Why is it girls can't handle the truth?

Interesting, when fat girls ask if there fat, its because they have a strong feeling there fat. When hot girls ask if you think there hot its because they know there hot. I think you just dashed away all the hopes, and dreams of this girl by saying shes not hot.

I love the stupid ones who ask shit like this.

Skinny Girls asking if they're Fat?: "Well, look I'm sure you don't get this type of response normally because to be honest you don't look like the type to handle truth very well. But I'm not the type to lie, so if I'm being asked honestly, yeah.. when I seen you in those jeans, I honestly thought to myself.. Could the poor girl just not shop somewhere else and find a pair of sweats that could possibly fit her comfortably. I mean, just looking at you I question how you can breath, what with your ass just trying to stampede its way out."

Hot girls asking if they're Ugly: "Look, I'd rather not say to be honest. I mean I'm unsure what the typical reply you get is, but I really don't like being rude." (They'll 9 times outta 10 reply with - I've always been told I'm hot) "Then why do you keep asking? Do you have a complex? Do you feel people are lying? Because honestly I think they are, but thats what I tried telling you when I said I didn't like being rude, and now you've gone and offended me by making me hurt your feelings."

If at all possible.. you have to turn the situation around on them at all times. If I'm gonna get a moron asking me stupid shit like that.. I'm going to attempt downgrading them as much as possible.

If I seen a truly hot girl, to the point of my tongue doing a cartoon act and rolling out of my mouth.. which proceeded the girl asking if I thought she was hot, because she felt she needed to hear it one more time.. I would reply by saying the only reason my tongue did that, was because the breath in my body escaped when I gasped at how horrid she truly appeared to be.
Frig I need to learn you responses Will. You seem to have a response for everything. Do you have a book thatll be selling in stores soon?
Out of the curiosity whats the Sonic? Ive never heard of it unless you meant the hedgehog

I'm purely assuming he meant..


Which, when I was a child had the biggest hamburgers I'd ever seen. Haven't been to one in ages, closest one is like 3 hours away now.. but they used to be incredibly good.
Oh alrighty, never had one in canada so whatever. But I did enjoy burger king, which then turned into something called a kosher king, where the burgers all cost 10-20 dollars, for some small burger. all because they add kosher to everything it jacks up the price by double.
Oh alrighty, never had one in canada so whatever. But I did enjoy burger king, which then turned into something called a kosher king, where the burgers all cost 10-20 dollars, for some small burger. all because they add kosher to everything it jacks up the price by double.

Kosher? Ewww. I don't care if my beef was slaughtered in the same room where three pigs farted and some swedish chick was on the rag. Cook the fucker up, toss in a shitload of fries and a drink big enough to drown a third world country, and charge me $4.99 for the whole shebang cuz I'm a proud overweight American. lol
Kosher? Ewww. I don't care if my beef was slaughtered in the same room where three pigs farted and some swedish chick was on the rag. Cook the fucker up, toss in a shitload of fries and a drink big enough to drown a third world country, and charge me $4.99 for the whole shebang cuz I'm a proud overweight American. lol

You know of all the people on this site ive met, you are certainly the best at speaking your mind, and talking about your love of fat chicks. You really should get an award for taking all the fat chicks
You know of all the people on this site ive met, you are certainly the best at speaking your mind, and talking about your love of fat chicks. You really should get an award for taking all the fat chicks

Why thank you. I do muh best. Plus I do luv me some big girls. Now rep me! lol

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