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Hell yes on Sean Waltman being involved in the WWE in any way. I wish nothing but good things for that dude, he was one of my favorites when I was a kid and he was the 1-2-3 Kid and X-Pac. He seems to have really cleaned up and sorted out his life, and believe it or not he's still actually a damn fine worker as he always was. He had an incredible match against El Generico at the King of Trios this year and I would love to see him wrestle someone like an Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, Tyson Kidd or Trent Barreta. He could be a solid veteran hand to have around to guide the youngsters in the ring, much like Regal and Finlay were. I'd love to see that.

TNA taped next week's Impact Wrestling tonight from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. Below are full results:

* There are two director-type chairs in the ring. Jeremy Borash and Christy Hemme are the hosts of Impact Wrestling and are out hyping the crowd.

Impact Wrestling (Airing 5/26 on Spike TV):

* Sting's music and video hits but it's really Mr. Anderson out as old school Sting. He says this is the Scorpion Sitdown. Since he can't wrestle due to age he'll sit down and talk. The crowd boos. He brings out his first guest, Disco Inferno. Disco dances out. Sting says you were there, you saw it all. Disco says you really are butt hole huh? Sting asks him what he did to his injured foot? Disco says for comedy he did on Dancing with the Stars. Can we move on? Loud boring chant starts. Sting says he can get boring and just sits there. Disco tells him to get going. Sting says he was there for guys like Firebreaker Chip and Glacier. Since he was there he wants to hear from Disco's lips what it was like. Disco wondered why he was there and he figures he wants the real story on Sting. Disco starts to talk about Sting but Anderson keeps interrupting woos. Disco says if he brought him here he needs to listen. Back then the belt didn't make the wrestler, the wrestler made the belt. When Sting came around he commanded respect. When he was there he'd help everybody get better and Anderson should kiss Sting's feet for making the business what it is. Anderson interrupts, does a stinger splash to no one. Disco asks why he calls himself a butt hole when he's just a jerk. Anderson says excuse me. Disco asks if he stuttered. He gets up dances, has the mic drop down, says jerk into it and stands there. Anderson takes the mic and bashes it in Disco's face. Disco is bloody. Anderson delivers more blows. The real Sting comes out and chases Anderson off through the crowd.

* Street fight, Tommy Dreamer & Bully Ray vs. Christopher Daniels & AJ Styles. Styles has a neck brace on. Winners via spike piledriver to Dreamer, AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels. Good brawl.

* Velvet Sky is out. She asks if some of the Kknockouts are insane in the membrane with the accusations against her. From Winter saying she's jealous to Karen Jarrett saying she's Angle's mistress to ODB's problem with her. She says she heard she's in the building. ODB comes out and confronts Velvet. ODB says she got a call she was fired 6 months into her multi-year deal. She was told it's because she doesn't have the right look. Velvet said her problem with management has nothing to do with her. Velvet has been working her butt off day after day getting her butt kicked, trying to be the best. ODB tells her to shut her pie hole. ODB says she's pathetic and an embarrassment to the knockouts and women in general. That's why Angelina left her. Velvet starts to cry. ODB mocks her. Velvet goes to leave but ODB attacks her. She is beating and choking Velvet. Security breaks it up but ODB breaks through and attacks Velvet again. Security grabs ODB and Velvet runs off.

* Eric Young goes into the bathroom to find Gunner. Young goes into a stall that Gunner goes to hit him. Young says hang on. He might have accidentally taken Gunner's belt. He's sorry. He wants to make it up to him and lay down in the ring for Gunner. Gunner says if he doesn't lay down he'll put him down.

* For the Olympic gold medals, Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett has been signed for Slammiversary.

* Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Jarrett w/Karen. Karen's ankle is wrapped and she's using a crutch. Before the match Hebner forces Karen to sit further away from the ring. Winner after interference by Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett. Karen distracted the referee and Steiner delivered a flatliner to Morgan.

* Eric Bischoff is out. He says he loves each and every one of us. He said last week he sat down and had a pow wow with Mick Foley and some network reps. He convinced the reps that Foley is not qualified to be the leader of Impact Wrestling and only one man can do that. That man is the one, the only, Hulk Hogan. Hogan joins Bischoff in the ring. Hogan said all it took was a good old fashioned sit down. He says they realized his genius is second to none. He's back in the saddle and clear saying from now on. He says what Bischoff did last week by taking apart the X Division was great. Mick Foley comes out. Hogan says he's not invited. Foley chants start. Foley says he doesn't need to be, he's a network executive. He says all Hogan accomplished was making the network mad. When Hogan left, Foley showed them how the X Division helped put TNA on the map. So not only does it stay, it will go to new heights. Bischoff says that may be well and good, The Network has nothing to do with the pay-per-view. Foley says the Network is where you promote the PPV so if you think you can have a PPV without the network. Hogan says he still has the pull and why not have his X Division Champion against Foley? The X-rated Abyss vs Foley? Brian Kendrick, Generation Me and Amazing Red come out. Kendrick starts spouting philosophical stuff and saying that they're there for good. Hogan says he better shut-up and leave. Kendrick calls Hogan a cripple. He says he wants to take Foley's place and face Abyss. Hogan asks if he's serious. Hogan agrees and says Kendrick's blood is on Foley's hands.

* TNA Knockout Women's Champion Mickie James vs. Winter w/Angelina Love in a non-title match. Winner via Last Kiss Goodnight, Mickie James. After the match, Angelina Love came out and attacked Mickie James.

* For the TNA X Division Championship, Abyss vs. Brian Kendrick. Winner via Black Hole Slam, Abyss.

* They re-taped the segment with Velvet Sky and ODB to make it shorter and more to the point.

* For the TNA TV Title, Eric Young vs. Gunner. Winner via small package and new champion, Eric Young. Young laid down but it was a trick and he swerved Gunner.

* Rob Van Dam vs. Kurt Angle. Winner via Angle Slam, Kurt Angle.


* Robbie E w/Cookie vs. Crimson. Winner via Sky High, Crimson.

5/17 WWE Smackdown TV taping: Full results of the matches taped for Friday's go-home television show for WWE Over The Limit (spoilers)
May 17, 2011 - 10:42 PM

Dot Net readers Ernest DLG and Gene Lopez attended the WWE Smackdown taping in Corpus Christi, Texas. They sent separate reports that were combined into the single report below.

1. Christian beat Sheamus by DQ. Mark Henry interfered. Randy Orton took his time, but made the save.

Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase came out. Cody got major heat for the paper bags when DiBiase said he represented Corpus Christi with a bag over his head.

2. Ted DiBiase beat Trent Baretta.

Ezekiel Jackson came out and then The Corre followed. Teddy Long interrupted and made a six-man tag match.

3. Kane, Big Show, and Ezekiel Jackson beat The Corre in a six-man tag.

4. Brie Bella beat Natalya. Bella won with the X Factor. Kharma didn't show up, which upset the fans.

5. Daniel Bryan beat Chavo Guerrero. A five minute match. Sin Cara came out and hit a huracanrana on Chavo after the match. It looked like they were setting up Sin Cara vs. Chavo for Over The Limit.

6. Randy Orton beat Mark Henry by DQ. Sheamus interfered. Christian took his time before coming out and making the save.
Wow that sounds ike too many promos especially for TNA's first impact wrestling show.
Smackdown sounds terrible as well it's just more of a name reversal. Also Ted Dibiase is: Still heel and being given mic time? Do they never learn?
I hope this means Hayes is going to beat the hell out of Tyson until he starts winning.
After reading the impact spoilers about Anderson and sting. Didn't Jarrett do this crap with Sting in WCW during its dying days?
That promo with Bischoff and Foley and Hogan is reminiscent of last year when Hogan was saying repeatedly that 'X' was 'raising the bar' when nothing at all changed. I don't want to hear people say that the X-division is integral to the company, just prove it. It is actually detrimental to do it the way they are doing it because if you don't deliver you hurt the company. However, if you don't go on about it and just visibly put more emphasis on them then nobody is going to ask questions, they'll just notice the change.

Sacrifice was good for wrestling but TNA's PPVs often are, the proof of the pudding is in iMPACT shows. Once we start getting those 10 minute matches from time to time then I'll be satisfied. Until then it's hot air.

Nice to see Crimson continuing his winning streak on xplosion, no doubt a tactic designed to simply get his winning streak number up.
I hope Angle vs. RVD gets enough time. It being a wrestling show and all. Yeah, I'm jumping on the bandwagon. Sue me. I'm still better than Sound Of Madness.

By Matt Carter on 2011-05-19 00:39:04

Show starts out with the usual countdown at 7:06 (Chicago time). This week's show is sporting a new bigger player, not full screen more like half screen. The feed also has a lot more buffering issues.

Introduced are DJ Clay, Kevin Gill, and Shaggy 2 Dope. Kevin Gill on the mic welcomes us to The Pony Down Throw Down

Things Gordon Solie never said "We are live as f**k"

KG runs down the card for the night.

Up Chuck the Clown and The Ring Girl get the action started

Match #1 Superstar Bill Martel vs. Corporal Robinson

Story coming in from last week, Corp wants to work his way from the top to the bottom of the roster to get his JCW championship back.

Corp comes in the ring a house of fire and is all over Martel. Corp now takes Martel outside the ring for some hard chops. Woo! Martel manages to shove Corp into the ring post and forces Corp back in the ring. Martel slows the match down. The crowd chants Family and I still have no idea what that means. Robinson gets a reversal off the ropes into a sit out power bomb, big super kick, and then hits boot camp for the pin. Squash for Corp!

Your winner Corporal Robinson!

After the match, Corp celebrates with the crowd and grabs a mic. He tells the boys in the back to watch out as he works his way back into the title picture.

Match #2 Jimmy Jacobs vs. Sonjay Dutt

Jacobs does his Emo character (like WSX) at JCW and this is Dutt's JCW debut. I am not sure, but I think they are actually calling him Sonjay Butt. Jacobs starts the match on the mic saying he wants to share his feelings in poetry form. He gets a "shut the f#@k up" chant and tries to read his poem. Sonjay tries to take the mic but Jimmy gets the upper hand. Sonjay gets a reversal and hits a nice springboard elbow. Jacobs back in control with a rake of the eyes. Dutt is looking good with some high flying offense, was he always bald?

Things Gordon Solie never said "Beautiful Standing F**kin Moonsault"

They go back and forth but Jacobs gets the upper hand with an Emo Cutter and hits a top rope senton for the pin.

Your Winner Jimmy Jacobs!

Video package shown about the back story of Officer Colt and Weedman

Match #3 Officer Colt Cabana and Deputy Weedman vs. Zach Gowen and U Gene

I bet this will be a 60 minute classic. Gene starts off with Colt and Gene works up the crowd. Colt gets annoyed and tags in Weedman. Gene hits a drop toe hold and rides Weedman like a pony. Weedman reverses and does the same thing and Gene congratulates him. Another Family Chant rings out. Colt comes in and berates UGene so he tags in Gowen. Colt just shoves him down and makes fun of Gowen. Zach starts to get in some offense and Colt runs out of the ring and tags Weedman. Weedman tries to make it a fair fight by wrestling on one leg. Weedman tries to keep the match clean but Colt keeps taking out Gowen. Finally UGene comes in and takes over with some Kamala chops and does his Hogan leg drop for a 2 count. He hits a special people's elbow but Weedman tries to break up the pin and hits Colt on accident. Now Weedman is holding Gowen and Colt has his knight stick but U Gene takes it away and tries to hit Colt. He actually hit Gowen and Colt covers Gowen for the win.

Your winners Officer Colt Cabana and Deputy Weedman!

Video package is shown about the next iPPV “Send In The Clowns” featuring ICP performing

Match #4 3 Way Dance - Sexy Slim Goody vs. Breyer Wellington with Truth Martini vs. Kawabata

Truth Martini (in a backless vest thing) joins the guys on commentary

Goody starts the match showing off his man boobs. Goody and Wellington work together beating down Kawabata. Kawabata hits a double ddt and takes over. Kawabata works over Goody while Wellington stays on the outside. Wellington then comes in to break up a pin attempt and starts working over Kawabata. Wellington misses a moonsault and rolls outside while Kawabata works over Goody again. Goody got a reversal and hit a double knee stomp (somehow) for a pin attempt and Wellington comes in to break it up. Goody shows the man boobs again and Wellington turns it into a top rope back suplex. Kawabata hits the red mist and Kurt Kobain for a pin on Goody. For some reason the match ends, so its not a real 3 way dance but whatever.

Your Winner Kawabata!

KG takes the mic to annouce to the crowd that on the next iPPV ICP will perform.

Out comes Necro Butcher and Mad Man Pondo to the ring. They remind everyone that they won a title shot and can use it whenever they want. They join the guys on commentary.

Ring announcer in the suit comes out, must be a championship match. I think they are calling him Legs Diamond.

Match #5 for JCW Tag Team Championship: Isabella Smothers and Bull Pain vs The Ring Rydas

Isabella takes the mic, tells the crowd to shut up and says her focus is only "bully poo". He doesn't like the knickname. Isabella says she has bad news. She got a letter in the mail today from her daddy Tracy Smothers. Bull Pain wonders what that has to do with him. Tracy says he is coming up for parole so he might be out of jail. Bull Pain says they haven't done anything so Isabella recounts the times they've done stuff. She even takes a used condom out of her pants. Ew.

Bull Pain insists that he start the match and Isabella finally agrees. Pain starts out with Ryda Blue and takes charge with shots in the corner. Isabella hits a blind tag and then a drop kick to the face of Blue in the corner. Pain tags back for a pin but Red breaks it up. Pain throws Blue into Red and he comes in and gets a beating. Isabella comes in with a back senton and Pain tags back in. Ring Rydas use some double team and work over Pain. Isabella comes in but gets taken down by Blue for a near fall. Isabella then runs to a knee in the corner. Blue turns his head and gets a low blow. Red tags in and hits a high cross body from the top rope for a near fall. Rydas hit some double team kicks on Isabella. Double team spike tombstone on Isabella and Blue gets the pin.

Your winners and still JCW Tag Team Champions The Ring Rydas!

After the match, Pain isn't happy about the loss and yells at Isabella. On commentary, Pondo slips and calls Isabella "Mickie".

Things Gordon Solie never said "You get the best f**kin wrestling for less than a pack of smokes with JCW"

Now is the musical guest so time for a break. Drive By started at 8:40 and finished right at 9

After 5 minutes of stalling by the announcers, Rhino comes out and grabs a mic. His mic doesn't work so he tries again and now it works so he calls out Rob Conway. Conway comes out and says what he does isn't personal, its all about money. Rhino says he expected that. He takes out a stack of cash and says he wants to hire Conway to take HIM out. Conway accepts and here we go

Match #6 Rhino vs. Rob Conway

Rhino dominates early until Conway escapes to the outside. He comes back in for a test of strength and breaks it to take over control. Finally after a few minutes of ground work, Rhino gets control for a moment but Conway gets it right back after a double axe handle off the second rope. Rhino manages a AA Spinebuster but only gets a 2 count. Both struggle to get up, Conway throws Rhino to the outside. Rhino hit a clothesline on the outside and digs for a table under the ring. Rhino sets up the table in the corner. Conway manages to escape a gore into a sleeper. Rhino then reverses it and puts Conway through the table for the pin.

Your winner Rhino!

They show a 2 Tuff Tony video package

Main Event for JCW Championship

2 Tuff Tony vs Butler Geeves with Breyer Wellington and Truth Martini

Things Gordon Solie never said "He's just a scardy "b**ch"

Geeves starts out trying to avoid Tony but finally Tony starts in on some offense. When Tony tries to run the ropes Martini grabs his leg. Doesn't matter as Tony continues to pound on Geeves. Tony hit a dropkick for a pin but Wellington interferes. Tony sets Geeves on the top rope for the Tumble Weed but Truth distracts the ref so no count. Tony hits spring board moonsault from the middle rope but again the pin is broke up. Tony continues to beat on Geeves. Every pin, though, is broke up from the outside. A big Tony Driver on Geeves but the ref is pulled out of the ring. Now Tony loads up his fist and takes a big drink but out comes Officer Colt and Deputy Weedman. Colt says he needs to arrest Tony for public intox. Weedman reads Tony his rights while Colt cuffs him and says Tony has "The right to be raped in jail". Tony is then drug out out of the ring. The ref then counts out Tony.

Your winner and still JCW Champion Butler Geeves!

Out comes Corporal Robinson and says there is no way its going down like that. He calls out Violent J. J says that he hates what happened but can't do anything about Tony getting arrested. He can give Corp a chance right now to win Tony another championship match at Send In The Clowns. He has to earn the shot for Tony by beating Geeves and Wellington and Martini in a 3 on 1 and has to do it in under 2 minutes. Corp says ring the bell.

Match #8 Corporal Robinson vs Breyer Wellington and Butler Geeves and Truth Martini

Right away numbers game is too much for Corp. After a minute, Corp finally starts to get in some offense. With 20 seconds left Corp clears the ring, hits boot camp on Wellington and gets the 3 count with 3 seconds to spare!

Your winner Corporal Robinson!

Then the connection died. I tried to reload but it never came back.

Not a bad match on the show, but nothing beyond good. It seemed like this show was about advancing the story lines. Not a bad show, but not as good as the previous ones. A lot of that probably comes from the endless buffering and tech issues this show had that made it hard to watch and enjoy. If the full screen was the cause, I’d rather have the small one back. But for $5, it was a bargain.
Tough Enough filmed at FCW today and led to these spoilers on who will make the Finals.

At the Florida Championship Wrestling Television Tapings on Thursday night, they filmed some segments involving Tough Enough. I believe these segments will be airing on June 6th during the final episode of the current season of Tough Enough.

Booker T joined FCW’s Play By Play Announcer Matt Martlaro at the Announce table for the Tough Enough segments.

Before they taped the first episode of FCW Television, they had the Tough Enough ring apron around the ring.

They held a number of ‘Exhibition Matches’ with the finalists.

The first exhibition match featured Bill Demott and Christina. They exchange side head lock take downs and then Christina got a near fall on Demott. She gave Demott an arm drag and drop kick. Christina went up top and went for a cross body press but Demott caught her and then put her down. Then Demott shook Christina’s hand and they were done.

The second exhibition match featured Bill Demott and Luke. They locked up and Luke took Demott down with a side head lock. Demott gave Luke a head scissors but Luke escaped. Luke gave Demott a hip toss and followed that with a drop kick. Luke goes up top and hits an elbow drop on Demott. Demott gets in Luke’s face as the exhibition ends.

This was the end of the first Tough Enough Segment.

After the second of the episodes of FCW, they did another segment.

Booker T rejoined FCW Play by Play Announcer Matt Martlaro at the announce table.

The third exhibition match featured Bill Demott and Andy. Before they lock up, Demott and Andy argue with each other. Andy connects with a forearm but Demott responds with a clothesline. Andy gives Bill a big boot and then he goes up top and hits an elbow to get a near fall. They get up and shake hands to end the exhibition.

The fourth and final exhibition was between Peter Orlov and Jeremiah. They exchange side head locks and then Orlov hits a drop kick and gets a near fall. Orlov with a kick followed by a splash in the corner. Orlov slams Jeremiah but he misses a knee drop. Jeremiah goes up top and hits a cross body and gets a near fall. Orlov with a drop kick and chops but Jeremiah punches Orlov and hits a suplex. Jeremiah goes up top and hits a cross body press to get a three count.

Thoughts on Tough Enough Segments:

They used the cameramen for Tough Enough during the first three segments. I did not see them during the exhibition with Jeremiah and Peter Orlov. I don’t know if this means that Jeremiah is going to be eliminated before the finals. I thought it was weird that Bill Demott did not participate in the exhibition with Jeremiah.

Based on the ending of this week’s episode of Tough Enough, I was surprised to see Christina come out for the first exhibition.

It appears that AJ finally gets eliminated on next week’s episode of Tough Enough. I wonder if they will avoid an elimination on the Memorial Day episode and then get rid of someone at the start of the finale and then show the exhibition matches, with Jeremiah getting a match if he is eliminated in fourth.

Of the three exhibition matches with Bill Demott, the crowd gave the best reaction to Andy. The second best reaction was given to Christina, with Luke getting the worst reaction of the three who wrestled with Bill Demott. It felt like Jeremiah got a better reaction than Luke.

I thought Andy looked the best in the ring of the four finalists. Christina surprised me with her performance and I thought she did a better job than Luke. Jeremiah looked okay with Orlov but he was a little awkward when he came off the top turnbuckle.

Ricky Steamboat was at ringside for all of the exhibition matches.

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