I fail to see FTS, how having someone else have sex with you is an action to which you have to be responsible. If she was incapicitated by drink then she didn't do anything- it was the man who initiated sex with someone unable to fend him off. Its the person who does the action who is responsible- not the person who is taken advantage of. He/she always has a choice to make and they made it and thus have to take responsibility for their actions.
Otherwise we follow such "backward thinking" as to believe that a person asks themselves to be raped by leaving themselves incapacitated. Does this then give people a right to commit such acts as long as they can find someone this incapacitated? Yes I agree with you that the person who gets this drunk has to take some responsibility- but the majority of this should fall upon the person who committed the act. As I said he/she had a choice and they made it.
I was responding to the words said by D-Man in general rather than applying it to the specific case. We are only hearing about this fifth hand and there isn't a lot of information about it anyway to make any firm judgements.
If she remembers the guy, she remembers her friends, and remembers all that OBVIOUSLY she wasn't that fucked up. Its her fault, her choice.
This is why. This is what I've been saying. She remembers everything about the night, but for some reason, suddenly became incapacitated when it was time to say no? I don't buy it. She is making an excuse and telling Monkey a lie, and it's bullshit that anyone would rush to her defense. As a matter of fact, anyone who would is either an idiot or didn't read the story.
She remembers everything about the night, so she obviously wasn't forced into anything. She was talked into it because she's either weak minded or a skank. Last time I checked, going to a bar to find easy women wasn't a crime, it was a Saturday Night.
And now, we can address the "general" situation. I think it is backward thinking to instantly blame the man. I like how alcohol is an excuse for the girl. "I'm drunk, so it's rape." She can make a bad decision and not have to face the consequences, yet, a man, who is also drunk, is responsible for the action. Yes, that is backward thinking. If women want to be seen as equals, then they need to take equal responsibilities for their actions. Your argument just goes to prove that women don't want equality, they want preferential treatment.
I'm not saying rape doesn't happen, and I'm not saying there is no such thing as date rape, but unless the girl has been drugged, passes out, or pisses herself, she is in condition to say no, and if chooses not to, then she is just as responsible as he is for
their bad decision.