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Well. I like where they're going now but I still feel like they blew BFG epicly. If TNA has proven anything to me it's watch the TV show but never buy a PPV because it's not like anything important will ever happen on it.
Full TNA Spoilers
– The show opens with Sting coming out to the ring, saying that he made a president to TNA President Dixie Carter over a year ago that bringing back Hulk Hogan to professional wrestling was a good idea, but even though we have dealt with a different Hogan for the past year now, we now have the Hulk Hulk that we all know. Out comes Hulk Hogan donning the trademark red and yellow clothing.

Hogan references Eric Bischoff for the rough patches in his life, but says that it all isn’t Bischoff’s fault; he is a grown man and takes responsibility for himself. He says that he knew he had to do the right thing at Bound for Glory when Sting was calling for him to help him and that was his way of righting some of his wrongs. He says he has respect for Sting and thanks him for being there for him. He also thanks the fans and leaves.

Next out is Dixie Carter, who was given back control of TNA at the pay-per-view on Sunday. She admits that Sting was right over a year ago about Hogan when he was talking cryptically to her and that she now wishes she listened to him looking back. She then asks Sting to help her run the company and making the brand “great” again. Sting agrees. Next out is TNA Champion Kurt Angle and he is not happy that Sting has been given power by Carter.

His challenger on Sunday, Bobby Roode, comes out and gets into his face, upset with how their match played out on Sunday. He says he got screwed and the fans start chanting that he did get screwed. Angle agrees that he did screw him out of the title but says when you’re champion, you’ve got to do those types of things to remain champion. Roode wants a rematch for the title and he wants it tonight. He asks Sting to give him the rematch.

Sting is about to grant him the rematch until Angle admits that he put a clause into his contract that stated the Roode can only receive one shot at the title. Roode’s partner James Storm comes out to the ring now and isn’t happy with Angle trying to outsmart Roode. He says he wants the rematch. Sting nods in agreement and later tonight Angle will face Storm.

(1) Brooke Tessmacher & Tara defeated Winter & Angelina Love to retain the TNA Knockout Tag Team Titles.

– Next to the ring is Jeff and Karen Jarrett. Jeff says he is going to take care of the Jeff Hardy problem tonight, which brings out Hardy. Jarrett gives Hardy a chance to leave the ring and leave him alone. He says that Hardy embarrassed him by coming to the ring months back not in condition to compete.

This leads to the two men fighting once again much like they did at the PPV on Sunday, causing security to break things up. After more fighting, Jarrett gets the best of it by giving Hardy a low-blow, giving his wife a kiss and leaving the ring.

(2) Abyss defeated Gunner via countout after Abyss was clearly getting the upperhand and Gunner decided to leave the match by walking out.

– New TNA Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky came out to the ring, talking about her road to winning the championship. Karen Jarrett then comes out to the ring alongside with Traci Brooks. She doesn’t mind that Velvet is champion, but still calls her a “b—h”. She also condemns what Traci did on Sunday night. Security come out and takes Brooks out of the arena.

Karen tells Velvet that she’ll be getting what’s coming to her. Madison Rayne’s music hits and she comes out to the ring, causing Velvet to yell at her. Suddenly, former WWE Diva Gail Kim runs in from the crowd and attacks Velvet Sky, returning to the company as a heel. Both Kim and Madison double team beat down Velvet. Madison, Velvet and Karen all leave happy with what they just did.

– Eric Bischoff comes to the ring in the next segment along with what is left of Immortal: Bully Ray, Scott Steiner and Gunner. He calls out Hulk Hogan, clearly upset with him turning on them Sunday night. Hogan comes out to the ring. He said without him, Hogan wouldn’t even have a job today, noting that after the 80s, no one cared about Hogan or Hulkamania. Bischoff slaps Hogan in the face, but he doesn’t feel anything. Hogan then gives Bischoff the finger point of doom, causing members of Immortal to beat down Hogan.

Out comes Sting with two baseball bats — one for him and one for Hogan. They chase Immortal out of the ring. Bischoff backs up in the ramp, not noticing that his real-life son, Jackson James (the referee) is there. The two collide and Bischoff turns around and begins yelling at his son. James punches his dad in the face and knocks him out. Immortal leaves the arena, not wanting to deal with the baseball holding Sting and Hogan.

(3) James Storm defeated Kurt Angle to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship via a superkick in a ridiculously short match-up. Fortune celebrates the win with beer.
It makes sense, Angle is fucked, he had to lose so quickly. Im kinda chuffed. If it's not AJ winning it, then I'm delighted that Beer Money will get the chance to headline some PPVs together. At least the matches and the promos will be good.

Who turns though? Roode's a good heel.
Well. I like where they're going now but I still feel like they blew BFG epicly. If TNA has proven anything to me it's watch the TV show but never buy a PPV because it's not like anything important will ever happen on it.

So basically you are saying not to buy a great PPV showing just the guy people wanted to win in the main event didn't? Lousy reason.
It makes sense, Angle is fucked, he had to lose so quickly. Im kinda chuffed. If it's not AJ winning it, then I'm delighted that Beer Money will get the chance to headline some PPVs together. At least the matches and the promos will be good.

Who turns though? Roode's a good heel.
I've always thought Storm was a better Heel
I'm beginning to think Storm was meant to win the BFG, but he had that injury scare right around No Surrender and they weren't sure of its severity. So they went with Roode and obviously he wasn't the choice so they didn't have Angle drop it. And now that we know Storm is healthy he gets the title. At least that is my view on how they planned this. Only logical thing I can come up either. I like the move though, so I can't complain. BFG has sucked me into TNA more than I was. I look forward to Impact on Thursday.
How is this senseless garbage? The main story in TNA, Hogan-Sting-Immortal, reached its climax at BFG. Money well spent. Everything else is up for grabs in my book, and I see nothing wrong with using Roode's month-long build as a singles competitor as part of a larger story. Kudos to TNA.
It's in the eye of the beholder. I've always been an advocate of my telelvision shows making sense.

Roode? I get it. I don't agree with it but I get it.
Angle? I get it.

Where the fuck did Storm come into the picture and why does he deserve a world title?
Where the fuck did Storm come into the picture and why does he deserve a world title?

Because Angle weaseled up a contract where Roode couldn't get another shot at the title as long as he held it, so the new babyface in charge of the show figured what better replacement to face Angle for the belt than Roode's current tag team partner, James Storm?

Makes complete sense to me.
Because Angle weaseled up a contract where Roode couldn't get another shot at the title as long as he held it, so the new babyface in charge of the show figured what better replacement to face Angle for the belt than Roode's current tag team partner, James Storm?

Makes complete sense to me.

TNA Management 1: "So, we need someone to take the title off Kurt because he's injured. Who should we choose?"

TNA Management 2: "We have plenty of over, established babyfaces... but let's take random tag team partner #1 who has zero singles credibility."

TNA Management 1: "Brilliant!!"

This makes no sense to me.
Actually, Roode losing at BFG via Ankle Lock in a style similar to that of Austin at Mania 13, leading into IMPACT, all along leading into a heel turn for Mr. Roode would make the most sense in one's opinion.
News and Notes
Video of Storm talking about winning the title after the win can be seen here. It's a cool sight. http://pwinsider.com/article/62627/video-aftermath-of-yesterdays-big-tna-spoiler.html?p=1

TNA star Hulk Hogan has commented on the news of Storm's win - and the fallout from Bobby Roode getting the rug pulled out from under him at Bound For Glory. After reports surfaced on Monday that Hulk Hogan convinced TNA management not to put the title on Roode because he's "not ready yet" - Hogan maintains that everything is falling into place:

"Goodmorning HULKAMANIACS,can't wait for all the Rood fans that turned to haters to see the big picture,thank God we still have real marks HH"

TNA executive Eric Bischoff also commented on the decision to put the TNA World title on James Storm instead of Bobby Roode. Bischoff tweeted:

"Having a blast watching Internet marks react. Candy from a baby!"

As noted before, James Storm won the TNA World Heavyweight Title at last night's Impact Wrestling tapings, airing this Thursday on Spike. Storm defeated Kurt Angle.

He wrote the following on Twitter last night:

"One hell of a belt buckle I won tonight. Thanks to all the fans,family and friends. This is for my dad in heaven I used to watch wrestling with 20 years ago. Love you all. @IMPACTWRESTLING champion of the world. I've busted my ass for the last 15 years entertaining you fans. My time has come. Thank you god."

- Sources report that WWE's Vengeance pay-per-view will be the event where John Cena finally breaks away from the WWE Title picture. Cena will be facing Alberto Del Rio in a Last Man Standing Match for Del Rio's WWE Title.

This would indicate that Del Rio is retaining the title. After Vengeance, Cena will begin the build for Survivor Series and further his feud with The Rock. Del Rio is scheduled to go into a feud with CM Punk.

After months of buildup to Bobby Roode's TNA World title match at Bound For Glory, plans were changed the day of the event and the decision was made for Kurt Angle to retain.

According to prowrestling.net, Bobby Roode understandably disappointed that his planned TNA World title win was scrapped at the last minute. That said, Roode was very professional about the entire situation and did not challenge the decision when it was presented to him.

James Storm was at Bound For Glory on Sunday and was scheduled to cut a promo prior to the main event hyping the significance of Roode's title shot. That promo had to be left off the show due to TNA running short of time during the PPV.

- The Rock is featured on the cover of the December 2011 of WWE Magazine and is depicted angry and ready to fight. The magazines teases the mega-superstar possibly having his sights set on championship gold. The headline reads: "THE ROCK! IS THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP GUNNIN' FOR THE GOLD?"
I'd let them know that telling people they're being worked lessens the effect of the work, but they wouldn't be able to hear me over the sound of their ego-maniacal super-villain laughter.
-- It was announced at tonight's Impact Wrestling taping in Orlando, Florida (airdate October 27) that Jersey Shore star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro would be appearing at next Wednesday's taping in Macon, Georgia.

-- Robbie E receives a shot at Eric Young's TNA Television Championship.

-- Robert Roode faces Samoa Joe in No. 1 Contender's Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. James Storm defeated Kurt Angle for the title at last night's event.

-- Gail Kim, who returned to TNA Wrestling last night as a heel aligned with Karen Jarrett, competed in a match against Tara. This is their first meeting since 2004 when both wrestlers were employed by WWE.
Burt Spencer was at the Impact Wrestling Zone on Wednesday night for the taping of the episode of Impact to air on October 27th.

Impact started with TNA World Heavyweight Champion James Storm, who came to the ring. Storm had a new theme song and TitanTron video. Storm talked about how he has fought to be champion for fifteen years after deciding to become a wrestler when he watched Wrestlemania III with his late father. Storm said he would not be here without the fans and then he called Fortune to come out to the ring.

Storm thanked all four of them, particularly Roode and said that they are the reason that the company is beginning to turn around.

Samoa Joe came down to the ring and told Storm that he might just turn into another Bischoff and hand out opportunities to his close friends. Joe called out Roode for his failure to win the title at Bound For Glory. Storm told Joe that his window of opportunity had closed a while ago and that Joe has done nothing to earn a title shot.

Sting came to the stage and made Bobby Roode versus Samoa Joe tonight and the winner gets a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship when Impact comes to Macon, Georgia next week.

Match Number One: Rob Van Dam defeated Christopher Daniels by Disqualification. AJ Styles was on commentary for the match. They went to the floor and Daniels hit Van Dam with a toolbox causing the disqualification. Daniels took a screwdriver out of the toolbox and Styles left the announce table and ran to the ring to chase Daniels away and Daniels ran to the back.

Gail Kim, Madison Rayne, Karen Jarrett, and Traci Brooks came to the ring. Gail talked about how she left “the other company” and is better than everyone else and praised herself for giving Velvet Sky a concussion last week. As a gift to Gail for returning, Karen Jarrett gave Gail Kim a title match against TNA Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky at Turning Point.

Match Number Two: Gail Kim defeated Tara via Eat Defeat.

Match Number Three: TNA Television Champion Eric Young defeated Robbie E in a non title match with a Crucifix pin.

After the match, Robbie E and Rob Terry attacked Young. Young grabbed a mic and said that he is not the brightest when it comes to decision making, but in Macon, Georgia, Robbie E and Rob Terry should watch out because Ronnie from Jersey Shore will be at Eric Young’s side.

Eric Bischoff came to the ring and called out his son Garrett. Eric told Garrett about how many more opportunities Garrett received from coming up in the wrestling business that most wrestlers do not get. Bischoff brought up how Garrett was backstage with him in AWA. Eric told Garrett to apologize to him by the end of the night. Garrett tried to get a word in, but Eric did not want to be interrupted and called Garrett a punk and a prick.

Ric Flair was backstage with Garrett talking to him about how he should apologize to his father.

Jeff Jarrett came to the ring and ranted about Jeff Hardy again. Jarrett said that what the video package didn’t show (one was not played for the live crowd) was what happened at Victory Road 2011, saying that most people may not remember including Jeff himself. Jarrett referenced Hardy no showing back at Turning Point 2004 before Hardy came to the ring. Both men had to be separated by security. Bully Ray came to the ring and attacked Hardy and this led to an impromptu match.

Match Number Four: Jeff Hardy defeated Bully Ray with a Swanton Bomb.

After the match, Hardy went to the ramp to be interviewed by Christy Hemme. Hardy welcomed the fans back into his life. Jarrett ran in from the crowd and attacked Hardy. Ray told Jarrett to put Hardy in the ring. Jarrett grabbed a table and they tried to super powerbomb Hardy from the turnbuckles through the table until Ken Anderson’s music hit and Anderson ran out for the save.

Match Number Five: Bobby Roode defeated Samoa Joe in a Number One Contender’s Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship with the Payoff. After the match, Storm came to the stage and stared at Roode.

Roode also had a new theme and TitanTron video.

Eric Bischoff came to the ring and called out Garrett once more and asked for an apology. Garrett came out and refused to apologize. Ric Flair came to the ring and got in Garrett’s face asking him what he thinks he is doing and told Garrett to apologize. Garrett shoved Flair, and then Flair attacked Garrett. Eric gave Garrett a low blow and then Eric and Flair attacked Garrett and threw him out of the ring. After the attack, Flair and Eric hugged.


Match Number One: Madison Rayne defeated Brooke Tessmacher with a rollup the assistance of Brooke’s tights. During the match, Madison kept trying to get Earl Hebner’s attention. At one point, Madison was thrown towards Earl and Earl caught her in a dancing position and kissed her before dancing a bit.

Match Number Two: TNA Television Champion Eric Young defeated Rob Terry w/Robbie E with a Crucifix Pin.

Match Number Three: Gunner defeated Kazarian when Kazarian went for a sunset flip from the apron to the ring, but Gunner countered it by covering him and grabbing the ropes.

But the Beer Money theme was the last god-tier theme TNA had left :(

Wait, wait, no, Winter still has her theme. All is well.

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