Why Ryder Dropping The US Title Is A Good Thing

IMO its not (yes I am a Ryder fan) look at it this way when somebody wins a title and loses it after 29 and on raw it doesn't really give a food impression on the title.
Although I think that they did give it to decent wrestler and with Vicky Guerrero as his manager she could do his talking because he doesn't really have the mic skills but thats just me.
This is the best thing for the WWE, Ryder as champion (especially this soon) was not believable and felt forced.

The fans forced the belt on him too soon, but VKM is a genius and will keep him relevant as the poster above stated and ave him chase until wrestlemania and if the crowd is still hot for him then he will win and get a huge pop


Ryder is an underdog character and should be winning by some sort of luck or a heel makes a mistake and he gets the win and he is always shocked when he gets the win. I will never believe Ryder beating a guy like Dolph, Cody, Swagger or any of the upper midcard guys clean.

Thats thinking like VKM but my real thoughts are WHY do the fans like this guy he is horrible in the ring ( have you ever seen this guy carry a match ) his mic skills and acting is garbage. I mean you cant fight what the fans want but honestly WHY?

Before the ZYoutube show nobody cared about Ryder as a gimmick or a wrestler. He was on Raw before and nobody cared nobody gave him in ring skills credit or mic skills credit. He was featured on ECW and nobody cared.

He does a Youtube show and all of a sudden all those people who never cared care now and all of a sudden they are saying his mic skills are better ( they haven't changed since his debut ) they are saying his in ring skills are good ( also have not changed).

If people just said they liked his youtube show and thats why they like him and cheer for him I would understand but to say all that other stuff like he has skills and whatever thats where I draw the line.

But back on topic It was a great thing that he dropped the title, there is no way you can build him up as a strong contender but as an underdog that lucks his way to win the title and lucks his way to keep it and they can build him up that way until WM. when he wins he will no doubt get a huge pop. thats if he doesn't fizzle out by then ( oh I so hope he does)

My thoughts the same!

I also think that now with Swagger as champ, the US title has a bit more prestige. The US title should be for those in the mid-card who are just about to jump to the World Titles.

Guys like John Cena, Booker T, Eddie Guerrero and more had held the US title just before their pushes in the main event. Look at Dolph Ziggler atm. This time last month, he had just lost the US title to Ryder and a month later, he is a serious contender (with or w/o laryngitus as the ref) to the WWE Championship. The US title should have some prestige to it and also a meaning. Ryder's reign was just to please the fanbase he developed which I respect but there needs to be prestige to the US title and I felt that it happened to quick.
My thoughts the same!

I also think that now with Swagger as champ, the US title has a bit more prestige. The US title should be for those in the mid-card who are just about to jump to the World Titles.

Guys like John Cena, Booker T, Eddie Guerrero and more had held the US title just before their pushes in the main event. Look at Dolph Ziggler atm. This time last month, he had just lost the US title to Ryder and a month later, he is a serious contender (with or w/o laryngitus as the ref) to the WWE Championship. The US title should have some prestige to it and also a meaning. Ryder's reign was just to please the fanbase he developed which I respect but there needs to be prestige to the US title and I felt that it happened to quick.
What the hell are you on about. Swagger isn't close to going back to the main event any time soon as he has horrible mic skills and can't act worth a damn. If you really believe Ryder's reign was just to appease his fans and now his done with it you are truly stupid. Ryder is one of the most over guys in the WWE if you haven't noticed and this will be an angle to help maintain that for the time being as he got screwed and people will be cheering him to win it back.
Kane destroyed him tonight and now he has a broken back! So it was a good thing he lost the title, since he'd be stripped of it anyway.

Zach Ryder = footnote in wrestling history.
Zack Ryder didn't get pinned tonight. He took everything Kane could deliver and kicked out quite a few times. He took one hell of a punishment then after going through the stage the match is called off.

They are finding ways to really make Zack Ryder a credible player in the upper-mid card. He has shown tremendous resiliency in trying to overcome the odds of Kane's chokeslam off the loading dock. Even though his back is 'broken' I'm sure he'll be back by Wrestlemania to defeat Swagger for the belt. Hell we may even see him as an entrant in the Royal Rumble with his back like this trying to fight through everything. If Kane does double duty that night I can see him chokeslamming Ryder through a table over the top rope but not after a hell of a fight.

Overall, Zack is now even more credible in losing to 3 (THREE!!!) gutwrench powerbombs and the hellish beating he got from Kane while all injured.
Overall, Zack is now even more credible in losing to 3 (THREE!!!) gutwrench powerbombs and the hellish beating he got from Kane while all injured.

As always, trying to guess what will happen next is one of the best aspects of following pro wrestling. Yes, it's easy to figure that giving Ryder a broken back takes him out of the picture forever, yet we know damn well it won't be that way.

There are numerous directions they can go. In keeping with Zack's cartoonish character, they could bring him back, overcoming enormous odds to kick Swagger's butt and take back the title. Despite the "severity" of Zack's injuries, they wouldn't wait too long to do this, as momentum is a fleeting thing and the memory of what Kane did to him won't last long in people's minds. He has to recover in a hurry.

Or, this could be the end of Zack's prominence in WWE. He'll be back, of course, but he might not see any title belts around his waist ever again.

On the other hand, do they really plan to have Zack return and go after Kane? Man, I can't see that going his way. If Kane is going to be brutalized, it will come at the hands of John Cena or C.M. Punk......not Zack Ryder.

Interestingly, I enjoyed Zack's performance last night more than anything I've seen from him before, largely because he abandoned the "clown" persona and showed up in the ring ready for business......and perhaps that's what will happen to his character in the future; no more goofy stuff. From now on, maybe he's a man on a mission.....although we don't yet know what the mission will be.

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