Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

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It appears Dagger has reached step 4 earlier than expected as my underpants seem to be missing. It is unfortunate that GSB did not specify step 5 so I could catch up and retrieve them. I can't afford to just go out and buy a new pair.
Tuesdays used to be a wrestling night. Back when WWE's version of ECW was on and when NXT was still on tv instead of online, they were on tuesdays. If Smackdown went live then I would not be against it being on tuesdays, although I am perfectly fine with it being on fridays because that had become a weekend tradition. Impact should stay on thursdays. Tuesday not being a wrestling night anymore is not a big deal to me. Monday is Raw. We get a few days in between for a break, before Impact on thursday and Smackdown on friday. Then we have PPV events on sundays before the cycle starts over with Raw on monday. The current format is fine honestly because PPV's on sunday, Raw on monday, and Smackdown on tuesday could be too much all at once for some fans.

If you can't appreciate insightful posts like this one then why are you even here?
If you can't appreciate insightful posts like this one then why are you even here?

You make a point. Had I not read this post, I might have thought Smackdown would be better off on Tuesday, and that Raw might have worked best on Thursday nights. But after listening to Dagger make such convincing arguments as "Impact should stay on thursdays," I might have been very confused.
Dagger has made over 30 non-spam posts over the past 24 hours, spanning just about every section of our forums
I believe there was a comment made about how he barely posted in the WWE section or made any threads there, and yet he felt he needed to mod said section to help support discussion. The claim was also made about his participation in other sections. As per usual, if one criticizes Dagger, he will work about 10x too hard to make sure he can prove you wrong...
I'd like to go on record and say I've never liked Dagger Dias. Even before it was cool.

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