Would you be pissed? (Rape is Bad, M'kay?)

Becca, you aren't far away from the chocolate are you? So close you can smell it :)

Go buy it. It will make the stupid man-boy go away.

Either that, or your bant-hammer.
It is wierd, but it kinda does make sense, right? Don't dress like a **** if you know you're going somewhere where people could hurt you.

It doesn't make sense because kids have been raped. Mentally handicapped people have been raped and abused and what the fuck did they do wrong?

OK, OK, taking a breath and backing away from the thread slowly.
It doesn't make sense because kids have been raped. Mentally handicapped people have been raped and abused and what the fuck did they do wrong?

OK, OK, taking a breath and backing away from the thread slowly.

dude take a breath dont worry about idiots like destroyer, If it was a member of his family or even himself that was raped then maybe he would see things differently.

Rape isnt about sex most of the time, rape is actually about power, power over other people thats the bad thing when it comes to Rape.
I just read this whole thread, somewhat entertaining. Here are my views:

  • Monkey, your ex-bird is fucking somebody else, get over it.
  • Castillo for ROTY
  • Yet another thread about rape, fantastic
  • rgdestroyer is somewhat right, in a weird twisted way. If you left your car open with the keys in the ignition you'd expect to get it stolen. Bottom line: Be careful.
  • Becca telling people not to drink genuinely annoyed me.
Yup. Hold your chin up, your chest out, and your head high. Be proud.


It just shows me that im not the only one who got hurt badly between me and this girl who had gotten raped in her past. I know its awful, but im glad im not the only one who got hurt. Its twisted, but that soothes my pain: knowing she was hurt by my words as much as her actions hurt me. maybe more so. idk or care really. lol
Are you really saying this stuff out loud, on the internet, where everyone can read it?? Bro, seek professional help.
Are you really saying this stuff out loud, on the internet, where everyone can read it?? Bro, seek professional help.

nah im good. I just wanted to see what my effect was. That's about all.

Rape truly is terrible, and they really don't deserve it.

I did what I did to see how much i hurt this one girl i knew. Bout all.
I mean, it hurts the people so much, its just terrible. HBK played the part of the girl rather well, and i could imagine HBK as the girl i was talking about and thinking of when i said these things.

Seriously, rape is fucking awful, and no one "asks" for it or deserves it truly.

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