Why is it girls can't handle the truth?


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I am working with some people today, and I saw this girl who was really fat. So eventually I have some conversation with her, and she asks me if I think shes fat. I say Yes. She seems to get really mad for some unknown reason. My parents, and various girls always tell me honesty is the best policy, and guys always tell me not to call girls fat when they really are. All im doing is telling her the truth in hopes that she looks better. Was there really anything wrong in what I did?
She was fat in your mind. You eye is fat so she seemed fat.

Either that or she was fat, but she saked you to tell her the truth, so meh. I say I did the right thing.
You misunderstand. Females want you to be honest, in a Female's Point of View.

You see, to us.. yes, a fat female is a fat female. But to them, a fat female is just a girl who has beauty on the inside. The reply to that question, if you wish to be nice.. would be..

"All that matters is how you feel about yourself? I could tell you that you're the greatest looking female on the planet, but unless YOU can believe you are, then my words aren't worthy of speaking about such a creature."

You MUST add the "creature" line in there. Its the guy's way of knowing what she truly looks like. The rest is what the female will hear..
How come women can't handle the truth? Because they are of lesser intellect.

Here, I've provided a video to help people's understanding:

Now now, don't talk about the gender of Sheeple that do whatever Oprah tells them too.
I am working with some people today, and I saw this girl who was really fat. So eventually I have some conversation with her, and she asks me if I think shes fat. I say Yes. She seems to get really mad for some unknown reason. My parents, and various girls always tell me honesty is the best policy, and guys always tell me not to call girls fat when they really are. All im doing is telling her the truth in hopes that she looks better. Was there really anything wrong in what I did?

IMO no.

But for future issues with women, when a woman asks you your opinion she really wants hers in a deeper voice.
When chicks ask me if they look back, I tell em that they don't from the back. Then we have sex. Of course, I like fat chicks. So that never gets old. lol
Silly silly boy. NEVER tell a girl she looks fat, ever. I don't care if she weighs 50 stone and has a bikini on. She is not fat, got it? She probably knows she's fat, she needs reassuring other people don't feel the same. She wants someone to say she looks good. Whether she looks it or not.
Silly silly boy. NEVER tell a girl she looks fat, ever. I don't care if she weighs 50 stone and has a bikini on. She is not fat, got it? She probably knows she's fat, she needs reassuring other people don't feel the same. She wants someone to say she looks good. Whether she looks it or not.

You are not fat. You look good. You're perhaps one of the best looking creatures I've seen in this world.
Okay I have perhaps the greatest statement ever, to make toward a larger Woman. Ready? Here it is...

Of course Super-sizing your meal doesn't change my opinion of you. You go right ahead and order the jumbo fries, triple thick chilicheese burger and be sure to get that extra incredibly large diet coke.. because if theres one thing fat girls know.. its that regardless of how much junk food you shovel into your mouths.. the diet coke, regardless of size, will even things out for the better.
Well you guys sure have helped me. Will informative comeback statements will be very useful for future references. But I like slyfox video response more, and I believe thats how we should be talking to them
Fuck all that. If im anything, im an honest man. If you know your fucking fat, why the fuck did you ask me??? If a girl doesnt want to hear the truth they shouldnt ask the question. Especially if its something as obvious as that. You can look in the mirror and get your own answer.
Silly silly boy. NEVER tell a girl she looks fat, ever. I don't care if she weighs 50 stone and has a bikini on. She is not fat, got it? She probably knows she's fat, she needs reassuring other people don't feel the same. She wants someone to say she looks good. Whether she looks it or not.

Now wouldn't that be giving her a false perception of herself? Why ask the damn question in the first place?

I'd just avoid the question...there is no right answer (in my mind)
Now wouldn't that be giving her a false perception of herself? Why ask the damn question in the first place?

I'd just avoid the question...there is no right answer (in my mind)

Nope. It'd be giving her confidence, which would make her happy. Seriously, you just never tell a woman she is fat. I thought all guys knew that.

I don't see the need in women asking this either but there's the weirdos that do. The annoying thing is usually it's the size 0 slags who ask it so you simply admire their body.
Nope. It'd be giving her confidence, which would make her happy. Seriously, you just never tell a woman she is fat. I thought all guys knew that.

I don't see the need in women asking this either but there's the weirdos that do. The annoying thing is usually it's the size 0 slags who ask it so you simply admire their body.

Why give them confidence if they are actually fat. They can gain confident when they actually look good enough for me to not cringe away, and wonder if shes pregnant.

Heres a small story really quick. I one time asked a fat girl if she was pregnant,. She wasn't amused. I don't know if I got that line from somewhere but Ive said it before, and its always fun to see a reaction

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