Would you be pissed? (Rape is Bad, M'kay?)

I totally understand, it made seriously ill when I went through it and the doctors couldn't work out why I was so stressed. I never told them it was her.
Fact is it's an impossible situation and things will go wrong. I don't know how to explain this... you kind of have to accept that things are screwed up and that you will get shouted at, even when you don't deserve it, and that it's no-one's fault. Gradually you find ways to work around each other. My girl always used to come back from college incredibly frustrated by every little thing, it took me a long time to stop trying to fix things (which only annoyed her more) and to just sit down and listen to her. As a man I'm not used to that, you come to me with a problem and I try to fix it, I think that's the way most men are but eventually you learn and things improve.

Yeah, this whole ordeal has made me so very angry, but I've just had to learn to express in ways that won't hurt anyone...I guess I never understood the power that rape had over a women till like, right now. We never did find a way, and again, the posts i've posted shows she was crazy and a bitch. I never tried to fix things for the most part, i always just listened, of course i always had to text and ask, she 99% of the time would never just out right tell me what was wrong...Why? Why did I care? I wish I just left her after she said she wasn't attracted to me, i mean i know how awful that sounds, but, my heart wouldn't be in a million pieces and this semester could have been a success!!! and people at work wouldn't look at me as the guy who got his heart BROKEN but ya know, whatever, ya know, things happen for a reason I believe, so it's gotta purpose somewhere, just haven't seen it and cant let it affect the rest of my relationships with women. Most women will never be like this, i believe?

That goes to what I last said. Sometimes it's preferrable to just pretend that last boyfriend of yours didn't exist.

Makes sense since she blocked my FB account like a month after it happened and went to nights around the same time...
things happen for a reason I believe, so it's gotta purpose somewhere, just haven't seen it and cant let it affect the rest of my relationships with women. Most women will never be like this, i believe?

The purpose is simply to learn from it. Every relationship fails until you find the one that doesn't. Seriously, think about relationship sucess rates and if it takes you 10 women to find the right one, you've still got a 90% failure rate :) it's the same for everyone. You're a young guy and assuming you go into your next relationship as the guy I'm speaking to now and not the guy 20 pages back, you'll stand a better chance. Odds are it'll still likely fail but hopefully it'll be more enjoyable than the last. Trick is just to not let it drag you down.
The purpose is simply to learn from it. Every relationship fails until you find the one that doesn't. Seriously, think about relationship sucess rates and if it takes you 10 women to find the right one, you've still got a 90% failure rate :) it's the same for everyone. You're a young guy and assuming you go into your next relationship as the guy I'm speaking to now and not the guy 20 pages back, you'll stand a better chance. Odds are it'll still likely fail but hopefully it'll be more enjoyable than the last. Trick is just to not let it drag you down.

Yeah, that guy 20 pages back isn't the real me at all...just an angry self righteous person trying to figure out how all this shit could ever happen to him, and what his impact was when he should have just not worried about it and not let it drag him down for so god damn long. I know most will fail, its just really hard when you put so much effort just to have someone regard you as being "crap". I hope its more enjoyable..That's what im looking for, a women to have fun with, and more non sexual way then sexual but that's good too. I just like to have fun in life. Thanks dude.
I wouldn't be pissed at her if she was drunk. Then again it depends on how much you believe she was telling the truth. She very well could be lying to avoid getting you upset at her if you two are close. If your pissed at anyone be pissed at her friends. If they forced her to have sex with anyone isn't that like assisting in rape. Then again most girls just say they were forced into it to avoid a sticky situation no pun intended.

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