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Honestly, X. Saying Khali is "limited" is pretty generous. Anyway, he can't just be a legitimate threat after being a joke for the better part of 3 years.
Ezekiel Jackson defeated Heath Slater by DQ. Zeke dominated the match and had Slater in the Torture Rack until other Corre members ran in for the DQ. Zeke fought them off. Wade Barrett did not enter the ring.

Backstage with Sheamus. He spoke about how he achieved in a few months what took Henry and Christian their whole lives to accomplish.

>Mark Henry
>World champion

Alicia Fox and Tamina defeated A.J. and Kaitlyn (w/Natalya). The Slam of the Week featured Kharma crying on Raw. Ugh. Natalya came out with A.J. and Kaitly, and entered to her music. Alicia pinned Kaitlyn after an axe kick. No Kharma. Boo!!!

The Kaitlyn/AJ friendship was adorable on NXT and on Twitter, so glad to see it continue, and it looks like Natalya is joining their little group. Awesome, awesome.
Because if there's one thing scorching summer heat mixed well with last year, it was Orton vs. Sheamus.
I pray the PPV match is better than the Orton-Sheamus matches last year, because those pretty much flat out sucked.
I've actually enjoyed Sheamus and Orton's previous feuds; they have pretty good chemistry. They don't, however, have the unexpected megaton of chemistry that Christian and Orton do.

It would also appear that we were all right with our pessimistic predictions of Christian not getting near the title again. Of course, I'm not actually allowed to say that until Christian is retiring quietly with little to no fanfare in four years time and we're ranking him with Scott Hall and Owen Hart in lists of could-have-beens, otherwise I'm jumping the gun.
It's good to see Estrada back. I'm hoping however that Kidd's storyline involving tons of people who can't stand him aka become Teddy Hart.
Can he do anything other than flips? I've never seen anyone imply he can but, honestly, how often do I eavesdrop on conversations about Teddy Hart?
Wait, sorry, did I just read that Cody Rhodes and Daniel Bryan had a match with a possible lead-in to a feud? Fuck, I must have wished extra hard or something.
Anyone else think Christian now feuds with Mark Henry? I don't know if there are any other viable options. Especially with the Rhodes -Bryan feud beginning. Wade-Ezekial.
I hope so, that could really be a good storyline with two veterans trying to make it to the top despite being at the tail end of their careers. One face, one heel, same goal.
PWInsider.com reports that Kharma is pregnant. According to F4WOnline.com, it is believed that she will be out "for over nine months."

The former TNA Women's Knockout Champion was scripted to break down into tears on Monday's Raw, which the announcers described as a nervous breakdown. The angle was done to remove her from television for the time being.

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