Zack Ryder: Is He THAT Good?

Paragon - You could argue Riley, but i'm not having Kingston being bigger than Ryder. Fans don't give a shit about him, even when he is the United States or Intercontinental Champion. And i'm not counting Punk atm, because in my eyes, he's still a heel untill further notice.
Dude, even CM Punk spoke up for Zack Ryder at Comic-Con. He was like "When are we going to see more of Zack Ryder on TV?" to Triple H. Did you notice the sudden high usage of him on WWE now? That's probably a key factor.

All of the Superstars and Fans seem to like him, because heel or not...with his little phrases and such....he just makes himself a likeable character. Everyone's broski if you will. It may be an easy character, but he just has the look and perfect personality to back it up it seems.
Hes part of the IWC just like us! He's an internet wrestling fan boy who enjoys WWE and shows that in his videos and his excitement. Hes getting over on his own and hes still young and I love his work and dedication.
Zack Ryder isn't that good. However, he is that popular, those are two different things, just ask anyone who bristles at the mention of John Cena. He has gotten ove with an increasingly large number of fans SOLELY based on his YouTube videos and it's been a huge success. He is good enough in the ring to keep this following, and maybe parlay it into an IC or US title run. Outside of that, I don't see him as a huge draw, just another solid mid-carder. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Zack Ryder isn't that good. However, he is that popular, those are two different things, just ask anyone who bristles at the mention of John Cena. He has gotten ove with an increasingly large number of fans SOLELY based on his YouTube videos and it's been a huge success. He is good enough in the ring to keep this following, and maybe parlay it into an IC or US title run. Outside of that, I don't see him as a huge draw, just another solid mid-carder. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Very good point sir. If Zack Ryder never started his little youtube show, he would not have anywhere near the IWC fan support or popularity he has. People would just see him as a comedy style wrestler thats a low-carder. Granted this youtube show, with his growing fan support is giving him a little push. Nothing wrong with that, I just don't see what some of these Ryder marks are seeing that he is main event potential. I don't see that ever happening
Zack Ryder is a modern day Macho Man.

His whole web series is a group of promos that he uses to develop his character... these are promos that have a feel of the return of Kurt Hennig as Mr. Perfect years ago when he'd nail a pitch out of the park because his swing was 'Perfect'.

He makes fun of himself. He knows he's the butt of his own joke. How did he handle this joke character that's supposed to lose matches? He embraced it. He turned face. And he's gotten even more popular.

Don't think his show is funny? I'll disagree... It has all types of humor, from subtle to slapstick. Coincidence that he has mostly little kids as his broskis of the week ever since the face turn? I think no.

In ring skills... hm, no worse than Alex Riley or the Miz... Mic Skills are -MUCH- better than A. Riley too.

He's developed a story, set up plenty of angles, and did it all on his own time while staying in shape. Ryder is the key to mid level matches that are interesting.....

There needs to be a rivalry between him and Triple H... not because Ryder would win, but because it would be, well, fun.
Contrasts are easy when you have a staple, beloved character like Randy Savage...Is Woo Woo Woo near the same as 'Oooooooooh YEaaaaaaah'? Not even close. But 'Oh Yes' was kind of annoying in '85 and really caught on by '87. Savage started with Hogan/Warrior/Steamboat rivalries and later the nWo that Savage started to become a bit more accessible and Ryder isn't close to that yet... hence the call for a push. However....

I just threw up in my mouth. Please don't ever, ever, ever post anything on this thread ever again. By the way, remember to take it out of your mouth to breathe once in a while. I wouldn't want you to suffocate.

Now that's plain rude... is the comparison so crazy? Colorful, over the top character. Glasses. Inexplicable switches from heel to face because the crowd wanted it and not because Vince wanted it. Most of the humor associated with him is based on third person irony... and if you're missing the irony in Ryder's persona then you're missing the whole reason fans are calling for a push.

I will say that throwing the comparison as the first line of that statement was a bit over the top. But I stand by it, at least until he screws up a push.

Do I think that Ryder and say... The Miz... could join together and become a version of the Mega Powers? Nope. Could they come together and become Mega Mouths? Sure.

But as someone that draws attention, good or bad, Ryder has potential to be like a Savage. A poor Man's Macho... or maybe the genetic splicing of Macho Man and Santino done in the projects of Long Island.

What's there to lose? Would you rather see more Khali or Dave Otunga?

I don't get it. The guy isn't charismatic at all, I could pull off the gimmick if I wanted to. All I had to say is "Woo Woo Woo You Know It" or "Spike your Hair" and the whole Internet Wrestling Community would have a giant orgasm.

Is the guy funny? Sometimes. I don't want to bash him, he is trying to get over on his own way, I get it. Congratulations, he is doing it. But is him that good? I don't think so. His match skills are nothing spectacular, his mic skills aren't better than any of the top midcarders of both rosters and the whole gimmick isn't funny at all. What separates him from, let's say, Jack Swagger? Well, Jack Swagger is way better in-ring than him, Swagger on the mic isn't that good with the whole speech problem he has, but overall he isn't at all inferior to Ryder.

Would Zack Ryder be over if not for his videos? No, I'm sure as hell he would have been fired by now. Does the company and big names like Vince McMahon care about him? Maybe not.

So tell me, why should I care or even like Zack Ryder? I don't have anything against him, I just don't get it.

I just want to know why almost all of you are behind him and his gimmick.

YES! I COULDNT AGREE MORE! i mean dont get me wrong i like ryder i find him the same way i find eric young entertaining i cant take him seriously but he makes me laugh at the stupidity of his gimmick so i dont have a problem with it the gimmick just ruins any chance for him to get into the us title picture i mean come on whos gonna take that guy seriously as a champion? :shrug: if it wasnt for his youtube videos the fans wouldnt give a shit about him still plain and simple
Yes, his YouTube show got him over, just like Cenas rapping got him over. Did you care for Cena when he had 'Ruthless Agression'? Or tagging with B-squared? Doubtful.

Zack has found his niche'. Taken a ball, picked it up, and ran with it. Everything is 'bro' this, and 'WWWYKI' that. Good on him.

As for Zack not being in the US title scene because he 'can't be taken seriously', should we bring up Santinos Honk-O-Meter whilst he was IC Champ? Hornswoggle becoming Cruiserweight champ beating bigger guys? Or Reyrey being a multiple time world champ, despite being the smallest guy on the roster?

WWE has changed. Characters are all the rage now because it gets people interested. That's why guys with Vanilla sounding names and characters like Heath Slater, Michael McGillicutty, David Otunga, Darren Young, DH Smith, and Curt Hawkins get no reaction. They have no personalities. Sure they can wrestle, but that only gets you so far in WWE. Charismatic guys hold titles for a reason, they're charismatic and can go on the mic: Cena, Miz, Jericho, Eddie, Christian, Edge, Ziggler, Kofi, and yes, I'll add Zack to the list. He'll be champ....soon.
I respect Zack Ryder. He is doing it himself check out his YouTube videos and you will see his charisma and personality. He lets the people know that the WWE is putting him on the back burner and that he deserves a chance.

Do I think he will be a star? Ehhh maybe if he loses the Guideo "Woo Woo Woo" persona for something more pratical. Nobody would take him serious on the main card or upper middle card. True Cena did have the "Thug" style which drastically increased his popularity but that was in edgier times.

Zack Ryder has bounced around so many gimmicks and has been face, heel, face, a lot. He has to chose a side and go with it. He would have to do a Miz change so people could take him more serious but I think he should stay a face he has the support of "The Internet"
Zack has a good character and persistent in his personality on the mic, in the ring, and well he basically lives it (His youtube show) but yeah he got the push he deserved (No not by wwe) but by himself and he has a brain for the social age to make youtube vids for the wwe universe rather then moaning on twitter, quite clever actually. Tbh if i see him in the ring, the highest i would put him is a mid-carder, more likely feuding with likes of jack swagger or dolph ziggler, Since the news of triple h trying to 'revive' tag team divisions, Hey? maybe get Curt hawkins from superstars and zack ryder back together as a tag team to match the uso's? Kinda boring seeing the Uso's vs New Nexus every week. Plus a reply to the botches, he hardly gets any ring time so you can expect botches from zack, but slowly he will get more of a natural feel of the ring.

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