Why is it girls can't handle the truth?

Im fairly sure that was the situation. It was remedied in seconds LOL. you could tell no one had ever to responded to her like that LOL

Unliek me, who is simply being nice and innocent :).

LMAO I would have paid money to see that. Seriously, would have been classic cos those bitches think so much of themselves.
Funny enough, this is a thread about girls not being able to handle the truth...


Might as well bust out the whole story....
Never said I didnt like them as people. Direct me to this. Said I have no desire to associate with them in any manner.

Yes you have no desire to associate with them. If they might have been some other job though you would think of associating with them. But since this is specifically of there occupation then that would be prejudice. This however would not be prejudice if you apply this to women of different careers, and you just don't like women who hit on you like that.
I am walking down the street, from were I parked to the beach/boardwalk. IN one of the parking lots, there is a car show with models, and a live bikin contest. I notice, scoff, never break stride.

One of the girls who was modeling (quite skankily) approaches me and tells me my tattoos are sexy, while giving me the very obvious "up-down" look. I then proceed to ask her if she ever gets tired of being objectified, if she has anything better she could be doing.

She then grows entirely hostile, and informs me she lives for no one's approval, specifically mine. I told her that obviously she was seeking my approval about 5 seconds ago, and in actuality, her entire existance is based upon others approval, and approval in the most basic, primal way. I asked her if she goes to school, or anything of that manner.

She told me no, and that she gets to tour the country meeting people and modeling on cars, and competeing in bikini contests. I asked her if she thought those people wanted to meet her becuase they thought their minds and lives would be enriched. She grew steadily more angry with me. She then told me I dont contribute anything to the world (as if she knew me) and to continue on with MY pathetic life. Which made me choke on my gatorade laughing. A bikini model told me that MY life was pathetic. Awesome. I then told her if she belives even 5 % of what she just said, that I had just wasted the last 6 minutes of my life speaking with her. And walked away.

If you are a bikini model, a guy with a huge cross and bible scriptures tattooed on his back may not be the best guy to approach.
Your accuracy of the events are phenomenal, and make for a great story for all the good times to come. Do tell though if you met this girl, and never found out she was a model, and you had 1 date, and after the one date you found out she was a model. Would you break up with her because of the job, or because you wouldn't have enjoyed the date?
Its not so much models I take issue with, more girls whose primary occupation is participating in live bikini contests. Id say there is a stark difference in the objectives.
Yeah, I hate em too. With their supple slightly misshapened breasts and poutty lips and rock hard grotesque nipples. Bah! You steer clear of them. lol

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