Why Zack Ryder Is A Future Star

The most important thing in the business is who is the top draw and who makes you the most cash. Apparently, Zack Ryder is selling out all of his t-shirts. If this is true, no amount of politics should hold him down. Politics is suicide.
Well the future star was left off Raw again. Didn't even get to be one of the choices. And we got to see Vicki dance. That shows how little faith Vince has in this guy.
This place is like a broken record. Zack may be a star some day, but this constant blabbering about him is getting ridiculous. He wasn't on Raw again, as I stated he would not be in another thread. Vince doesn't care what a minority of internet wrestling fans would like, in fact he is probably just trying to go against you guys now because some one made him aware of it.
This place is like a broken record. Zack may be a star some day, but this constant blabbering about him is getting ridiculous. He wasn't on Raw again, as I stated he would not be in another thread. Vince doesn't care what a minority of internet wrestling fans would like, in fact he is probably just trying to go against you guys now because some one made him aware of it.

I've seen more Ryder signs in the past couple of weeks than any other wrestler. That's fact, and you can't ignore it. The more and more you crap on the fans with dance contests or arm wrestling matches, the more and more uninterested they'll become.

How many Ziggler, Kofi, Bryan, Cody, ADR signs did you see in the crowd tonight? More signs supporting a guy who has 1 total appearance for the entire year on the show than the regulars.
Lets get this straight, Ryder is much more charaismatic and entertaining than most of the superstars on the roster. The only guys that are better than him on he Mic that wrestle full time are CM Punk and Cody Rhodes with his new gimmick. He's also quite good in the ring, probably better than someone like The Miz in the ring, and he's one of my favourites aswell. The guy deserves a push. Woo, Woo, Woo, you know it.

Looking forward to watching Superstars for a certain reason this week ;)
I've seen more Ryder signs in the past couple of weeks than any other wrestler. That's fact, and you can't ignore it. The more and more you crap on the fans with dance contests or arm wrestling matches, the more and more uninterested they'll become.

How many Ziggler, Kofi, Bryan, Cody, ADR signs did you see in the crowd tonight? More signs supporting a guy who has 1 total appearance for the entire year on the show than the regulars.

In regards to the signs, you also have to consider he is asking people to take in signs on his YouTube show, he then shows these signs on the show each week. Not doubting he is getting alot of support, but the chance of appearing in his youtube videos could be a reason to show up with a Ryder sign.

Also, you never see many signs supporting mid card guys, especially heels like Ziggler and Cody anyways.
In regards to the signs, you also have to consider he is asking people to take in signs on his YouTube show, he then shows these signs on the show each week. Not doubting he is getting alot of support, but the chance of appearing in his youtube videos could be a reason to show up with a Ryder sign.

Also, you never see many signs supporting mid card guys, especially heels like Ziggler and Cody anyways.

If you were an attention seeker, would you rather want to be seen on TV or Youtube?

I've seen signs for the following wrestlers, in the past month, on Raw and Smackdown:

-Kofi Kingston
-Evan Bourne
-Santino Marella
-Daniel Bryan
-Justin Gabriel
-Sin Cara

Granted, none are heels, but all are mid carders...

Hell, I even saw a tribute to Regal's 'A Real Man's Man' sign the other day on Raw... I laughed my ass off.

Oh, and I'm a Ryder mark, no doubt about it, but if you want to see why he's not on Raw yet, watch this week's NXT.
Ryder hit a cord with me. I admit I like him, and hope he breaks onto RAW every week. A lot of the interest he generates from me comes from not seeing him on RAW while following his youtube shows. Perhaps its sympathy, but I do find his character interesting.

I hate Miz. And thats exactly what he wants me to do. It dawned on me a few months ago. Unlike Cole's deal, Miz has great heel heat, I wanna see him get his. But I'm lost as to why they let Riley beat him. Where is he now? And I wonder if that missuse of a great heel isn't like not giving Ryder tv time?

I want to tune in to see Miz crediably fulfilling his heel role. And I want to see Ryder show his character off in a bigger spot light. Just like I want to see Cena do more than get beat down and comeback. I liked Cena a lot back when he was on SD and got a little dirty over what they do now.

I don't know if Ryder is going to be a star, but I want to see him in a bigger role, to prove it one way or the other.

ADR does nothing for me, I just don't get him. I'm sure lots of folks feel the same about Ryder. But that doesn't mean that both men can't do the job of providing entertainment.
Zack Ryder will be a big star whether we like it or not. He is on a bit of a winning streak on Superstars. He even beat Titus O Neil on NXT. Zack Ryder is fairly young and he has tons of charisma. He is a hard worker which has impressed Vince before (Rock, Miz and Cena) Zack Ryder is working his butt off to get over with WWE officals he has even made his own Youtube series to get over with the WWE Universe. He's also pretty well liked backstage. Zack Ryder has all the tools to be successful and in the next 5 years he will be a big draw hopefully.

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