Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

Results are only viewable after voting.
There would be a lotta PMs and the Bar Room would be...well open to a lot of hostiles.

Wish the CL had a bar room of sorts.

Just make a thread in the Bar Room, screw everyone else. I really don't care what other people will have to say about my sexuality because either ways I'm going to be gay at the end of the day and be happy with myself even if people on here might not be accepting of it (which I think the majority probably are).
There would be a lotta PMs and the Bar Room would be...well open to a lot of hostiles.

Wish the CL had a bar room of sorts.

Potluck is the place to discuss social or divisive issues such as Sexual Orientation. Its actually a good place to do it, because people can discuss such things, but without the hostility that inevitably comes with such issues. It's pretty much what the Cigar Lounge/Newswire used to be.
Sid's attitude basically came down to "I've been here a week and I know how this place should be run, I know how I want my section to be run, I'm going to do it my way, I don't care what anyone says, I'm going to make fun of the system in place because it doesn't work like I want it to, I'm going to tell you that you don't deserve your job and that's all there is to it, and if you want to argue with me I'm going to spend the next hour telling you why you're wrong because you are and that's that."

And the "I can't believe you deleted and infracted in MY section." "Dude I'm a G-Mod" "but moooooooooooooom!"
And the "I can't believe you deleted and infracted in MY section." "Dude I'm a G-Mod" "but moooooooooooooom!"

Sly and I had a discussion of what might have been the funniest rib in forum history. I was just G-Mod at that point while he was admin. Sid was this big conspiracy nut and thought there was some clique that had everyone on staff in it other than him. I suggested Sly go through, reverse every infraction Sid made, then have me go back and redo them. When Sid protests, say "well, KB is in the Clique." Sly reversed them but Sid flipped out soon thereafter and was gone.
And yet Coco would make a shitty mod because he intentionally does things that piss people off.[/Dagger]
I'll be honest, this is the first time I have stepped within this prestigious election environment. Someone sell me on who I should throw my all powerful support behind. It's likely a two man race for me anyways, but by gawd sell me on someone.
Guys, I'm glad Dagger won entrance into this election...

Universal hatred for Dagger has done something no poster could ever do: create a forum poll with actual options that make it legitimately hard to decide on an answer.
I'll be honest, this is the first time I have stepped within this prestigious election environment. Someone sell me on who I should throw my all powerful support behind. It's likely a two man race for me anyways, but by gawd sell me on someone.

[Heel] Green Ranger;3641826 said:
Guys, I'm glad Dagger won entrance into this election...

Universal hatred for Dagger has done something no poster could ever do: create a forum poll with actual options that make it legitimately hard to decide on an answer.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Though, for the record, going into this election I had no legitimate ill feelings towards Dagger, I just thought he wasn't a good poster. A few things have changed my perspective here, like his feelings regarding homo-sexuality, but I still don't hate Dagger, and neither should anyone else.

Just hate the idea of him becoming mod.
Something that needs to be considered for this election is separating the poster from the potential moderator. What I mean by that is people might enjoy Dagger's post and contributions that he brings to the forum as a poster, but this election isn't to decided who is or is not a member in good standing of this forum. This election is to decide what poster will make the best moderator and after reading all of Dagger's intention of running, plus the ideas of what he would do if elected as a moderator, there is no way that I can support him.

Even if you were to remove Dagger’s habit of posting “quantity over quality”, alledged homophobic tendencies/beliefs, questionable actions during tournaments and this very election, cowardly behaviour, lies and potential backstabbing and any other annoying habits that he may display, “Dagger 4 mod” still isn’t a good idea.

As a member of the ABC party, I have been able to witness Dagger’s attempt to layout his platform, ideas that he would like to implement and overall vision that he things will benefit the forum as a whole. It didn’t take long for me to realize that Dagger would not make a good moderator for the forum as his ideas are extremely flawed, and his intentions for running for mod are all wrong. Despite me being able to easily identify the many weak points in Dagger’s vision and call him out on it at every opportunity, Dagger was still, somehow, able to secure enough votes to advance throughout the election. I would urge anyone who did read though Dagger’s fluff, to reread it before casting your next, and most important vote.

Support Dagger as a poster if you wish, but before voting Dagger as a moderator, one should be able to read all of the post that he has made, not only in his platform, but throughout this entire election in order to obtain all important information before voting. I cannot be convinced that anyone will be voting for Dagger based off of why he wants to be a moderator, and THAT is what we should be voting for.

I’ve taken the time to post important post that Dagger made before he was officially (and wrongfully) selected as our party’s nomination. I’ve tried to group the post together in a way that makes sense and is easiest to read. I’ve also included a few of the comments that I made, which are in blue, pointing out what I believe to be flaws in the ideas that Dagger would like to make if he ever becomes a moderator. I’ve only included post made by myself and Dagger so some of it will seem choppy, as I’ve included Dagger’s response to questions without including the actual question.

For those that might feel like this is a dirty tactic revealing what has taken place behind closed doors of the ABC Party, I have only used the comments that Dagger has made leading up to the debate. Since the party headquarters have been opened to the public on and off, these are all coments that people would have already had the opportunity to read if they were looking though our campaign headquarters.

As you will see, since day one Dagger has been unclear as to what section he would like to moderate and has jumped back in forth throughout the entire election. Leading up to the debate, he stated that he wanted to be the mod of the VG&T section, and/or the Movies & TV section. Once he was selected as the party’s candidate, he chose the WWE section. Dagger clearly has been throwing plans at the wall in hopes that one stuck. In Dagger’s quest for a bolded name, he also would like to create a total of EIGHT sticky threads, as well as create what I call ‘controlled spam’ by creating a thread for every major video game that gets released.

DAGGER: Fellow ABC Party members, I am running to become your next Wrestlezone Forums mod. I already stated my intentions in the ABC Party thread but here is an update in case you missed the other post. Please bear with me and read this post. You won't regret it. :)

Let me tell you a little about myself. I have been a member of this forum since September of 2008. Three years and four thousand posts later, I am as active around here as ever. In the three years I have been here I have done a lot. Monthly PPV predictions for every WWE PPV event as well as several TNA PPV's. I generate discussion by coming up with thread ideas that encourage debates among forum regulars. I debate rather than flame when I find a post I disagree with and, as my sig reads, encourage others to do the same with my posts. I have kept the video games section alive during the time it has been without a mod. I post in pretty much every section on the forum whether it be wrestling, non-wrestling non-spam, and even the spam zone on occassion.

As a mod I would like to be the guy that posters can come to when they need help. Anyone who reads my Potluck or Cigar Lounge posts know that I am a nice guy who is always willing to offer advice to those in need. I have helped a number of posters polish their posting skills to become the regulars you know them as today. LSN, JWGunslinger, and Notorious to name a few of my protege's who I have helped. If I become mod I would continue in helping people improve their posting skills.

Anyone who spams too much would be taught my "Non-Spam Formula". I was shown this a couple of years back, and it was a big help to me. I'll be passing it on to newcomers who wish to know it. Click the spoiler to see it for yourself.

(Your opinion on the thread's topic) + (Your reason for why you feel this way) = A non-spam post.

Example: "I think Cena does not suck because he is a better wrestler than people give him credit for"

This post, while short and unimpressive still has a thought and a reason for why.

So which section am I looking to moderate? I would be happy to help in pretty much any of them. Let's take a look at each section and my intentions for each, should I become elected as a mod.

It already has a great team in Jack-Hammer, Nate, and Nick. It has by far the most traffic though and since I visit it daily I would be more than happy to help by generating more discussion and helping in cleaning it up. Especially on days following Raw/Smackdown or a PPV, I'll find that it needs some maintenance. My PPV prediction columns are also not going anywhere, they will still be a regular part of the PPV discussion threads. I might begin doing more reviews too.

IDR does fantastic in there. I'm in the section fairly often though and would be willing to help out in the same ways I would in WWE by forming a tag team with IDR should I get elected and become your next TNA mod. More discussion generating, and some assistance with section maintenance. My TNA PPV predictions would remain a regular part of discussion threads and I will consider reviewing more shows.

Tastycles already has this section. I personally think it should be merged with Oldschool Wrestling. Tastycles and Brain could then tag team the section. I'd be willing to join in and help them out. I would generate more discussion by making threads on oldschool WWE, and some WWE VS TNA type topics. Helping with section maintenance as necessary too.

Brain does good in there. Basically the same thing I said about General Wreslting. I'd keep coming up with more oldschool WWE topics to discuss, and help with the section maintenance as needed.

I'm rarely ever in there. JGlass has it under control. I would merge it with the General Wrestling section, he could tag team it with Tastycles, but that's just me. I would not seek a spot here.

LSN has done a great job of this section after it went through a change this summer. He's got it under control so I will not seek a spot there.

SSC has this section under control. I visit it frequently but might not be seeking a spot there.

This section needs a mod. Why Mitch never got it I do not know, but I would absolutely consider it. I have some good thread ideas for upcoming movies and tv shows that I would use to generate discussion. I keep up with what new shows/movies are coming out as well as how they are doing financially. I enjoy visiting this section and it is one of my top choices for where I would like to moderate if I get elected.

The Video Games section is in desperate need of a mod. I have been a regular there for most of my time at this forum and after Lee stepped down I made it a point to keep this section alive until it receives a mod. I have a wealth of oldschool video game knowledge and, much like with Movies, I keep up with upcoming releases. Every new game with a bigger release deserves a thread and I would keep discussion generated as best I could if I got this section and the section maintenance as needed. It is probably my first choice, but I am open to other choices. My sig links to the section and I will be keeping it that way unless I become mod for another section.

MUFFIN TOP MERKLEY: All do respect to Dagger, but I couldn't disagree with this comment anymore for two reasons.

1 - Every big release doesn't need it's own thread because that would just add to the clutter that is already being built in the VG&T area. If every big release had it's own dedicated thread, just in November we would have seen threads for Battlefield 3, Modern Warfare 3, Uncharted 3, Gears of War 3 & Skyrim. How much discussion would actually be had in each of these threads? How many intelligent, thought-out comments would actually contribute to moving the thread forward?

2 - If a thread for every big, triple-A video game released was needed, why haven't they already been created by someone? Where's the thread dedicated to Uncharted 3? Where's the tread dedicated to Modern Warfare 3? They don't exist, because nobody is really interested or able to have a real, non-spam discussion on the games.


I don't think Dagger would make for a terrible moderator for the VG&T section, and I really don't mean any disrespect, or to put him down as a poster and potential candidate. However, I do think that I could do it better. If you plan on running for this election, but don't think that you would be the best person for the job, then you shouldn't even bother putting your name forward.

I do not visit this section often but it needs a mod and I would be willing to help out here as needed. Not my top pick but it needs a mod.

One of my favorite sections. SSC has it under control so I will not seek a spot there. I'll keep making threads there every now and then regardless though.

I have visited this section maybe once or twice in my entire run on this forum. I will not seek a spot there. It's in good hands though between Numbers, Ty, Blade, and Falkon though. Keep up the good work there, guys.

I grouped these together. I am in the GSD every now and then, and The Bar Room on occassion. However I prefer the non-spam sections and am not as interested in moderating these sections. The same goes for the wrestling spam zone. We have three excellent G-Mods and a team of mods who can work together to easily tackle our spam zone.

That leaves sections like Book This, Graphics, and the Predictions Contest. While I do monthly PPV predictions, the Predictions Contest does not need a mod for the section. Theo's doing a good job there, and no one will ever beat Doc in graphics. As for Book This.... I'm not seeking a spot there.

That brings me to my platform. I am looking at WWE, TNA, Movies, and Video Games as my main choices. I would also consider sections such as General Wrestling, Oldschool Wreslting, Music, and Potluck to further help those already running them even though they are under control. I post in nearly every section so I feel I would be a good candidate to help out wherever it is needed.



So there you have it, Wrestlezone Forums. I, Dagger Dias, The Relentless Debater, The Threadliner, The Swedish Swordsman, The Man Of 4000+ Posts, would like your support in becoming the next forums mod.

I am willing to moderate more than one section if given the opporunity but that is up to Sly and KB. Please address any questions to either myself or my campaign manager, LSN.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I appreciate the support. I look forward to being your next mod, should I be given the opportunity.

DAGGER: I without a shadow of a doubt think I am the best man for the job. As a veteran of the forum I have generated discussiom everywhere I go and have contributed across the board while helping others improve for the past 3 years.

I kept the Video Games section alive on two separate occassions when it was without a mod. For a good portion of 2010 and then the past several months of this year. I have spent a little less time there this week and last week to show my strengths elsewhere to prove that I would be good for other sections too. It does not have to be limited to Video Games. I am open to other sections too.

MUFFIN TOP MERKLEY: Then let's here it. If you are elected, what section would you choose to moderate. Everyone else who is interested in winning has openly declared what section they would choose, but you.

DAGGER: I narrowed it down to WWE, TNA, Movies, and Video Games. If Sly or KB need me to narrow it down to only one by a certain timeframe then I will. See, unlike others who are playing up one or two strengths I am keeping it shown that I have several.

Let's make an analogy to video games since we are both gamers. You have warriors, rogues, and mages who are proficient in strength, dexterity, and intelligence respectively. Then there are classes who are skilled everywhere. They can cast spells, fight in melee combat, AND disarm traps. I consider myself like one of those types of classes I just described. I post in nearly every section rather than limiting myself to one or two.

My point is that as a poster who posts everywhere and has such a wide range of knowledge when it comes to the endless list of things we discuss here, I would be a good fit to moderate no matter what section I am recruited to become mod for.

If I absolutely HAD to narrow it down further, I will knock it down to two. WWE for wrestling or Video Games for non-wrestling. Yes WWE has 3 mods already but the busiest section could always use an extra hand, or if any of the three wanted to jump sections then they can tag me in to replace them. Video Games needs a mod more than any other section and I have kept the section alive. The only difference would be gaining the power to maintain it and infract. TNA or Movies would be fun too and remain secondary options for me to fall back on. We do not have to pick a platform until we secure a nomination under our party as the one going up against Coco or La Resistance, from what I recall though.

The strongest member of our party will rise up in the end. If it is me then I hope I will have your support. I want this opportunity and have for a very long time. I want to improve this forum, and together as a team the ABC Party can do that.

A vote for Dagger Dias is a vote for someone who loves posting at this forum and is willing to put in the work to make it the best it can be.

DAGGER: What we need is someone who wants to improve the forums. There are 3 sections in non-wrestling non-spam that need a mod. Movies, Video Games, and Sports. I personally believe that every non-spam section needs a mod. Most of my posting comes from WWE or TNA, but if I become mod then my section(s) would become my priority.

Someone needs to step up. Someone who isn't in this for gaining power. Someone who is willing to reach out to newcomers to make them feel welcome. Someone who is determined to improve their given section(s) no matter what.

My promises if I am selected?

1. I would look after my section on a daily basis.

I am 100% willing to look after one or more of the sections in non-wrestling non-spam that are in desperate need of a mod. Although I would enjoy the chance to do WWE or TNA too. No matter where I mod, I promise to improve the section to the best of my abilities. It would take priority over my debating or posting in other sections.

2. Do my part to fight the "mods are nazis" stereotype.

I want to be the mod people come to when they need help. The guy they can depend on. Rather than telling someone how much they suck, I will help them improve. Newcomers need a friend on the staff they can trust. I am willing to be that friend, just as I already am to a number of you.

3. I will be willing to answer questions and share knowledge.

I know a lot about how our forum works. Things like how rep power is calculated, etc. If I become mod then expect me to be in the "ask a staff member" thread often to assist anyone who may need it. I frequently visit it and I find questions I know the answers to.

4. Repping

I am fairly easy to get green rep from. As a mod I plan tp keep it that way. Join in on the discussions in my section(s) if I become a mod, and you'll find yourself getting my rep sooner or later. ;)

If I come up with more ideas I will let you guys know.

I am interested in two different platforms, so I will submit my ideas for each of them, followed by additional things I would do regardless of which of the two I decide to go for in the end.

Yes it already has a team of 3 in place already. It has had a team of 4 at least once before though. At one point Dave, Doc, Ferbian, and a fourth mod (I forget who it was), ran it together. Jack-Hammer, Nate, and Nick are a great team. It would be an honor to join them.

I post in there daily as it is. With my large amount of availability, I would easily be able to assist with both discussion generation (which I already do) and section maintenance. Wrestlemania season is coming and with that section already getting by far the most traffic, that traffic skyrockets around Wrestlemania. It wouldn't hurt to have an extra set of hands to keep it clean as well as guide the discussions that I help generate. I like to discuss how to better promote the WWE product and ways to make wrestlers more marketable. I enjoy applying topics from my college courses here. I have two Business Administration degrees so I often post in WWE from a business and Marketing perspective.

What new things could I bring to the table as the next WWE mod? One thing I would like to begin doing more often is reviews of shows. Raw, Smackdown, PPV events, all could get recaps by yours truly. I make my opinion known about virtually everything else WWE does and I have done recaps before, I am interested in making that a more permanent part of my posting. As someone who enjoys sparking discussion and sharing my own opinions it is a good route for me to take.

MUFFIN TOP MERKLEY: Why is this something you can't do right now?

DAGGER:Another idea I have that I am very excited about is to run a championship analysis thread series that remains ongoing. I would create a sticky thread for each championship and every feud/angle/champion would be up for discussion. A big part of it would be title reign length as well as combined reign length comparisons if the current champion has held the belt before. I tried to start this series over in TNA last year but it was more about individual reigns whereas these would be a permanent analysis where discussion on any reign is welcome. If I were running the WWE section then this would be my first project over there. The threads for each title would see weekly bumps to keep discussion going on if things start to die down.

MUFFIN TOP MERKLEY: Again, aside from the sticky threads, why can’t you make these threads now. To me, it also seems like you’re just creating “controlled” spam, rather than intelligent conversation. If these threads haven’t been created now, why do you think that there is a need for them? Why do you think they’ll stir up discussion?

DAGGER: My sig currently links to the Video Games section. I would change it to link to something in the WWE section if I were running it. Perhaps one of my championship analysis threads.

Video Games
I made it clear a long time ago that I wanted to make sure this section stays alive until it receives a mod. I have kept it active on more than one occassion and would like to be the next person to run it. My sig currently links to the gaming forum and it has for quite a while now. That will not be changing.

I have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to video games, especially Nintendo. Consoles I have played include but are not limited to: NES, Game Boy, Game Gear, Genesis, Super Nintendo, Playstation, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Advance, Gamecube, Playstation 2, Xbox, DS, Wii, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3. I have also made my own video games before. Granted some people disliked my biggest project, Division Blade, but the fact of the matter is that regardless of their opinions on my product, I still created a fully playable video game. I am one of the few who can offer insight from not only a gamer's perspective, but also from a developer's point of view as well.

What can I bring to the table in the Video Games forum as a mod that I don't already do? I would like to do more nostalgic walkthroughs. My passion for oldschool gaming isn't exactly a big secret around here. I ran a walkthrough thread for Final Fantasy 4 back in 2009. Why stop there when I can do more legendary titles? I get to relive my favorite games by replaying them for these walkthroughs. You guys get to learn more about said games. The section receives more hits. Everyone wins.

MUFFIN TOP MERKLEY: Could be fine, and it would be a nice change from what is posted now, but again I have to ask, what is stopping you from posting NOW.[/COLOR

DAGGER: Another idea that I feel would be an important job for me as gaming mod would be to keep everyone updated on upcoming releases and various news stories about video games or technology. We do threads about news/ rumors etc in the wrestling world all the time. I plan on bringing this to the video games section if I will be running it. Finally,my Video Game music topic will continue seeing weekly bumps.

MUFFIN TOP MERKLEY:Sorry, but as I've mentioned before, not every big release or breaking news story needs to be discussed. Uncontrolled spam, would be replaced with controlled spam, which doesn't really add to the thread/section/forum and only boosts post count....Oh wait...I see your logic.

DAGGER: Movies
I have stated before that this section needs a mod too. I would like to run it simultaneously with Video Games. If Sly and KB only let me do one the Video Games is the higher priority but let's run a "what if" scenario stating that I did get to be the mod for both sections. What can I bring to the table in this section with it already being my #2 priority behind Video Games if I run two sections?

MUFFIN TOP MERKLEY: If this is your #2 priority, why are you also trying to moderate the WWE section? To me, it just seems like you’re grasping at straws in hopes that something sticks. The more I read, the more I’m convinced you just want a bold name for all the wrong reasons.

DAGGER: Mitch already drives a lot of the discussion in there. So the section does receive some traffic. It needs someone to do its maintaining though. I would be available to maintain the section while coming up with some ideas for threads of my own.

MUFFIN TOP MERKLEY: I LOVE movies. I’m known by friends, family, co-workers as “The Movie Guy.” I wish I posted in the Movie section, but I don’t for one reason or another. Because of this, I wouldn’t even think of wanting to be the mod of this section. Here, it seems as if you want to sit with your bolded name, while someone else does the hard work.

DAGGER:Just like with Video Games or WWE, I have a lengthy thread topic project in mind. I plan on doing a thread in January that will last the entire year. 2012 In Film. I am fascinated by seeing how financially successul movies become, and have been ever since Avatar broke the record for highest grossing film of all time. This sticky thread would see bumps every now and then, to update on how the list for the most successful films is looking. It would be a year long topic and by the time 2013 rolls around, the topic could stay open for further analysis while a new thread for the new year would also start.

MUFFIN TOP MERKLEY: Oh, Sorry. You want to be moderator so you can sticky threads. I came to this conclusion, because every thread idea that you mentioned here with the intent on creating, also apparently needs to be stickied.

DAGGER: Other Plans
Last but certainly not least.... We have my reasons for why I would be a great addition to the staff, regardless of if I become a WWE or Non-Wrestling section Mod. These promises will hold true for both platforms.

I am a nice guy. Anyone who reads my posts in The Potluck, The original Cigar Lounge, or even when I have offered advice in the spam friendly zone, knows this to be true. What better way to further distance ourselves from the "mods are nazis" stereotype than to bring in one of the forum's kindest posters?

Coco is going to win his party's nomination. It is pretty much guaranteed at this point. He is a troll who is in this for all the wrong reasons and we need to offer the alternative to Coco with our party's candidate. La Resistance will probably pick The Crock. Same problems as with Coco only he non-spam posts far more frequently. What we need is to promote a kind and caring individual who has a level of friendliness to other posters that rivals his passion for his section. I'm a nice guy plus I am a WWE mark and a gaming fanboy at the same time. My passion and my kindness make me the ideal candidate to put up against Coco or The Crock.

I want to help newcomers and regulars alike in feeling comfortable here at our forum. They need someone they can always count on for help. That someone can be me. I also know a lot about how the forum works. I will make it a priority to always check the "ask a staff member" thread so that I can answer questions when needed. Also anyone who spams too much or those who request it, can be taught my non-spam formula. There are too many mods who flame or put people down. I am not an elitist seeking power or a troll. I am just a nice guy who loves to post and wants to improve the forum by making the experience here more enjoyable for everyone.

I plan to reward people who post in my sections by repping them for it too. Post in my sections a lot if I become mod and you could start seeing green rep from me more often.

In conclusion I will state my most important promise of all. Everyone knows how often I post. Whether it be starting a new thread, responding to other posters' threads, or debating. I enjoy posting and am more active than arguably any other member of the forum except the staff themselves. However....

If I become a mod then I give you all my word that my section would take priority over my posting.

For example, if I am mod for Video Games and Movies then you'd start to see me less often in WWE or TNA. Likewise, if I become WWE mod you will see less of me in the Non-Wrestling sections. That is the sacrifice I would make. I post everywhere now, but that probably will no longer be the case if I become mod. My section will always come first. Period. On my days off from work when I have time to spare is probably when I'd stop by the other sections. I will make time every single day to check in on my section.

So there you have it. This what I can bring to the table and why I think I should be the next moderator at our forum.

With your support, we can help Dagger Dias evolve into Dagger Dias.

DAGGER:It comes down to what I'd like to do more, and where I would be needed more. I spend most of my time in the WWE forum so it is where I would like to help out more. However I am also passionate about Video Games. The Non-Wrestling Non-Spam sections have 3 sections that have no mod. 2 of those 3 are sections I am a regular of. In order to improve the forum more, it would make more sense to pick the section that currently has nobody.

WWE mods need to be as available as possible. They have the busiest section so it needs to be kept active with new topics about everything going on involving the federation and each thread needs to be maintained. Tuesdays after Raw or mondays after PPV events will often see an increase in activity so the mods have to be able to come in to take care of the mess and then keep discussion going. I am in that forum daily posting so the thing that would change is I would now have he power to help maintain it.

I am still trying to figure out what direction I'd want to go in my reviews if I started them. Perhaps the sarcastic route full of my own thoughts on what gets approval/disapproval. I like to be different so I would avoid the star rating style most likely. As for the championship analysis series, those I have a more clear idea of what I'd like to do so those would be coming sooner than the reviews.

No, but I would want to be more than just another bolded name. I would be bringing something to the table that is my own. Analyzing the title reigns on a weekly basis as well as the reviews once I figure out a style I can make my own, are things I can add to the table while still generating more discussion or helping maintain.

MUFFIN TOP MERKLEY: I believe the point LSN was making is that you can make these threads now, without the bolded name. You’d still be bringing something to the table and contributing.

DAGGER: I already generate discussion, I would be of most help by being primarily a discussion mod like Jack-Hammer while also being available to help maintain when Nick or Nate need an extra hand. The time I spend in other sections now could be used for searching for new topics to bring into the section. I would also like to be a guide in the threads, bringing derailed topics back on topic. I post a lot so I should use my strength to my advantage.

The spam sections don't need a mod specifically assigned to them. The whole staff can tackle it, most of them spend time in there. Who on staff even enters the games section? Lee, Doc, and Dave all left. Now it needs a moderator more than ever. I have kept it alive during the time it has been without a mod. Most of the topics in there are mine and I respond to nearly all of the ones that aren't. If anybody deserves the spot it is me.

MUFFIN TOP MERKLEY: Why, because you post more? Quality over quantity, friend. A poster doesn’t become a mod because he has the most posts in the section.

DAGGER:My 2012 In Film thread would be a good place to start. That is something I really look forward to doing which would be my own, much like I do with the Video Game Music thread it would see a weekly bump. I would also work with Mitch who already drives discussion there. I do not see too many of the staff members posting in Movies much and I do not want it to become a neglected section like Video Games. If I was to become mod for more than one section I would choose Movies for my second section. I would like to keep a focus on how films are doing and plan to place an emphasis on that when coming up with new topics.

I am capable of being nice and still enforcing rules. You can be a jerk about it or you can be polite about it, as long as the rules are made known to the individual. At work I often have to tell teenagers on saturdays they are not allowed to sit on the furniture display models. It makes them angry but in my position I am expected to make them obey. As a moderator it would be no different. I will be nice about it, but the rules must still be enforced.

They are only in this to gain a bold name and the power to infract. Not to mention how they spend all their time in The. Bar spamming about how people suck. That time could be invested into generating discussion, maintaining a section that actually needs it, or being there for anyone who might need help. I legitimately want to improve our forum. Getting a bold name or the power to infract is simply icing on the cake.

If they spam beyond multiple warning messages, even after being taught my non-spam formula that guarantees no infraction, I will hand out a Warning. If they ignore that, they get infracted. Once they show no desire to respect our rules then I will hand out infractions as necessary and if they get banned then that is their own fault because I reached out multiple times to try to help them and tried to be nice to them about it.

That promise was important because I do post everywhere and I am known for posting far more frequently than most. My section would take priority over my posting, which I enjoy doing. 2 posts is a bad day for me. I have gotten as many as 30 or 40 posts in on my days off work before and I have a reputation of liking to see my post count increase. That will take a backseat to moderating should I become a mod. I wanted people to know how seriously I would take my responsibilities as a mod.

MUFFIN TOP MERKLEY: So I wasn’t too far off when I once said that you post only for the sake of boosting the post count.

DAGGER:What I like to do most is post (as I have stated numerous times) and it comes down to a nearly even tie between WWE and Video Games. I would love the opportunity to run either. The Video Games section needs it more and I have kept it alive. To repeat myself, if anyone deserves the spot there it is me.

They all do. Every non-wrestling non-spam section needs a mod because they all receive enough traffic to need moderation. In Video Games part of it is due to my posts and my sig being linked to it as an open invitation in every thread I post in. Without me that section would have died already. Movies and Sports need one too. I am a regular of Movies but not in Sports. I am not going after Sports because I do not post there and feel I would not be a good mod in a section I do not post in.

DAGGER:I would plan to take a different approach than the traditional star ratings. The show would begin with a neutral rating. I throw in my thoughts on what I approve or disapprove of, using sarcasm and my sense of humor. In the end I give a verdict on how I felt about it. That's the format I am currently looking into doing, but I am still working on where I'd like to go with it to where people will want to read it each week.

I generally hate the "keep it all in here" concept too. If Punk is WWE Champion then I'm not going to merge all the threads about him in with the WWE Championship thread. It would be mainly about the title itself and all of the reigns. I believe only topics that come up all the time need to be merged, for example any discussion on the cryptic video needs to all be in the same place, but on another note it's ok to have multiple Randy Orton threads provided they ask different questions.

You play video games, you just said so. Therefore you should care about the Video Games forum. You go to WWE or TNA threads to discuss wrestling right, so why not do the same in the Video Games to debate with other gamers? I do specialize in oldschool games but I play newer titles too. There will be discussion concerning both. I plan to bring in articles from sites similar to Wrestlezone only they are for gamers rather than wrestling fans. I got together with a gaming rival of mine. He is the Seifer to my Squall in many ways (Final Fantasy fans will get what that means). He and I compiled a list of sites I will be researching at. These threads will be starting in the very near future. New releases, rumors, and nostalgia bits will all be a part of it.

SSC won the only other moderator contest we have had. He got to pick two sections. I will choose Movies and Video Games if I get the same opportunity. To bring in more people I plan to work with Mitch who already drives discussion there. I am going to place emphasis on how films do financially by running a thread all year long that analyzes the highest grossing films, and will come up with similar topics.

I love to debate on here and have won several. They don't call me The Relentless Debater for nothing. I do claim to be a nice guy but the rules will still be enforced, just in a polite way. Much like at my retail job where I often must yell at teenagers who sit on furniture displays or run down the aisles, I take the "I don't make the rules, I am just here to enforce them and help you learn how to follow them" approach. As a mod I plan to follow a similar approach. If I end up having to infract someone it's their own fault for not heeding my warning or ignoring me when I reached out to try to help them. I never let people walk all over me. Those who try will find that out the hard way.

This election is to decide on a future moderator of this forum. Dagger has clearly laid out his "vision" of what his role as a moderator would consist of, and it is not one that will benefit the forums.
Sly and I had a discussion of what might have been the funniest rib in forum history. I was just G-Mod at that point while he was admin. Sid was this big conspiracy nut and thought there was some clique that had everyone on staff in it other than him. I suggested Sly go through, reverse every infraction Sid made, then have me go back and redo them. When Sid protests, say "well, KB is in the Clique." Sly reversed them but Sid flipped out soon thereafter and was gone.

I had forgotten about that. That's funny.
Sly and I had a discussion of what might have been the funniest rib in forum history. I was just G-Mod at that point while he was admin. Sid was this big conspiracy nut and thought there was some clique that had everyone on staff in it other than him. I suggested Sly go through, reverse every infraction Sid made, then have me go back and redo them. When Sid protests, say "well, KB is in the Clique." Sly reversed them but Sid flipped out soon thereafter and was gone.

Didn't reverse my infraction. >:c
I was trying to be the mature one by ignoring it. It came off as them trying to anger me to the point where I'd lose it and post a rage-filled word fort, or a Verbal RKO as I jokingly call it. There was no point in me entering that thread, haters are going to hate no matter what I do. My focus was on the debate and I didn't want to get bogged down in all the useless drama. Others had advised me to avoid it and I took that advice until I was informed of how personal the attacks got. Still refusing to paint a target onto myself by entering that thread, I created a new topic where I placed my response. I'm not jumping into enemy territory. There's having a backbone and then there's stupidity. Dealing with drama by talking trash is a waste of time. Any issue someone has with me can be discussed in PM's. It's more mature that way anyhow and we are (for the most part) adults here.

If it's just a few guys being annoying.... I am not afraid to stand up to them. However when dozens were all but crucifying me in that thread, I never gave in to their hurtful remarks with an angry response. I addressed each issue and did it politely. I feel that I handled the situation fairly maturely, and came out of it with my desire to win this contest being as strong as ever. Most people would have gone berserk and left. I didn't. In fact, I maintained my calm and got right back up. I will never give up and still want the opportunity to become the next mod.

I'm calling bullshit on all of this. There are ways you could have defended yourself from all the completely legitimate claims people were making against you. But because a few of them were talking about you in a tone you didn't like (sound familiar?), you avoided the topic all together.

Two things I got out of it:

1. You had nothing to say, because you knew all of the things people were saying about you were completely true. You don't understand the rules, you're a boring poster at best, you were an absolute prick to Tasty, you don't know how to handle yourself under pressure, and the only thing you want is the "prestige" that comes with having a bold name.

Everything you claim to want to do "when" you become a mod can be done without a bold name, and you know it. Start threads now, and earn the spot. Don't ask for a spot then tell everyone you'll prove yourself after you get it.

2. You're a pussy. You were too afraid to stand up for yourself, so not only did you come off as not being able to handle the pressure, you came off looking passive, which is the exact opposite of what this site needs in a staff member.

I'm rather impressed that even you don't see yourself to be a terrible choice after all this.
I just love the belief that anyone with valid criticisms of him are just "haters". I don't "hate" Dagger. I've only had one sour experience with him before, and beyond that I hardly think of or see him much around here.
I would have defended myself if it were just a few people, but since there were a lot of people speaking out against me it wasn't worth it.
Dagger has made over 30 non-spam posts over the past 24 hours, spanning just about every section of our forums.

Gee, I wonder if this posting spree was just Dagger unloading all the ideas in his mind, or if this was his way of padding his post count to look more impressive for the impending election. Hmmmmm...

And some of Dagger's opinions are just baffling. The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers going to be THE BEST movies of the year? Rey Mysterio shouldn't win the World Heavyweight Championship because he's not a heavyweight? Jericho's 2007 Comeback was his best?

Not to mention he wrote like, one or two paragraphs. While quality is more important than quantity, it's not like his posts had much of that either.
Dagger is doing some serious campaigning.

Step 1. Make the thread starter and other participants feel better about themselves by validating that their topic is interesting by posting some generic crap that does not offend.
Step 2. Spread as much green rep and praising PMs around as possible (this is only an assumption)
Step 3. Hope the thread starter and others don't read through the BS, remember your name and actually vote come election day (whenever the hell that is).
Step 4. Collect underpants
Step 5. ?????
Step 6. Profit

It's his best chance to win at this point and to have more underpants.
I do, but only because society demands that I do. Once I successfully remove myself from society you can say good bye to underwears and hello to my naked ass.

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