Would you be pissed? (Rape is Bad, M'kay?)

Of course it's not her fault she was raped. But it WOULD be her fault that she put herself in that situation in the first place, which is what I think he was trying to say. Obviously no one is blaming the woman for the rape, that's fucking absurd. I think all he was trying to say is just don't be stupid and go walking around Central Park at 4AM. That's asking for trouble, and obviously it isn't her fault, but she's still pretty fuckin' stupid for walking around Central Park at 4AM. Hypothetically speaking of course.

Shall we see what it is he said?

The point i think the guy is making is women in this situation have to take some responsibility for it. I mean, if you're out alone, at 330 in the morning then you're asking for a man to come and rape you. Stop pretending women don't put themselves in the position to have this shit happen to them. They aren't at fault too much, but partly.

The second statement alone is enough to refute what you just said he meant, so I'm going to delete the rest of the quotes I have. What he just said was "You're asking to be raped". And you wonder why I find that terrible and offensive?
How do you "put yourself in that situation"? I don't see how a woman could ever put themselves in a situation where anything they're doing says "Please rape me"...

No, when you walk through the fucking ghetto at 4AM with a miniskirt on, are you SERIOUSLY going to sit here and tell me that's a good idea? Sure in an idealistic world she should be able to go and do whatever she wants, but we don't live in that world, we live in the world where murder rape and robbery are commonplace. NO ONE is saying the woman was "asking for it", all I'm saying is stop being fucking ******ed and then pretending you didn't do something incredibly stupid.

If you walk through Central Park at 4AM with a wallet chain and you get robbed and come running to me, I'm going to look at you and calmly ask "Well, what the fuck did you think was going to happen?".

Again, NO ONE is blaming any woman for anything that is done to them. I'm just saying let's not pretend that we live in an idealistic fantasy world where you can do and say what you please. All I'm saying is use some common sense and be safe.
No, when you walk through the fucking ghetto at 4AM with a miniskirt on, are you SERIOUSLY going to sit here and tell me that's a good idea? Sure in an idealistic world she should be able to go and do whatever she wants, but we don't live in that world, we live in the world where murder rape and robbery are commonplace. NO ONE is saying the woman was "asking for it", all I'm saying is stop being fucking ******ed and then pretending you didn't do something incredibly stupid.

If you walk through Central Park at 4AM with a wallet chain and you get robbed and come running to me, I'm going to look at you and calmly ask "Well, what the fuck did you think was going to happen?".

Again, NO ONE is blaming any woman for anything that is done to them. I'm just saying let's not pretend that we live in an idealistic fantasy world where you can do and say what you please. All I'm saying is use some common sense and be safe.

Yes, he is. That's the point.
Shall we see what it is he said?

The second statement alone is enough to refute what you just said he meant, so I'm going to delete the rest of the quotes I have. What he just said was "You're asking to be raped". And you wonder why I find that terrible and offensive?

Right, then he's a moron. But you do get what I'm trying to say, right?
Right, then he's a moron. But you do get what I'm trying to say, right?

To an extent. If she wants to feel stupid for it, then let her. But my argument was that, even if she is doing that, she isn't to blame. If you want to hink she's stupid, that's a different argument.
I think there's a difference between being "stupid" and being "naive". Knowing it's dangerous, and doing it anyway is stupid. Not knowing that walking in the park at 4a (no matter your attire), is naive.
I'm sorry NSL but anyone who doesn't realize it's a bad idea to go walking in a bad neighborhood at 3AM is in fact a fucking moron.
According to the law, if a woman gets drunk and a man has sex with her, if the woman doesn't remember it the next morning she can accuse a man of rape and he'll lose the case as a result of "date rape" laws, right? So, knowing all of this, let's look at things this way for a minute...

Scenerio: A girl goes to a party. There are other guys there. All night she's flirting with one particular guy. They drink a lot as the night goes on. 3 hours later, they're both drunk, making out, physically flirting a lot. They make it into a bedroom. One thing leads to another and without any physical forcing on his part, they have sex. She wakes up the next morning and doesn't remember having sex with him but knows that she did. Now, if she was sober, she probably wouldn't have done it. But, she got drunk and did. Now she's extremely regretful and disappointed because she got drunk and couldn't control herself. So she decides to accuse the man of rape. Hence, the date-rape laws.

Does anyone else see the problem here??
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No, they're naive. They're a definitive difference.

There really isn't NSL. We're talking about adults here, not children. If you don't know not to walk around in a bad neighborhood in the early hours of the morning by the time you're in your 20s, than I'm sorry, but you have failed at life good sir.
According to the law, if a woman gets drunk and a man has sex with her, if the woman doesn't remember it the next morning she can accuse a man of rape and he'll lose the case as a result of "date rape" laws, right? So, knowing all of this, let's look at things this way for a minute...

Scenerio: A girl goes to a party. There are other guys there. All night she's flirting with one particular guy. They drink a lot as the night goes on. 3 hours later, they're both drunk, making out, physically flirting a lot. They make it into a bedroom. One thing leads to another and without any physical forcing on his part, they have sex. She wakes up the next morning and doesn't remember having sex with him but knows that she did. Now, if she was sober, she probably wouldn't have done it. But, she got drunk and did. Now she's extremely regretful and disappointed because she got drunk and couldn't control herself. So she decides to accuse the man of rape. Hence, the date-rape laws.

Does anyone else see the problem here??

I don't view this as rape. I view this as getting drunk, having sex, and regretting it. And I hate that this can be used. If he's added something to her drink in order to make her that intoxicated, or bought doubles instead of singles for the purpose of sleeping with her, then she may have a point. But if the slag can't keep her knickers on when drunk, that's not his fault.
There really isn't NSL. We're talking about adults here, not children. If you don't know not to walk around in a bad neighborhood in the early hours of the morning by the time you're in your 20s, than I'm sorry, but you have failed at life good sir.

Or, no one taught you, and you had no way to "know better"...
There really isn't NSL. We're talking about adults here, not children. If you don't know not to walk around in a bad neighborhood in the early hours of the morning by the time you're in your 20s, than I'm sorry, but you have failed at life good sir.

Exactly. If you walk around in a park, 3am, in a bad neighborhood, dressed like a ****, then they kinda are asking for it in a sense.
Exactly. If you walk around in a park, 3am, in a bad neighborhood, dressed like a ****, then they kinda are asking for it in a sense.

No they're fucking not. You can NOT ASK for rape. That isn't even possible, get it through your thick skull. Is you ASK for rape, it's NOT rape. EUGH how are you this stupid?
They want to feel "power" dressing like a ****, but then when they get raped, they feel like shit and expect me to feel the same? I don't think so.
Exactly. If you walk around in a park, 3am, in a bad neighborhood, dressed like a ****, then they kinda are asking for it in a sense.

No...Asking for it is laying on the ground, spreading your legs, and waiting for a guy to jump on you.

No, it means they have failed at life and are complete morons.

No. It doesn't. It means they didn't know the difference.

1. having or showing unaffected simplicity of nature or absence of artificiality; unsophisticated; ingenuous.
2. having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; credulous: She's so naive she believes everything she reads. He has a very naive attitude toward politics.
3. having or marked by a simple, unaffectedly direct style reflecting little or no formal training or technique: valuable naive 19th-century American portrait paintings.
4. not having previously been the subject of a scientific experiment, as an animal.

They want to feel "power" dressing like a ****, but then when they get raped, they feel like shit and expect me to feel the same? I don't think so.

They have a right to EXPECT to not be blamed by idiots like you. Go out and get raped please, we'll have the discussion then. It should be easy, seeings as you know all the ways to ask for it.

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