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There is so much that the WWE could do with Punk winning that match.

1. It could give Cena time off to rest up his injuries before Mania. The guy is supposedly pretty banged up, this would give him time off to get close to 100% and be back around Survivor Series, or hell just the rest of the summer off. I know it won't happen with Summerslam around the corner.

2. Have Punk win and there be no champion on Raw. The chaos would be awesome, and it might be an excuse to bring in a new title belt.
The thing is, if Punk doesn't walk out of Chicago with the title, I legit believe there will be a riot in the All State Arena.

Punk will win the title I believe, he just wont walkout of the PPV with it. The promo from what I read between Vince and Cena was that if Punk leaves Chicago with the title, he's fired. MITB cash-in, anyone? That way Punk's home crowd gets to see him win the title and get his moment, but avoid having Cena fied the second time in a year. I cant see any other way of it playing out.
Yeah I've been reading a while now that they want to give Cena a few months off.
The Truth about CM Punk's promo

Sources report that CM Punk’s entire promo at the end of RAW this week was improvised by Punk and not scripted. Nobody in the back knew what Punk was going to say until he said it live on RAW.

WWE officials told Punk to go out and say in his own words why he was leaving the company, why he wanted the WWE Title and why he wanted to leave with it in his possession. There was a discussion that when officials felt Punk was going too far, they would pull the plug on the segment and cut his mic.

It’s said that Punk was upset months ago when Triple H came back to feud with The Undertaker and while some of his comments on RAW towards Vince McMahon were well thought out to appear not as a shoot to the average viewer, most believe that Punk’s comments towards Triple H and John Laurinaitis were strictly a shoot.

Word also is that Punk had some notes for his speech jotted down on his wrist tape.

As far as his contract status, Punk’s deal apparently expires the second week of July but he signed an extension to work through Money in the Bank. Still with last night’s new storyline development, sources maintain that Punk is leaving at Money in the Bank.

He now has all my respect!! CM Punk is by far the best guy in the WWE....
On a side note: Where the fuck is the SD! spoilers?
Smackdown Spoilers for this Friday. Next Fridays are gonna be taped today:

The Money in the Bank briefcase is hanging above the ring. Teddy Long banned Christian from ringside during the Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry match. Christian demanded a match against Orton at Money in the Bank.

1. Randy Orton beat Mark Henry by countout. Big Show's music played and caught Henry off guard. Randy hit an RKO outside, and Henry was counted out. Henry headed to the technical area and went nuts. He grabbed the music tech and started trashing the area. He tossed the tech. Huge heat for Henry.

2. Daniel Bryan vs. Ted DiBiase. Daniel Bryan came out with no music A submission win for Bryan.

Long was in the back. Christian asked for a title shot. Long blamed him for playing Big Show's music. Christian vs. Sin Cara tonight. Huge pop for this.

Cody rhodes talked trash to DiBiase in the back.

3. Christian defeated Sin Cara. The music was back for this match. The fans went nuts for Sin Cara, who used some very fancy moves. He almost messed up two moves. Christian quickly recovered to help Sin Cara complete the moves. Spear for the win by Christian. Yes, Sin Cara lost his first match with little build :disappointed:.

A contract signing for Orton vs. Christian was advertised for later in the show.

4. Cody Rhodes (w/Ted DiBiase) beat Ezekiel Jackson in a non-title match. Cody got the win after DiBiase distracted Zeke.

Johnny Curtis was shown in the back. He delivered a horrible promo.

5. Kane beat Wade Barrett. I think this might have been for a spot in Money in the Bank, but nothing was announced. Rather, there was just a close up shot of the briefcase. A chokeslam by Kane for the win, and the MITB case was in focus again.

A table was set up for the contract signing and the taping is moving quickly. Teddy Long came out and then both wrestlers were introduced. Christian got some pops, and Orton got the monster pop. Christian had a lawyer with him. The contract states that if the referee makes a mistake or a bad call, he gets an automatic rematch.

Good interaction between the two men. Orton signed the contract, but Christian stalled. Sheamus attacked Orton before Christian signed. Sheamus laid out both men and tore up the contract. Sheamus left both men lying to end the show.
Oh well.
I'd rather Christian beat Cara anyday. He needed to lose soon actually, undefeated streaks only are interesting for so long and they made no fuss over this one.

Go Christian.
For anyone who cares;

iMPACT Spoilers for this week

*Hulk Hogan and TNA champ Ken Anderson were cutting a promo when Sting arrived. Sting has a new facepaint derived from Heath Ledger's version of the Joker. Sting ends up nailing Hogan with a bat.

*Samoa Joe defeated Devon with the muscle buster.

*In an X-Division tournament bout, Low Ki defeated Matt Bentley and Jimmy Yang.

*Mexican America are cutting a promo, only to be challenged by British Invasion, setting up a future bout. Might be next week, might be PPV.

*Mickie James, Tara & Miss Tessmacher defeated Madison Rayne, Winter & Angelina Love.

*They hold a contract signing for AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels at Destination X. Jerry Lynn and Rob Van Dam come out and it sets up a Four Way Match next week on iMPACT

*Sting pinned Scott Steiner. Anderson and Hogan attacked Sting. Kurt Angle made the save.

iMPACT Spoilers for next week (Show before Destination X)

* The show starts out with Bully Ray, Gunner and Scott Steiner coming to the ring. Bully Ray tells Mr. Anderson to get out here. Mr. Anderson joins Immortal in the ring. Ray says Anderson needs to figure things out and make up his mind. He can have the full backing of Immortal and keep his title but he needs to make up his mind tonight by the end of the main event. Steiner gets in his face and says he's either with them or against them. Gunner talks but it's boring and the crowd is not with him at all.

* The lights go out and focus on Sting on the catwalk. He let's out a yell and Kurt Angle takes the opportunity to sneak in the ring and deliver Angle Slams to Gunner and Steiner. Bully Ray sneaks off before he can take one. Angle tells Anderson he needs to decide if he's on their side as well and figure it out tonight.

* In a Bound for Glory Series Match, Crimson vs. Robert Roode. Winner via Sky High, Crimson

* Backstage, Abyss is frantically looking for his mask. He holds a backstage guy up to the wall and demands the mask. In another room, Brian Kendrick is shown meditating in his robe, only to lift his hood and show that he's wearing Abyss' mask.

* We cut back to the ring and Kendrick comes out in street clothes holding the mask. He tells Abyss to come out and collect his mask. Kendrick once again goes off spouting philosophical points and making very little sense. The crowd is dead and is not behind him. Abyss comes out with a towel over his head covering his face. Kendrick talks some more about philosophy and energy fields and the usual and gives Abyss his mask back.

* Abyss puts on the mask and then destroys Kendrick, knocking him down and hitting a black hole slam. He goes for more punishment but Generation Me, Amazing Red and Alex Shelley come out to stop him.

* Three Way Destination X Qualifier, Jesse Sorrenson vs. Tony Nees vs. Jack Evans. Winner via 630 Splash, Jack Evans. Sorrenson is a local wrestler who is in a tag team called Hunks in Trunks and goes by Ryan Sorrenson.

* Sting is laying on top of some lockers and is singing "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor to himself but replacing words with "Immortal." Kurt Angle walks in and says he doesn't know if he can trust Sting tonight because he's gone crazy. Sting is Joker crazy and says he can trust him and then goes back to singing.

* Knockouts Handicap Match, ODB & Jackie vs. Velvet Sky. Winner via DDT to Jackie, Velvet Sky. ODB and Jackie tried to use a chair on Velvet but she turned the tables and dropkicked it into ODB and hit a DDT to Jackie.

* Jerry Lynn vs. Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam. Winner via 5 Star Frog Splash to Daniels, Rob Van Dam.

* Bound for Glory Series Match, Matt Morgan & James Storm vs. Devon & "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero. Winners via belt shot to Storm by Pope with Devon getting the pin, Pope & Devon. Devon and Pope don't get along during the match and at multiple times Pope left the ring to seek comfort from Devon's family. Pope used the belt when the referee wasn't looking and tagged in Devon so he could get the points in the Bound for Glory series.

* Backstage, Hulk Hogan is shown beating up Sting. Every punch he throws, Sting just laughs at him and asks for more. Then Sting's eyes grow wide and he says "Oh no" to which Hulk Hogan then knocks him out with a baseball bat.

* Kurt Angle vs. Gunner, Bully Ray, Abyss and Scott Steiner. Sting was supposed to be Angle's partner but Hulk Hogan took him out with a bat in the back. Winner via Mic Check from Mr. Anderson to Kurt Angle, Immortal. Anderson made it seem like he was on Angle's side but turned on him. Anderson jumped into Abyss's arms after the match and celebrated with Immortal.

Don't ask me why the 2nd set is longer than the 1st, I took all of that from another site.

I find the end of next weeks iMPACT interesting though.
This show your "wrestling knowledge" that is none...
People used to love Goldberg, didn't they? And he won 173 consecutive matches...

Undefeated streaks aren't interesting x)
Please make that last sentence of yours make sense.

I know all about Goldbergs undefeated streak and that, but you look at undefeated streaks nowadays and the only one that means anything is The Undertakers. Crimson has an undefeated streak in TNA, which they mention again and again and again, but who's he beaten for it? People like Samoa Joe, Abyss etc. But it's made Crimson look better than he is, I think he's overrated as well. But give him someone like Kurt Angle or AJ Styles or Bully Ray and that streak should be over in a few minutes. Then there was Vladimir Kozlov's undefeated streak, which they made the BIGGEST fuss about, then when he lost it, look what he became? I think that will happen to Crimson as well and now than Sin Cara has lost his, what's the betting that he, in the distant future, he becomes rather insignificant? It's totally possible and knowing the WWE, it'll happen.
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Sin Cara will be insignificant?
Okay, I bet whatever you want...

You don't know the WWE :S Vince wants money and guess what Masked Wrestlers like Rey and Sin Cara draw a lot of money, and since Sin Cara is the best highflyer in the world, well ... you are insane x)

Edit: I corrected the last sentence ;)
and don't reply on this subject anymore, or Lee will maybe going to add some of your quotes to his silly quotes x)
Why shouldn't I reply?

Look, Sin Cara may draw money, but unlike Rey Mysterio, who can fight the WWE Styput up great matches and the like, Sin Cara isn't able to work with everyone on the Roster at this current moment. Where Rey could fight the Undertaker and done so recently, where he busted Takers nose with his ass, Sin Cara wouldn't put on a very good match with him. All the heavyweights would have to work HIS way, not theirs, putting them into a difficult position. I mean, Sheamus just managed to pull it off when he faced Sin Cara, but could you imagine Cena vs Cara? It wouldn't work. Cena just wouldn't look right in the Match. What with Mysterio being set to retire soon, as it looks, Cara will be there, on his lonesome with his mask. Yeah, he'll fight Rey before he finishes up, putting Sin Cara up there, but I don't think he's gonna stay up there for long.

You have it from me. Sin Cara will NEVER win the World Heavyweight Title or the WWE Title. He, as unfortunate as it is for him, will always be stuck in the mid-card as he's not gonna be able to grow into the Main Event. He may be in Main Event matches, or possibly even a Title Match, but he'll never win the Title. I actually don't see him holding a Title in the next year. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but he just seems to be there to put on matches that look fun. That's about all he is right now, a showcase. Simple as.
Evans vs. Low Ki vs. Austin Aries vs. That other dude I forgot seems awesome if this is the root they go. I just hope they give Aries the contract.
It's Ion, the guys you forgot.

That match should be amazing. Evans Splash is just awesome and having Low Ki back is no surprise either.
Steiner has no sugar. But I guess he worked his way into Immortal without no-one knowing, as most things happen in TNA anyway.

I wanna see Anderson jump into Abyss' arms more than ANYTHING.
More detailed report of the McMahon/Cena segment:

At the end of Raw, McMahon came out. McMahon replied to Punk and said it all comes down to Punk "being a punk." He started to leave, but Cena came out. It was fascinating to see Cena and McMahon interact. Cena said Punk earned his spot, then asked if McMahon was getting soft not being able to take Punk's promo. McMahon said he wouldn't deliver a Cena-Punk match and told Cena not to upset him like Hogan and others have done.

Cena tried to argue for the match at MITB, then McMahon shot back, "What if you can't beat him?" He asked Cena what if Punk takes the WWE Title to another promotion? Cena said he gets it now - it's about McMahon being embarrassed. Vince said he's about calculated risk, and this isn't a risk he's willing to take. He said the business is his, not Cena's. McMahon said guys came before Cena and will come after him.

Cena handed him title belt and said he quit. Cena got to top of ramp and looked back, then McMahon took the belt, walked to the top of the ramp, got in his face, reinstated Punk for the title match, and said if Punk wins, the moment afterward, he's firing Cena. After that, Cena looked dumbfounded. Raw ended at this point. Dustin's perspective: It was fascinating to see Cena and McMahon give off the appearance of creating this on the fly and letting some genuine emotion come out. How much will appear on Raw after editing will be interesting.
So the human definition of a spot monkey is going to Destination X? Meh. Ki is my main reason for watching this match though sadly I'll be in Spain during that Sunday :(

This show your "wrestling knowledge" that is none...
People used to love Goldberg, didn't they? And he won 173 consecutive matches...

Undefeated streaks aren't interesting x)

You are an idiot. The undefeated streak in Goldberg worked because he was believable! Sin Cara is a 5'7" crusierweight, Goldberg was a nearly 7 foot tall, jacked monster who ripped his opponents apart. People were interested in Goldberg as they wanted to see if anybody could match the power and dominance that he had whereas people shouldn't have expected Cara to be undefeated for long because he is limited against his opponents and can believably be beaten by just about anybody on the roster. You could see Ted Dibiase beat Sin Cara but you wouldn't see Dean Malenko beat Goldberg.

Here's a tip, don't mention someone elses wrestling knowledge because you clearly have little to none.
Fucking kids and your ADD. How old are you? Ever hear of a thing called a "feud"? Look it up. WWE isn't stale. You kids are spoiled with the instant gratification world we live in today with your faggy ass Twitter accounts, smart phones and all that other shit that's caused a little word called "patience" to fly out the window.

Thank God you didn't grow up in the 80's and 90's when guys like Hogan-Savage and Flair-Rhodes/Luger/Sting/Steamboat feuded all year. You're head might have exploded.

Just wanted to post this somewhere before it was deleted. I like this guy.

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