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Questions for wrestling fans

1. How old are you
2. How long have you watched wrestling for
Since about 1996
3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
WCW Hollywood Hogan reverts back to Hulk Hogan at the beggining of a 6 man tag with Goldberg and Sting Vs Sid Vicious, Rick Steiner...and I forget who else.
4. Favorite moment
Eddie Guerrero and Christ Benoit celebrate both being champions at the end of Mania
5. Favorite match
The Previous HBK v Taker Wrestlemania 25 match...unbelievable!
6. Have you ever stopped watching
Wasnt really able to watch Wrestling consistantly between 2004 & 2009 but now watch every show every week by taping it and watching it in whatever free time I find.
7. Favorite superstar of all time
Eddie Guerrero. Total package and I was really upset when he died because he was fast becoming one of the biggest stars in the company.
8. Match you most want to see
William Regal Vs Cm Punk Vs Daniel Bryan and make it 30 minuits Minimum.
The thought makes me wet.
1. How old are you
28 (Will be 29 in two months)

2. How long have you watched wrestling for
Since 1985

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
My Grandfather Carlos, I grew up on a steady diet of the World Wrestling Federation, Jim Crockett Promotions and the American Wrestling Association.

4. Favorite moment
The birth of the nWo, I know that's probably a tired and old choice but I grew up loving characters like Hulk Hogan, Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall and Kevin "Diesel" Nash so to see them form the trifecta they did at WCW Bash At The Beach 1996, I was sold.

5. Favorite match
This might sound like an odd choice however Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper at WrestleMania VIII for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. It was a back and forth affair and it had so much drama. You were wondering if Roddy was going to at any point go back to his villainous ways as he held that ring bell over a prone and busted open Bret Hart. Then of course Bret Hart is caught in the sleeper and he kicks off the top rope to turn Roddy's momentum against him and catch the pinball to capture his second IC Championship. It's to me what a WrestleMania and wrestling moment is really all about.

6. Have you ever stopped watching
I have, it was really hard to watch wrestling after the WWF bought WCW, I could see the business sense in it because AOL Time Warner backed out of remaining a minority owner in WCW when they were originally going to sell WCW to Eric Bischoff and Fusient. So when the deal fell through and Jamie Kellner had WCW taken off the Turner Networks I stopped watching for certain periods of time but never stopped watching completely.

7. Favorite superstar of all time
Man, this is too hard for me to pick just one.

Hulk Hogan - He's the guy that really got me into watching pro wrestling full time, no doubt about it and I just loved his energy and larger than life feeling he brought to wrestling.

Bret Hart - Bret kept me watching as the WWF was transitioning from the Hulkamania era to the New Generation. An awesome performer in the ring and told some of the best stories just with his actions he never needed all the fancy mic talk to be compelling. I appreciated that and I loved his contrast from Hulk Hogan.

Randy Savage - Every bit as entertaining to me as Hulk Hogan and I enjoyed the dynamic him and The Hulkster had both as allies and nemeses, you just couldn't beat that chemistry. Also he was a great hand still in the post-Hogan era of the WWF even though he too would leave the WWF soon afterwards to go to WCW.

8. Match you most want to see

I'm breaking the rules again but here's a slew of matches I would have loved to seen (some may have already happened but not on a grand scale)

Randy Savage Vs Bret Hart (should have been a WrestleMania match)

Shawn Michaels vs Eddie Guerrero

Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart

Hulk Hogan vs Steve Austin

Great thread, OP. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
1. How old are you
I am 22

2. How long have you watched wrestling for
22 years

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
My great aunt, who lived downstairs, sat me on her lap from birth every time the show was on. It wasn't wrestling, it was something I did

4. Favorite moment
Bret Hart winning the WWF Title at WM 10 or Randy Savage winning the WWF Title at WM 4

5. Favorite match
Anything Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels, whether it be Survivor Series 1992 - Survivor Series 1997

6. Have you ever stopped watching
Nope. 4 generations straight of wrestling, seen it all, done it all, loved it all

7. Favorite superstar of all time
Bret Hart

8. Match you most want to see
Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle.....realistically though John Cena vs Undertaker at a WM
1. 28 in two weeks

2. 23 yrs

3. dont remember what year but when papa put a curse on warrior.

4. hitc undertaker chockslamming mankind on tacs. hbk wining at wm 12.

5. undertaker v lesner hitc, hbk v taker wm 25, scsa v hitman wm13

6. on and off for the last 6 yrs or so havent had cable so i keep up with it throu this site and youtube.

7. undertaker is all time but there are some close 2s cm punk jeff hardy sting

8. would love to see taker take on lesner again but not likley to happen so taker v sting, sting v punk, jbl v samoa joe
1. How old are you

2. How long have you watched wrestling for
Since the start of 2007

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
First got into WCW back in 97 but it was short lived because my brother and I would immitate the in ring action which resulted in me hurting my brother(I think I locked him in the Walls of Jericho. What a terrible brother), so my parents put a total ban on wrestling. We watched DragonBall Z instead but missed the out on the Attitude Era. Started watch again in 2007 during the build up to WM 23 as friends introduced me to wrestling.

4. Favorite moment
See favourite matches

5. Favorite match
HBK vs Angle @ WM 21- An absolute classic match between the two where the pendullum changed several times and you had no idea who was going to come out on top.
HBK vs Ric Flair @ WM XXIV
The most emotional match I have ever bared witness to.
HBK vs Taker @ WM XXV
The only time the E had me believe the streak was over.
CM Punk vs John Cena @ MITB 2011
Loved the hostile crowd, the back story leading up, the match itself and the ending. A perfect storm which is why it was deemed a Five Star Match; the first in over a decade.

6. Have you ever stopped watching
From September 2009 to November 2010

7. Favorite superstars of all time
It's difficult to pin point my favourite wrestler of all time; however I do have favourite wrestlers for extended periods of time.
Edge screwing his opponents to win/retain his word titles.
HBK riding on the Road to Wrestlemania
Punk's first heel turn and his 'Best in the World' gimmick
Jeff Hardy's relentless pursuit for his first world title
Y2J heel turn and feud with HBK

8. Match you most want to see
Punk vs. Austin
Only dream match that can REALISTICALLY happen.
1. How old are you - I am 22 years young thank you :)

2. How long have you watched wrestling for - I would say 7 years or so. Watched a good year of the attitude era an then started up again in the 00's

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling - My grandfather did actully. I remeber seeing him watch Doink the Clown come out and he was like watch watch. An I did it was good times.

4. Favorite moment - Oh man this is hard to say, for my favorite moments are a lot of wrestling. But one moment I marked the hell out for, well was an HOLY SHIT moment was Angle vs Shane at KOR. Epicness. Throwing him threw the glass twice was insane!

5. Favorite match - I don't know if this is a WWE section or not but I am going to go with the best of 7 series with Beer Money vs the MCMG. An runner up would be Angle vs Styles series.

6. Have you ever stopped watching - Yes times when I lived with friends and we had no t.v or due to work and no DVR and recently when I moved down to florida I had no t.v. Probally a good year of not watching.

7. Favorite superstar of all time - Hard question man. Like asking your favorite band. I am a huge Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Trips, Shawn Micheals and Sting fan. Mostly though I like every wrestler for I can't do anything they do so it earns my respect.

8. Match you most want to see - I would love to see Bret Hart in his prime vs Kurt Angle. These two would put on a clinc. An also Taz vs Somoa Joe would be a damn near good match to see too. An the other one I been sitting on too is Beer Money vs L.O.D. these two could have a decent match too. Sure these will never happen but one can dream.
1. 26

2. I've been watching on and off for about 18 years.

3. I just watched Raw one day and got hooked.

4. Easily when Hogan and the NWO came back and went face to face with the Rock on Raw...I was at this show in the 3rd row buy the entrance ramp and ring steps. Craziest crowd I've ever heard live and it was just an awesome moment for me.

5. HBK vs. Bret Hart Iron man match. I was a huge HBK fan, and I remained one until he retired.

6. I stopped watching for a little while right before the Attitude Era started...When Bret Hart and HBK both turned heel, I lost interest. Got back into it a couple years later though and was really into it until I started college and just didn't really have the time for it. So I stopped again from 2004 until 2009 and really only started up again because I got DVR.

7. HBK hands down.

8. Can't really think of any dream matches...I would've loved to see The Rock vs. HBK in their primes though.
1. How old are you

2. How long have you watched wrestling for

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling

4. Favorite moment

5. Favorite match

6. Have you ever stopped watching

7. Favorite superstar of all time

8. Match you most want to see

1. 14

2. i have watched wrestling since i was 3, so 11 years (im probobly the youngest here and have been watching longer than 20 year olds)

3. My 2 brothers, they recorded a PPV on tape, it was bad blood kanes debut, i watched that tape more than once and my mom threw it out

4. Chris Benoit winning the WHC at WM in 2004, he beat both HHH and HBK, end then the celabration at the end was nice.

5. Rob Van Dam VS John Cena one night stand 2006 this match had RVD's name written all over it, and john cenas blood all over it, the chants were the best ''F--K u cena'' ''change the channel'' to john cena. when rvd won i marked out hes one of my favorites and deseved the title.


7. this is hard its a tie, Kane, Booker T, RVD.

8. Rob Van Dam(prime) VS justin gaberial i wanna see this match so bad so rob van dam could teach justin how to do his rvds moves properly. justin copys alot of van dams moves.
1. How old are you
2. How long have you watched wrestling for
3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling
Hogan vs. Andre
4. Favorite moment
Paul Heymans announcement of the first ECW pay per view
5. Favorite match
Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle RR 2003
6. Have you ever stopped watching
Tried but cant.
7. Favorite superstar of all time
Chris Benoit. (Notice I said wrestler not person)
8. Match you most want to see
Davey Richards vs. CM Punk. Who really is the best in the world.
1. I am 21
2. Since I was born. Earlies I remember actual things is about 92
3. My brother
4. My favorite moment was at Unforgiven 07 when I saw the Undertaker return live
5. My favorite match is tied between Taker vs hbk wm 25 and Cm punk vs Cean MITB 11
6. Yeah I stopped from about end of 08 to about the start of 10
7. Then undertaker. Without question. Possibly cm punk too because he has saved wrestling
8. I want to taker and angle go at mania. for sure. austin vs punk would be awesome. cena vs hogan so i could laugh til i cried
1. How old are you

2. How long have you watched wrestling for

Since I was around 9 years old.

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling

Some kids on my road showed me Rockers vs Orient Express at RR1990. I thought it was real! Then my Dad bought me WM8 on VHS. Shawn Michaels vs El Matador and Bret Hart vs Piper got me hooked.

4. Favorite moment
Watching Wrestlemania 17. Just an absolute joy to watch on PPV.

5. Favorite match
Bret vs Bulldog SS92 and Rock vs Austin WM17. I can't decide but never get tired of watching either.

6. Have you ever stopped watching

Yes. Sadly I missed the attitude Era. From around 1997-2000 I stopped watching, mainly due to Bret Hart leaving. But caught glimpses of WCW.

7. Favorite superstar of all time
Bret Hart was my idol growing up. Then it became The Rock when I started watching again.

8. Match you most want to see

Bret Hart 1996 vs Kurt Angle 2003
1. How old are you

2. How long have you watched wrestling for

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling

4. Favorite moment

5. Favorite match

6. Have you ever stopped watching

7. Favorite superstar of all time

8. Match you most want to see

As of labor day, I will be 25....(I Am A Real American ...Fight for the rights...oh you know the song.)

Been watching wrestling since I was a baby so a little over 20 years.....

My grandpa got me into wrestling because I would always tell my grandma when i saw him messin with other women.

I think My favorite moment was ....The debut of the "kiss my ass club" or when Trish turned on Y2J at WM XX

I think my favorite match has to be HBK/HHH (Summerslam 2002) or JBL/Cena (Judgement day 2005) (Great Mic work by JBL)

I have stopped watching for 2 years when My mom told me i couldnt watch no more after I Put my brother in a figure 4 and almost broke is leg....

Favorite superstar (Tied between HHH/HBK/JBL)

I would love it if they finally give us....Brock Lesnar/HHH But my dream would be...HBK (1996) vs Ricky Ricky Steamboat (1987)
1. How old are you? I am 16

2. How long have you watched wrestling for? Man to be honest, I can't remember. If I had to guess, I'd say 1998

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling? Either my Dad or cousins got me into it. I honestly don't remember. lol

4. Favorite moment:Anytime The Rock was on the mic! (especially '99-'01)

5. Favorite match: Top 3: TLC I, HBK vs Razor Summerslam '95, ADR vs Christian at Extreme Rules

6. Have you ever stopped watching? Nope. I may miss an episode here or there, but never enough that I can't keep up.

7. Favorite superstar of all time? The Great One, The Brahma Bull, Jabroni Beating, Pie Eating, Trail Blazing, Eyebrow Raising, PEOPLE'S Champion, THE ROCK!

8. Match you most want to see? John Cena vs The Rock!
1. How old are you: I'm 23

2. How long have you watched wrestling for: Since I was eight so fifteen years.

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling: I don't remember exactly how the tape came into the house, but my Mum borrowed the King of the Ring '96 which her friends kid recorded, thinking that I should watch it because I might like it. She was correct. The Marc Mero vs Stone Cold, Undertaker vs Mankind and Shawn Michaels vs British Bulldog matches were what sold it for me.

4. Favorite moment: Oh there are so many. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit's World title wins. Although this happened before I started watching, Shawn Michaels' WWF title win, and his return from retirement in 2002, then his graceful retirement in 2010. Ric Flair's retirement. Undertaker returning to his dead man gimmick. Most of what Stone Cold did during 1998-1999, and most recently, CM Punk's shoot and him leaving with he WWE belt at MITB. Even though I knew he wasn't really leaving, it was nice to see WWE do something a bit different.

5. Favorite match
Iron man match, Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart

6. Have you ever stopped watching
I did for a while from 2006. Then this year I decided to order Wrestlemania when I heard Rock would be there, and I just carried on since.

7. Favorite superstar of all time
Shawn Michaels, in case you couldn't tell. He was my first fave wrestler, then Stone Cold, then Brock Lesnar, now it's CM Punk. But Shawn Michaels tops the list.

8. Match you most want to see
I want to see how Rock vs Cena turns out. Although I'm also holding out for a CM Punk vs Austin match but we'll have to wait and see.
1. 18

2. Since 2001, so about 10 years.

3. My brother watched and wanted to show me his favorite guy, The Rock, but I wasn't allowed to watch it. So the whole forbidden nature of it was what initially got me to tune in.

4. There's so many moments I loved (stone cold and the grocery store brawl, the ring collapsing, the more recent Punk vs Cena at MITB, etc.), but the moment that really cemented me as a wrestling fan was the simultaneous tap out/pin of the Kurt Angle/Undertaker match for the WWE Championship. I was all for Kurt while my brother was all for Taker, and after the ending we were arguing for weeks over who really won.

5. Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar in an iron man match on smackdown. Kurt was always my favorite, and this was the first iron match I'd ever seen.

6. Yes, from late 2007 to 2010 I stopped watching. I just wasn't being entertained at the time. After tuning back in to see that some incredibly white guy was in a feud with a "viper" Orton I would have just tuned out again, but I loved CM Punk's commentary and stuck around for Punk.

7. Kurt Angle. I was also a big fan of The Rock, Scotty Too Hotty, and anyone else with an unnecessarily long finishing move, but Angle was the guy who got me into wrestling and kept me in.

8. I'd love to see my current Raw favorite CM Punk wrestle my current Smackdown favorite Daniel Bryan in (my favorite match) an iron man match.
1. 29

2. I first remember watching wrestling in the mid 80s with my cousin on a Saturday morning.

3. As mentioned above, it was my cousin. After I briefly stopped watching, my second cousin got me into it again. We'll get to that.

4. Attending wrestlemania 20. The first event i saw since starting to watch wrestling again was wm 7. It was my dream to attend one after that.

5. Too many to choose from! One match I liked though was Hogan vs Rock from wm 18.

6. I stopped watching wrestling in the late 80s when my parents put into my head that it was no good. Then in early 91 I caught it on tv and my mother's cousin told me I should order something called wrestlemania 7. I begged my mom to listen to that and she did. I've been an avid fan since. I'm talking about wrestling in general. I'm tired of wwe in particualr and don't really watch it anymore.

7. Hulk Hogan. Hands down.

8. If Davey Richards ever comes to wwe I'd like to see him face either CM Punk or Brian Danielson. I don't watch, but if someone let me know of that. I would.
1. How old are you-17

2. How long have you watched wrestling for-Since 2004

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling-Eddie vs Brock

4. Favorite moment-Edge cashing in his MITB on John Cena

5. Favorite match-Eddie vs Kurt Angle at WMXX

6. Have you ever stopped watching-Nope

7. Favorite superstar of all time-Edge

8. Match you most want to see-Edge vs Christian In a TLC for the WWE or WHC title.
1. How old are you?
I'm 26

2. How long have you watched wrestling for?
I only just started watching it seriously again a little over a year ago, but I've watched it on and off my whole life

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling?
As lame as it sounds now, The Hardys got me into modern wrestling, but when I was a kid, I loved Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ultimate Warrior and Sting

4. Favorite moment:
Hmm... I liked when Jericho debuted in WWF

5. Favorite match?
Andre the Giant VS Hulk Hogan, WMIII

6. Have you ever stopped watching?
Yeah, a little after Kurt Angle debuted in WWE... Then picked back up last year. I had some catching up to do lol

7. Favorite superstar of all time?
It's always going between Jericho, Andre the Giant, Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, Christian, HBK, The Rock, Stone Cold, Rowdy Roddy Piper... Right now I'm falling under CM Punk's spell

8. Match you most want to see:
Right now, of course, CM Punk VS Stone Cold, Sting debuting against someone in WWE, and Jericho returning against someone like Punk or Bryan. I am also admittedly intrigued about this rumored Sin Car VS Sin Cara that may be in the works. Lastly, I'm ready for a bigger audience to see Ring Of Honor's great tag team wrestling so that tag wrestling will catch fire again
1. How old are you?
weighing in at 29 years :)

2. How long have you watched wrestling for?
around 25 years

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling?
My best friend in infant school showing me moves in the playground and reading his WWF magazines. I didn't have SKY so from then on had the big shows taped for me by various friends.

4. Favorite moment:
A more recent-ish happening surprisingly, After months of Edge being a dodgy,sneaky F**K with Vickie backing him up, Batista leathers the shit out of him on RAW interrupting Edge's gloating. After Batista leaves Edge laying out comes CM Punk with his MITB case, pulling Edge's own dirty trick back on him and giving the ultimate opportunist his ultimate payback and Punk his 1st big one. Modern day class!

5. Favorite match?
Benoit vs Jericho at Royal Rumble 2000 I think, WWF wrestling never looked better!

6. Have you ever stopped watching?

Not really and never through choice just lack of access.

7. Favorite superstar of all time?
In chronological order.....The Warrior, Jake Roberts, The Big Bossman, Bret Hart, Mr Perfect, Razor Ramon, Steve Austin, The Rock, Edge, Chris Benoit, Randy Orton and CM Punk

8. Match you most want to see:
Dream Match - Hogan vs Austin
High Flying - Sin Cara vs Rey
Technical/submission - Malenko vs D-Bryan
Hardcore Brawl - Blackman vs Sabu
Monster match - Sid vs Batista vs Goldberg vs Lesnar vs Lashley vs Undertaker
1. How old are you


2. How long have you watched wrestling for

a year and seven months

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling

The February 12th edition of Smackdown. I was channel surfing 'cause i was bored as HELL. i saw that smack down was about to come on and that was it. i could not tear my eyes from the TV. I credit all the wrestlers on that episode to why i am a fan now.

4. Favorite moment

So far, watching Wrestlemania for the first time.

5. Favorite match

I'm really not sure at the moment.

6. Have you ever stopped watching

Yes, unfortunately. Lost interest in it couple months ago and started watching it again sometime at the beginning of September.

7. Favorite superstar of all time

Male: CM Punk
Female: Lita

8. Match you most want to see

CM Punk vs Steve Austin
1. 18.

2. 1 year and 8 months as a dedicated fan.

3. Triple H strapped Hornswoggle to a skateboard and rolled him into Timbaland. It was love at first sight.

4. Nexus debut. Watched it for the first time in a while the other day. Still gives me goosebumps. However, CM Punk's worked shoot could overtake in a year if it proves to be as memorable.

5. John Cena vs. CM Punk at Money In The Bank 2011.

6. Well I watched casually during the Attitude Era (yes, I was 7) and didn't really understand what was going on. So no, unless you count the 9 years between 2001 and 2010. Which I don't.

7. Edge. Closely followed by Daniel Bryan, CM Punk and Chris Jericho.

8. Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena or CM Punk.
1. How old are you

I turned 19 last week

2. How long have you watched wrestling for

Pretty much exactly 16 years

3. What match/moment/friend or relative got you into wrestling

On my 3rd birthday, my cousin who I guess is 12/13 years older than me gave me alot of his old wrestling tapes and toys, so although I was born in 92 and didnt start watching til 95, I mainly grew up on 80s WWF

4. Favorite moment

Erm, off the top of my head, Mankind 'becoming' Cactus Jack and beating the crap out of HHH

5. Favorite match

I always liked the Bret Hart vs Owen Hart Cage Match from Summerslam 94

6. Have you ever stopped watching

Yeah, a couple times, I missed alot of 1999, not quite sure why, but I was back in time for Royal Rumble 2000

7. Favorite superstar of all time

The Hulkster

8. Match you most want to see

Im interested in what happens with the John Cena vs Rock match, should be interesting for sure

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