Why Ryder Dropping The US Title Is A Good Thing

Big Papa Santo

Ryder? I barely even know her!
Alot of people in the IWC or just wrestling fans in general may be quite disappointed to see Zack Ryder drop the title that he worked so hard for, so quickly, especially to someone who as one superstar put it "Hasn't been credible since 2010", but that's the point. Ryder at this point has achieved his goal. He is extremely over with the fans and sells tons of merchandise, but what about Swagger? To the casual WWE audience he's just a mid-carder that Vickie Guerrero follows around, which is why that Swagger needs this more than Zack. Swagger needs to be credible again, i mean yes he isn't astounding on the mic, hell his work with the Muppets was atrocious, but with some work and this US title push then maybe, just maybe he can evolve.
Who do you think that this title change benefited more?
HELL YES this was a good thing!!

give the US title to a more CREDIBLE WRESTLER, and jack swagger can certainly fill the bill, i mean, who else is there on raw that can be a credible threat as champion? no one really, but i'd rather the champ be swagger than ryder.

finally that NO TALENT, OVER-rated, OVER-HYPED, 'i'm only where i'm at because of my youtube show' ZACK RYDER is NO longer US champion!

and he got SQUASHED !!!! BIG TIME!!! hahahaha

thank you vince!!

now they can quickly phase zack ryder OUT of monday night raw and down to WWE superstars.

i propose they have him JOB out to funkasaurus, have brodus COMPLETELY destroy zack ryder . i mean SQUASH, BURY, DEMOLISH ryder into OBSCURITY.

sorry ryder, but your 15 minutes are up!! your LIMITED wrestlng ability, sub-par mic skills, and POOR acting chops have been EXPOSED!!! see you on NXT or superstars hahahaha
We don't know that Ryder's time at the top is finished. As it is, I don't see any kind of push for Jack Swagger; I think he's just a transition champion. It could be that Ryder will be ascending again shortly.

Of course, this could all just be indicative of how Ryder's popularity is holding up. Given the way he forced the company to acknowledge him, maybe the powers-that-be were looking for any drop in his merchandise sales as an excuse to demote him. If Ryder-mania continues despite the title loss, perhaps they have him win it back. Or, if his losing the championship results in him growing less popular, maybe he starts fighting on Superstars again.

At any rate, whether Zack losing the title is a good thing or not can also be determined based on whether he should have won it in the first place.....and that folks who think WWE doesn't respond to the fans should think again: Zack Ryder serving as Exhibit A that they do.
Ryder, with his gimmick, works much, much better as an underdog chasing the title. His gimmick doesn't work well as a title holder.

This is a great change for both Swagger and Ryder himself. People will once again have a reason to cheer for Ryder and rally for him.
HELL YES this was a good thing!!

give the US title to a more CREDIBLE WRESTLER, and jack swagger can certainly fill the bill, i mean, who else is there on raw that can be a credible threat as champion? no one really, but i'd rather the champ be swagger than ryder.

finally that NO TALENT, OVER-rated, OVER-HYPED, 'i'm only where i'm at because of my youtube show' ZACK RYDER is NO longer US champion!

and he got SQUASHED !!!! BIG TIME!!! hahahaha

thank you vince!!

now they can quickly phase zack ryder OUT of monday night raw and down to WWE superstars.

i propose they have him JOB out to funkasaurus, have brodus COMPLETELY destroy zack ryder . i mean SQUASH, BURY, DEMOLISH ryder into OBSCURITY.

sorry ryder, but your 15 minutes are up!! your LIMITED wrestlng ability, sub-par mic skills, and POOR acting chops have been EXPOSED!!! see you on NXT or superstars hahahaha

Alright I'm not one to judge the quality of a post but that was horrible and 100% wrong bud.

Ryder losing the title is good in a sense that now he go something to go after again. Swagger a credible wrestler? Dude come on, he is a good amateur wrestler, but Ryder is WAY higher up on the RAW scale than Swagger is, and he is also much more over.

He also didn't get squashed he kicked out of finishers while injured, though the announcers underplayed it hardcore. Peoplee like you are the reason I support Darwin.

As for the actual topic, I think Ryder should have kept the title, but havinig him lose it in such a hero-like fashion can't possibly hurt him. He isn't going anywhere, at least not if Vince got a clue in the world. He'll have that title back either by or at Mania.
AustinHartLesnarHBKTaz80, I sincerely hope that the 80 in your username isn't your year of birth, because if you're in your 30s and leave comments like that... Jeez.

Anyway, a little disappointed, as a Ryder fan. I hoped they could put more faith into him and keep his push alive. I'm not too disheartened though, as I'm hoping this will open doors to a feud between Swagger and Ryder. Swagger needs it, and battling against an over face such as Ryder is a good way for him to build heel credibility, without the aide of Vickie Guerrero. I'm hoping they don't blow it, because with what's happened already, they could really build this into a decent midcard feud.
People are missing the point here, Ryder was never planned to take the US Title from Dolph, that as Swagger; if you followed the Dolph/Swagger Vickie deal it was obvious Swagger would end up with the belt some how.

Ryder was always the chase to the belt, and he did a pretty unique and inventive way of chasing the belt and kind of made chasing the belt fun from a fan stand point, they the fans were able to get in on the deal on Twitter, at events with signs etc etc so it the chase got over and the fact Ryder kept being snubbed for example Vengeance, Survivor Series, Cena got involved and got Ryder his match.

Only for Kane to beat Ryder down so bad he showed true champions spirit and went on on his shield and dropped the belt, this is just one small piece of a puzzle, I'm willing to bet Ryder will regain the US belt at WrestleMania.

Plus while on the topic of Ryder "wrestling injured" not 3 months ago WWE did the unsafe working enviorment is it just me for as Johnny L pretty much allowed things to happen that is/was far more worse than HHH. So either Ryder's current storyline will somehow work in that storyline or will WWE completely dust that storyline under the rug?
They have made him lose the title so that he can go to Wrestlemania as the challenger and win the US title back...it makes sense...because we have seen in the past as well that baby-faces usually are the challengers when they go to wrestlemania and they win the title there...
In one word, no. You simply cant look at it like that, it is a completely backwards viewpoint and something that is very wrong with titles in wrestling. The title should not be used as a mechanism to get someone over as it currently is with both Daniel Bryan and Jack Swagger. That is just ass backwards and the (part of) reason that ratings are falling and titles are gradually losing prestige. It is also the reason the reason that Swaggers world title reign failed, the reason CM Punks first title reign failed and the reason that Daniel Bryans title reign will inevitably fail, I call it Money in the Bank syndrome, that is also the reason that I pray Dolph Ziggler does not win MITB. Think about it, people like Swagger and Bryan are winning titles in overwhelmingly one sided situations after months of no build and no direction. It is no wonder reigns like these fail, the fans cant take them seriously champions as they are winning the titles in matches that fucking Hornswoggle would have won and (in Bryans case) continue to not be able to win a match that matters clean.

What should happen is you should be built up and over first before getting the title (what a novel idea right) like Zack Ryder actually was. He was built up magnificently well and the fans were behind him to the extent that post show at Survivor Series when The Rock was in the ring the fans were chanting for Zack Ryder, think about that one of the biggest names ever in the ring making his return to the most famous arena in the world and the fans want Ryder.

Now just because the ratings haven't been as good as Vince wanted he has decided that is all Ryder's fault (it must have been right I mean it wouldn't have anything to do with the holiday season or anything) and that the fans are wrong and they don't know what they want. So he sticks him with Eve fucking Toress makes him look like a huge coward against Kane and has him be squashed by Swagger who hasn't won a match in I dont even know how long.

I really hope this isn't the end of the road for Ryder as he has some serious potential to be big.
This is the best thing for the WWE, Ryder as champion (especially this soon) was not believable and felt forced.

The fans forced the belt on him too soon, but VKM is a genius and will keep him relevant as the poster above stated and ave him chase until wrestlemania and if the crowd is still hot for him then he will win and get a huge pop


Ryder is an underdog character and should be winning by some sort of luck or a heel makes a mistake and he gets the win and he is always shocked when he gets the win. I will never believe Ryder beating a guy like Dolph, Cody, Swagger or any of the upper midcard guys clean.

Thats thinking like VKM but my real thoughts are WHY do the fans like this guy he is horrible in the ring ( have you ever seen this guy carry a match ) his mic skills and acting is garbage. I mean you cant fight what the fans want but honestly WHY?

Before the ZYoutube show nobody cared about Ryder as a gimmick or a wrestler. He was on Raw before and nobody cared nobody gave him in ring skills credit or mic skills credit. He was featured on ECW and nobody cared.

He does a Youtube show and all of a sudden all those people who never cared care now and all of a sudden they are saying his mic skills are better ( they haven't changed since his debut ) they are saying his in ring skills are good ( also have not changed).

If people just said they liked his youtube show and thats why they like him and cheer for him I would understand but to say all that other stuff like he has skills and whatever thats where I draw the line.

But back on topic It was a great thing that he dropped the title, there is no way you can build him up as a strong contender but as an underdog that lucks his way to win the title and lucks his way to keep it and they can build him up that way until WM. when he wins he will no doubt get a huge pop. thats if he doesn't fizzle out by then ( oh I so hope he does)
Alot of people in the IWC or just wrestling fans in general may be quite disappointed to see Zack Ryder drop the title that he worked so hard for, so quickly, especially to someone who as one superstar put it "Hasn't been credible since 2010", but that's the point. Ryder at this point has achieved his goal. He is extremely over with the fans and sells tons of merchandise, but what about Swagger? To the casual WWE audience he's just a mid-carder that Vickie Guerrero follows around, which is why that Swagger needs this more than Zack. Swagger needs to be credible again, i mean yes he isn't astounding on the mic, hell his work with the Muppets was atrocious, but with some work and this US title push then maybe, just maybe he can evolve.
Who do you think that this title change benefited more?

It is a good thing because the face is at his best when he is chasing the belt, that's wrestling 101, and if swagger keeps the belt until wrestlemania, ryder would get a feel good moment when he finnaly gets the belt back in the greatest stage of them all.
Plus, jack needs some heat back, until this point all he was a glorified jobber and the us belt fits real well with his persona.
Ryder losing the belt had absolutely nothing to do with Ryder at all. It was done as a continuation of both the Kane/Cena angle and the Punk/Laurinaitis angle.

It further sells the damage that Kane can inflict, making Kane more of a monster, so that when Cena and Kane do finally meet, it's more important. You have to make Kane as big a monster as possible in order to make the feud with Cena, which is really just a placeholder feud until the Rock returns closer to Wrestlemania, more interesting. Since Zach Ryder is a friend of Cena's having Ryder be injured enough to not really be able to compete in a fair competition against Swagger further enrages Cena.

By having Laurinaitis not open the envelope until after the match, it also furthers the Punk storyline. It's another example of Johnny Ace screwing people. Punk will claim that he knew that Ryder wasn't cleared to wrestle, and let him do so anyway. The obvious inference is that an honest Vice President of Talent Relations and Interim RAW General Manager would have reversed the decision based on Ryder not being cleared to wrestle, thus giving him the belt back...and since Johnny Ace didn't do it, he was crooked. We all know he is crooked, but this would cement that idea even more. Look for this or something similar to be addressed next week.

Who did it benefit more? Tough to say. It benefited John Cena, Kane, CM Punk, John Laurinaitis and Jack Swagger (obviously), but I would argue that the person it benefited the most the loser himself, Zach Ryder.

Why would I say that? How can the guy who just LOST the belt end up looking the best out of it? Because it means that a midcard wrestler, who a lot of the IWC despises as a no talent hack could have just become an integral part of the two biggest RAW main event storylines heading into the Rumble. Zach Ryder, love him or hate him, MATTERS to the WWE right now.
It's so funny to read the dumb replies of the Ryder haters trying to convince themselves that they will finally be Ryder free. He is not going anywhere.

Ryder lost to give him a feud vs Swagger, to sell the fact that he was injured and to further Johnny Ace heel status and the Kane vs Cena feud. That's what pushed Cena over the limit yesterday when he embraced the hate.

I can't believe how anyone could be so short sighted that they would think it was a demotion for Ryder and he's going back into oblivion.

And for the people using the worst and dumbest argument of all time (or close to at least) that nobody cared about Ryder before his youtube show... Wow you guys are M. Obvious in person, why don't you tell us something we didn't already know?

It's like saying nobody cared about austin before his 3:16 moment or nobody cared about The Rock when they were chanting Die Rocky Die or that nobody cared about Punk before his shoot heard around the world (I cared before but I digress). What matter is that whether you like it or not Ryder found a way to make himself relevant and you should be on his side only for that because he found a way to force himself on a management that thought he wasn't good for nothing.

And don't even get me started with the people saying he has 0 talent, talk about exaggeration there...
Ryder losing the belt had absolutely nothing to do with Ryder at all. It was done as a continuation of both the Kane/Cena angle and the Punk/Laurinaitis angle.

Exactly, the match was a pivot that drove 3 angles. I'm sure one of those angles will be a US title feud between Swagger and Ryder.
It's a good thing for Ryder because the chase is always better than the catch (great Motorhead song btw), it's also a good thing for the others involved. Once WWE.com put it out that Ryder was hurt and you knew this match was going to happen you just had to know he was dropping the title.

Kudos to creative on this one for keeping Ryder strong. Having him wrestle hurt and Johnny Ace not stopping it and tying in two storylines at the same time was good. The bandage on the ribs and back was a nice touch also bringing it back to when Bischoff would have DDP wrestle under those same odds.
The real telling part of this storyline is what does Ryder do next. He has to stay in kayfabe and sell this. I'm thinking episode 49 of the youtube show will be the most anticipated one of them all. Will Ryder have on the bandages? Will he talk about what happened? How will his demeanor be? Just like Cena has been bringing his old attitude back while staying face, Ryder may have to do the same. Right now WWWYKI can't come off as goofy. He has to come off as pissed off at Kane and Johnny Ace and wanting his revenge on Swagger.
I think that it is a good ploy to build some sympathy for the Ryder character and thereby allow it to develop more. Ryder was given the title on account of his popularity but his popularity had nothing to do with him being a pro wrestler. The character inside the ring is not all that well developed even today. I mean, what do we know about Ryder except for the fact that he is a funny goof?

Today we got to see a trait of Ryder that we haven't see much of so far, resilience. He was badly injured and yet he went out there and tried to put up a fight. Additionally we got to know that JL does not like him too much on account of the fact that JL did not tell us that Ryder was not allowed to compete until after the match was over. All this does make the crowd feel sorry for Zack which can only be a good thing.
Yeah, I think it was a good think, because it advanced the Kane/Cena storyline. Bigger picture here is the Rock/Cena match at WM, which is what WWE are prioritising over anything else right now. If WWE are going to pull the trigger on a Cena heel turn, then the culmination of this Kane/Cena story will be it. Let's not get too pissed about the Ryder loss. Ryder is a better chaser than title holder, and my guess is he'll be US champ again after the Rumble, if not, sometime in between then and WM. So yeah, hopefully this will all lead into the payoff of a decent rock/Cena build up after the Rumble, where Cena may turn heal after his match with Kane. Hopefully..
This is one of the best replies I have read over this whole thread. Makes sense and is actually thought out. I agree with this totally. Ryder is not going anywhere at all.

Ryder losing the belt had absolutely nothing to do with Ryder at all. It was done as a continuation of both the Kane/Cena angle and the Punk/Laurinaitis angle.

It further sells the damage that Kane can inflict, making Kane more of a monster, so that when Cena and Kane do finally meet, it's more important. You have to make Kane as big a monster as possible in order to make the feud with Cena, which is really just a placeholder feud until the Rock returns closer to Wrestlemania, more interesting. Since Zach Ryder is a friend of Cena's having Ryder be injured enough to not really be able to compete in a fair competition against Swagger further enrages Cena.

By having Laurinaitis not open the envelope until after the match, it also furthers the Punk storyline. It's another example of Johnny Ace screwing people. Punk will claim that he knew that Ryder wasn't cleared to wrestle, and let him do so anyway. The obvious inference is that an honest Vice President of Talent Relations and Interim RAW General Manager would have reversed the decision based on Ryder not being cleared to wrestle, thus giving him the belt back...and since Johnny Ace didn't do it, he was crooked. We all know he is crooked, but this would cement that idea even more. Look for this or something similar to be addressed next week.

Who did it benefit more? Tough to say. It benefited John Cena, Kane, CM Punk, John Laurinaitis and Jack Swagger (obviously), but I would argue that the person it benefited the most the loser himself, Zach Ryder.

Why would I say that? How can the guy who just LOST the belt end up looking the best out of it? Because it means that a midcard wrestler, who a lot of the IWC despises as a no talent hack could have just become an integral part of the two biggest RAW main event storylines heading into the Rumble. Zach Ryder, love him or hate him, MATTERS to the WWE right now.
The only thing that annoyed me was how Swagger power bombed Ryder 3 times before the victory. It's called a finisher for a reason. I get that it made Ryder look strong but he should've kicked out the first one and been powerbombed straight away again and stayed down. Glad to see Swagger using it as a finisher again, it's much more credible that the ankle lock.

And the commentators undersold it do badly. They should've been screaming, "POWERBOMB, POWERBOMB, SWAGGERS GONNA WIN!" and emphasised how Ryder kicked out. But no, we get Cole saying, "ohh, and a gutwrench suplex from swagger... and ryder kicks out". I mean, WTF?
I was a little bummed at first but I took a look at how the angle was set up on Raw and I had a change of opinion.

Ryder was selling his injuries last night prior to his match. As the match was beginning, Lawler & Cole did a surprisingly good job of keeping focus on Ryder's injuries and how it was generally affecting the match itself. Michael Cole kept saying that Ryder should've just given up the title added another element to it. Ryder showed heart competing while injured and was determined to defend his title. We've all known that Ryder's character has been a somewhat cheesy, fun loving party guy but maybe this angle is geared towards showing he can be tough and courageous as well, something fans expect to see out of a babyface champion. After all, it did take Swagger delivering three gutwrench powerbombs to finally put Ryder down. The follow up backstage with Ryder being checked out and Big Johnny's "apology" for not reading over the doctor's notes saying that Ryder shouldn't compete helps to add up that WWE was protecting Ryder last night. Because of JL's mistake, or possibly intentional screw up, Ryder unknowingly competed when he shouldn't have but still looked like a fighting champion.

So now, Ryder has been, in some ways, screwed out of his United States Championship and is probably going to be looking to reclaim it over the course of a feud with Jack Swagger. Swagger is a talented guy inside the ring and I've enjoyed his promos. I've even managed to get past the lisp. It's good to see him finally involved in something relevant and could be involved in a potentially good and interesting feud.
I will never believe Ryder beating a guy like Dolph, Cody, Swagger or any of the upper midcard guys clean.

Thats thinking like VKM but my real thoughts are WHY do the fans like this guy he is horrible in the ring ( have you ever seen this guy carry a match ) his mic skills and acting is garbage. I mean you cant fight what the fans want but honestly WHY?

Before the ZYoutube show nobody cared about Ryder as a gimmick or a wrestler. He was on Raw before and nobody cared nobody gave him in ring skills credit or mic skills credit. He was featured on ECW and nobody cared.

He does a Youtube show and all of a sudden all those people who never cared care now and all of a sudden they are saying his mic skills are better ( they haven't changed since his debut ) they are saying his in ring skills are good ( also have not changed).

If people just said they liked his youtube show and thats why they like him and cheer for him I would understand but to say all that other stuff like he has skills and whatever thats where I draw the line.

thank you NEGRODAMUS. thats exactly how i feel about the guy.


be honest ryder fans, when has ryder EVER had a *****match? let alone a *** match??!!! NEVER

ryder fans, when has ryder EVER nailed a KILLER promo like ziggler did with mick foley on raw? NEVER

he CAN'T wrestle, he CAN'T act, he CAN'T cut believable promos...

he just SUCKS.

OPEN your eyes RYDER fans.

the more you demand him, the more raw will SUCK.

get over the fact that, OK he got noticed because he made his own opportunity when one wasn't available. OK i get that. much props.

but he CAN'T get it done in the ring.

he CAN'T get it done on the mic.

you know stuff that REALLY matters in wrestling shows.

he is TERRIBLE at it.

i hope this is the beginning of the end of ryder. i hope vince BURIES the guy on wwe superstars.

hell , feed him to funkasaurus and JOB him out of here.
I don't mean to sound like a Ryder hater, but I'm a little confused about the content of this discussion as it relates to the reality. Pardon me if this has been discussed in another thread but...it seems like every time Ryder is on screen he's greeted with a chorus of boos now. I don't think I'm crazy but it really appears as if a lot of the fans have turned on him pretty quickly. So in that sense, as well as other points brought up, yeah losing the title will certainly help him out.
It might be a long shot, but I think the entire reason Ryder dropped the belt in the midst of a very crowd-friendly (and likely lucrative push) is so Kofi Kingston would have somebody to immediately feud with. As Tag Team champion he's gotten a really good following, and people generally seem to be on his side. A feud with Swagger over a title he's held multiple times sounds exactly like something WWE would do until they either thing of something new to do with him, or just give up again.

I'm not upset about the title change BECAUSE of Zack Ryder. I'm not a fan. I respect his hard work, and I get that the internet is responsible for his popularity... He is a terrible actor - all his promos are forced and sound like he's ready off a card. They're not natural, the provoke no emotion, and they are incredibly awkward each and every week. The fact that Eve is putting on a better performance backstage should say volumes... But that's ok if he's a great in-ring talent right? First of all, no. But second of all, he's not. He's more mechanical and limited than modern-day Cena. That's not a slam against "the Champ", that's just an honest comparison. Ryder has a few moves, and his true value is only disguised when he's in the ring with tag team partners.

What I'm upset about is WWE's unwillingness to see something through to the end. You don't pull the guy's legs out from under him while he's in the midst of a very hot push. The crowd loves him! It doesn't matter that I can't stand him, the people are buying his merch and chanting his name! You don't take the belt off him and give it to an even worse "actor" in Jack Swagger! I have cared more about my own bowel movements than I have for The All-American Douchebag. If this isn't a snap decision to give Kofi something to do, I don't understand the logic at all. I'm not jumping to conclusions, expecting to WWE to push Ryder down the card because of one single loss. Really, I'm not. I understand that the title doesn't REALLY mean anything to most people. But to RYDER it does. To his character, it is a symbol that they finally trust him enough to run with a ball. Not THE ball, but A ball. To his fans it's a symbol that their hard work getting him to the title actually paid off. You don't take that away at a time like this...
The title change was necessary because the US title is irrelevant to Ryder's career right now and is only taking away from people who truly need the title to get ahead. The All American American US champion, wwe cant possibly drop the ball on that one. Ryder's already involved in the Kane storyline so he'll stay relevant.
HELL YES this was a good thing!!

give the US title to a more CREDIBLE WRESTLER, and jack swagger can certainly fill the bill, i mean, who else is there on raw that can be a credible threat as champion? no one really, but i'd rather the champ be swagger than ryder.
Yeah he is a credible amature wrestler I'll give you that much and yeah he benefits from the title more than Zack. Hopefully this will give a nice boost past not being horrible and become semi watchable
finally that NO TALENT, OVER-rated, OVER-HYPED, 'i'm only where i'm at because of my youtube show' ZACK RYDER is NO longer US champion!
This is where I start to 100% disagree with you. He is where's he's at because he's a talented wrestler and one of the most charismatic superstars on RAW. Over-rated/Hyped, that's a matter of opinion and it's one i disagree with
and he got SQUASHED !!!! BIG TIME!!! hahahaha

thank you vince!!
Yeah it was a short match, he was injured for crying out loud. however he kicked out of Swagger's finisher TWICE. A quick match isn't the only thing that makes a match a squash.

now they can quickly phase zack ryder OUT of monday night raw and down to WWE superstars.
get rid of one of your top 10 money makers yeah Vince will totally jump on that idea
i propose they have him JOB out to funkasaurus, have brodus COMPLETELY destroy zack ryder . i mean SQUASH, BURY, DEMOLISH ryder into OBSCURITY.
have 1 face destroy another Face. Great idea genius
sorry ryder, but your 15 minutes are up!! your LIMITED wrestlng ability, sub-par mic skills, and POOR acting chops have been EXPOSED!!! see you on NXT or superstars hahahaha
So let me finish with what I learned from reading your post.

1) You don't like Zack Ryder

2) you really have no idea how wrestling works or what a squash match works

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