. I've tried to engage you in at least semi constructive, slightly mature discussion/debate and there's clearly just no having it with you.
You are arguing that Cena is not a draw, while clearly acknowledging he's a draw and you say I'm not debating in a mature manner?

What the fuck part of the word partial do you have a problem understanding? That's not even touching base on the fact that Game of Thrones is a sub product of the much larger product, that is HBO. The reason for Game of Thrones being pirated is because the interest that Game of Thrones generates is offset by a general disinterest in the HBO service
Oh, so you're saying that the inability to afford something, or the incapability of having something leads to people pirating it? Wow, what a concept...

It's almost as if you're now arguing that there are factors beyond the limited scope through which you want everyone to see to argue against Cena.

Once you begin to realize there are NUMEROUS factors which go into this discussion, not just your limited set of numbers you hate to analyze, you'll then begin to understand why your argument holds no water.

Once again quality wins over piracy.
And...the show is somehow less quality when it airs originally on HBO?

Now what about the disinterest in HBO's overall service?
You mean people would rather access illegally than pay? What a concept...

You're STILL ignoring the proof I gave you that showed the rating system working in WWE's favor by giving them a higher rating with lower viewership.

And you're ignoring your comment here proves what we have ALL been saying about ratings, which is you cannot compare ratings from one year to another to make a point and what I've been saying which is ratings do not reflect viewership, but rather percentage of viewership.

I'm not sure if I've ever seen anyone undermine their entire argument this completely in just one post.

What the fuck are you talking about?

If you think blaming a worldwide economic crisis for reduced luxury spending is "over the top" then I don't know what to tell you.

Do you really think it's a coincidence that the monetary streams to the WWE took a hit, starting in 2009? Do you think people said, "Well, we've given our money to watch John Cena and the WWE for years, but now that it's 2009, we're simply not going to do it anymore"? That's absurd. TRILLIONS of dollars were lost from the US economy during the financial crash of 2008. Unemployment reached over 10%, our government lost billions of dollars in expected tax revenue and business went out of business left and right.
It sure would help if you'd remember what we're talking about.

We're talking how interest has continued to decline from 2009-2012.
No, we weren't.

I brought up the global economic crisis as a factor for lower revenue coming into the WWE. You said that was an excuse. I mocked you for thinking a global economic collapse was an excuse by saying the post of mine I quoted above. Here's the full exchange:
Again...global economic collapse...
So at would point would you say it's fair to possibly lay some of the blame at the feet of Cena? The levels you're willing to go to defend his "drawing" power seem rather over the top to me. You know what these are? Excuses one after the next after the next. Some are a little more credible than others but at the end of the day that's all this is - excuses.
If you think blaming a worldwide economic crisis for reduced luxury spending is "over the top" then I don't know what to tell you.

Do you really think it's a coincidence that the monetary streams to the WWE took a hit, starting in 2009? Do you think people said, "Well, we've given our money to watch John Cena and the WWE for years, but now that it's 2009, we're simply not going to do it anymore"? That's absurd. TRILLIONS of dollars were lost from the US economy during the financial crash of 2008. Unemployment reached over 10%, our government lost billions of dollars in expected tax revenue and business went out of business left and right.

For you to think what happened in 2008 had little to no effect on the WWE's business is incredibly ignorant.
We were very much talking about a huge one year dropoff from 2008 to 2009, where by your logic, the WWE fans all of a sudden just got tired of giving money to John Cena, which makes no sense.

I find it amusing you're incapable of following the flow of a thread, and then you rage against me for "spew(ing)". Don't blame me for your inadequacies.
sedated is a cellar-dwelling parasite who feeds off of meltzer's reports.

pay no attention to this fool.

Many have proven this sedated guy wrong but switches the argument whenever he is wrong.

Wrestlemania failed? Tell that to 80,000 people.

If it failed then why are you talking about Cena not being a draw? Clearly you are delusional even Cena haters can agree with Cena being the draw.
I've turned the corner on this thread. I hope it never ends.

Any time a conversation can all at once involve John Cena, Game of Thrones, and the global economic situation, with just enough name calling and wry insults to keep it lively, I can't help but enjoy it at least a little.
I know this thread has now turned into the proverbial Pandora's Box but I have to say this...this Mania had the worst crowd I have ever seen in any Mania. They seemed dead for so many matches. One could make a point that we weren't made to properly invest in any storyline but last year's Kane vs Orton got a better reception than Brock vs Hunter at times.
I know this thread has now turned into the proverbial Pandora's Box but I have to say this...this Mania had the worst crowd I have ever seen in any Mania. They seemed dead for so many matches. One could make a point that we weren't made to properly invest in any storyline but last year's Kane vs Orton got a better reception than Brock vs Hunter at times.

It wasn't the crowd, it was the way they were mic'd. When you have an open top stadium that's what will happen. Anyone I've spoken to who attended Mania said the crowd was going near non-stop, they quieted down for the Triple H/Brock match because they were tired from cheering during the Taker/Punk match but they perked up again during Rock/Cena.
Yes, from personal experience, I can tell you it was loud as shit, pretty much the entire night. I was really surprised with how badly the WWE did at picking up the sound.
It wasn't the crowd, it was the way they were mic'd. When you have an open top stadium that's what will happen. Anyone I've spoken to who attended Mania said the crowd was going near non-stop, they quieted down for the Triple H/Brock match because they were tired from cheering during the Taker/Punk match but they perked up again during Rock/Cena.

The way they weren't mic'd, more like it. I don't understand how so many IWC'ers can even think that 80,676 wrestling fans were just sitting quietly like they were the world's largest golf gallery. MetLife is a massive stadium. When the Giants/Jets play there, the NFL has microphones everywhere. WrestleMania clearly didn't. The main reason the "yes!" chant was such a clear, audible cheer is that it's easily synchronized. The Undertaker vs. CM Punk got a loud reaction relative to everything else because it was the best match of the night by far. I heard people trying all match to get dueling "Un-der-ta-ker/C-M-Punk!" chants going, and it just wasn't happening because everyone was dueling with echoes. I also can believe that the crowd was fatigued for HHH/Lesnar and Rock/Cena, because at WM25, Undertaker and HBK blew us as an audience up, and then the next two matches couldn't touch it, so we were partially apathetic. I don't blame the WM29 crowd at all. Poor acoustics, poor microphone placement, and no Tons Of Funk to wake them up in-between main events were not their fault.

Yes, from personal experience, I can tell you it was loud as shit, pretty much the entire night. I was really surprised with how badly the WWE did at picking up the sound.

I know this thread has now turned into the proverbial Pandora's Box but I have to say this...this Mania had the worst crowd I have ever seen in any Mania.
People say this every year. And every year it's just as silly as it is the year before. It's the open roof stadium, which allows the sound to travel up, which is the cause.
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