Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

Results are only viewable after voting.
Come on. I like WZCW, but there are times where not everything is all fine and dandy in the fed. Do I agree with the way he stated his opinion? Nope. Do I agree with some of the views he expressed? Yes, because they were true. Anyway, I digress. That was just an example of him attempting to stir things up positively by having people actually think about a situation rather than sit around and smile at each other and pretend it's all well and good. It may have been a little misguided in the way he did it, but come on. You can't disagree that many people are in it because they want to win matches rather than because they want to make a compelling narrative.

I wasn't trying to turn this into a "fed drama" debate, just providing an example of the sort of forward thinking Coco could bring to the table. Not every remotely negative thing said about the fed is a personal attack on the way it's run. Discussion and debate should be encouraged.

Let's get deep.

I don't care anymore. WZCW is rocking. I have no grudge against Coco anymore. I might just vote for him.

And now back to your regularly scheduled bitching fiesta that bores me to tears. Take it away Danno!

(I need a drink and work is slowly sapping my sanity. Carry on).
My biggest issue with Dagger right now is that it has been almost a full day since KB sent out the last debate question and he still hasn't responded (draw your own conclusion as to why).

I don't care anymore. WZCW is rocking. I have no grudge against Coco anymore. I might just vote for him.
Hey, I was counting on our heat to make it seem like I've still got that outsider rebel stink on me!

Oh well. With this latest turn of events, I really like my Lethal Lottery chances.
Well it's quite obvious why he hasn't posted his response. His party hasn't finished telling him exactly what to say yet.

At least I hope they're smart enough to realize that they're going to have to proofread his posts.
Was there really any need for this election when the majority of current Mods want Coco to be elected? The fact that a mod has made a thread to diss one of the three candidates is staggering to me, if not damn out of order.

The majority? I think literally one mod has come out and said he wants Coco to be elected, maybe two.

It's great that you think Dagger is undeserving, a bad poster and temperamental when critised, but guess what? He has loyal supporters, he has people who actually think he is a decent poster and maybe think it would be a good thing that it is not just a massive spooning session going on in the 'Boardroom'. Perhaps the boardroom needs someone to stir shit up rather than just adding another cock to the party. Perhaps some of the boardroom needs to feel threatened by who the people want. I am sure certain mods expected Coco to walk this, now they fear Dagger may actually win so they start to promote hate and bring up the past about his game and his crying.

You think Dagger would do a better job of stirring shit up in the board room than Coco. Do you even go here?

I love it when "persecuted people" start persecuting others due to their own insecurity about their own abilities.

Who's the original persecuted person here?

This sounds like something a closet bigot would say... :suspic:

You need to remember that this is the internet and we normally always go against authority, we will go up against certain mods and power reppers, we will make our own opinions and hopefully this will fuck with you. I hope Dagger wins just so you can realise that although you may be a mod of a little wrestling site, you're nothing special. You are someone who craves power when in reality you have none, you think you are important when in reality you mean nothing to the majority of the forum or to society as a whole. Infact this whole election means shit and is no longer interesting. You can tell this as there is only 350 views of the debate yet nearly 3500 views of this shitty hate thread. As Davi said, we just want to bitch about something so I thought I would bitch about YOU!

Go ahead and bitch about me. Go make a hate thread about me, I'm sure you'll scrounge up plenty of people that I have rubbed wrong in the past or flat out don't like me for one reason or another.

But this isn't a hate thread. I by no means hate Dagger, and I think he's a pretty good guy all in all, though Tasty's testimony to how he tried to swipe his spot is pretty damning. He's just not a good poster, and is wildly undeserving of a modspot.

Voting for Dagger is an exercise in stupidity, plain and simple. Two of this forum's smartest posters (no, not me, I'm talking about Tasty and Gelgarin) came out and gave their reasons for not voting for Dagger, and one of the most informed members of this site (now I am talking about me) has given you all a behind the scene look at why Dagger is a bad candidate for mod.

So what are you trying to prove? If you're trying to prove you're an independent thinker, post intelligently about why you're voting for whoever you're voting for. If you want to prove you're a wannabe-rebel that will do the opposite of whatever the "authority" tells him to, even if doing such a thing is really fucking stupid, then vote for Dagger.
Is it "bitch about JGlass time" now?

Someone prepare my pen of plentiful wiring.
Dagger actually kind of reminds of me, posting wise of course. I remember I would get a lot of shit thrown at me from certain people because of my ability and because of how I used to repeat myself a lot. Even though, I kinda had an excuse for it back then, there's still a vague similarity I guess.

Honestly, because I've been away from the forum's for a while now I can't really say I dislike Dagger. I haven't really seen all of the things people have said about him with my own eyes so I don't want to judge him now base on other people's accusations or opinions of him. There was only 2 moments in my time here that I've disliked something about him and that's when he made it a goal to reach 2,000 posts (or something like that) by the end of 2010 if I'm not mistaken. The other time was when he flipped out at Mozz for giving his honest opinion on his video game.

With all of that in mind, overall Coco is the best poster out of the 3 and Crock is pretty damn good too. I think they'd take the job seriously, but I have a feeling if Dagger was given the position he would take it too seriously and might use his "powers" to threaten the people who dislike him.

I don't dislike any of them in particular, even if there was a moment in time in which I felt that Coco really dislike me, but that was in the past and we're in the present now so I'll forget all of that old, unnecessary drama. But I still have to go with either Coco or Crock.
Let's not forget how fucking hilarious it would be to see Coco as a moderator and all the resulting chaos.

If that's not worth your vote, then you don't deserve one.
This is an interesting thread when you keep it all in perspective. Here's how I see it.

There's been talk of the dissolution of the ABC Party. Yet throughout the thread, I have seen several guys from the ABC Party continue to maintain their support for Dagger. A couple of guys have indicated that they intend to keep their options open, but these guys have stated that they still haven't ruled out voting for Dagger. Most of the ABC guys have chosen to stay silent, however they will not be silent come election time. I expect 40+ of the 48-49 guys who voted in the primaries to stay on Dagger's side. Of course all of us are simultaneously elitist and noobs, depending on who you listen to and in what context, which doesn't seem to make sense to me. I still haven't figured out where the notion came from that our party is made up of all new guys. Look at the roster, that's simply not true. I mean how could we all be a bunch of noobs, after all, we are a bunch of elitists after all.

A lot of respected posters who I really like have come in here and spoken negatively of either Dagger's modship or Dagger himself. Coco, Gelgarin, Nate, SNS, GD, GSB, Nick, Justin, Tastycles, and SSC have all spoken in this thread as detractors of Dagger. But let's call a spade a spade. These guys all belong to the David French Party, so they'd all be voting for Coco regardless of who opposes him. So as much as I respect their opinions (well, most of them anyway), having them campaign against the ABC Party and Dagger specifically is hardly a newsflash.

Same goes for Mozz, Harthan, RDV, Crock,and Milenko. Detractors of Dagger who just happen to belong to La Resistance and are likely Crock supporters. Again, all due respect, but I would expect nothing less.

Jose, JGlass, D-Man, Doc, and Megatron don't belong to either party and they have spoken against Dagger as mod. That's their prerogative obviously, but at the end of the day, that's 5 votes. Simply put, despite the passion of the Dagger opponents in this thread, I see very few votes going against Dagger except for guys who were going to vote for guys in their own parties in all likelihood anyway.

I still can't figure out why people feel like the long time posters, the veterans, the respected posters, the mods or former mods, feel like their votes or their opinions count so much more than anyone else. If that was the case, never mind the election, just have them appoint a mod of their choosing as has always been done before. People knew the rules of this thing before it started. If you don't like the rules, don't participate. As I see it, when Dagger wins, he will have to do his job effectively. If he doesn't, if he's the scourge of the forums as some of you suggest, he'll get demodded anyway (not that I expect that to happen). And if Coco, the poor helpless victim of all of this injustice is as good as you all say, and there is such a dire need for a spam mod anyway, the admins can always appoint him to the staff later anyway. It's not like it is he end of the world if Dagger wins and if Coco or Crock loses. People have been taking this contest way too seriously and personally if you ask me.
Same goes for Mozz, Harthan, RDV, Crock,and Milenko. Detractors of Dagger who just happen to belong to La Resistance and are likely Crock supporters. Again, all due respect, but I would expect nothing less.

Eh. I'll probably vote for Coco. Much love to Crock, but we do need a spam mod. I've come around on that.
Jose, JGlass, D-Man, Doc, and Megatron don't belong to either party and they have spoken against Dagger as mod. That's their prerogative obviously, but at the end of the day, that's 5 votes. Simply put, despite the passion of the Dagger opponents in this thread, I see very few votes going against Dagger except for guys who were going to vote for guys in their own parties in all likelihood anyway.

Six votes actually.
Alright, by my watch it's been over 24 hours.

Does anyone know if he is going to take part in this any longer? I've got Dolph Ziggler/Bob Holly comparisons to make.
Eh. I'll probably vote for Coco. Much love to Crock, but we do need a spam mod. I've come around on that.

You may be correct about the need for a spam mod, although personally I'm not totally sold on that. But if there really is a need, I'm sure the admins will appoint Coco to the position, after the election. I sure hope he and Dagger get along OK in the board room ;)
DirtyJosé;3625980 said:
He's been online until recently too. Smells like someone laying low.

I often show that I'm online all day, yet haven't been near a computer. I simply forget to log off sometimes.
I often show that I'm online all day, yet haven't been near a computer. I simply forget to log off sometimes.
After fifteen minutes of inactivity, you're no longer recognized as being online. Dagger's been near a computer plenty.
I just noticed that this poll will close in about eleven and a half years.

At this rate, that's about the right amount of time until we finish this election.

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