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Wrestlemania failed on every level from a fans perspective.

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He was the one who didnt know when to call it a day. His attitude was pretty appalling. He got back a small dose of what he gave out and couldnt take it.
He was the one who didnt know when to call it a day. His attitude was pretty appalling. He got back a small dose of what he gave out and couldnt take it.

The truth is the truth was uncomfortable for him. He couldn't handle being proven wrong.
The truth is the truth was uncomfortable for him. He couldn't handle being proven wrong.

Oh now we want to talk about what went on here: Okay!

You continually demonstrated an inability to take part in productive conversation, even when it came to matters non-wrestling related. The significance of a movement called TAKE MY MONEY HBO managed to go directly over your head when it came to thee Game of Thrones piracy "situation".

You really shouldn't confuse someone being content to let you continue to drown in your own pool of fan boy ignorance with you having won an argument. You're only doing a disservice to your self, though I'm hardly surprised at this point.

You can negative rep me every chance you get until you're blue in the face. It will never change that you have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. No amount of bad rep (lol) or self proclaimed victory after the fact will ever change what took place in this thread. You will forever know the truth that every time you tried to move the posts I kicked another field goal. It really seems to eat you up inside when someone forces you to acknowledge you're no where near as clever as you think you are.

Trying so desperately to last word a thread is the equivalent of mumbling under your breath while someone else walks away.

All this is aside from the fact that let's face it: How much value is there in the opinion of a John Cena mark? You're welcome to your opinion but I take it about as seriously as someone who would proclaim Exorcist II to be a great sequel, I take it as seriously as someone eating a shit sammich and telling me it's delicious. You can have your opinion, it doesn't change the fact that your opinion sucks, or that your taste is for shit.

The ONLY time you came remotely close to showing Cena is a draw is in Wrestlemania buy rates and even on that you're still wrong.

p.s. How those Wrestlemania buy rates looking this year fellas? :lmao:
I've followed this thread from the beginning and there are days where I ask myself out loud, "why the fuck am I clicking this?"

By all means, please feel free to fuck directly off from this thread and never return.

You ass hats managed to keep it alive for how long now? With out me even being here, basically just stating the whole time how much you hate the thread. What a bunch of winners you guys are :disappointed:
Wow its sad when one poster gives his take on how he feels about Wrestlemania, Cena and the WWE and everyone gathers up and tag team him like they are legit or something. Like they are better because they are the majority. Well the majority doesnt rule, the majority sucks. Anyways I have to agree Wrestlemania was definitely subpar and boring this year. I feel like there wasnt much effort put into it and the matches werent thought out to have a continuance. I did enjoy the HHH vs Brock match as it told an excellent story and Brock almost tapping was a wonderful way to put HHH over as well as the lucky win by HHH made them both look strong. My match of the night. All of the others felt empty. Cena Rock should have been more dynamic. Rather that being Cena going heel or Ace could have come out to distract Cena allowing Rock to capitalize but instead of pinning Cena, Rock does the honorable thing and confront Ace to turn around and get AA'd by Cena making the fans wonder if something was up between Johnny and Cena and if WWE want Cena to stay face he couldve attacked Ace post match and throw him to Rock to be slammed and the next night on Raw Cena offers Rock a rematch at E.R. or if WWE want Cena heel they could have him play the 'I dont know anything' role about Johnny then maybe on Raw when Rock demands his rematch Johnny comes out and distracts him then Cena comes from behind with the Title and slams Rock in the head then beat his ass so bad that Rock leaves until E.R or maybe SS then returns for his rematch and revenge and of course lose since he wont be around much
Wow its sad when one poster gives his take on how he feels about Wrestlemania, Cena and the WWE and everyone gathers up and tag team him like they are legit or something. Like they are better because they are the majority. Well the majority doesnt rule, the majority sucks. Anyways I have to agree Wrestlemania was definitely subpar and boring this year. I feel like there wasnt much effort put into it and the matches werent thought out to have a continuance. I did enjoy the HHH vs Brock match as it told an excellent story and Brock almost tapping was a wonderful way to put HHH over as well as the lucky win by HHH made them both look strong. My match of the night. All of the others felt empty. Cena Rock should have been more dynamic. Rather that being Cena going heel or Ace could have come out to distract Cena allowing Rock to capitalize but instead of pinning Cena, Rock does the honorable thing and confront Ace to turn around and get AA'd by Cena making the fans wonder if something was up between Johnny and Cena and if WWE want Cena to stay face he couldve attacked Ace post match and throw him to Rock to be slammed and the next night on Raw Cena offers Rock a rematch at E.R. or if WWE want Cena heel they could have him play the 'I dont know anything' role about Johnny then maybe on Raw when Rock demands his rematch Johnny comes out and distracts him then Cena comes from behind with the Title and slams Rock in the head then beat his ass so bad that Rock leaves until E.R or maybe SS then returns for his rematch and revenge and of course lose since he wont be around much

I agree for excitement factor Lesnar vs HHH was probably match of the night. The kimura spot was good but 3x in a row? It got a little fucking ridiculous, at one point I actually said out loud "Just fucking roll over off the steps Lesnar, this is ******ed" 2x would have been okay but him locking it in the 3rd time was beyond silly.

Both this match and Taker vs Punk were good but the outcomes were all far too predictable, lesnar vs HHH never really convinced me Lesnar might win win...it was more "Holy fuck they better not let Lesnar tap out to a fucking HHH kimura!!" but it still had an effect and the ridiculous out come didn't actually take place so it was all good lol

I'm happy they're going with an immediate rematch at Extreme Rules, I didn't want the 2nd match but at this point? better to get it over with sooner than later since the 3rd match needs to happen now. If Lesnar loses, I'm taking a break from watching this crap though.

Random wrestling banter:

I'm also happy they're going with Swagger vs Del Rio vs Ziggler like I said they should after Ziggler cashed in... the way I booked it was better but this is still the best match option given the fact that Ziggler is now champion. It just makes good booking sense, it's just sad WWE has to use bad booking to get there.

Just to go over what SHOULD have happened one more time: Del Rio wins at Wrestlemania, the next nigh Swagger gets himself DQ'd in the handicap match and beats the piss out of Del Rio, Ziggler cashes in. Triple threat match booked. Swagger jobbing to Del Rio twice was pointless and having Ziggler job to swagger was even worse. If they NEEDED to have a match to get Swagger in there they could have had him fight Del Rio and if Swagger wins he's also number 1 contender, hell Ziggler could have helped Swagger win because he's such a show off he wants to face them both.

Ryback's promo was actually pretty damn good as a whole though the Cena segment had lots of problems. Cena's promos continue to degrade and there was zero reason to have Ryback back down from Cena.. all they had to do was have The Shield's music hit earlier and then Ryback roll out of the ring at the last second leaving Cena on his own. Instead WWE insists on making their heel wrestlers look weak like usual.

If RVD returns they should book CM Punk/RVD in a tag team to feud with Kane/DB... eventually CM Punk/RVD split and feud and Heyman is stuck in the middle. It's like having CM Punk vs Lesnar with out the stupidity of pretending CM Punk has a chance vs Lesnar.
The truth is the truth was uncomfortable for him. He couldn't handle being proven wrong.

More entertaining than your usual defense mechanism which consists of going around in circles like this;



"You clearly didn't understand the point I was trying to make."
Wow its sad when one poster gives his take on how he feels about Wrestlemania, Cena and the WWE and everyone gathers up and tag team him like they are legit or something. Like they are better because they are the majority. Well the majority doesnt rule, the majority sucks. Anyways I have to agree Wrestlemania was definitely subpar and boring this year. I feel like there wasnt much effort put into it and the matches werent thought out to have a continuance. I did enjoy the HHH vs Brock match as it told an excellent story and Brock almost tapping was a wonderful way to put HHH over as well as the lucky win by HHH made them both look strong. My match of the night. All of the others felt empty. Cena Rock should have been more dynamic. Rather that being Cena going heel or Ace could have come out to distract Cena allowing Rock to capitalize but instead of pinning Cena, Rock does the honorable thing and confront Ace to turn around and get AA'd by Cena making the fans wonder if something was up between Johnny and Cena and if WWE want Cena to stay face he couldve attacked Ace post match and throw him to Rock to be slammed and the next night on Raw Cena offers Rock a rematch at E.R. or if WWE want Cena heel they could have him play the 'I dont know anything' role about Johnny then maybe on Raw when Rock demands his rematch Johnny comes out and distracts him then Cena comes from behind with the Title and slams Rock in the head then beat his ass so bad that Rock leaves until E.R or maybe SS then returns for his rematch and revenge and of course lose since he wont be around much

Cena turning heel was never going to happen, if ever. The fact that they did such a good job of teasing it beforehand (and now pissing off all the marks because he didn't) is a credit to him and the writers. But just because something didn't happen that you wanted to happen, that one thing doesn't make the entire PPV shit. I want Sting to wrestle The Undertaker. Does that mean every PPV that it doesn't happen at is shit? Give me a break.

And for the record, anyone who thinks John Laurinaitis being involved in a John Cena heel turn, with his current lack of involvement in the product, needs to give up fantasy booking entirely. He came back for one segment. That doesn't make him a major player. He was there to get Rock a bigger pop. Period. The guy is awful. And not in a good way.
Oh now we want to talk about what went on here: Okay!

You continually demonstrated an inability to take part in productive conversation
On the contrary, I provided facts which told the entire story, as opposed to the limited set of views you wanted to look at. This bothered you, because when you look at the big picture, your argument failed completely.

By the time we were done, you were even undermining your own argument. I know what went on here, you lost terribly.

p.s. How those Wrestlemania buy rates looking this year fellas? :lmao:
Have they released a number yet?
Wow its sad when one poster gives his take on how he feels about Wrestlemania, Cena and the WWE and everyone gathers up and tag team him like they are legit or something. Like they are better because they are the majority.
We're not better because we are the majority, we're better because we are right. Only a moron would read what Sedated has said and actually think it makes sense.

Sedated's argument is "The biggest name in pro wrestling is not a draw because when you look at 7 weeks of ratings from 10 years ago they don't compare with ratings today and things like global economic meltdowns have nothing to do with the amount of money a business takes in."

That's essentially Sedated's argument. If you think he's right, you're a moron too.
More entertaining than your usual defense mechanism which consists of going around in circles like this;



"You clearly didn't understand the point I was trying to make."

I don't think you understand the difference between defense mechanism and ridiculing stupidity. Maybe the emoticon at the beginning of this post will help you out.
By all means, please feel free to fuck directly off from this thread and never return.

You ass hats managed to keep it alive for how long now? With out me even being here, basically just stating the whole time how much you hate the thread. What a bunch of winners you guys are :disappointed:

But we *are* winners. How're things on the other side?

I don't think you understand the difference between defense mechanism and ridiculing stupidity. Maybe the emoticon at the beginning of this post will help you out.

Didn't you once compare taking the piss out of Milenko hypothetically poisoning his army unit with insulting a 5 year old kid with cancer to her face for realsies? Then when I, most other members of this forum and their mothers called you out on the absurdity of that comparison you went straight into self defence mode.



"You clearly didn't understand the point I was trying to make."

I swear you are a formula now, a parody of intelligence.
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