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Wrestlemania failed on every level from a fans perspective.

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Didn't you once compare taking the piss out of Milenko hypothetically poisoning his army unit with insulting a 5 year old kid with cancer to her face for realsies?
No, much like it was at the time, you completely missed the point.

By the way, I find it amusing you actually remember that conversation (or partially remembered it). I guess it meant an awful lot to you.

Then when I, most other members of this forum and their mothers called you out on the absurdity of that comparison
3 people attempted, to the best I can tell. You, Tasty and JGlass. That was it. JMT actually understood what I was saying. So unless we had a sudden dropout rate around the time of that thread, you've pretty obviously earned a big Pinocchio for this comment. Or a simple :rolleyes: will do.

you went straight into self defence mode.



"You clearly didn't understand the point I was trying to make."
Once again, you clearly don't understand the difference between defense mechanism and mocking stupidity.

The eye roll is to illustrate absurdity. The laughing rolling means your comment was so stupid I could not help but laugh. And the phrase is my nice way of saying, "Hey, dipshit, pay better attention". I do use them regularly, but that's due the amount of dumbass comments I have to wade through on here, the price of running an Internet wrestling message board.

I swear you are a formula now, a parody of intelligence.
And I swear you're still acting as big of a moron as you were in the previously mentioned thread. :shrug:

The problem with people like you is that you're stupid, or at the very least, act stupid. I mean that in the sense of you don't understand basic conversation. But what's even worse than your stupidity is your intentional ignorance, your unwillingness to stop and understand what the other person is actually saying, instead of interpreting what you want from their words. You and Sedated are quite a bit alike in that regard.

So you go right ahead thinking what you want, but hopefully one day you'll realize you're still mad at me for a thread from 8 months ago, a thread I didn't even remember until you brought it up and had to do a search to find, because you don't understand the difference between comparing people and comparing a situation.
Nope, & the official number probably won't be know for a couple more months, what they do know however is that this WM shattered the record for the largest gate in WM history.
So what the hell was he talking about?
Cena turning heel was never going to happen, if ever. The fact that they did such a good job of teasing it beforehand (and now pissing off all the marks because he didn't) is a credit to him and the writers. But just because something didn't happen that you wanted to happen, that one thing doesn't make the entire PPV shit. I want Sting to wrestle The Undertaker. Does that mean every PPV that it doesn't happen at is shit? Give me a break.

And for the record, anyone who thinks John Laurinaitis being involved in a John Cena heel turn, with his current lack of involvement in the product, needs to give up fantasy booking entirely. He came back for one segment. That doesn't make him a major player. He was there to get Rock a bigger pop. Period. The guy is awful. And not in a good way.

I never said the PPV sucked because it didn't go my way. I said it was subpar because there were no surprises or any over the top moments. I would think WrestleMania would always be the "Big Show" and it seemed this year that wasn't the case. I've got no problem with any of it. I ordered it and expected more. As a paying customer I would think we'd be able to post our displeasure with it or the fact that we didn't enjoy it much.

I think Rock vs Cena had great psychological value in the sense of what Cena "Might do" but at the end of the dy nothing surprised me. I knew Cena would win and I knew they'd have a ridiculous amount of false finishes so nothing was really surprising or dynamic. it was simply Cena getting his "redemption" and beating Rock. I just wished there was more, that doesn't just mean Cena heel turn, as I said there were various scenarios that could have happened but they went with the old school expected one and that did nothing for me. that's just my opinion, No one is right or wrong here we're just here to have a discussion. For you Ace may be boring and bld and so on but I enjoy Ace and thought he would have been instrumental to this match. Maybe if it went the way I'd like, you may be the one coming here stating your displeasure, just a different fans perspective.

As for Punk vs. Taker the match was great but nothing special. Knew Taker would win but figured it would have been a more hard fought victory like with HHH and HBK.

The tag match was great with Hell No and Ziggler/ Big E. loved it the whole way through

Shield vs Show/Orton/Sheamus bored me honestly. I will admit I didn't think Shield would win but the win was a bit rusty and in the cowardly opportunistic heel way that is usually expected. the only interesting part to me was Show knocking them both out afterwards.

HHH vs Brock was awesome as I said match of the night in my opinion. the whole thing was just spectacular for a part timer and an over the hill wrestler that's what made I that much more. Triple H has the ability to do that in his feuds. Make things so personal and his matches are usually awesome. lots of effort from both men and Heyman of course

Henry vs Ryback was probably the crappiest match for me almost like Goldberg vs. Brock at WM 20 it was just boring and a big competition between 2 strong men that always seem boring and the ending looked botched as hell. Not complaining. Just giving my perspective as well as showing you how these are things that make Mania boring for me.

P. Diddys performance.....yep Nuff said

I did however enjoy Living Coulour's performance of Punks entrance theme that was really the highlight of the night for me, they were so dynamic and exciting and Punk seemed legendary here. Also HHH's entrance was Awesome too. Like a King returning to defend his company.

Fandango vs Jericho was a decent match but of course the ending was weak, Yes it played into Fandago's character but it was so weak. Like I said. I would expect all of this on a normal Monday Night Raw not a WrestleMania. So you must understand how a fan can feel the event was boring. But again, you are not me, so you may have a completely different perspective and if you enjoyed the even, that's good for you.
We're not better because we are the majority, we're better because we are right. Only a moron would read what Sedated has said and actually think it makes sense.

Sedated's argument is "The biggest name in pro wrestling is not a draw because when you look at 7 weeks of ratings from 10 years ago they don't compare with ratings today and things like global economic meltdowns have nothing to do with the amount of money a business takes in."

That's essentially Sedated's argument. If you think he's right, you're a moron too.

Nope, not a moron at all. I never even said if anyone's right or not. Just think its ridiculous for numerous people to gang up on one person and tell him he's wrong and assume things about him as a "Cena hater" when he clearly said he wasnt one and had some legitimate concerns for the company and peoples perspective of Cena and making him blameless and etc.....Personally I know Cena is a draw. It's obvious. Cena brings in a lot for the company. I myself have no problem with you guys ridiculous debate with numbers and facts and all of that. I don't care to do any proving this and proving that but I do have my opinion of Cena and his fans.

A lot of them bash Cena haters or anyone who doesn't like him and they make assumptions just because someone wants Cena to turn heel or change it up or whatever the Cena fans jump down the persons throat and categorize the person with the stereotype that everyone believes Cena has 5 moves or doom or he's always champion or he beat all of the people that's better than him or whatever.

Then when someone simply states they want him heel the Cena fans come through saying well that would make the company lose money etc...The thing is who cares? Do we work for the WWE? No. We're are fans and we seem to have forgotten that. It's not our job to care about the money the company brings in or loses. It's about being a fan and stating what we like or what we want. However people combat our opinions with shit like that. It's stupid.

Or we want wrestler X to beat wrestler Y then more arguments arise on how wrestler X wont draw as much as wrestler Y so that's what wrestler Y will always be on top...uhhh so? who cares, we're fans and we all have different perspectives.

But anyways when it comes to Cena I can agree with Sedated a lot. Not that Cena isn't a draw because its obvious hes been a Major draw for years. I think Sedated just has a completely different take on what a "Draw" is. But alas when it comes to Austin and Hogan I don't see Cena in that category. Not based on facts because he probably has outsold them but that means nothing to me. I look at the range of fans and the excitement as well as entertainment value. I feel Hogan and Austin's "Drawing" power was greater in a sense that they brought all kind of fans as well as older younger, females, etc vs Cena who honestly brings in the children and females and yes I know there are male fans but when it comes to Cena fanship, they are in the minority and really there's nothing wrong with that but its just a point of how Hogan/Austin drew more of a variety.

I personally have no problems with John Cena. I don't personally know him and it doesn't seem there's anything wrong with himHe's just a man like you and I and I'm sure has his demons. But my problem would be his chanrater and how WWE is handling it,. I know that Cena has said he doesn't want to be a heel and he wants to support the ones who support him and that's great. But that mentality is what gets him booed. His character is for the kids but everyone tries to make us grown men care about him or rather like him. The commentators do it wall of the time. The Make a wish foundation scenes, the Cancer society scenes, the Armed forces scenes and so on. We get it, John Cena is a good man and that's all well and great. But the character that Cena plays will be booed because we don't want "Good men" in Professional wrestling. We want someone that can relate to both our good and bad sides which Austin did as well as Rock, Orton and HHH. The same people that booed Punk for Preaching straightedge everywhere and boo Damien Sandow for teaching literacy, and Rhodes for giving tips on how to be dashing are booing Cena. The thing is the other guys were heel and supposed to be hated for being "Holier than touch" and Cena is a face but has that nonchalant "I don't care about obstacles, I always do what's right" and us grown men know that you cant always do what's right. You have to sometimes go through hell to get to heaven. At your job you've got to show how you are better than Sam, Matt and Mike to get the promotion. Merit alone gains nothing in real life. Its great to have that but sometimes to have to get dirty to be clean and Cena's character doesn't have that, That's my gripe with his character. he seems like a big starry eyes kid in grown mans clothing. And of course everyone says well Cena's not for you so why do you care? Um I care because he IS the main event. Hell he is the focus, he's everywhere. That's why I care. He's the damn Champion right now for Gods' sake lol...Which is great because he's prestigious in that right, and brings prestige to the title like a legend that is levels above everyone on the active roster in terms of popularity and garnered respect. But again, if I cant enjoy him or he's not for me or if I like his opponent I'm stuck with watching him and that's why I feel I have the right to gripe. I am not a Cena hater. Do I like him? Nope Do I hate him? Nope. Do I think he needs to change? Yep. Do I think WWE needs to broaden the main event? Indeed yep.

You see that's why a lot of people clamor for a Cena Heel turn. It's not so we can "cheer" him even though that very well may be what happens, but to see a change in the Main Event. A heel Cena would be a major change and would really make the faces step up their game and will have to bring fourth that dynamic face to take over. Like with Austin and Hart there really were no major faces so by the crowds response Hart ended up being the heel and Hart the face. That could've been what Cena/Punk could have been but anyways I know a heel Cena may be a drop in sales but I don't care, it would definably bring a lot of interest. As well as a changed Cena, I don't know how they can really change him without making him heel because they've tried the aggression route but after Cena vanquished his opponents he's all back to smiles and goofiness, it's hard to explain but if he really is just meant for the kids and females, he should be with Hornswoggle and Khali.

Sorry for crappy grammar and sentence structure. if you made it through all of this congratualtions
I agree for excitement factor Lesnar vs HHH was probably match of the night. The kimura spot was good but 3x in a row? It got a little fucking ridiculous, at one point I actually said out loud "Just fucking roll over off the steps Lesnar, this is ******ed" 2x would have been okay but him locking it in the 3rd time was beyond silly.

Both this match and Taker vs Punk were good but the outcomes were all far too predictable, lesnar vs HHH never really convinced me Lesnar might win win...it was more "Holy fuck they better not let Lesnar tap out to a fucking HHH kimura!!" but it still had an effect and the ridiculous out come didn't actually take place so it was all good lol

I'm happy they're going with an immediate rematch at Extreme Rules, I didn't want the 2nd match but at this point? better to get it over with sooner than later since the 3rd match needs to happen now. If Lesnar loses, I'm taking a break from watching this crap though.

Random wrestling banter:

I'm also happy they're going with Swagger vs Del Rio vs Ziggler like I said they should after Ziggler cashed in... the way I booked it was better but this is still the best match option given the fact that Ziggler is now champion. It just makes good booking sense, it's just sad WWE has to use bad booking to get there.

Just to go over what SHOULD have happened one more time: Del Rio wins at Wrestlemania, the next nigh Swagger gets himself DQ'd in the handicap match and beats the piss out of Del Rio, Ziggler cashes in. Triple threat match booked. Swagger jobbing to Del Rio twice was pointless and having Ziggler job to swagger was even worse. If they NEEDED to have a match to get Swagger in there they could have had him fight Del Rio and if Swagger wins he's also number 1 contender, hell Ziggler could have helped Swagger win because he's such a show off he wants to face them both.

Ryback's promo was actually pretty damn good as a whole though the Cena segment had lots of problems. Cena's promos continue to degrade and there was zero reason to have Ryback back down from Cena.. all they had to do was have The Shield's music hit earlier and then Ryback roll out of the ring at the last second leaving Cena on his own. Instead WWE insists on making their heel wrestlers look weak like usual.

If RVD returns they should book CM Punk/RVD in a tag team to feud with Kane/DB... eventually CM Punk/RVD split and feud and Heyman is stuck in the middle. It's like having CM Punk vs Lesnar with out the stupidity of pretending CM Punk has a chance vs Lesnar.

Have to disagree with you about HHH Kimura lock, I will be honest I was pissed and hoping Lesnar didn't tap but after watching it numerous times I have to give it to them for psychology. I mean Triple had his arm broken basically twice (Kayfabe) then his best friend arm broken as well all of his family Vince and DX so its l most like Triple H was saying "You wanna fuck with me and my family? you wanna break us well I'll break your fucking arm and I will own your ass in the same way you thought you owned us bitch!" and no one does it better than The Game. I know HHH is not a MMA or UFC fighter I'm thinking they could have made the story better by offering Shamrock a gig to make it look kike he taught the game some moves but WWE would never do that, but it would make more since as to how Triple H learned that move and applied it so many time t o Lesnar.

Oh ad on a second note that RVD/ Punk vs. Team Hell No would be fucking awesome
The thing is who cares? Do we work for the WWE? No. We're are fans and we seem to have forgotten that. It's not our job to care about the money the company brings in or loses.
I understand what you're saying here, but I'll tell you why we should care.

We care because the business side of pro wrestling dictates what we see on our screen. Why doesn't the WWE turn Cena heel? Because he's a huge moneymaker. It's not that we don't want to turn Cena heel because we know it'll cost the WWE money, it's that we are pretty certain the WWE won't turn him heel because it will cost them money. We discuss these things not because we care if the WWE makes money (though, I think most of us hope they do) but because we know the WWE cares about making money, and that making money is what they base their decisions on.

It's about being a fan and stating what we like or what we want. However people combat our opinions with shit like that. It's stupid.
It's not stupid, it's demonstrating we understand that what we like or want doesn't change what is on our screen. Playing fantasy booker is a waste of time when discussing the real world.

But alas when it comes to Austin and Hogan I don't see Cena in that category.
He's not. Hogan is a clear #1, Austin is a clear #2 and everyone else is behind them.

Sorry for crappy grammar and sentence structure. if you made it through all of this congratualtions
I made it through about half.
If I recall correctly, WZ had a "report" that this years WM didn't do as many buys as they'd expected. And yes, I agree, that basing his argument on a "report" is thin.

I'd hardly consider one sentence on the matter an "argument".

It's about as silly as calling this years Wrestlemania a giant success loved by all because it broke live gates. Wrestlemania tickets are sold in advance, before an actual card has been formed. Ticket sales have zero to do with the actual quality, even buy rates have little to do with it. Buy rates DO reflect the quality of the card.

I agree it's silly to heavily argue a preliminary report (which I'm not doing), just like it's silly to use live gates to indicate the overall success (which many are doing).

If Cena was anything close to the draw some of you think he is there wouldn't be such a huge gap in every Cena headlined PPV vs Wrestlemania.

All kinds of WWE wrestlers of past and present ending up in TNA has really shown how much the average big name wrestler draws. NOBODY TNA has hired has equaled ratings.

Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan, Sting, Booker T, RVD, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Dudley Boys.. and I'm sure a few more names I'm forgetting to remember.

NONE of those names are draws, some were at one time, they're not now.

So let's say Cena went to TNA, how do you picture him effecting TNA's ratings? Impact is a bad overall product, it's not THAT bad to completely negate any drawing power a wrestler has though.

Hell, how do you guys picture WWE's ratings if Cena were to break his neck tomorrow and never be able to wrestle again?
No, much like it was at the time, you completely missed the point.

By the way, I find it amusing you actually remember that conversation (or partially remembered it). I guess it meant an awful lot to you.

Oh god, here we go. No stupid, and I mean this nicely but you are being a thick cunt here. I got the point and it was shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Sensationalist shit, painful shit. So bad, that if somebody said "lol Milenko might blow up his unit." and I turned around and said "People died in the Lockerbie bombing, is that funny?" and expected people to take me and that as a comparison seriously I'd be fucking embarrassed, that point was stupid and you cant accept that because you are an arrogant cunt.

I remember it because I've got a good memory when I haven't been drinking.

3 people attempted, to the best I can tell. You, Tasty and JGlass. That was it. JMT actually understood what I was saying. So unless we had a sudden dropout rate around the time of that thread, you've pretty obviously earned a big Pinocchio for this comment. Or a simple :rolleyes: will do.

My comment was a ruse to get you to say pretty much what you've said here. Well done stupid, JMT, the only person who got it called it sensationalist and over the top and was probably being generous when he said you had a point. Tastycles is smarter than me and apparently you as well. Either way you look like a cunt at this point.

Once again, you clearly don't understand the difference between defense mechanism and mocking stupidity.

:icon_neutral: Neither do you dipshit, because you are a formula, a fucking formula, you are a robot. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The eye roll is to illustrate absurdity. The laughing rolling means your comment was so stupid I could not help but laugh. And the phrase is my nice way of saying, "Hey, dipshit, pay better attention". I do use them regularly, but that's due the amount of dumbass comments I have to wade through on here, the price of running an Internet wrestling message board.

I am sure you do wade through a lot of dumbass comments, I am sure at one point you were probably smart, changes nothing. You were wrong, you cant hack it, you revert to your classic self defense mechanism, we are all bored of it.

And I swear you're still acting as big of a moron as you were in the previously mentioned thread. :shrug:

A moron who was right, that makes you what?

The problem with people like you is that you're stupid, or at the very least, act stupid. I mean that in the sense of you don't understand basic conversation. But what's even worse than your stupidity is your intentional ignorance, your unwillingness to stop and understand what the other person is actually saying, instead of interpreting what you want from their words. You and Sedated are quite a bit alike in that regard.

No see, you dont get it, I am not the smartest, I can admit that, I am happy with that. I am wrong sometimes, I can admit that, I am happy with that, helps me grow as a person, no one on here is more willing to learn than me.. Sadly, you are at the point where you can't admit being wrong, because apparently you live and die by how many people suck your cock on wrestlezone. Do your self a favour, admit you got it wrong in that thread, you'll feel better I promise you.

Its funny that you say that about me, when you are one of the most block headed, closed minded, absolute fucking tools I've ever seen in my life.

I read what is written down, what was written in that thread by you was wrong. Deal with it.

So you go right ahead thinking what you want, but hopefully one day you'll realize you're still mad at me for a thread from 8 months ago, a thread I didn't even remember until you brought it up and had to do a search to find, because you don't understand the difference between comparing people and comparing a situation.

Mad? :icon_neutral:

You clearly don't know who you're dealing with.

I am pretty sure I do get the difference, the situation, the humourous hypothetical, obviously not ever going to happen situation of Milenko poisioning his unit, a joke made because its Milenko and something that we all know will never happen, aka banter between people that know each other. The other side, taking the piss out of a little girl with cancer to her face. . . No, I won't even explain that, you won't get it because you are being intentionally dense because you know you are wrong.

Defense mechanism.


We are bored of it.
On the contrary, I provided facts which told the entire story, as opposed to the limited set of views you wanted to look at. This bothered you, because when you look at the big picture, your argument failed completely.

By the time we were done, you were even undermining your own argument. I know what went on here, you lost terribly.

:lol::lol::lol:. You haven't made a single competent argument on how Cena is a draw. Hell, you couldn't even make an argument about Game of Thrones once you started your usual moving of the goal posts.

The fact that you still want to say limited views is hysterical, the goal posts were CONSTANTLY moved in this thread and I continued to play along because I'm so sporting. I continued to prove that Cena isn't a draw on MULTIPLE levels, looking at the data in MULTIPLE ways.

You spent the entire time covering up trying to defend Cena being a draw. At no point did you make a case for why he's a draw, you've just been playing defense. Defense alone will never win you a game buddy.

You chop up posts and respond to what you think you can handle responding to, you do this continually. You clearly don't even fully read the majority of posts all the way through, an argument with you is like debating metaphors in a book with someone who only read half of it. If you can't be bothered to take the time, to actually read what others are writing, attempt to soak it up, and respond accordingly - what the fuck is the point of talking to you? What the fuck is even the point of you posting? Half the time you don't even really seem to know what the fuck you're responding to.

Again, this is exactly why I didn't want to take you seriously half this thread ago, I could smell the stench of arrogance, misguided ego, and general stupidity through my TV monitor. There is nothing about you worth debating with, I'm just entirely too fucking liberal with the horse shit I will bother to respond to.
I understand what you're saying here, but I'll tell you why we should care.

We care because the business side of pro wrestling dictates what we see on our screen. Why doesn't the WWE turn Cena heel? Because he's a huge moneymaker. It's not that we don't want to turn Cena heel because we know it'll cost the WWE money, it's that we are pretty certain the WWE won't turn him heel because it will cost them money. We discuss these things not because we care if the WWE makes money (though, I think most of us hope they do) but because we know the WWE cares about making money, and that making money is what they base their decisions on.

It's not stupid, it's demonstrating we understand that what we like or want doesn't change what is on our screen. Playing fantasy booker is a waste of time when discussing the real world.

He's not. Hogan is a clear #1, Austin is a clear #2 and everyone else is behind them.

I made it through about half.

Ok that's all great but if we are too talk based only on real life and what we see happening based on WWE's currency or success then why discuss at all? Why not be blind and just watch and be entertained as when we were children before all of this IWC shit became? I mean fantasy booking is kind of what we all do. We discuss how we'd like Cena vs. Ryback to go and normally it doesn't go the way we discuss but just talking about it and kind of wishing it would go a certain way is fun.

Like life, we know there's certain things we have to go to get certain places in life but half of us wont get there even if we do "all that it takes" we'll still fail or end up doing something else but discussing it doesn't hurt at all.

It's people on the internet that put others down because they have ideas of what they want and the "Elitist" simply shuts them down with the harsh reality. It really closes the door on our imagination and creativity and wide range view on the WWE. If we continue to just go with what's there and discuss as if it will never change then why discuss anything at all. I get what you're saying and ultimately you are right...but it does suck for some of us who has different ideas and want to state them without getting shut down all of the time or if we have displeasure we feel we cant express without the mighty hand of reality crushing us
Playing fantasy booker is a waste of time when discussing the real world.
I'm curious: Are you still in touch with the instincts that lead one to play fantasy booker? If so, what instincts do you think those are?

I know playing fantasy booker is largely a waste of time. But as a fan, having the occasional idea about how WWE could do things better somehow irrationally enhances the experience for me. Being able to express yourself is extremely beneficial from a psychological standpoint, and I think that's some part of it. Even if fantasy booking changes nothing when it comes to the on-screen product we see, it serves an important personal function for many fans. I hope you still carry some booking fantasies within you. And I wish you would express them more. It'd be extremely humanizing.

I wouldn't say you've forgotten this part of being a fan. But you rarely show it. And that's somewhat disconcerting. I'm actually quite interested in your preferences and fantasy booking scenarios. And I reckon a lot of people on this board would love to read that sort of fare from you.

For what it's worth, I think the highest aspiration of any fantasy booker would be to see WWE implement a radical, game-changing idea that does get people to open their wallets. Opportunities to participate in things people care about are so often reserved to the few stars who are already proven draws, while those who aren't are left to flounder with no opportunity to establish their value to the brand. In that name, I think fantasy-booking should exist. Calling WWE on their flaws in preparing undercard workers for the big dance is a worthy endeavour the likes of which has led to many wrestlers getting over in spite of the system's wishes to the contrary over the last decade (ex: CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, RVD, Dolph Ziggler, etc).

...Good lord, that was a lot of drunk typing. Not sure what I'm saying any more. I may be defending the IWC's desire to fantasy book and stand up for their preferences. I dunno. Rip me a new one, ya fucking android.
Oh god, here we go. No stupid, and I mean this nicely but you are being a thick cunt here. I got the point
No, you obviously did not. Not in that thread and still not today.

I remember it because I've got a good memory when I haven't been drinking.
And because it was important to you.

My comment was a ruse to get you to say pretty much what you've said here. Well done stupid, JMT, the only person who got it called it sensationalist and over the top
He called it extreme...just like I did when I first made the comparison. What the fuck are you babbling about? Are you drunk now?

:icon_neutral: Neither do you dipshit, because you are a formula, a fucking formula, you are a robot. :lmao:
I take pride in my mechanicalness. :shrug:

I am sure you do wade through a lot of dumbass comments
As I am right now.
You were wrong, you cant hack it, you revert to your classic self defense mechanism, we are all bored of it.
This doesn't even make sense. And does "we all" consist of more than 3 people this time?

A moron who was right, that makes you what?
Someone smart enough to know that you're still a moron and still don't get it?

No see, you dont get it, I am not the smartest, I can admit that, I am happy with that. I am wrong sometimes, I can admit that, I am happy with that, helps me grow as a person, no one on here is more willing to learn than me.
Then go back and read it again, and you'll understand why you are wrong this time.

Its funny that you say that about me, when you are one of the most block headed, closed minded, absolute fucking tools I've ever seen in my life.

See that? That's me laughing at you for the sheer stupidity of what you have said. You misunderstand the example, you fail to acknowledge my concession from the very beginning it was "a rather extreme example" while then commenting how jmt said essentially the same thing, and you hold this grudge for 8 months. That's worthy of being laughed at.

The comparison was clear. JGlass said a situation where someone annoying was dead was funny. In Milenko's case, being dead during military service. I provided a similar example, in which the annoying child had cancer. In both cases, there is a legitimate possibility for death of someone who is annoying, so if you understand why making fun of the child is not funny and is wrong, you'll understand why doing the same to Milenko was not funny and was wrong.

The comparison was perfectly valid. The fact you didn't understand it is not something I can control.

I read what is written down, what was written in that thread by you was wrong. Deal with it.
Please explain how it is wrong.

Mad? :icon_neutral:

You clearly don't know who you're dealing with.
Yes, mad. You've held a grudge for 8 months about a thread I likely forgot about after a week (if even that long). Yes, mad.

I am pretty sure I do get the difference, the situation, the humourous hypothetical, obviously not ever going to happen situation of Milenko poisioning his unit
Except that wasn't the joke.

The joke was that Milenko was dead, not that he poisoned his unit. You don't even understand what the conversation was about. Here's the words of JGlass:

Nobody is wishing death upon Milenko. The joke is that he is dead.

Are you done making a fool of yourself yet?
:lol::lol::lol:. You haven't made a single competent argument on how Cena is a draw.
A) Yes I have
B) It's not my job to prove Cena is not a draw, it was your job to prove he wasn't. Which you have not come close to doing.

Hell, you couldn't even make an argument about Game of Thrones once you started your usual moving of the goal posts.
Uhh, actually I did make the argument about Game of Thrones, you didn't respond to it.

Why is the stupidity and dishonesty so thick in this thread right now?

I continued to prove that Cena isn't a draw on MULTIPLE levels, looking at the data in MULTIPLE ways.
No, no you didn't. You want to look at specific facts and figures, and ignore the all the context around them. That's a dishonest argument and when you were called out on it, you simply tried to dismiss the context as unimportant.

You chop up posts and respond to what you think you can handle responding to, you do this continually.
I chop up posts to respond to what I think is relevant. As always, if someone thinks I omitted something relevant, they are welcome to repost it for me to respond to.

If you can't be bothered to take the time, to actually read what others are writing, attempt to soak it up, and respond accordingly - what the fuck is the point of talking to you?
I...I don't even know what to say to such blatant nonsense. I respond point by point, sometimes breaking up a sentence to respond to various points within a sentence and you're claiming I don't actually read what others right? How fucking stupid are you?

Half the time you don't even really seem to know what the fuck you're responding to.
The irony is thick.

Again, this is exactly why I didn't want to take you seriously half this thread ago, I could smell the stench of arrogance, misguided ego, and general stupidity through my TV monitor. There is nothing about you worth debating with, I'm just entirely too fucking liberal with the horse shit I will bother to respond to.
You created the thread, and when the majority of the posters in this thread called you out for the stupidity of your claims, then suddenly it's everyone else who doesn't know what they're talking about?

As I said earlier in the thread, the sad part is you had numerous knowledgeable posters trying to explain to you the error in your logic, and you insisted on ignorance. You are wrong, you have been proven wrong and now you're simply going to have to accept the fact you were wrong. John Cena is one of the biggest draws in pro wrestling history. Your ridiculous philosophy of cherry picking statistics and ignoring the context around them carries no weight in any real discussion. You are wrong and you're just going to have to accept it.

At this point, it's clear there's no further productive discussion being had, it's simply devolved into arguing about the argument. So you and the other moron are welcome to send me a PM to further your nonsensical rants, but I'm closing this thread for outliving its usefulness. Again, as I said, you're welcome to PM me.
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