Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

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I'd be uncomfortable if my son was gay. I would try and see if it was a phase and if he was just curious. I would encourage him to date a girl and get intimate (consentually).

If he still comes back and says, he likes boys, you have to go with it. I do sometimes think that homosexuality's roots maybe confused feelings, peer pressure abuse and an amalgam of subtle personality and psychological issues, but would I consider it a failing as a father, no.

If my son came to me and said, I wish I had enough lunch money so I could eat with my friends without having to borrow from them, that would hit home.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3632404 said:
I'd like to give my two cents on the accusations that Daggar is a homophobe and/or "religious zealot." He has already promised that he won't respond to any of these threads, so I thought I would at least try and take a go at this while he hides in the ABC throne room.

Here is the original post made by Daggar back in August:

First of all, here's my personal opinion of the subject at hand, just so you can see where I'm coming from: I was raised in a very conservative Christian household, that loosened up over time as my parents stopped attending church and I got older. However, many values have stuck around and are still present within my family, that I do not necessarily agree with, but am constantly surrounded by. The idea that homosexuality is wrong , or "a sin" is by no means a minority belief. Our society is becoming more tolerable for sure, but the vast majority of people in America claim to be "Christian". Along with that, for most people that prescribe to a denomination or set of doctrinal or dogmatic statements, comes a strong stance against homosexuality. So for Daggar to admit that it is against his religious convictions, yet to claim he is "open about all types of lifestyles choices" and has "no major problem with gays" is already well-beyond what you'd expect from most Christians, or rather conservative faiths of any sort.

So he starts by saying he really has no issues with "gays". I'm not a fan of the term, as it sounds more like an accusation than a "lifestyle choice". To me, it's almost like calling somebody a "******" to describe that they are African-American. Now, I'm an English major, and have no real issue with certain words, and am mature enough to not be offended by those types of slang descriptions. However, I still feel them to be a bit harsh when not used in an appropriate context. But, as we're not here to debate that, I'll just move on... He says there is a difference between "being tolerant and what you allow in your house". This is, in itself, a controversial statement. Many will say being gay is not a choice, while others claim it is. THere isn't scientific proof to back up either statement to a legitimate extent, or we wouldn't even be arguing about this, so I'm going to move on from it. At the very least, he should re-check his definition of the word "tolerance".

The point he's trying to make, basically, is that while he doesn't have a problem with "gays" he would feel incredibly uncomfortable if his son was a homosexual. I don't intrinsically agree with that, on a moral level, but I can understand it. I think the phrase "I would perceive it as me failing as both a father and a man if my son in this scenario ended up being gay" is a little harsh, but I think people are blowing it out of proportion to try and score points in this debate. If you go back to that actual thread, nobody even picks up on this because they're too busy hating FSWWE for being about 100x worse than Daggar ever has been. You have to understand where he is coming from. You can't look at this through your own perceptions of reality, because he may have a different set of beliefs than you. I don't think homosexuality is morally "wrong" or unacceptable in any way, and I was very much raised in a Christian home. I have grown to be accepting of it, and have many gay friends that I care about very much. To me, there is no difference socially between my straight friends and my gay friends, except that the gay ones usually have better hair...

But if he has modern, conservative Christian principles, it's likely that on a moral scale he does see homosexuality as wrong. You may disagree with him, but understand that the church has held this stance for thousands of years. You're fighting a very uphill battle... That being said, a "good" Christian would probably see having a gay son as somewhat of a failure. Not only because of their own convictions, but because they would probably be cast out of the church. Their family would be ostracized, and the kid will lead a difficult life growing up. There's a lot to reconcile, especially if you have religious beliefs that run deep in your family.

Look, I don't agree with Daggar's convictions, but I do very much support his right to have them. And, I'm not out to slit his throat, so I'm willing to try and see this from his perspective instead of making him out to be this evil, gay-bashing terrorist. Furthermore, when you really look at it, none of this issue has anything to do with his role as a moderator. He joined the thread, left a thought-out post containing his opinion, and left soon after. Not a big deal. Honestly, I don't care who you vote for. Coco's pretty much got it in the bag from my perspective anyways, so at this point I'm just trying to help out and see things a little more objectively. Let's try and finish up this election with a bit more class. Lots of people hate Daggar. Great. We got it. Let's move on.

As soon as you misspelt Dagger wrong, two times, everyone's brains simultaneously cut off.

On an unrelated manner, I keep telling you all but no one listens, Coco has helped me and groomed me countless times. All jokes aside, he is actually a pretty stand up dude.
Just checked my rep. No longer goes back to October. I think I've got a point, wouldn't you agree?

It's not my place to say if people have repped me, it's a private thin. Link me a list of the ABC posters and I'll let you know if any are on there.
I'd be uncomfortable if my son was gay. I would try and see if it was a phase and if he was just curious. I would encourage him to date a girl and get intimate (consentually).

I'd be uncomfortable if my son (or daughter - let's be liberal and admit women exist) was straight. I mean, I never spent much time with the opposite sex as a kid, why should they? Maybe try a cock. Hey, you don't know until you've tried it, do you? Yeah, vagina seems great now, but you haven't experienced the full range of options.

Damn good point, PaperGhost. Everyone should fuck a woman and a man before they decide what their sexuality is. Context is important.
Coco has groomed no one. Sure that was a cute story by Doc. But Coco did not care whether your graphics sucked or not. All he cares about is whether people respond to his trolling. If you do, you are fair game to him. If you don't he will move along.

Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3632522 said:
Coco has helped me and groomed me countless times. All jokes aside, he is actually a pretty stand up dude.
He groomed you into what? You might have five years in this place, but you have also consistently been my least favorite poster when you do choose to venture out into the non-spam sections. You're also, I believe, the only poster to ever give me negative rep, and always because you didn't agree with my post. Not because I was being a dick, or because I was doing anything wrong, but simply for a difference of opinion (except recently, where I was clearly in the wrong, and asked KB a non-wrestling related question in his wrestling questions thread).

But thank you Cage. Thank you for taking a post I took half an hour to write, and throwing it out the window for an arbitrary reason. Claiming Coco "groomed you" is an insult to how good a poster he actually is. Go ahead, red rep me. At least this time it won't be over Heath fucking Slater...
DirtyJosé;3632358 said:
What's hilarious is that you make the same stupid arguments about Coco and his habits that Dagger does, but they are provably wrong. Go find all these threads he starts about RANDOM poster sucking. Odds are that the threads he does start like that, which are rare, are usually aimed at bigger fish like D-Man or LSN. Stormtrooper is about as low on the totem pole as he goes. And LULZ at the swipe at his "fantasies" about underage girls; I suppose you feel you have to dig for something just because your boy is a public acknowledged homophobe and religious bigot, but surely you aren't so clueless as to misconstrue crystal clear sarcasm and tongue-in-cheek humor with genuine desire to nail an underage girl from an internet forum.

Keep digging that hole, chump. It isn't going to start pointing up all of a sudden.

By random I did not mean he does not go after the "big fish" of this forum. I just meant that it was a pointless exercise and that constitutes a big part of what he does. Like I said, maybe I am not made that way but I really cannot understand the need to fuck with and get judgemental about people you don't even know. Which is what I meant with random. I mean, I'm sure you have a life, Coco has a life, probably much more exciting than I do. This forum is probably a very small part of everyone's life. Most of us come here to discuss something that we probably do not get to discuss with our friends because they have moved on from wrestling. And yet Coco chooses not to do that but jump on people he has no fucking clue about. What's more pathetic is that he dresses it up in a "forum protector" gimmick which is no different from Bill Lesnar thinking he is some internet superstar.

Also I am in no way comparing the Dagger's talk about his son with Coco's talk about underage girls. I am just saying that these are the threads, humorous as they might be to you, is generally the type of discussion he generates. Unlike Sly. Which is whom JGlass was comparing him to.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3632807 said:
He groomed you into what? You might have five years in this place, but you have also consistently been my least favorite poster when you do choose to venture out into the non-spam sections. You're also, I believe, the only poster to ever give me negative rep, and always because you didn't agree with my post. Not because I was being a dick, or because I was doing anything wrong, but simply for a difference of opinion (except recently, where I was clearly in the wrong, and asked KB a non-wrestling related question in his wrestling questions thread).

But thank you Cage. Thank you for taking a post I took half an hour to write, and throwing it out the window for an arbitrary reason. Claiming Coco "groomed you" is an insult to how good a poster he actually is. Go ahead, red rep me. At least this time it won't be over Heath fucking Slater...

I have nothing against you, really. But, you just show all the signs of Dagger 2.0. Quantity over quality. Sure, you knock out a good post now and then and you're a solid poster but, it's nauseating to click in every thread and see you have posted in it, more often than not, regurgitating stuff other people have said. You have posted almost 900 posts in like 3 months. It just annoys me. I don't really tend to red rep and when I do, it's when I'm under the influence of something or other so I'm sorry for that, but my point still stands.
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3632832 said:
I have nothing against you, really. But, you just show all the signs of Dagger 2.0. Quantity over quality. Sure, you knock out a good post now and then and you're a solid poster but, it's nauseating to click in every thread and see you have posted in it, more often than not, regurgitating stuff other people have said. You have posted almost 900 posts in like 3 months. It just annoys me. I don't really tend to red rep and when I do, it's when I'm under the influence of something or other so I'm sorry for that, but my point still stands.

Fair enough. I'll admit my desire to comment on a thread sometimes outweighs my realization that I have nothing fresh to add. It's something I'm working on. Also, it's been about 18 months, but who's counting? I've been trying to stick around the spam sections, GWD, and GSD a lot more lately, because I think when I do post outside of the WWE section I have a lot more to actually say. Most of the topics in WWE are rehashed, simple, and could be answered with one or two people's opinions anyways, so I understand that. I'm trying to explore into places that actually require intelligent discussion, and refrain more from the "John Morrison is teh awesomest" threads that usually populate the WWE section.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3632807 said:
He groomed you into what? You might have five years in this place, but you have also consistently been my least favorite poster when you do choose to venture out into the non-spam sections. You're also, I believe, the only poster to ever give me negative rep, and always because you didn't agree with my post. Not because I was being a dick, or because I was doing anything wrong, but simply for a difference of opinion (except recently, where I was clearly in the wrong, and asked KB a non-wrestling related question in his wrestling questions thread).

But thank you Cage. Thank you for taking a post I took half an hour to write, and throwing it out the window for an arbitrary reason. Claiming Coco "groomed you" is an insult to how good a poster he actually is. Go ahead, red rep me. At least this time it won't be over Heath fucking Slater...

Look, I'm not a huge fan of Cage either. I think he's a twat and a try hard, and just generally a useless douche. I do not give a fuck that he's Coco's little pet at the moment. That being said, he did preface that comment with "On an unrelated manner...".

By random I did not mean he does not go after the "big fish" of this forum. I just meant that it was a pointless exercise and that constitutes a big part of what he does.

And like I said, go find us evidence of this because having been here longer than you I've never really seen Coco just start up hate threads nor is that what he does the majority of his time here. Coco "trolling" is much more subtle than a typical "X poster SUCKS!" thread. You're just speaking out of your ass about it because it's something you know nothing about.

Like I said, maybe I am not made that way but I really cannot understand the need to fuck with and get judgemental about people you don't even know. Which is what I meant with random. I mean, I'm sure you have a life, Coco has a life, probably much more exciting than I do. This forum is probably a very small part of everyone's life. Most of us come here to discuss something that we probably do not get to discuss with our friends because they have moved on from wrestling. And yet Coco chooses not to do that but jump on people he has no fucking clue about. What's more pathetic is that he dresses it up in a "forum protector" gimmick which is no different from Bill Lesnar thinking he is some internet superstar.

I really don't know what to tell you; your idiocy has blinded you the the subtle differences between a poster like Coco and one like Bill Lesnar. What is this comment anyway? "YOU ALL HAVE A LIFE BUT I KINDA DON'T SO WHEN YOU ARE MEAN IT IS EXTRA MEAN TO ME WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!". Again, this is all under your baseless assumption that all Coco does is attack everyone, which is false. Coco doesn't sugar coat things; if he disagrees with you he says so. I can see how a simpleton mixes that up with flaming simply because they want to live in Candy Land where NO ONE EVER SAYS A CROSS THING TO ANYONE ELSE EVER, but that is neither the world we live in nor the boards we post on. Grow a fucking pair, man. Nothing is more pathetic than Dagger's cry baby, whiny response in the debate thread.

Your priority is insulting people. That's all you ever do! You don't care about improving the forum. You can't be trusted. You just want a bold username and the power to infract the people you insult. The only backstabber and deceiver here is YOU.

"You can't be trusted! I have to protect everyone from you! I get to make lies and accusations about people because I'm a nice guy! You don't! You...I hate you...I hate your guts. You can't be trusted! The only one here being wrong is YOU!".

Such butt hurt. The best part is that not only did he not really answer the question in the post before it ("I iz not whiny or stupid, for realz"), but that even if he had he just turned around and showed that whiny shit again when posting against Coco. Like, really? This is how you're going to deal with things? I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?! I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?!

You little whiners should stop acting like Coco is some giant fucking villain. I'm not calling Dagger a bad guy; I'm just saying that I think he's be shit for the job and that he has a shitty attitude he likes to try and disguise as polite. Grow the fuck up, Snakey.

Also I am in no way comparing the Dagger's talk about his son with Coco's talk about underage girls. I am just saying that these are the threads, humorous as they might be to you, is generally the type of discussion he generates. Unlike Sly. Which is whom JGlass was comparing him to.

Again, you're an idiot. Gotta love you sucking Sly's dick. I mean, you've demonstrated your ignorance thus far, why not pretend all the spam zone trolling Sly does just doesn't exist. OH WAIT, it's different when Sly does it because you give a shit about him and want him to like you and think you're KEWL. I guess we'll just pretend Coco hasn't helped give TNA a better rep than it had a year ago simply by his posting mixed with some light trolling. I guess we'll pretend that his stint in WZCW wasn't one of the most popular times for that forum and helped bring in the high number of members we have today. Just fucking face it, chump; you're wrong. You're wrong, and you're simply resorting to lying and fabricating to try and spin things to look like a good guy here (or at least make your chosen champion look like a good guy).

But please, keep this going. I forgot how easy it was to make you look foolish.
First of all, I don't think I've ever heard Coco tell anyone they suck. If you're made to feel like an inferior poster by him, it probably has more to do with you than it does with him. But I understand, it's easier to blame someone else than look at yourself in the mirror.

I've heard him say that Jack-Hammer, LSN, Hamler and me all suck and not even as eloquently as I put it. Funny that, you know. You claim that LSN and Jack-hammer are smart guys and yet when Coco says they aren't you clam up. What's up with that? Too scared to take on Coco? I'm saying this because as we all know Coco is not a troll.

Second of all, take a look at the discussions Coco has generated in the WrestleZone Tournament and Wrestling Spam Zone. It's easily better than anything at least 99% of posters here have ever done.

Third of all, Coco is basically the reason the Bar Room is as alive as it is, and The Bar Room is the most popular forum amongst established members. Easily.

Fourth of all, if memory serves me correctly, such posters as Gelgarin and XFear have praised Coco's ability to talk wrestling, and those are two of the best wrestling posters on the site.

FIFTH of all, Coco is one of the foremost trendsetters on this forum in terms of movies and television. He has introduced me to my two favorite shows on currently on TV, one of them has become my favorite of all time. And ask any fan of Breaking Bad, Mad Men, or Community, Coco can talk TV and film with the best of them. I haven't gotten around to it, but mark my words, soon this forum will be buzzing with Party Down fans.

Let's have a look at some of Coco's latest threads








Looks like Coco likes discussing the people that come on here much more than anything else. People he does not know anything about. And that's really creepy.

Let's cut this crap. We know Coco can theoretically discuss lot's of stuff and that may include movies, TV, wrestling and what not but what he really likes doing is this.

And yes, I know what I am talking about. Whatever you want to believe is your prerogative but there are tons of people on here who just do not like Coco for exactly the reasons I have given you, which if I may add is also one of the reasons why Dagger had so much support in the first place.

Dagger is indifferent towards who you are. Coco is the guy just waiting for you to slip up to have fun at your expense.
Looks like Coco likes discussing the people that come on here much more than anything else. People he does not know anything about. And that's really creepy.

Not as creepy as a bigot who would rather shame and repress his child than grow the fuck up and quit playing 20+ year old video games over and over and over again while taking a shitty retail job as a career because, well, fuck it, it's Texas, and it's not like he could do any better...but meh, let's just move along.

Let's cut this crap. We know Coco can theoretically discuss lot's of stuff and that may include movies, TV, wrestling and what not but what he really likes doing is this.

The same thing most other posters do in spam zones? If you think that underwear thread is bad, go look up the kind of threads KB starts. You're welcome.

And yes, I know what I am talking about. Whatever you want to believe is your prerogative but there are tons of people on here who just do not like Coco for exactly the reasons I have given you, which if I may add is also one of the reasons why Dagger had so much support in the first place.

Dagger is indifferent towards who you are. Coco is the guy just waiting for you to slip up to have fun at your expense.

Spoken like a true butt hurt dweller.
DirtyJosé;3632855 said:
And like I said, go find us evidence of this because having been here longer than you I've never really seen Coco just start up hate threads nor is that what he does the majority of his time here. Coco "trolling" is much more subtle than a typical "X poster SUCKS!" thread. You're just speaking out of your ass about it because it's something you know nothing about.

Well, we can argue all day about how he does it but all the same the fact remains that he does it. Look at that response to JGlass and look at the threads I posted that Coco has made as to what he discusses. I do not really understand trolling as an art form and nor do I want to understand.

I really don't know what to tell you; your idiocy has blinded you the the subtle differences between a poster like Coco and one like Bill Lesnar. What is this comment anyway? "YOU ALL HAVE A LIFE BUT I KINDA DON'T SO WHEN YOU ARE MEAN IT IS EXTRA MEAN TO ME WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!". Again, this is all under your baseless assumption that all Coco does is attack everyone, which is false. Coco doesn't sugar coat things; if he disagrees with you he says so. I can see how a simpleton mixes that up with flaming simply because they want to live in Candy Land where NO ONE EVER SAYS A CROSS THING TO ANYONE ELSE EVER, but that is neither the world we live in nor the boards we post on. Grow a fucking pair, man. Nothing is more pathetic than Dagger's cry baby, whiny response in the debate thread.

Do you even read what I write?

I never said Coco was a poster like Bill Lesnar. But Coco likes to play up the fact that he is some messiah of these forums to disguise the fact that he flat out likes annoying people and that is no different from any other guy having a gimmick on here, like Bill Lesnar.

Also read again. What I said was that if you have a life, why come here and troll? This has nothing to do with anyone having any less of a life. Seriously how did you even get that.:shrug:

You little whiners should stop acting like Coco is some giant fucking villain. I'm not calling Dagger a bad guy; I'm just saying that I think he's be shit for the job and that he has a shitty attitude he likes to try and disguise as polite. Grow the fuck up, Snakey.

Yeah, typical of you. Just because someone is polite means they are so because they cannot be a dick like Coco.

Again, you're an idiot. Gotta love you sucking Sly's dick. I mean, you've demonstrated your ignorance thus far, why not pretend all the spam zone trolling Sly does just doesn't exist. OH WAIT, it's different when Sly does it because you give a shit about him and want him to like you and think you're KEWL. I guess we'll just pretend Coco hasn't helped give TNA a better rep than it had a year ago simply by his posting mixed with some light trolling. I guess we'll pretend that his stint in WZCW wasn't one of the most popular times for that forum and helped bring in the high number of members we have today. Just fucking face it, chump; you're wrong. You're wrong, and you're simply resorting to lying and fabricating to try and spin things to look like a good guy here (or at least make your chosen champion look like a good guy).

I just say what I see and what I have been a part of. Sly has never trolled me. Nor have I seen him make some thread to call a poster out and/or follow them around multiple threads annoying them.

And yeah, I don't care if Sly thinks I am cool or not. Sly and I have generally bickered on issues concerning wrestling and as far as I have seen Sly isn't that type of guy who keeps informing the world about his opinion on posters anyway. Coco does that on a routine basis. So if I wanted to be KEWL with someone, wouldn't I be so with someone who posts his thoughts about posters more often?
I've been trolling for five years and no one's picked up on it.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3632807 said:
He groomed you into what? You might have five years in this place, but you have also consistently been my least favorite poster when you do choose to venture out into the non-spam sections. You're also, I believe, the only poster to ever give me negative rep, and always because you didn't agree with my post. Not because I was being a dick, or because I was doing anything wrong, but simply for a difference of opinion

Someone isn't a bad poster because they're your least favorite poster. Get over yourself.

Also, don't get mad because he used the rep system correctly. He disapproved of your post. That's what you do when you disapprove of someone's post.
How does this help the man who has said numerous times he's going to be a 'nice' mod who is there for the little people?

Probably means that he will treat you same as a big name on here.

Also that little man's mod isn't the way we have endorsed him. It is some belief of the people who are not voting for Dagger. LSN, Hamler, Notorious and JWGunslinger have all voted Dagger. So have many other established names probably.

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