Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

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Well geez, Snakey, considering that usually about once or so a year Sly does a "Sly rates you in some way or another" thread, many of us didn't seem to have a "surprise" feeling from it. The greater than/less than idea was new, but his tradition of doing an "I rate you" thread isn't new. Of course, you'd know this if you knew what the fuck you were talking about.
But you do. On a scale of 1-10 if my memory serves me correctly.

Star ratings, actually.

Still haven't seen any poster ratings thread from Sly. I'm guessing Sly does not do it as frequently as Dirty is saying he does.

Either way, whether this is true or not, I do not crave any attention from Sly. I just see him trolling people on wrestling topics, not on their posting ability or anything else.
DirtyJosé;3633410 said:
Hey Snakey,

Read this and then go suck an egg.


The Dirty One


Damn, that's an awesome thread idea.

Star ratings, actually.

Still haven't seen any poster ratings thread from Sly. I'm guessing Sly does not do it as frequently as Dirty is saying he does.

Either way, whether this is true or not, I do not crave any attention from Sly. I just see him trolling people on wrestling topics, not on their posting ability or anything else.

Why don't you go ahead and click that link right above me, and, as the Dirty One so eloquently put it, go suck an egg.
Ah saw that thread Dirty was talking about. That was even before I joined.

Once again cementing it as common knowledge that you love talking about things that you don't know shit about. I mean, why not just say "I'm not really certain about that" or "I really don't know, so I can't say", when instead you can bluff and just claim that it ISN'T TRUE...until someone points out that it is and then you have rotten egg on your face.

Does this get old to you, baby? Is the magic gone?
The wording of the sentence matters too much to you than it really should.

Sly rating people happened before my time and so to my knowledge Sly has never done these things. Also he hasn't done one in 18 months. Hardly as regular as you claim him to be in this regard.
Except for the one he just did. Making it come in at about a year or so in between. Which is what I said. I get it dude; you're running out of legs to stand on. Why don't you just go home already? You are clearly out of your league.
DirtyJosé;3633490 said:
Except for the one he just did. Making it come in at about a year or so in between. Which is what I said. I get it dude; you're running out of legs to stand on. Why don't you just go home already? You are clearly out of your league.

So he did two freaking ratings thread in 18 months? As compared to Coco who judges people on a daily basis. Harshly and vindicatively which a lot of people do not like. And while we are on it you said this:

So are you really wanting to go down the path of insinuating that people wanting to come here and post shit about JRPG's which came out 15 fucking years ago or wrestling matches that happened 20 fucking years ago are better or more worthwhile than someone with a sense of humor?

True. Anyone can do what they want to. Just that sane people would normally come here to talk wrestling and some other important stuff rather than annoy people around. If you have such a great sense of humor, then why not use it in real life, than among people who you do not know and probably will never ever meet.

Yeah, I know someone will jump on how I am doing exactly the same right now. But I do not do shit like this on a daily basis. Not because of some spam vs non spam stuff but because I do not really consider this normal.

I really hope Dagger wins this. Just so that I can laugh at this haven of posters who think trolling is KEWL and SO MUHZ FUNZ!
So he did two freaking ratings thread in 18 months? As compared to Coco who judges people on a daily basis. Harshly and vindicatively which a lot of people do not like. And while we are on it you said this:

True. Anyone can do what they want to. Just that sane people would normally come here to talk wrestling and some other important stuff rather than annoy people around. If you have such a great sense of humor, then why not use it in real life, than among people who you do not know and probably will never ever meet.

Yeah, I know someone will jump on how I am doing exactly the same right now. But I do not do shit like this on a daily basis. Not because of some spam vs non spam stuff but because I do not really consider this normal.

I really hope Dagger wins this. Just so that I can laugh at this haven of posters who think trolling is KEWL and SO MUHZ FUNZ!
Seriously, what the fuck are you even talking about?
Anyone can do what they want to. Just that sane people would normally come here to talk wrestling and some other important stuff rather than annoy people around.
No important discussion has EVER taken place on this forum.

If you have such a great sense of humor, then why not use it in real life, than among people who you do not know and probably will never ever meet.
If you have such important things to say, why not say them in real life than among people who you don't know and will probably never meet?
Snakey, I swear your arguments are like the septic tank of Dagger's whole campaign, just stop already, you're not helping your boy out at all
If you have such important things to say, why not say them in real life than among people who you don't know and will probably never meet?

Most of my friends do not watch wrestling so I know few people in real life to discuss it with.
And you think this makes what you do on here more important than what I do?

Kind of self-important, aren't you?
LULZ, so Snakey himself says that he will willfully post about things he doesn't know and thinks that if he's ignorant about it than anything you say otherwise shouldn't count.

GTFO, bro.

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