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The Man They Call WMD

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Pretty much is what the title says. Besides posting spoilers I will also post house show results. So lets start.

Full Smackdown spoilers for 3/25
SmackDown, Airing March 25th:

* Booker T comes out to the announcer's table and gets a big pop while Michael Cole gets major heat.

* SmackDown begins with Teddy Long backstage telling Edge that if he or Alberto Del Rio fight before WrestleMania 27 then they will both be banned from the show. Christian tells Edge to stay away from the match tonight.

* Rey Mysterio defeats CM Punk by DQ in a WrestleMania Rewind match. Cody Rhodes came out and attacked Rey with a knee brace on.

* Edge tells Christian backstage that he will still be in his corner tonight.

* Edge defeats Drew McIntyre and spears him after the match.

* Layla and Michelle McCool beat Kelly Kelly and Rosa Mendes in a quick match. Layla had her hair done like Snooki and they were mocking her. Layla cut a promo on their WrestleMania opponents after the match.

* Wade Barrett beat Kofi Kingston to become the new IC Champion when The Corre interfered and caused Kofi to be distracted. After the match, Justin Gabriel hit Kofi with a 450 Splash.

* Teddy Long tells Alberto Del Rio backstage the same thing he told Edge earlier. It will be the person who initiates the physical contact that will be removed from the WrestleMania title match.

* The Undertaker came out and talked about his WrestleMania match with Triple H. Nothing special or new here. Taker says he can't wait to see Triple H on RAW.

* Jack Swagger beat R-Truth by submission and celebrated with Michael Cole after the match.

* Christian defeated Alberto Del Rio with the Killswitch. Del Rio taunted Edge, who was in Christian's corner. Edge acted like he was going to hit Del Rio with a chair. Christian ended up hitting Del Rio with the chair.

There's a whiteboard in the ring with stuff on it as Mr. Anderson opens iMPACT. He comes down with a man he calls Professor Shubert from the University of Green Bay. Anderson talks about the finish last week where "Reefer Van Dam" and him tied. Anderson runs numbers and decides he wants his rematch. Anderson ends up hitting the Mic Check on professor. Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff come out. Bischoff says Anderson hasn't earned a rematch yet. He has to beat Rob Van Dam first. RVD comes out and eventually Sting comes out. Sting says the network wants him to be the special referee for the Anderson vs. RVD match.

* Mickie James beat Tara and had a staredown with Madison Rayne.

* Okato beat The Pope by DQ when Pope hit him with rings on his hand. Pope attacked the referee after the match and Samoa Joe came out and chased him off. Okato bled pretty bad in this match.

* Ric Flair comes out with Matt Hardy and Brother Ray. He calls them two of the best tag team wrestlers ever. The crowd chants for Fortune and then chants boring. Fortune comes out and they brawl. The lights go out and Abyss appears with a new look. He helps Immortal take out Fortune and they leave them laying.

* Hernandez comes out with Rosita and Sarita and their new partner Esteban, the guy from Victory Road. Hernandez says they are the Mexican American nation and are superior. He says people will soon worship their Mexican flag and brings one down over the American flag. They challenge Devon and Matt Morgan to a street fight

* Hernandez and Esteban beat Matt Morgan and Devon in a street fight. Rosita and Sarita got involved which brought Velvet Sky and Angelina Love out. Angelina looked to be saving Velvet but Winter called her to the back. Morgan tends to Velvet which allows Esteban to pin Devon.

* RVD and Mr. Anderson wrestle with no winner in a #1 contender's match. Sting was the special enforcer but took over as referee when the first referee went down. Sting and Anderson argued when Anderson wanted RVD counted out after a low blow and Mic Check into the corner. Anderson and Sting ended up fighting until security broke them up.

Mr. Anderson drags Earl Hebner to the ring to open iMPACT. Anderson is pissed about getting disqualified last week and wants the decision reversed. Hebner refuses and gets dropped by Anderson. Brian Hebner comes down and then Sting. Sting and Anderson brawl until Rob Van Dam comes out. RVD wants it to be a three-way at Lockdown with Anderson added. Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff come out to make it official. Tonight, it will be Sting, RVD and Anderson vs. Abyss, Brother Ray and Matt Hardy in a cage match.

* Scott Steiner beat Jesse Neal. Eric Young and Orlando Jordan, who were on commentary, got attacked by Magnus and Douglas Williams after the match.

* Max Buck defeated Jeremy Buck in a solid match.

* Winter defeated Velvet Sky.

* Mr. Anderson called out Sting to apologize but they ended up fighting. Brother Ray, Matt Hardy and Abyss came down and fought with them but RVD came out for the save.

* Kurt Angle wants Jeff Jarrett tonight and doesn't want to wait until Lockdown. Rob Terry comes out to do his dirty work but gets beat down by Angle.

* Matt Hardy, Abyss and Brother Ray beat RVD, Sting and Mr. Anderson in a cage match. Sting attacked Anderson during his entrance and left him there. Hogan eventually came out and forced Anderson to join the cage. Anderson pushed RVD, letting Brother Ray get the win.

From Now on I will post them as soon as possible. If you want to discuss any of the spoilers go ahead. Enjoy
Minor Raw Spoiler
WWE filmed a major angle with Snooki, Trish Stratus, Layla and Michelle McCool to air on this coming Monday's RAW yesterday at Miami Mike's Sports Zone in East Hanover, NJ, according to Popthecrowd.com.

The segment sees LayCool searching the bar for Snooki and Trish. Snooki fights with a guy trying to hit on her before LayCool finds her and they brawl in the bar. The segment, which was produced by WWE agents Finlay and Ranjin Singh, also sees LayCool put through a table.

According to the report, Snooki was supposed to begin filming at 10am but she didn't leave her hotel room until 1pm and filming didn't start until 3pm and finished around 8pm. Snooki was also said to have been heavily drinking the entire day and was bragging to the bartender that she would be a full-time WWE Diva once Jersey Shore was done.
Full time Diva?? Yeah, that's likely. Jesus, I cannot understand why she is even apart of this. Fucking ridiculous. Yeah, it's good for business, PPV guys, etc. I'm being selfish, and my selfish side wants no part of this troll come WrestleMania time.
I feel so sorry for Morrison and Dolph. All the great stuff they did starting the year and this is their reward?
I feel so sorry for Morrison and Dolph. All the great stuff they did starting the year and this is their reward?

This. I dont get it either. You could say that they are spending time around a legend in Trish and being close to a celeb is never bad but I wouldnt agree.
How much coverage did Rock get compared to Snooki in the mainstream?

I'm not saying Snooki isn't getting a lot but it isn't as much as the Rock. When the Rock made his return he was the #1 trending thing on yahoo. That is huge. Miz was on Conan last night and is on Kimel tonight. John Cena is everywhere. So I disagree about the title match not having more coverage then Snooki.
3/25 Raw House Show Results- Sin Cara Debut
The WWE returned to the Assembly Hall in Champaign, Illinois tonight. Considering they chose to run Champaign during Spring Break (with the vast majority of the 40,000+ college students out of town), they drew a pretty solid crowd of about 5,000 people.

The Miz opened the show by interrupting the National Anthem (which got big heat as you'd expect) and then cut a very long promo. He bragged about all of his talk show gigs & then called out Randy Orton, who he predicted would be too injured to face him.

WWE Championship Bout -The Miz (Champion, with Alex Riley) vs. Randy Orton (Challenger)

Our ref was local boy Jack Doan. This match only went 2:35 before CM Punk ran in and attacked Orton for the DQ. During the brief bout, Orton utilized an Austin/Thesz Press & punches, which drew a huge pop. Orton ended up avoiding the GTS & cleaning house. The GM texted Justin Roberts & Roberts announced (no surprise) Orton & Cena vs. Miz & Punk.

Tyson Kidd & the Usos vs. Santino Marella (with Tamina), Vladimir Koslov & Evan Bourne

This was a surprisingly long, but generally entertaining match. Santino was over with the kids definitely. Evan went for the Shooting Star Press on one of the Usos, but the other Uso broke it up. Then Evan was a face-in-peril for a while, and Boune was getting a lot of love. Eventually, Bourne tagged out and the heels were in trouble. Santino got a "can of Spinach" kiss from Tamina and then hit one of the Usos with the Cobra. He tagged in Bourne, and Evan hit the Air Bourne Shooting Star Press to great fanfare for the pin at 11:56. Decent match.

Zack Ryder vs. The Great Khali

Ryder ran down Champaign, the local ladies & their physical attractiveness (shouldn't have run Champaign-Urbana during spring break then), and challenged anybody to a match. He got the Great Khali. Khali quikly chopped & pinned him in 22 seconds.


Wow, this was a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to Sin Cara hopefully bringing back this exciting style to Monday nights. Mistico errr Sin Cara did most of his trademark spos, including the Corkscrew Plancha, the Springboard Rana, the Spinning Flying Head Scissors and the running headfirst dive between the ropes. They weren't all super smooth, but this is still night one. Sin Cara tried for another springboard rana but Primo reversed it into a power bomb. Primo tried for another Power Bomb, but this time Sin Cara reversed it into the La Mistica (!) for the submission win at 11:12. Good match and people liked Sin Cara, especially considering no one had seen him before or knew who he was.

Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison

Dolph really stirred up the crowd by baiting various people in the crowd before the bout. The match itself was pretty good. Dolph worked over Morrison with some Minnesota Offense early, namely the Rude Awakening & the Hennig Running Neck Snap. Morrison came back and went to the top rope, hitting a flying crossbody. However, Morrison's momentum carried him over and Dolph got a nearfall. Morrison tried for the Moonlight Drive Neckbreaker but Dolph reversed it. He tried for a Zig Zag, but JoMo blocked it and then sorta hit the Starship Pain for the pin at 10:04. Pretty good.

R-Truth appeared, sang "What's Up?" and then chose 4 fans to compete in a dance-off for a chance to go backstage. A little kid in a John Cena shirt won (shocker).

Eve Torres & Natalya Neidhart vs. Alicia Fox & Melina

This was really long. Eve hit a standing moonsault, and then Eve pinned Melina after a neckbreaker at 12:07.

United States Championship Match - Sheamus (Champion) vs. Daniel Bryan (Challenger, with Gail Kim)

As expected, this was a very good match. I was pleased that Bryan was really over. Bryan connected with a dive through the ropes and a Missile Dropkick and went to the top for a Flying Headbutt. Sheamus moved, and Bryan crashed hard. Sheamus used the Irish Curse backbreaker for a near fall. Sheamus tried for the High Cross, but Bryan escaped and turned it into a sunset flip for a nearfall. Bryan applied the LeBell Lock, but Sheamus got to the ropes to force the break. Sheamus tossed a chair into the ring to distract the referee, and then used a second chair to KO Bryan as he was trying to another dive through the ropes. Then Sheamus ditched the chair and covered Bryan for the pin at 13:20 to retain the title. Like I said earlier, it was a very good match.

John Cena & Randy Orton vs. CM Punk & The Miz

Before the match, Punk explained to the good people of Champaign that even though most of the world considers champagne to be one of the finer things in life, it is merely pee-water to him. Therefore, our town Champaign and its residents are nothing but pee-water. Also, he ripped on us for being so close t indiana. The Miz and the referee were in stitches at this point. Cena and Punk started the bout in the ring, and when Cena tagged in Orton, Punk ran to his corner and literally hid behind Miz. Then Punk tagged in Miz. Orton dropped Miz with a powerslam and a 2nd rope DDT for nearfalls. Then Orton laid out Miz with a beautiful top rope superplex for a huge pop and another nearfall. Punk drilled Orton with a kick to the back as Orton was running the ropes, and Miz followed it up with a skull crushing finale for a nearfall. Miz also used the People's Elbow on Orton, tossing his elbow pad to a way-too-excited Punk (man, Punk and Miz are a really entertaining tag team). Eventually, Orton connected with the RKO on Miz at the same time as Cena dropped Punk with the Attitude Adjustment (apologies to Lex Luger) at the same time Orton RKO's Miz for the stereo pin at 16:51. It was a really good main event, and the crowd was loving it. Cena was super, super over.

In conclusion, this was a great house show. There were several really entertaining matches. Most of the guys worked really hard, and it was just under 3 hours long including intermission. It was also really cool to see the debut of Sin Cara. I hope he will be a top guy in WWE for years to come.
Smack Down Main Event?

The Cablevision Optimum app is advertising Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian in a Falls Count Anywhere Match for this week's episode of SmackDown.

Content for the episode is being filmed at tonight's television taping in Chicago since no taping is scheduled for tomorrow.
Weird, my cable box described the last episode of Smackdown as having that match. I was all pumped up for it too and then I watched Smackdown and it was just a regular match between the two.

I hope they film that match for Smackdown this week, it'll give me a reason to actually watch Smackdown this week since I thought it was just going to be nothing but Mania hype and video packages.
Weird, my cable box described the last episode of Smackdown as having that match. I was all pumped up for it too and then I watched Smackdown and it was just a regular match between the two.

I hope they film that match for Smackdown this week, it'll give me a reason to actually watch Smackdown this week since I thought it was just going to be nothing but Mania hype and video packages.

I love the match but I question it's timing.
He'll absolutely win, the WWE is usually good with booking in that sense that they spread wins around. Christian got two clean wins over him so to make sure they didn't quickly bury him right after he returns from injury, so now it's time for Christian to do the job for Del Rio. The fact that it's "Falls Count Anywhere" almost guarantees he'll win, what with the outside presence of Brodus Clay and Ricardo Rodriguez. I'm guessing Edge will either not be there, or will get attacked/jumped backstage before the match by Del Rio and his boys.

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