Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

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I'm not asking you to react. I am just saying that you are annoying. If you can leave it at that then that's OK with me. But it seems you cannot.

And in a conversation between you and me, you are always the troll. Ask anyone that.
I'm not asking you to react. I am just saying that you are annoying. If you can leave it at that then that's OK with me. But it seems you cannot.
You keep going on about what a slow learner I supposedly am. You entered this thread tonight solely to call me creepy. Your rudeness knows no bounds. You ABC Party guys are really taking the low road in this whole election business. I think you guys need to open your eyes and realize that maybe that's why some people are voting for me: They want somebody in the board room who they know is going to be nice to them.
LOL Coco trying to use the nice guy arguement. Also lulz at trying to say that me calling you creepy is somehow an uncalled for thing. Trolls are creepy.

And yeah, I am nice to everyone who is not a dick. Dagger is nice to everyone who is not a dick. Coco is a dick to everyone at first and continues to be one to those who give in to his trolling.
LOL Coco trying to use the nice guy arguement. Also lulz at trying to say that me calling you creepy is somehow an uncalled for thing. Trolls are creepy.

And yeah, I am nice to everyone who is not a dick. Dagger is nice to everyone who is not a dick. Coco is a dick to everyone at first and continues to be one to those who give in to his trolling.

He is satirising you. Notice already.
Eh, Rattlesnake, you're kind of a douchebag just in the way you carry yourself. You gotta deflate that head of yours a bit man.

As for Coco "trolling", I used to be on the receiving end of it. He used to insult the Graphics makers mercilessly. He also used to say the same things about me everyone else did, but more bluntly. Now, at the time, it really just made me angry. But looking back? My graphics sucked, and I was incredibly annoying. Something interesting I noticed, though, was that when there were times I was going through some personal issues, he'd come to me in PM to figure out what was wrong. He's really a good guy, underneath it all. Course he'll probably deny everything.
Eh, Rattlesnake, you're kind of a douchebag just in the way you carry yourself. You gotta deflate that head of yours a bit man.

Meh I just called a troll a troll. I personally do not like trolls. How much blunter and straightforward could I be?
And yeah, I am nice to everyone who is not a dick. Dagger is nice to everyone who is not a dick. Coco is a dick to everyone at first and continues to be one to those who give in to his trolling.

Two things.

One: Have you taken a look at some of our mods? Some of them are notorious dicks (Sly, and to an extent Nate and Nick). Being a dick hardly disqualifies you from being a mod.

Two: Dagger is nice to everyone who is not a dick? Disagree See: Doc.
A ridiculous hate crusade against me is going on with over 500 posts at this point within multiple threads. If I truly were an "idiot" then I would have plunged head-first into each thread and angrily posted responses to each negative post in there.

LOL Coco trying to use the nice guy arguement. Also lulz at trying to say that me calling you creepy is somehow an uncalled for thing. Trolls are creepy.

And yeah, I am nice to everyone who is not a dick. Dagger is nice to everyone who is not a dick. Coco is a dick to everyone at first and continues to be one to those who give in to his trolling.

Dear Rattlesnake - I just want to quickly say that I don't really think Dagger thinks you're an "idiot" even though he clearly describes your actions above as the actions of an "idiot". Shit just comes from his keyboard that he thinks is going to earn him a modspot. I know what you're thinking and I agree with you that it is really sad what he said here about you but like he said in an earlier post, "I am just here to become a mod.".
Yeah, Nate is the guy who green reps guys who call him a no-life guy or anything remotely funny when they insult him. And I really haven't been at the dick end of Nick. Sly keeps his "trolling" if you call it that to the non spam sections to generate disccussions. Coco uses it to create unneccesary and uncalled for drama on this forum.

And I do remember Dagger responding coolly to Doc when Doc criticized his game. Is that what you are talking about?
There was no hate crusade against me here GSB. I mean it's out there in general but not here. Unlike in Dagger's case none of the queries have been personally denigrating towards me.
Yeah, Nate is the guy who green reps guys who call him a no-life guy or anything remotely funny when they insult him. And I really haven't been at the dick end of Nick. Sly keeps his "trolling" if you call it that to the non spam sections to generate disccussions. Coco uses it to create unneccesary and uncalled for drama on this forum.

You really don't have a clue do you? Coco and Sly troll in the exact same vein, to drive discussion. Look at any thread Coco pokes his head into, he generates more discussion than anyone, the only possible exception being Sly.

And as Doc said, Coco has (whether he'll admit it or not), helped groom many of our best posters, including Doc and yours' truly.

As for Dagger being a dick to Doc... I'll get back to that later. Though in the mean time, I'll just remind you that Dagger would disown his son if he turned out to be gay. So if personality counts for anything... there's that.
Be fair. He wouldn't disown the child, he would simply force them to repress their sexuality if they wanted to remain under his roof.

That's fractionally less awful.
You really don't have a clue do you? Coco and Sly troll in the exact same vein, to drive discussion. Look at any thread Coco pokes his head into, he generates more discussion than anyone, the only possible exception being Sly.

What does Sly generate discussion about? Oh yeah, wrestling, current affairs, sometimes even movies or TV.

What does Coco generate discussion about? Oh yeah, how random people suck, random guesses about the lifestyle of the people that according to him suck, about his fantasy sex life with underage girls, about underwear. Yeah, that is all there is to Coco.

And as Doc said, Coco has (whether he'll admit it or not), helped groom many of our best posters, including Doc and yours' truly.

I seem to remember you being groomed by IC. Then Coco gave you some endorsement that went to your head and you started being a total dick to everyone around. You seem to be too smitten with Coco to see this clearly.

Coco has groomed no one. Sure that was a cute story by Doc. But Coco did not care whether your graphics sucked or not. All he cares about is whether people respond to his trolling. If you do, you are fair game to him. If you don't he will move along.
Jesus, Snakey. Gotta love how you can't really defend Dagger so you resort to attacking Coco. Which, I mean, given the nature of this thread I can't either blame you for it or call foul about it. Fair game, you know? What isn't fair is that you, like Dagger, either chose to remain blissfully ignorant about who Coco is and what it is he contributes around here, or you chose to play the game just as you are crying about others doing so as well. You can't have your cake and fuck it too, home slice.

What's hilarious is that you make the same stupid arguments about Coco and his habits that Dagger does, but they are provably wrong. Go find all these threads he starts about RANDOM poster sucking. Odds are that the threads he does start like that, which are rare, are usually aimed at bigger fish like D-Man or LSN. Stormtrooper is about as low on the totem pole as he goes. And LULZ at the swipe at his "fantasies" about underage girls; I suppose you feel you have to dig for something just because your boy is a public acknowledged homophobe and religious bigot, but surely you aren't so clueless as to misconstrue crystal clear sarcasm and tongue-in-cheek humor with genuine desire to nail an underage girl from an internet forum.

Keep digging that hole, chump. It isn't going to start pointing up all of a sudden.
The level of wrong in this post is just oh so baffling.

What does Sly generate discussion about? Oh yeah, wrestling, current affairs, sometimes even movies or TV.

What does Coco generate discussion about? Oh yeah, how random people suck, random guesses about the lifestyle of the people that according to him suck, about his fantasy sex life with underage girls, about underwear. Yeah, that is all there is to Coco.

First of all, I don't think I've ever heard Coco tell anyone they suck. If you're made to feel like an inferior poster by him, it probably has more to do with you than it does with him. But I understand, it's easier to blame someone else than look at yourself in the mirror.

Second of all, take a look at the discussions Coco has generated in the WrestleZone Tournament and Wrestling Spam Zone. It's easily better than anything at least 99% of posters here have ever done.

Third of all, Coco is basically the reason the Bar Room is as alive as it is, and The Bar Room is the most popular forum amongst established members. Easily.

Fourth of all, if memory serves me correctly, such posters as Gelgarin and XFear have praised Coco's ability to talk wrestling, and those are two of the best wrestling posters on the site.

FIFTH of all, Coco is one of the foremost trendsetters on this forum in terms of movies and television. He has introduced me to my two favorite shows on currently on TV, one of them has become my favorite of all time. And ask any fan of Breaking Bad, Mad Men, or Community, Coco can talk TV and film with the best of them. I haven't gotten around to it, but mark my words, soon this forum will be buzzing with Party Down fans.

I seem to remember you being groomed by IC. Then Coco gave you some endorsement that went to your head and you started being a total dick to everyone around. You seem to be too smitten with Coco to see this clearly.

IC and Coco both had huge rolls in my development as a poster. IC taught me to not hold back on my opinion, and gave me the confidence to say what I was thinking.

Coco gave me the confidence to be who I am in real life on the forums. And dare I say, I've taken some of the man's teaching into real life, and things have been going pretty well for me lately.

And a total dick to everyone around? If I may use my personal thread as an indicator, there seems to be a healthy amount of people that think I'm an okay dude to talk to.

Coco has groomed no one. Sure that was a cute story by Doc. But Coco did not care whether your graphics sucked or not. All he cares about is whether people respond to his trolling. If you do, you are fair game to him. If you don't he will move along.

You do this SO FUCKING MUCH! You act like you know exactly who everyone is and what they're about, but you don't. Coco's tough love approach isn't always pleasant right away, but it's been effective for posters like Doc and I.

So, in conclusion, you still have no idea what you're talking about.
I'd like to give my two cents on the accusations that Daggar is a homophobe and/or "religious zealot." He has already promised that he won't respond to any of these threads, so I thought I would at least try and take a go at this while he hides in the ABC throne room.

Here is the original post made by Daggar back in August:
I do try to be open about all types of lifestyle choices, and have no major problem with gays. However it would be different if I was raising a son who made that decision. There's a difference between being tolerant and what you allow in your house. That lifestyle goes against my personal and religious beliefs. I would be very uncomfortable with it, especially given how my family is obsessed with gender roles and what's considered "manly". I would perceive it as me failing as both a father and a man if my son in this scenario ended up being gay. Granted once he is over 18 and has moved out on his own he can make any choice he wants, but as long as he would be under my roof I would not tolerate such a lifestyle in my house. Call me oldschool or any other term all you want, but this is what I believe and I do not compromise on my beliefs. It would be a much tougher issue for men to accept than women and there certainly is a difference in how they would deal with this scenario due to the intense pressure on men having to be "manly" whereas a mother is more likely to have an easier time loving everything about her child no matter what choices the child makes.

First of all, here's my personal opinion of the subject at hand, just so you can see where I'm coming from: I was raised in a very conservative Christian household, that loosened up over time as my parents stopped attending church and I got older. However, many values have stuck around and are still present within my family, that I do not necessarily agree with, but am constantly surrounded by. The idea that homosexuality is wrong , or "a sin" is by no means a minority belief. Our society is becoming more tolerable for sure, but the vast majority of people in America claim to be "Christian". Along with that, for most people that prescribe to a denomination or set of doctrinal or dogmatic statements, comes a strong stance against homosexuality. So for Daggar to admit that it is against his religious convictions, yet to claim he is "open about all types of lifestyles choices" and has "no major problem with gays" is already well-beyond what you'd expect from most Christians, or rather conservative faiths of any sort.

So he starts by saying he really has no issues with "gays". I'm not a fan of the term, as it sounds more like an accusation than a "lifestyle choice". To me, it's almost like calling somebody a "******" to describe that they are African-American. Now, I'm an English major, and have no real issue with certain words, and am mature enough to not be offended by those types of slang descriptions. However, I still feel them to be a bit harsh when not used in an appropriate context. But, as we're not here to debate that, I'll just move on... He says there is a difference between "being tolerant and what you allow in your house". This is, in itself, a controversial statement. Many will say being gay is not a choice, while others claim it is. THere isn't scientific proof to back up either statement to a legitimate extent, or we wouldn't even be arguing about this, so I'm going to move on from it. At the very least, he should re-check his definition of the word "tolerance".

The point he's trying to make, basically, is that while he doesn't have a problem with "gays" he would feel incredibly uncomfortable if his son was a homosexual. I don't intrinsically agree with that, on a moral level, but I can understand it. I think the phrase "I would perceive it as me failing as both a father and a man if my son in this scenario ended up being gay" is a little harsh, but I think people are blowing it out of proportion to try and score points in this debate. If you go back to that actual thread, nobody even picks up on this because they're too busy hating FSWWE for being about 100x worse than Daggar ever has been. You have to understand where he is coming from. You can't look at this through your own perceptions of reality, because he may have a different set of beliefs than you. I don't think homosexuality is morally "wrong" or unacceptable in any way, and I was very much raised in a Christian home. I have grown to be accepting of it, and have many gay friends that I care about very much. To me, there is no difference socially between my straight friends and my gay friends, except that the gay ones usually have better hair...

But if he has modern, conservative Christian principles, it's likely that on a moral scale he does see homosexuality as wrong. You may disagree with him, but understand that the church has held this stance for thousands of years. You're fighting a very uphill battle... That being said, a "good" Christian would probably see having a gay son as somewhat of a failure. Not only because of their own convictions, but because they would probably be cast out of the church. Their family would be ostracized, and the kid will lead a difficult life growing up. There's a lot to reconcile, especially if you have religious beliefs that run deep in your family.

Look, I don't agree with Daggar's convictions, but I do very much support his right to have them. And, I'm not out to slit his throat, so I'm willing to try and see this from his perspective instead of making him out to be this evil, gay-bashing terrorist. Furthermore, when you really look at it, none of this issue has anything to do with his role as a moderator. He joined the thread, left a thought-out post containing his opinion, and left soon after. Not a big deal. Honestly, I don't care who you vote for. Coco's pretty much got it in the bag from my perspective anyways, so at this point I'm just trying to help out and see things a little more objectively. Let's try and finish up this election with a bit more class. Lots of people hate Daggar. Great. We got it. Let's move on.

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