Would you be pissed? (Rape is Bad, M'kay?)

Good job at thread derailment guys. The Jake-Sam team still has it.

Maybe Monkey doesn't have the "right" to be angry, but it's perfectly fine for him to be. Jealousy is the worst fucking feeling on the entire planet, bar none. If I was Monkey I probably would try to find the guy in the hopes that fighting him might make me feel better. Selfish? Sure. But effective nevertheless.
Isn't that situation technically rape?

I'd get drunk and fuck up her friend's car, then punch the guy in the face, and then stick it in the girl's ass and drop a load on her chin...
Man, Monkey, I like you a lot, and it pains me to tell you that your ex is more than likely full of shit.

I'm not one to buy into stereotypes of women, but there's one that I truly believe is applicable to every single one of them: if they do something that they will immediately regret afterwards, then they will make themselves out to be a victim.
Monkey, you have every right to go apeshit on the guy. I say you should go all Vigilante on his ass. What he did is date rape, and he should pay accordingly. Of course, most of that what I just said is in jest, save the part about getting pissed.

Real advice? Punch the guy, then go get piss drunk, and forget the whole ordeal.

I don't know if I'd call it date rape. She doesn't sound too upset about it. She is lying when she says she was forced and helpless.

Is she acting like she's upset about it at all?

And, if you two are broken up, you have no right to hit or be mad at anyone. She's not your's. If you go have sex with another girl, what right does she have to get mad?

That's your best solution anyway. Go fuck someone else.
That may make his penis feel better, but it won't help his heart.
Did anyone else suggest getting piss drunk, fucking her friends one-by-one (or all at once), and then explaining it away with "But, I was drunk, and my friends made me do it!"?
I fell pretty hard for a girl once. Once it was over, she couldn't break my heart BECAUSE I STOPPED FUCKING TALKING TO HER.

You should try that too.
Man, Monkey, I like you a lot, and it pains me to tell you that your ex is more than likely full of shit.

I'm not one to buy into stereotypes of women, but there's one that I truly believe is applicable to every single one of them: if they do something that they will immediately regret afterwards, then they will make themselves out to be a victim.

I couldn't agree with this more. This is the most likely scenerio.

As for who to be angry at, this kind of goes in a bunch of directions. You're obviously going to be jealous and pissed because that is uncontrollable in a situation like this. Do you have the right to get pissed at all parties involved? Yes. The guy is to blame for forcing himself onto a drunk girl. But it's the girl's fault for getting drunk and putting herself in that situation. Her friends are bad influences, but the biggest bullshit statement I've heard throughout this entire discussion was that she said her "friends forced her to have sex with some guy." So, did they grab his dick and shove it in her??

A rule to live by: Men will always be men and drunk men will always be horny. If a woman puts herself in a situation that makes her accessible to a man sexually, she made the mistake. And unless we can prove that he "raped" her, then face facts... your ex had sex with another guy and regrets it a little, so she chooses to use you as a catalyst for revenge. You're an easy target because you're the jealous ex-boyfriend.

Ultimately, your ex girlfriend is no longer yours to protect. The man she had sex with is a dick, but you have nothing to do with his choices, only hers. Her friends are *****, but can you really blame them?

So, the lesser of two evils (or three, in this case) is the right choice to aim your frustration here. She's to blame and there's nothing you can do about it except yell at her a little bit and get over it.

Sorry, bro...
Actually D-Man, I'm not looking for sex at all. Someone to lock in my basement and clean the kitty-litter for me will suffice.
Unless he forced her into it, it isn't rape. If she tried to say it was because she was drunk, I may knock her head off.
Why should he yell at her? She's his ex. It was already over. She's a cunt for telling you about it, and a liar for saying she was forced. She wanted his cock, took it, got scared that you would find out, made up a lie, and is reveling in the fact that you're mad.

She got dick and got your goat. She got everything she wanted. Face it, it's over, you're not getting her back, and wasting time obsessing over it and yelling at her is counterproductive. Go find a new girl and let this one go - completely - out of your life.
Unless he forced her into it, it isn't rape. If she tried to say it was because she was drunk, I may knock her head off.

I think the law here considers that as rape. She wasn't coherent enough to make her own decisions. It happens all the time.
She wasn't coherent enough to stop someone from having sex with her, but she was coherent enough to remember her friends talking her into it? I am calling bullshit. She's a **** who wanted some dck and she got some. Then she lied to Coco.
She wasn't coherent enough to stop someone from having sex with her, but she was coherent enough to remember her friends talking her into it? I am calling bullshit. She's a **** who wanted some dck and she got some. Then she lied to Coco.

I'm not keeping up with all the facts...I skimmed the OP and saw "drunk" and "slept with a guy she doesn't know"...

My first though was "How do I find this girl?", my second thought was "Monkey should fling some shit"...
She wasn't coherent enough to stop someone from having sex with her, but she was coherent enough to remember her friends talking her into it? I am calling bullshit. She's a **** who wanted some dck and she got some. Then she lied to Coco.

Well now you're assuming her friends didn't talk to her about it afterwards. I mean, if her friends set her up with this guy, surely they'd want to know how it went? And that, I'm guessing, would remind her of what happened last night.
She wasn't coherent enough to stop someone from having sex with her, but she was coherent enough to remember her friends talking her into it? I am calling bullshit. She's a **** who wanted some dck and she got some. Then she lied to Coco.
Doesn't matter. The truth won't set her free. Those shackles are ace. She's mine now.

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