Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

Results are only viewable after voting.
Let's pretend I'm a troll. I know, I know. Let's pretend. Is that really as bad as Rattlesnake suggests? Do trolls really add nothing to the forum? Because the activity generated by Slyfox's trolling says otherwise.
Oh, and as for any question of the need for a spam mod:


Crock and Dagger have done nothing but speculate about how the hustle and bustle of the WWE section means there MUST be a need for their services, but where's the proof? I certainly don't see Nick or Nate begging for help cleaning up and Dagger certainly isn't needed to drive discussion, so... I'll be curious to hear about that impact Crock is looking to make behind the scenes. :rolleyes:
What Tommy said.

Also, I will not be voting Dagger, at all. Pretty much for every above reason.

If anyone has sense, it's Crock all the way now.
Him asking for thoughts on the game had nothing to do with that thread. People were annoyed with his posts in the VG&T tournament threads and it was a case of one thing leading to another. The Dagger flaming everyone thing also had to do with the VG&T threads where Mozz flamed him once and Dagger did not like it and so he brought his frustrations from that thread into this thread itself. I remember Dagger replying to Doc's post and it was rather calm and he seemed to admit his faults. Again, something about issues being made bigger than they are.

Also it's not about you, it is about the rest of the forum as well. I distinctly remember comments of people praising his game when it was released and saying it was a great gesture to involve some of them as characters in the game. Things turned southwards just when Mozz made that thread, which is probably a good indication of how things go in these forums.

Yeah, people have been making fun of other people for years but they do not ONLY make fun of other people, which is what Coco seems to do all the time. And yes this is specifically aimed at Coco and a few other trolls and wannabes like him, not the people who post in the spam sections. Another issue which is taken out of hand which I will address later.

Is this really how everyone views that whole situation? It seemed to me like there was a disagreement on tone, and Dagger didn't like how I was presenting my criticism of his game. He wanted criticism to be bottle-fed to him like a baby, but instead I laid it out for him, and he wasn't expecting it. People felt the way they did about his game from day 1, but it seemed that Doc and I were the only ones with balls.

If he walked around believing there were only minor problems with that game, he'd be trying to sell it right now. I did him a favor. That game needs a re-work, from the ground up.

As for what it means in this context, I am saying that all the Coco supporters who are using this incident to bash Dagger did not even notice Dagger before this thing. They are trying to make this sound as if Dagger is some perenially butthurt creature. Tell me, when did Dagger ever lose his cool before that thread. I have certainly not seen it happen. What happened to Dagger could have happened to a lot of other smarter people. Dagger lost his cool because people were piling on rather than genuinely trying to help him. Those that did, like Doc, were well responded to.

You only really need 1 epic meltdown before you become a "thing" around here. Sure, he wasn't known for melting down before, but when he did, it lasted weeks.

But even before that, he was known for being the definition of the word "mediocre" when it came to posting.
Damn, here we go again.

DirtyJosé;3624877 said:

Actually, it was a whole month before that Division Blade nonsense. And it includes another rant on "Bar Room Trolls" and his warped ideas on why people sometimes feel other posters are "bad posters". And to top it all off, it's another perfect example of the edginess and temper he can't afford to carry with him as a member of the mod team. Nice try at deflecting, though.

Not deflecting but I honestly did not know about this. But I do know that all the Dagger is butthurt crap started around this point with the Video Game tourney posting and all that. Before that Dagger was very well behaved. He has been on here for three years and I guess every person is allowed one bout of silliness. Just check out some of JGlass' earlier threads if you want to know.

Unlike some of the other members on here, I actually believe in giving people a second chance, especially if you are one of the better behaved posters for more than two years. Monkey has been doing that Dagger is a "f***ger" thing for months before Dagger responded.

Again, you still don't actually seem to be capable of demonstrating that you know what a troll really is. Coco wasn't a big part of the Dagger/Division Blade fiasco. In fact, if you cared to actually look these things up instead of speaking out of your ass, you'd find that Coco posted in that thread a total of 3 times, and none of them were flames towards Dagger. I know it's easy to just assume that Coco is the source of all evil on the boards, but at least know what you are talking about before you open your mouth. I thought you learned that lesson already.

Why does everything come back to Division Blade? Nope, maybe Coco did not troll him there but does that mean he hasn't trolled him? Also what about guys like Stormtrooper, LSN, Sully, Hamler and Me? Is everything a part of our fantasy or something?

LULZ! I'm sorry, just...with that closing bit of yours I started to picture Coco like he was some street urchin stick-up kid just hiding around corners waiting to jump a victim and get some rep. Now that I think about it, I think Gang Starr wrote a song about him.

But, back to the point. You are simply wrong here. Quick! Mods! Another question: how many active members do we have? Best estimate is fine. And then I want a list from you, Snakey baby, of how many poster Coco "trolls". I guarantee that any list you come up with, even with fabricated incidents like Coco's supposed "trolling" of Dagger in the Division Blade thread Mozz started, is still a tiny, tiny fraction of the number of posters around here. My point? That a statement like "he trolls most people" is just flat out bull shit.

I did not say he trolls most people, I said that he mostly uses his time on here trolling. So do you want to tell me that the fact that he gets a troll of the year award every year is a myth and something I propagated? And yeah kinda stupid on your part to keep running that Division Blade record when I have said multiple times that Coco did not troll Dagger there.

Actually, you can't even say that for sure. Haven't I seen a member of yours already defect from the party? Who's to say that this discussion isn't changing the minds of people like me who aren't party members, or newer posters in your own party who really didn't know anything about Dagger until recently. I wouldn't call multiple mods coming out in opposition to the idea of Dagger being a mod "meaningless". You are pretty bad at this politics game, Snakey

One guy defected the party because he said that he wanted Dagger to run for one of the NWS sections and not the wrestling sections because he believes that the sections that do not have a mod need to be filled first. It has nothing to do with what has been said in this thread. It would have happened regardless of this thread. Also Davi said that he may still vote for Dagger as he has supported Dagger so far in the race.

Like I said earlier this thread is meaningless.
A thread wherein a multitude of the forums most respected posters have come out against Dagger and raised fair criticism of him is meaningless?

Uh huh.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3625118 said:
Is this really how everyone views that whole situation? It seemed to me like there was a disagreement on tone, and Dagger didn't like how I was presenting my criticism of his game. He wanted criticism to be bottle-fed to him like a baby, but instead I laid it out for him, and he wasn't expecting it. People felt the way they did about his game from day 1, but it seemed that Doc and I were the only ones with balls.

If he walked around believing there were only minor problems with that game, he'd be trying to sell it right now. I did him a favor. That game needs a re-work, from the ground up.

If you are to believe Dagger then he says that he only had a problem with the flamy language that you used to criticise him and that you could have criticized him coolly. Look at his reaction to Doc's post. Doc tears his game up as well but the language he uses is more friendlier and hence Dagger responds to him in a friendly manner

You only really need 1 epic meltdown before you become a "thing" around here. Sure, he wasn't known for melting down before, but when he did, it lasted weeks.

Yeah sure, I know what happens here and it pretty much sucks. Sure he had one bout of silliness and once you start getting flamed it is rather difficult not to be butthurt. But yeah Dagger was not really known as this butthurt idiot before that. Even Jose, who seems to be dead against Dagger now said that he was cool guy on multiple occasions.

And as for that mediocre poster thing, you know who else was called mediocre. Ferbian. And he did a pretty good job. Dagger is just like Ferbian except he lost his cool one time. He was also going through a tough period in his life and sometimes it can affect your behaviour on the forums. He deserves to be given a second chance.
DirtyJosé;3624877 said:
Well, it's kinda hard to believe that when anyone who isn't 100% in line with your attitude is a "troll" or a "troll supporter". I've read his little inspirational post, with the shitty little video. And I've seen him and plenty of others in that party cop the attitude before and flat out say that they feel spam posters are useless. You can try and damage control and spin this however you want to save face for your party, but it's pretty common knowledge that what I'm saying is truth. I'm not speaking for a party; I'm not speaking for a candidate. I'm speaking as a member of these forums who simply feels that people who see things in such black and white terms are not fit to be in a position of power.

Oh I missed this.

Tell me this Jose, if we view all the spam posters as trolls then why am I not calling Great White Sam a troll? Or for that matter Barbosa? Or Theo? Or any other spam poster for that matter? Why is it that only Coco is being called one?

Contrary to what you might think, I do get along rather decently with most of the "spam" posters on here. They do not agree with me all the time and nor do I with them but that does not matter because I respect the hell out of them and I feel that they can easily handle themselves against any poster.

I only label those people as trolls who go around annoying people. The troll supporters are those guys who have no business to be around in that thread where a poor guy is getting trolled but jump in to earn some accolades anyway. And it is not only just one instance I am looking at when I am resorting to this labelling. I have been on the forums for quite some time as well and maybe I do not appreciate the art that is trolling but I do not want to appreciate it either. My life is better off without understanding guys who are on here for more than 12 hours to merely annoy people. I speak what I have seen.
Oh, and as for any question of the need for a spam mod:


Crock and Dagger have done nothing but speculate about how the hustle and bustle of the WWE section means there MUST be a need for their services, but where's the proof? I certainly don't see Nick or Nate begging for help cleaning up and Dagger certainly isn't needed to drive discussion, so... I'll be curious to hear about that impact Crock is looking to make behind the scenes. :rolleyes:

The last thing we need at the moment is another wrestling mod, our current group of guys do a damn fine job at keeping their areas clean of spam and other nonsense.

Spam on the other hand has all but been ignored over the last year or so, we've lost two spam section mods and haven't replaced either of them. The spam section had been crying out for someone to take control for a while now; and we're all in luck, because the key fits the lock and on the other side of that door is true spam glory.
Since my name has been brought up, let me clarify why I left the ABC party a little more.

I only withdrew from the ABC party to the point where I would vote for another candidate, if, and only if, I felt they were honestly a better choice. Crock wants to be a WWE mod too, which means my biggest reasons for having second thoughts on Dagger would apply equally to Crock, and I am not convinced that the spam sections really need a mod. It's spam. Shouldn't it be chaotic?

Basically, I am just leaving my options open. As anyone who frequents the Newswire section knows, I am very conservative too...but I have never, and will never join the Republican party officially, so that I don't feel beholden to vote for someone just because they are a member of my party. I like to keep my options open, make up my own mind, essentially. While I do consistently vote Republican because their values are much closer to my own, I reserve the right to vote for any candidate I choose to, if another candidate appeals to me more. In fact, depending on who wins the GOP nomination (damn you, Herman Cain for dropping out), I may vote Libertarian or some other Independent candidate.

That's all I did with my thread...I have not switched my support over to either Crock or Coco as of yet, so I think "defection" is perhaps not the right word. It implies I have defected TO someone else, when I haven't. If Crock or Coco can convince me to switch, so be it. That hasn't happened yet, so as of now, Dagger still has my vote. It's kind a strange election. All three candidates are running for mod positions in areas where I don't particularly see the need for mods. The problem isn't necessarily the candidates running, it's just a difference in opinion as to whether there is a genuine need for additional mods where they would like to be placed or not. Instead of being a member of the ABC party supporting Dagger, I am an independent supporting Dagger, with the option to change my mind if warranted.
Bottomline - Dagger is shit, Crock is average, and Coco is outstanding. That's prett much all there is to it.
And as for that mediocre poster thing, you know who else was called mediocre. Ferbian. And he did a pretty good job. Dagger is just like Ferbian except he lost his cool one time. He was also going through a tough period in his life and sometimes it can affect your behaviour on the forums. He deserves to be given a second chance.

Ferbian didn't win his spot in a popularity contest. If this is how all staff members were elected, he wouldn't have been on staff in the first place. The very fact that this IS a popularity contest just means Dagger shouldn't win.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3625258 said:
Ferbian didn't win his spot in a popularity contest. If this is how all staff members were elected, he wouldn't have been on staff in the first place. The very fact that this IS a popularity contest just means Dagger shouldn't win.

If Dagger weren't popular, he would not have come this far and we would not have had this thread in the first place. You do know that Dagger had the most number of votes, all parties included, in both the primaries, don't you?

Dagger may not be popular among the upper echelon of this forum but he is popular when you take everyone into consideration. People like nice guys, ya know.

In fact because this is a popularity contest is the biggest reason why Dagger should win. The fact that people like him is apparent from the votes he has recieved. It would also help setting the definition of popularity straight.
If Dagger weren't popular, he would not have come this far and we would not have had this thread in the first place. You do know that Dagger had the most number of votes, all parties included, in both the primaries, don't you?

You do know that the ABC party had the most members of all three parties, right?

Dagger may not be popular among the upper echelon of this forum but he is popular when you take everyone into consideration. People like nice guys, ya know.

In fact because this is a popularity contest is the biggest reason why Dagger should win. The fact that people like him is apparent from the votes he has recieved. It would also help setting the definition of popularity straight.

So people who don't like him should vote for him because other people like him? What are you trying to convince people of?
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3625282 said:
You do know that the ABC party had the most members of all three parties, right?

It also had the most number of candidates in the first primary and two very well established posters going up against Dagger in the second primary.

So people who don't like him should vote for him because other people like him? What are you trying to convince people of?

I am just telling you that your definition of popularity is incorrect. No one has convinced anyone else in this thread.
Personally I think anybody with any level of respect whatsoever should discount Dagger entirely based on the fact that Tastycles has asked you to. But ignoring that, let's not pretend that Dagger is being discounted based upon one incidence of losing his cool. The fact that he is a nasty little back stabbing wretch is also playing significantly into people's thinking, as is the fact that he has no capacity for quality posting or driving discussion, no understanding of the rules and zero ability to cooperate with the existing team.

Dagger's supporters have thus far failed to raise a single argument in support of voting for him, all they have done is produce an endless list of excuses.

Dagger has a history of making an ass out of yourself - Second chances, change you can believe in.

Dagger is a terrible poster - What does being good at posting have to do with posting on a wrestling forum?

Dagger is hated by more or less every veteran on the forum - It's an old guard conspiracy.

Dagger doesn't understand the rules of the forum - Coco once misused the report button for a joke. Counterargument.

Dagger behaved like a scheming, conniving little cunt towards Tastycles - Who's Tastycles?

Dagger stands zero chance of actually getting the position given how much the mods and admins dislike him - Lalalala I'm not listening.

It's very telling that those die hards who so obviously just want to vote for their friend in face of all the evidence regarding how good a job he would do, are prefacing all their excuses with "this thread is pointless, it won't change our minds". Dagger could come out and deny the Holocaust and they would still support him, because they want their friend to win. They have no argument why he should win, and to be frank it seems unlikely that most of them believe a word of what they're saying, but they're going to back him until the end anyway.

Compare that to Coco, who is being backed by an army of people, many of whom don't especially like him. Why are we backing somebody that we are less than keen on? Because we give a shit about this forum, and Coco is unambiguously the best person for the job.

Coco is smarter than Dagger, more respected, a better poster across every section, has a batter understanding of the job and a better understanding of how to drive discussion.

Dagger is a bad poster, but more importantly he's a bad person. Don't vote for him.
It also had the most number of candidates in the first primary and two very well established posters going up against Dagger in the second primary.

It doesn't really matter who's in the ABC Party, or who ran. The fact that you guys had more than triple the members La Resistance had, and like double the members the DFP had makes that fact meaningless.

I am just telling you that your definition of popularity is incorrect. No one has convinced anyone else in this thread.

Meanwhile, this thread exists, and is nearly 20 pages long (it's 4 pages for me, and I show 50 posts a page) filled with people who are going on about exactly why they're not voting for Dagger.

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