Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

Results are only viewable after voting.
Somehow I think Sly would quite proud that a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with him ended up with him as the focus for multiple pages now. The genius of Sly's trolling is evident. He can derail a thread without even participating. THAT is why Sly is Sly, and absolutely nobody should be compared to him...they will always be found lacking.
Why aren't I voting Dagger in the election? This little exchange of theirs in the debate thread.

If you become mod this is the same behavior that not only the posters you interact with, but also the rest of the staff, will be forced to deal with.

As for the question of what the rest of the staff will be forced to deal with should I win (and I hate to bring this up again), I have more staff support than any other candidate in this election. If they really had any problems with my attitude, how do you explain that away?

Staff support may be an asset to your campaign, but the mod team make up a very small percent of the forum. There's thousands of members and each of their votes count under the same weight as someone like JGlass. Every single vote counts in the end, therefore bragging about all this support you claim to have from the mods is not going to win you this election.


Coco: Actually, most of the staff seems supportive of me becoming a mod.


I can't make this shit up, people.
Somehow I think Sly would quite proud that a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with him ended up with him as the focus for multiple pages now. The genius of Sly's trolling is evident. He can derail a thread without even participating. THAT is why Sly is Sly, and absolutely nobody should be compared to him...they will always be found lacking.

Guess that's why Habs doesn't want Coco to be mod.
Any mod who may have issues with me such as JGlass or Tasty can be dealt with in private messages. If I win and get modded the other staff members can either work with me or resign. All of them are smart enough to realize those options. I have no major dislike towards anyone on the current staff and do not plan to let any issues spill out into the public. I see it as this.... the vast majority of them would see my true determination by not quitting despite all the hate going on.
My response:

So, let's see Dagger just admitted:
  • That him becoming a mod would be an unpopular decision
  • That the current mod team would want him out soon after he won
  • That he's so fucking stubborn that he won't quit despite it being in the best interests of the mod team
  • That he is in fact not a team player
  • That he sees his inclusion on the mod team as more valuable than the place of someone who resigns in protest
  • That stubbornly ignoring the issue is the best way to resolve conflict
  • That he still thinks he stands a chance
  • That ignoring the issue will prevent it from going public

Someone should be humane and buy Coco some KY Jelly before he bends Dagger over and anally rapes him. I mean he's still fucked, but I'm against excessive cruelty to ******s.
So, let's see Dagger just admitted that:
  • Him becoming a mod would be an unpopular decision
  • That the current mod team would want him out soon after he won
  • That he's so fucking stubborn that he won't quit despite it being in the best interests of the mod team
  • That he is in fact not a team player
  • That he sees his inclusion on the mod team as more valuable than the place of someone who resigns in protest

Someone should be humane and buy Coco some KY Jelly before he bends Dagger over and anally rapes him. I mean he's still fucked, but I'm against excessive cruelty to ******s.

Uh-oh, if Davi sees that, he might call you homophobic!
So he directly contradicted what he said to Coco in the debate? He's being two-faced?

That'll be all, thank you.

Vote Coco or Crock, for the love of WrestleZone.
So we aren't going to give him points for handling his business in private?

Now here's a nice impartial poll if I ever saw one. Maybe there should have been one more option: none of the above; I intend to vote for Dagger. But I guess that would defeat the purpose of the poll, when that option defeated all of the other ones.

I definitely agree there should be a “None of the above” option in this poll.

Not because I don’t think none of the above options are legit reasons, but I’m pretty sure there are bigger reasons not to support Dagger.

And his excessive and unimportant Video Games threads are almost laughable. It's like every thought that pops in his head in regards to a video game needs to be put on paper in the form of a simple thread. They draw little to no interest or traffic. And if his self-proclaimed "expertise" is in the VG&T section, why is he lobbying to moderate the Wrestling sections?

To be fair D-Man, Before the first primary election Dagger showed interest in being the mod for the following sections: WWE, TNA, General Wrestling, Old School Wrestling, Hall of Fame, Cigar Lounge, Music, Movies & TV, Video Games & Technology, Sports, Potluck, WZCW, Other (Book This, Graphics, Prediction Contest) & (my personal favorite) the Spam sections.

But he then later said he would prefer the WWE, TNA, Movies & TV and/or the Video Game & Technology sections.

Now you see why I take this so seriously. Your last paragraph is what I hate the most about WZ. There are few people who create original ideas that aren't either a fantasy booking, a snapshot of frontpage news, or a complaint about the televised show from the previous evening. Regardless of how much we complain, it's never going to stop. And if we don't choose the right person for a new mod spot, who's gonna clean up all of that dogshit?

What happens when it’s the mod that creates all of the dogshit? Dagger’s platform also at one point consisted of creating a total of EIGHT sticky threads in the WWE section. As well as a thread for Every major video game that gets released

We’re going to need a bigger scooper.

I agree completely, which is why I'm so sure Dagger is the next mod. Because as divisive and confrontational I can be, I'm not as sleazy as Dagger or anyone in the ABC Party. And that's a shame given all the big talk you guys have had about doing what's right for WrestleZone. If you think getting uninformed votes for an inferior candidate is the best thing for the site, you're wrong. But it seems what you're really about is winning at all costs. You guys have managed to do nothing but put your party above the good of the board since day one.

You guys are sleazier than used car salesmen.

I think newbs and unknowns are entitled to their opinion just like everybody else. If one happens to organically wander down to this section of the forum, read the arguments, and generate an informed opinion, I'll be overjoyed. I was down here on day one back in 2009, so it's not unheard of. But we both know that for the most part, this isn't what's happening.

Anyhow, I find your honesty refreshing. Nice to see that the ABC mind-control apparatus is losing power with a handful of veterans.

Just so we’re clear, and I’m sure any member of the ABC party will support this claim, but I was the first guy to be against Dagger – not as a person, but as a potential moderator. His platform was garbage, and I was able to punch holes throughout his entire campaign. How was he still able to win both elections within the party? I honestly have no idea, but I strongly suspect that most of his supporters didn’t read his posts, or the post where I tear his ideas to shred.

One guy defected the party because he said that he wanted Dagger to run for one of the NWS sections and not the wrestling sections because he believes that the sections that do not have a mod need to be filled first. It has nothing to do with what has been said in this thread. It would have happened regardless of this thread. Also Davi said that he may still vote for Dagger as he has supported Dagger so far in the race.

More than one person has left the party because they realized that Dagger just isn’t mod material. I believe I was the first person who did so, and I know for a fact that others have followed.

Neither you or Crock have done anything to me personally, there are no grudges. I have no reason to hate either of you. My reason for not supporting you is because of your platform, not because of anything personal between us. As far as I know, there is no animosity between us, have we ever had a knock down drag out fight that I don't remember? Been here since late 2007, don't remember us feuding about anything even marginally important.

If you are basing this strictly off of platforms, which is a pretty smart way to go about it, how can you still be supporting Dagger, who had one of the WORST platforms going. Aside from “I’m a nice guy” what else did he bring to the table? Please tell me and the rest of the class, one idea of Dagger’s that you support if he was to be elected mod. Trust me, I’ve went over it very closely, and there is nothing of substance there.
I gave my second red rep in forum history today, to the post where Dagger lied about me.

"Points for trying, none for lying" it read. It seems Dagger is continuing to present one face to the public, and another elsewhere.

I said it from the offset, this man will step on anyone, say anything and do anything to become a moderator. He is the Richard Nixon of the forums, except without the charisma.
I have it on good authority that he does NOT subscribe to the ancient astronaut theory. Do you want this man as mod?
If you are basing this strictly off of platforms, which is a pretty smart way to go about it, how can you still be supporting Dagger, who had one of the WORST platforms going. Aside from “I’m a nice guy” what else did he bring to the table? Please tell me and the rest of the class, one idea of Dagger’s that you support if he was to be elected mod. Trust me, I’ve went over it very closely, and there is nothing of substance there.

I thought I had addressed this very issue directly with Coco, but here is a not so brief rehash (not many people have ever accused me of being short winded):

I supported Dagger's platform when he was willing to mod one of the unmodded non-spam sections, not the switch to the WWE. As soon as Dagger decided he wanted the WWE to be first choice, I could not support the platform he was running on anymore. I don't think the WWE section needs any additional mods. However, because of that same reason, I can't support Crock, since he is gunning for the exact same position Dagger is. That leaves Coco, but I don't think there is a terribly strong need for a spam section mod either. I know others think there is, I don't. Then, when Coco pointed that out, I apologized for the poor choice of wording, as that quote could equally apply to all three candidates, not just Coco. By platform, I meant where they wanted to be a mod, and I couldn't support any of the three candidates on that basis. By not believing we need another mod in the WWE section, that is a strike against both Dagger and Crock. But by not believing we really need a spam mod either, it puts all three candidates in the same boat. I would like to see one mod for Movies and TV, Sports Stadium and Video Games. Each section on their own doesn't get enough traffic, but the three sections combined would probably be enough for a newly crowned junior grade mod to handle. I want to see unmodded sections get mods before other sections are reinforced. On that, I do give Coco some credit. The spam sections are currently unmodded, which would be a point in his favor. However, I noticed all of the foot traffic in the spam sections by existing mods/admins, see that multiple mods hang out in the spam sections already, which to me, says that maybe the spam sections don't need a specifically assigned mod to handle it, since it's pretty much guaranteed existing mods are going to spot trouble already...which negates that point.

Perhaps this is based on a misunderstanding on my part on what mods can or cannot do in sections they are not specifically assigned to, maybe one of them can correct me on this. Can a mod from a specific section handle issues in an unmodded section such as the spam friendly sections, or does an unmodded section require G-mod or higher level to deal with trouble? I was under the assumption that if the section was unmodded, a mod could take care of it, just that they couldn't step on another mod's toes in an already modded section. If that is wrong, and only G-mod or higher can do it, then I will of course reconsider my objection to Coco's platform based on the correction of faulty information I was going by. I still may not support Coco, but if my assumption about mod power is incorrect it would certainly help to negate my criticisms of his platform. If the rules mean that mods assigned to other sections are powerless in an unmodded section, requiring a section specific mod or higher up, I am obviously going to take that into consideration in re-evaluating whether I think the spam sections need a specific mod or not.

Also, I think there has been a misunderstanding as to my motivations for defending Dagger. My defenses of Dagger here and in the other thread are not particular defenses of Dagger the candidate, his platform or any of his ideas, I just hated seeing the sheer level that the criticisms of Dagger rose to. It looked like Dagger was being unfairly character assassinated. I wanted to defend him so it wasn't so one-sided, to try to make it a slightly less unfair fight. If Coco were being attacked as brutally as Dagger has been, I would have done the same. Same with Crock. Doesn't mean I would support either with my vote, I just don't like seeing totally one sided fights. I want a fair fight, first and foremost. I may defend Dagger against some of the more vicious personal attacks out of a matter of principle, but I will not defend Dagger's platform of being a WWE mod. They are two completely separate things.
I thought I had addressed this very issue directly with Coco
In defence of what's right, yes you have. But given how long this has gone for, I 'm not surprised some people are skimming or looking for refreshers. I've eaten every word up, but I can imagine that some people haven't.

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