Why is it girls can't handle the truth?

I wasnt lying though. I never lie. EVER. So therefore, do not ask my questions in which you wouldnt like to hear the truthfull answer
Skinny people asking if they look fat is more annoying, because they know they aren't and want you to inflate egos. Fat women shouldn't ask the question if they know they are fat, because men lack the necessary tact to say what you want to hear. We're creatures who say it like it is most of the time and don't want to play the mind games
I am working with some people today, and I saw this girl who was really fat. So eventually I have some conversation with her, and she asks me if I think shes fat. I say Yes. She seems to get really mad for some unknown reason. My parents, and various girls always tell me honesty is the best policy, and guys always tell me not to call girls fat when they really are. All im doing is telling her the truth in hopes that she looks better. Was there really anything wrong in what I did?
LOL! I feel ya! Why do people ask questions, and then get upset when you give an honest answer.

Her: Does this dress make my butt look big?
Me: That dress makes your butt look like two rhinos fighting for dominance on a planet with extremely high gravity.
Her: You $%$&! I've never been so insulted!


I've run into this before. I, as a fat man, wouldn't ask someone if I looked fat. I KNOW I look fat.

Bottom line, if you don't want the truth, don't ask the damn question.
Silly silly boy. NEVER tell a girl she looks fat, ever. I don't care if she weighs 50 stone and has a bikini on. She is not fat, got it? She probably knows she's fat, she needs reassuring other people don't feel the same. She wants someone to say she looks good. Whether she looks it or not.

I never tell a girl she's fat. I tell her she's P-H-A-T(Pretty hot and tapalicious). That always gets me some of that sumo wrasslin luv.

You know, I was with this girl once who was so PHAT that I didn't know if I was in her or in one of her rolls. Not that I really cared though. lol
I have the problem of being too honest, Saturday Night was a prime example... some girl comes up to me...

Her: Hey
Me: Er... Hey
Her: Do you think I'm hot?
Me: No
Her: You fucking twat
Me: Bye

I wondered off to the bar for another drink.
I have the problem of being too honest, Saturday Night was a prime example... some girl comes up to me...

Her: Hey
Me: Er... Hey
Her: Do you think I'm hot?
Me: No
Her: You fucking twat
Me: Bye

I wondered off to the bar for another drink.

Interesting, when fat girls ask if there fat, its because they have a strong feeling there fat. When hot girls ask if you think there hot its because they know there hot. I think you just dashed away all the hopes, and dreams of this girl by saying shes not hot.
Interesting, when fat girls ask if there fat, its because they have a strong feeling there fat. When hot girls ask if you think there hot its because they know there hot. I think you just dashed away all the hopes, and dreams of this girl by saying shes not hot.

Lawls. I hate girls like that.
Had a bikini model approach me at the beach two weeks ago.(I saw her in passing, modeling at a car show) I responded to her opening line by asking her if she ever got tired of being objectified, and if all she had to offer the world was a look at her jiggly parts. She became very hostile with me very quickly.
Had a bikini model approach me at the beach two weeks ago.(I saw her in passing, modeling at a car show) I responded to her opening line by asking her if she ever got tired of being objectified, and if all she had to offer the world was a look at her jiggly parts. She became very hostile with me very quickly.

Out of curiosity what was her opening line to you, to make you say that. It seems like a fairly mean thing to say out of the blue, unless she said something to annoy you.
How so??? I have no interest in associating with a girl whose occupation is having sleazebags gawk at her 3/4 naked. True story.

Well thats exactly how your prejudice. You don't like someone specifically because of there job. Doesn't make you a bad person or anything, but being prejudice is not liking them for a specific reason like occupation.
Well thats exactly how your prejudice. You don't like someone specifically because of there job. Doesn't make you a bad person or anything, but being prejudice is not liking them for a specific reason like occupation.

Never said I didnt like them as people. Direct me to this. Said I have no desire to associate with them in any manner.

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