Could you re-summarise what your reasons are for the people that can't be bothered to sift through your post history? Such bastards do exist, I believe.
I'd be happy to do that for you Sam, even though it wouldn't take much sifting. We all know my posts are typically short and concise
This whole process for me has been about opposing one guy, supporting another, and unfortunately leaving the third guy on the outside looking in, which is too bad because I really like the third guy, yet he receives very little attention from me either way.
When the election was first announced, I had little interest in it believe it or not. I'm not a big fan of contests to pick mods, even though an earlier contest yielded a great mod in SSC. I assumed Coco would easily win a popularity contest on here, and I knew he would quickly come in and tell us how he was going to win easily, in a manner in keeping with his Internet persona. So I got to thinking if there could be a way to beat him, either myself or someone else. Hence the birth of the ABC Party.
I knew the only way Coco could lose would be a concerted group effort by a bunch of solid posters. So I tried to get the very best on board. People will incorrectly think this is because of some deep seated dislike I have for Coco but that's not the case at all, if anything it is the reverse. Ask Coco how many times he has red repped me, and how many times I have red repped him, and we will clearly see who dislikes whom. I respect Coco as a poster and admire the following he inexplicably has on here. I just wanted to challenge him as much as possible, either personally or by supporting some other candidate, the best one possible, to keep the election competitive, interesting and fun.
The point of the ABC Party was to have a competitive primary, pick the best candidate possible, and support him until the end. Without that, Coco would be untouchable. This was my idea, rightly or wrongly, and I would be a hypocrite to not stand by it till the end.
All this being said, I would not support someone if I didn't think they were right for the job. Party loyalty would only extend so far. Had Ba-Bomb won, for example, for me the ABC Party was over. I think Dagger Dias would make a good mod, I really do. He posts high quantity on here. That's not to suggest quantity at the expense of quality, but rather to suggest that he spends a lot of time on here, and as such will be around to do his job to the utmost of his ability. His posting is passionate, whether you agree with it or not. It's diverse. I think the quality of his posting has taken many unfair hits over the election. The guy has made thousands of non-spam posts, and is being called out for a handful of ones which may have been less than stellar.
I think the attacks on him have been over the top and unfair. Calling him a hot head because of one or two outburst in three years is wrong. Calling him homophobic has been incorrect too. Questioning his intelligence, wrong again.
At the end, I'll be criticized for blind devotion, excess party loyalty, etc., But if I am anything, I'm no hypocrite. I won't put a plan in motion, then bail on it once it no longer applies to me.