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Dark Match:

* Dean Ambrose defeated Ezekiel Jackson

SmackDown, Airing Friday:

* SmackDown opens with World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus called out Daniel Bryan for a match. Sheamus beats Bryan by DQ when #1 contender Alberto Del Rio interfered. Bryan and Del Rio have words after the match.

* Trainers come out and check on Sheamus after he takes an armbar from Del Rio.

* WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth defeated Hunico and Camacho. Abraham Washington, Rosa Mendes, Epico and Primo came out to watch the match from the stage.

* Brodus Clay defeats Jack Swagger by DQ after interference from Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler takes a big headbutt from Clay but they beat him down. Clay cleans house and chases them and Vickie Guerrero off.

* Randy Orton and Big Show vs. Kane and Cody Rhodes is announced for later tonight.

* Backstage segment with Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio arguing about getting a title shot at Sheamus. Eve Torres appears and says she has to check with the doctors to see if Sheamus is able to compete.

* Damien Sandow vs. Derrick Bateman is up next. Sandow cuts a heel promo against the crowd and Bateman. He refuses to wrestle Bateman and walks out.

* Ryback comes out as the replacement and squashes Bateman.

* Randy Orton and Big Show beat Kane and Cody Rhodes. Show hit the WMD on Cody for the win.

* They re-tape Brodus Clay vs. Jack Swagger with Clay winning by count out.

* Layla defeated Natalya in a non-title match.

* Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Alberto Del Rio. He comes out to watch the main event of Bryan vs. Sheamus in the rematch from earlier, made by Eve. Sheamus comes out with his shoulder bandaged up. Sheamus beat Bryan with the Brogue Kick. Del Rio also interfered in this match.

Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan open the show with an in-ring segment, teasing a match between the two.

* Brooke Tessmacher and Velvet Sky beat Madison Rayne and Gail Kim.

* In-ring segment with Bobby Roode and Rob Van Dam picking each other's opponents for later.

* TNA Television Champion Devon beat Rob Terry by DQ.

* A Gutcheck segment where Al Snow, Bruce Prichard and Ric Flair grant Alex Silva a TNA contract.

* Rob Van Dam beat Jeff Hardy.

* Segment with Bully Ray messing with Jeremy Borash. Austin Aries comes out for the save and they brawl.

* AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Magnus beat Daniels, Kazarian and Kurt Angle.

* Bobby Roode beat Mr. Anderson in a No DQ match. The match ended in chaos as everyone interfered. Roode lays everyone out with chairshots to end the show.
Impact Wrestling 5/10:

*TNA champion Bobby Roode promo to open the show. He brags he will soon break the records and become the long reigning TNA champion of all time. Rob Van Dam, Ken Anderson and Jeff Hardy come out. Hulk Hogan announces a 4-Way Match with the winner earning something if they win. Anderson and Hardy would take RVD's title shot if they win. If Roode wins then he chooses his opponent at Sacrifice. If RVD wins, then he gets to pick the stipulation for Sacrifice.

*-Brooke Tessmacher defeated Velvet Sky but was laid out by Gail Kim.

*Matt Morgan was laid out on the way to the ring against Crimson by Bully Ray and was carried out. Crimson had the referee count Morgan out.

*TNA X-Division champion Austin Aries defeated Zema Ion,

*Kazarian and Daniels revealed their secret, which were photos of AJ Styles making out with Dixie Carter. Styles, who came out during the segment, was shocked.

*TNA TV champion Devon beat Robbie E.

*Joseph Park confronted Billy Ray but was punched and laid out.

*Rob Van Dam defeated Bobby Roode, Mr. Anderson and Jeff Hardy in a Four Way, then posed on top of a ladder, so we are getting a ladder match. Abyss emerged on the stage and cut a promo, announcing his return.


Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan open the show with an in-ring segment, teasing a match between the two.

* Brooke Tessmacher and Velvet Sky beat Madison Rayne and Gail Kim.

* In-ring segment with Bobby Roode and Rob Van Dam picking each other's opponents for later.

* TNA Television Champion Devon beat Rob Terry by DQ.

* A Gutcheck segment where Al Snow, Bruce Prichard and Ric Flair grant Alex Silva a TNA contract.

* Rob Van Dam beat Jeff Hardy.

* Segment with Bully Ray messing with Jeremy Borash. Austin Aries comes out for the save and they brawl.

* AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Magnus beat Daniels, Kazarian and Kurt Angle.

* Bobby Roode beat Mr. Anderson in a No DQ match. The match ended in chaos as everyone interfered. Roode lays everyone out with chairshots to end the show.

Probably gonna miss it. Game 3 of the Kings/Blues series.
* Damien Sandow vs. Derrick Bateman is up next. Sandow cuts a heel promo against the crowd and Bateman. He refuses to wrestle Bateman and walks out.

And this was his theme according to ProWrestling.net & some people who attended the show:

- A rumor surfaced days ago on Twitter that Dustin "Goldust" Runnels, who has been working behind the scenes for WWE, has been released from his contract with the sports entertainment organization. He also began promoting a new Twitter account last week, @DRHODES_SAYS. Adding further suspicion to his status with the company, WWE.com transferred his profile from the Raw Superstars section to the Alumni section on Friday. The organization has not issued an announcement concerning Runnels being released.
Smackdown starts with a video promo recapping last night and the fatal four way announcement.

Sheamus and Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio and Chris Jericho: No Contest

Sheamus out to the ring. Followed by Randy Orton. Now here comes Chris Jericho. Now Ricardo to announce Del Rio. No car tonight as the arena is too small to allow. Great way to get the arena amped. Same tag match from last night to start the evening. Orton and Y2J start. Orton tags Sheamus' bad arm. Sheamus returns the hard tag to Orton. Del Rio gets in and takes control. Sheamus to the outside and Ricardo and Y2J attack outside the ring. Things break down and the red rings the bell for a no contest. Refs spill out from the back to split everyone. Orton and Sheamus dispatch their guy and have a state down.

AJ def. Kaitlyn

AJ out to the ring to a decent pop. Kaitlin out next to little/no reaction. Aj starts on fire. Punches flying. And just like that, it's over. AJ wins. Continues attacking after the match. Out comes Daniel Bryan. Bryan says he's impressed with AJ. He is talking her up. He says he's ready to move past it all. Bryan says he's looking forward to moving on to Kaitlyn. AJ looks like she will smack him then leaves. There is a major "Yes" chant breaks out.

Daniel Bryan def. The Big Show

Big Show starts with the "vintage" chops. He continues to dominate early on. Bryan has Show in the Yes Lock and John Laurinaitis stops the match saying Show taps out. Daniel Bryan is your winner.

Johnny makes Show apologize again. Laurinaitis calls him a 40 year old 400 lb freak and leaves Show in ring.

Ryback def. Heath Slater

A typical squash match, with Ryback winning in under two minutes.

Announcement of Sheamus vs. Jericho for later

Teddy Long out to a nice pop to be special guest ref.

Antonio Cesaro def. Alex Riley

Antonio Cesaro is in control from the start with a lot of mat wrestling. Riley went for the Spinebuster and Cesaro reverses it to his finisher and the 3 count. After the match, Aksana says Teddy was just her friend and Cesaro is her lover.

Randy Orton def. Alberto Del Rio via DQ

Back and forth to start off the match. Del Rio gets upper hand. Del Rio works on Ortons left arm. Ricardo gets involved from the outside. Orton regains control and hits the normal spots. Hanging DDT from the corner. Crowd erupts for an RKO. Ricardo off the top rope and eats an RKO. The match is over, as Randy wins by DQ. Del Rio locks in the Cross Armbreaker after match. Good match overall.

R-Truth def. Jack Swagger

R-Truth with a 15 second build up to a leg drop. Swagger gains control. Truth builds momentum and hits the Lie Detector. The action spills outside, as Kofi takes out Dolph. Kingston then hits a Trouble in Paradise on Swagger who was in the ropes. Swagger gets hit with R-Truths finisher and the 1,2,3.

WWE advertises John Cena and Johnny face to face on Monday.

Darren Young and Titus O'Neil def. Santino Marella and Zack Ryder

Santino starts out with some comedy. Titus takes over. There are a lot of tags with Young and O'Neil. Zack Ryder gets the hot tag and hits the Broski Boot. The action spills outside. Titus and Young hit their finisher for the win on Ryder. Young and O'Neil cut a promo after match.

Damien Sandow is interviewed by Striker. He cuts a promo on being a savior. Says he is the bright beam of enlightenment...... You're Welcome.

Brodus Clay def. Hunico

Quick match with Clay getting beaten down before the bell by Hunico and Camacho. Clay hits his usual moves for the victory.

Chris Jericho vs. Sheamus ends in No Contest

Jericho works the arm from the get go. The fighting goes to the outside. Jericho takes over with a drop kick from the middle rope. Jericho misses a lionsault and Sheamus takes over. Lots of reversals and finally Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho. Sheamus gets to the ropes to break the hold. Sheamus sends Y2J over the ropes and Del Rio comes out and throws Y2J in the steps and applies the arm breaker to Sheamus. Orton comes out for the save. Orton and Sheamus argue. Jericho hits Del Rio with Codebreaker. Orton follows with an RKO to Del Rio, followed by a Brogue kick to Del Rio. Sheamus and Orton stare down. This should be the end of SmackDown.
- Paul Heyman is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for tonight's Raw SuperShow broadcast as he is scripted to appear in a segment.

Heyman returned to WWE on last week's Raw SuperShow as Brock Lesnar's legal adviser. He announced that his client had quit the company and was "never coming back."

-- Sting, who has not appeared on TNA Wrestling programming since before Lockdown, is scheduled to return to television at tonight's Impact Wrestling taping in Orlando, Florida.

On the March 22 episode of Impact Wrestling, Sting announced his resignation as General Manager and handed the position over to Hulk Hogan. He reasoned that Hogan could properly run TNA Wrestling without the influence of Eric Bischoff.

Bobby Roode comes out and brags about his victory over Rob Van Dam at Sacrifice. Because he is going to be the longest World Champion in TNA history he wants a celebration party. He calls out Hogan to confirm. Hogan declines it then later announces that at next week's Open Fight Night, the World Title will be defended. There will be a series of matches (Bully Ray vs RVD, Anderson vs Jeff Hardy, Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle and a Battle Royal) with the winners facing off next week in a Fatal 4-Way. The winner of that match will face Roode later in the night for the World Heavyweight Title.

-In the first match, Bully Ray defeated Rob Van Dam to advance to next week's 4-Way.

-AJ Styles won a 10-Man Battle Royal (also included Austin Aries, Robbie E and Robbie T, Devon, Garett Bischoff, Crimson, Magnus, Eric Young and Gunner). After the match, Hogan congratulated AJ.

AJ stood in the ring to explain the Dixie Carter scandal. Before he could thoroughly explain it, Daniels and Kazarian came out interrupting him. Daniels and Kazarian then show a video of AJ on their IPAD of of Dixie Carter and AJ Styles at a hotel. They end up going into a hotel room together. Daniels and Kazarian trash talk AJ. AJ goes after the tag champions but eventually leaves the ring.

-Gail Kim defeated Velvet Sky and Brooke Tessmacher when she stole a pin from Velvet Sky to retain the Knockouts Title.

-Jeff Hardy defeated Mr. Anderson to advance to next week's 4-Way.

-Kurt Angle defeated Samoa Joe to advance to the 4-Way by reversing the Musclebuster into a rollup. Bobby Roode (who was on commentary) had a few words with Angle after the match. Eventually Hardy came to ringside followed by Bully Ray and AJ Styles on the stage. Roode had a staredown with his four potential challengers.
Dark Matches:

* Dean Ambrose defeated a local wrestler.

* CM Punk defeated Chris Jericho in an Anything Goes match.

* John Cena, Randy Orton and Sheamus beat Lord Tensai, Kane and Dolph Ziggler.

SmackDown, Airing Friday:

* Attendance looks low but there is a lot of Daniel Bryan chants. Heat for Michael Cole as he comes out with Booker T to the announcers table.

* John Laurinaitis opens the show and talks about facing John Cena at Over the Limit. Laurinaitis wants sympathy and wants the fans to pray for him. WWE Champion CM Punk interrupts to a huge pop.

Punk comes out and is glad that Laurinaitis will finally be terminated after John Cena beats him on Sunday. Punk wishes Laurinaitis the best in his future endeavors to a big pop from the crowd. Punk goes on ripping Laurinaitis until he's had enough. Laurinaitis tells everyone to go to hell and announces Punk vs. Kane for tonight.

* WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth beat Darren Young and Titus O'Neil.

* Zack Ryder is backstage filming his YouTube show when Damien Sandow is shown walking to the ring.

* Sandow comes out as Yoshi Tatsu waits in the ring. Sandow cuts a promo and doesn't think Tatsu is worthy of wrestling him tonight. Yoshi taunts Sandow and calls him a chicken. Sandow lays Tatsu out with a modified neckbreaker and leaves.

* A Big Show video airs.

* Backstage segment with Sheamus and Randy Orton hyping up the four-way title match at Over the Limit.

* Daniel Bryan beat Zack Ryder with the Yes Lock.

* Kane beat CM Punk by DQ with Daniel Bryan staying out for commentary. Bryan tried to interfere with a chair shot but hit Kane instead. Kane, thinking Punk hit him with the chair, laid the WWE Champion out.

* Santino Marella beat Cody Rhodes in a champion vs. champion match.

* Randy Orton defeated Sheamus in the main event with a roll-up. The title was not on the line. After the match, they shook hands but Orton left Sheamus laying with a RKO.
1. Gail Kim and Madison Rayne defeated ODB and Eric Young to win the TNA Knockouts Tag Titles.
Rob Van Dam called out Gunner, which led to a match.
2. Rob Van Dam pinned Gunner. Van Dam flew three-quarters of the way across the ring and won with a Frogsplash.
3. Devon and Garett Bischoff fought to a no-contest in a TV Title match. Devon and Garett shook hands before the match. A few minutes in, two wrestlers wearing sweaters hit the ring and had the upper hand for a moment, but Devon and Garett cleared them from the ring.
4. Austin Aries defeated Joey Ryan to retain the X Division Title. Aries won with what appeared to be a brainbuster.
Bully Ray called out Joseph Park from the stands. Park held a trial by fan reaction and the verdict was guilty. Ray punched him in the stomach and then hit him with his chain. He grabbed the mic and laid down in front of Park and yelled not guilty.
Bobby Roode came out for the main event. A.J. Styles and Kurt Angle came out. Hulk Hogan came out and selected Styles to face Roode.
5. Bobby Roode defeated A.J. Styles to retain the TNA Title. Roode worked on A.J.’s shoulder throughout the match. After a number of near falls for both men, Roode got the win.
Roode had a party for becoming the longest reigning TNA Champion. After confetti and champagne, Hogan came out. The lights went out and Hogan brought out a special guest: Sting! Sting beat Roode out of the ring.
Hogan announced the new time 7:00 p.m. CT starting time for Impact and announced that the first match on that show will be Roode vs. Sting in a lumberjack match.

* Triple H opens the show in a suit. He speaks from the stage, wearing his arm brace, and thanks Full Sail University for hosting NXT. The crowd is hot.

* Dean Ambrose vs. Xavier Woods is up first.

* Dusty Rhodes and William Regal are on commentary.
Dusty Rhodes and William Regal are on commentary.

Yeah, I don't think that'll be a good partnership tbh. Two colour commentators, one of whom is barely coherent and the other needs a strong PBP guy beside him who knows when to talk and when to stfu. Hooo boy.
Dark Match: Xavier Woods (formerly Consequences Creed in TNA) beat Dean Ambrose. Ambrose was very popular.

Triple H came out and cut a promo. Hunter thanked Full Sail for use of their facilities and said the first episode will air in more than 60 countries. (No date was given.)

Jim Ross and William Regal were introduced on commentary. JR introduced the new GM of NXT, Dusty Rhodes.

(1) Bo Dallas (Rotundo) beat Rick Victor with a spear.

(2) The Ascension (Connor O'Brian & Kenneth Cameron) beat C.J. Parker & Mike Dalton in a squash tag match. Ascension had an epic entrance and were impressive.

Damien Sandow refused to fight Jason Jordan. It was the same promo from his Smackdown appearances. Damien was over as a heel; funny stuff.

(3) Tyson Kidd beat Michael McGillicutty via submission. Great match that captivated the crowd and had plenty of nearfalls. Kidd won with a leg choke.

After a brief intermission, a video aired and they shot the crowd to lead into what can be assumed to be the second episode.


(1) Seth Rollins (formerly Tyler Black) beat Jiro. This was essentially a squash. Rollins cut a promo promising to take NXT, WWE, and the world by storm.

(2) Jinder Mahal beat Jason Jordan via submission with the Camel Clutch. Boring match as indicated by the crowd chants.

(3) Leo Kruger beat Aiden English. Quick and effective establishing Aiden as a face and Kruger as a heel. Post-match, Leo talked about himself on the mic, calling himself the LEO (Lion) of NXT. So, watch out.

(4) Richie Steamboat beat Rick Victor with a big lariat. Richie wrestles a lot like his dad, Ricky Steamboat, who was ringside watching. Richie gave him a shout-out after the match.

(5) Antonio Cesaro beat Dante Dash. Afterward, Aksana declared, "Antonio is my lover!"
Dark Match: Xavier Woods (formerly Consequences Creed in TNA) beat Dean Ambrose. Ambrose was very popular.

Triple H came out and cut a promo. Hunter thanked Full Sail for use of their facilities and said the first episode will air in more than 60 countries. (No date was given.)

Jim Ross and William Regal were introduced on commentary. JR introduced the new GM of NXT, Dusty Rhodes.

(1) Bo Dallas (Rotundo) beat Rick Victor with a spear.

(2) The Ascension (Connor O'Brian & Kenneth Cameron) beat C.J. Parker & Mike Dalton in a squash tag match. Ascension had an epic entrance and were impressive.

Damien Sandow refused to fight Jason Jordan. It was the same promo from his Smackdown appearances. Damien was over as a heel; funny stuff.

(3) Tyson Kidd beat Michael McGillicutty via submission. Great match that captivated the crowd and had plenty of nearfalls. Kidd won with a leg choke.

After a brief intermission, a video aired and they shot the crowd to lead into what can be assumed to be the second episode.


(1) Seth Rollins (formerly Tyler Black) beat Jiro. This was essentially a squash. Rollins cut a promo promising to take NXT, WWE, and the world by storm.

(2) Jinder Mahal beat Jason Jordan via submission with the Camel Clutch. Boring match as indicated by the crowd chants.

(3) Leo Kruger beat Aiden English. Quick and effective establishing Aiden as a face and Kruger as a heel. Post-match, Leo talked about himself on the mic, calling himself the LEO (Lion) of NXT. So, watch out.

(4) Richie Steamboat beat Rick Victor with a big lariat. Richie wrestles a lot like his dad, Ricky Steamboat, who was ringside watching. Richie gave him a shout-out after the match.

(5) Antonio Cesaro beat Dante Dash. Afterward, Aksana declared, "Antonio is my lover!"

You non-FCW fans have no idea what you're going to see next week. Brief words do not do Ascension justice. They must be seen to be believed.

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