Fucked up Stories by Gunnz

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Ok the story where you said she took you outside and rubbed your nuts and what not is obviously fake... How many times have we heard that story from fucking movies and such? It's such a common story. Girl her boyfriend and friend are having dinner girl takes said friend out and makes out with him. It's obviously made up bro i'm sorry, but I honestly do not believe you.
Ok the story where you said she took you outside and rubbed your nuts and what not is obviously fake... How many times have we heard that story from fucking movies and such? It's such a common story. Girl her boyfriend and friend are having dinner girl takes said friend out and makes out with him. It's obviously made up bro i'm sorry, but I honestly do not believe you.

Just because you saw it in a movie, doesn't mean it didn't happen to me. Did you ever stop to think that these things really do happen? I'll say to you like I'm about to say to someone else... Just because they haven't happened to you, doesn't mean they haven't happened! There's over 1 billion people on this planet... Get a grip on reality!
Did I ever say it never happened to others? No I did not. I simply stated that I did not believe you, and stated a reason. Your not going to make me believe you through some shitty explanation.
There are actually just over 6 billion people, so that cuts the number of chances by 4 000 000 000. Oh well.
That's ok though... I don't mind that people don't believe me. It's ok. Some people don't believe that extraordinary things happen to people, unless they happen to them. I think the thing here is, a certain person with site privileges has taken it upon himself to insult and belittle someone he obviously envies or just chooses not to like. That's fine. But just like other people have said, If you don't wanna read them, you don't have to come in here. Plain and simple. Changing the poll to fit some childish/girly "People are paying attention to you...stop it!" emotion you're feeling is pretty fucking pathetic. But it just goes to show...That I am indeed a better person than you. Thanks for driving that point home!
Did I ever say it never happened to others? No I did not. I simply stated that I did not believe you, and stated a reason. Your not going to make me believe you through some shitty explanation.

As previously stated, I don't give 2 shits or a flying fuck whether you believe me or not. It just proves my point that you have singled me out for no reason, and just choose to be an asshole to me. Thanks! People like you keep me going!
Who is the g-mod and former admin that basically made this site what it is :blink: oh that's right it's Jonny and Luther. Also you accusing me of envying you? Are you serious bro? I'm getting married, I have a great job, my life's fucking perfect. If this is all true I would not live the kind of life you do having sex with girls who you met a day ago on the hood of a car. Like really? That's just a bit ridiculous. No where did I say I did not like you I said I believe your faking these stories. I did not single you out I said you are faking these stories. I gave you my opinion on this that is all.
Honestly, I don't give a damn if they shat gold and gave everybody some... I still haven't encountered anybody (Short of SlyFox) that does shit like this...
[QUOTE="Bad Ass" Johnny Gunnz;887479]Honestly, I don't give a damn if they shat gold and gave everybody some... I still haven't encountered anybody (Short of SlyFox) that does shit like this...[/QUOTE]

Well now you have, congratulations.
[QUOTE="Bad Ass" Johnny Gunnz;887479]Honestly, I don't give a damn if they shat gold and gave everybody some... I still haven't encountered anybody (Short of SlyFox) that does shit like this...[/QUOTE]

Do what? Call people out? For the record, I don't mind your thread, as a lot of posters here find it entertaining. But, don't you have a wife and kids?
Do what? Call people out? For the record, I don't mind your thread, as a lot of posters here find it entertaining. But, don't you have a wife and kids?

Yes, I do have a wife and kids. This stuff all happened before I met my wife... I'm 26 now, I got married when I was 23. And no... Not calling me out. That, I don't mind. It's the douchebag "mod abuse".
And yes, first and foremost, they are meant to be entertaining. So, if you all really want to go on the idea of "They're not true", then by all means, do so.
[QUOTE="Bad Ass" Johnny Gunnz;887521]Yes, I do have a wife and kids. This stuff all happened before I met my wife... I'm 26 now, I got married when I was 23. And no... Not calling me out. That, I don't mind. It's the douchebag "mod abuse".[/QUOTE]

Fair enough...carry on. Hopefully your best stories are yet to come. If the sex stories get played out, it would be interesting to see a "Fucked Up Stories" by Gunnz. That way, you can tell us crazy shit that doesn't revolve around getting laid.

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