This is an interesting thread when you keep it all in perspective. Here's how I see it.
There's been talk of the dissolution of the ABC Party. Yet throughout the thread, I have seen several guys from the ABC Party continue to maintain their support for Dagger. A couple of guys have indicated that they intend to keep their options open, but these guys have stated that they still haven't ruled out voting for Dagger. Most of the ABC guys have chosen to stay silent, however they will not be silent come election time. I expect 40+ of the 48-49 guys who voted in the primaries to stay on Dagger's side. Of course all of us are simultaneously elitist and noobs, depending on who you listen to and in what context, which doesn't seem to make sense to me. I still haven't figured out where the notion came from that our party is made up of all new guys. Look at the roster, that's simply not true. I mean how could we all be a bunch of noobs, after all, we are a bunch of elitists after all.
A lot of respected posters who I really like have come in here and spoken negatively of either Dagger's modship or Dagger himself. Coco, Gelgarin, Nate, SNS, GD, GSB, Nick, Justin, Tastycles, and SSC have all spoken in this thread as detractors of Dagger. But let's call a spade a spade. These guys all belong to the David French Party, so they'd all be voting for Coco regardless of who opposes him. So as much as I respect their opinions (well, most of them anyway), having them campaign against the ABC Party and Dagger specifically is hardly a newsflash.
Same goes for Mozz, Harthan, RDV, Crock,and Milenko. Detractors of Dagger who just happen to belong to La Resistance and are likely Crock supporters. Again, all due respect, but I would expect nothing less.
Jose, JGlass, D-Man, Doc, and Megatron don't belong to either party and they have spoken against Dagger as mod. That's their prerogative obviously, but at the end of the day, that's 5 votes. Simply put, despite the passion of the Dagger opponents in this thread, I see very few votes going against Dagger except for guys who were going to vote for guys in their own parties in all likelihood anyway.
I still can't figure out why people feel like the long time posters, the veterans, the respected posters, the mods or former mods, feel like their votes or their opinions count so much more than anyone else. If that was the case, never mind the election, just have them appoint a mod of their choosing as has always been done before. People knew the rules of this thing before it started. If you don't like the rules, don't participate. As I see it, when Dagger wins, he will have to do his job effectively. If he doesn't, if he's the scourge of the forums as some of you suggest, he'll get demodded anyway (not that I expect that to happen). And if Coco, the poor helpless victim of all of this injustice is as good as you all say, and there is such a dire need for a spam mod anyway, the admins can always appoint him to the staff later anyway. It's not like it is he end of the world if Dagger wins and if Coco or Crock loses. People have been taking this contest way too seriously and personally if you ask me.