Ladies and Gentlemen,
Before I begin with this post we need to establish a few facts.
1) This is not a "personal attack" on Dagger Dias. I don't care about him personally, it would be a lie to say I knew him. My comments have related directly to issues that will affect his ability to moderate. Are some of those things related to aspects of his personality? Absolutely, but I am speaking in context.
2) If there's one thing you need to know about me it's this: I never, ever go into any kind of debate without having evidence to back me up. With that in mind, the most important part of this post is at the bottom. Until then, I am going to address Rattlesnake's points aimed at me.
I really want to know how Dagger will affect the regulars of this forum. Dagger cannot really abuse his powers without getting de-modded and he has shown no inclination so far to abuse his powers. Most people might be trying to paint Dagger as this bad guy, but the truth is that he hardly socializes on here. He hardly knows any poster personally. He has hardly talked in the bar room. He is much more neutral towards you than anyone else.
He has talked enough in the bar room for people to know his work situation and people to consider him a friend, apparently. It's not therefore beyond the realms of possibility that people don't like him personally based on that. But anyway, I'm not talking about his character in general, I'm talking about the relevancies, which I've already discussed.
Hamler, Notorious, LSN, JWG have all been helped by Dagger. He encouraged them to post by giving them rep and also giving them a few tips on how to frame their posts.
LSN's early posts can be found by clicking on this link. You can see he's a good poster from pretty early on, nothing to do with Dagger. Hard evidence, please.
Also he recognized their potential when no one was giving a shit about them. Repping them also helped because people do tend to notice other people here on the basis of rep. I am not saying that what they are on this forum is only due to Dagger but he has done his bit.
People post because they want to, not because somebody they don't know reps them. I'm sure LSN, Hamler etc thought "Oh wow! A tiny green bar! I simply must post more!!!!"
The question is have Coco or Crock done the same. Sure, I hear they may have helped a few people out in WZCW with their RP's but Dagger's contribution in this regard is MUCH MUCH MUCH more than that of Crock or Coco.
Prove it. None of the guys you have mentioned have supported this, as far as I'm aware. Nobody.
Not be a dick. Tell me something. Why have people voted for DD ahead of quite a few great posters so far? Do you think they have no reason for doing so?
I don't know. I can't think of a single reason to vote him over Killjoy or hatehabsforever. That's why I asked
The reason is that Dagger has always helped them out. He learned the Rep for encourgement thing from NSL and he is following suit.
NSL used to red rep new posters for spamming when they hadn't broken the rules. Dagger reports them. I can see how that is encouraging and taking NSL's ideas to the next level...
He has been doing so for a long time, much before there was any talk of the election, and it is just paying off now. Maybe people would have voted for Coco had he not been such a dick. Crock is generally a dick to any new poster who isn't top notch. As Sly and KB said on the very first day, this is a popularity contest and maybe Dagger is just plain more popular than either Coco or Crock.
Very few people are coming out in favour of Dagger to support this. If he was so good at bringing posters on, don't you think at least one of them would voice their gratitude.
I would also like to say that I did not vote Dagger in the primaries so I am not really a blind supporter lest you start labelling me as such.
Why didn't you vote for him?
When someone makes uncalled for accusations like Tastycles did, I will stand up for myself and tell the honest truth. I am honest, ethical, and want to keep this a clean fight.
We'll see about that.
As for what Tastycles said.... There are two sides to each story. First of all, Tasty should have discussed this issue with me in private.
You mean like you did? When you started talking to mods, about everything.
Also, what he wrote is not even what happened. I would be more than happy to shed some light on what REALLY happened.
Ferbian had just resigned. I sent a message to a Mod (name withheld) asking if he might need some help in his section now. He told me everything is under control but to try asking (other Mod name withheld) if he needs help instead since he was r unning a whole section by himself. So I did and was told to ask KB or Sly about it but that he would endorse me within the Board Room. I was contacted again by the first mod I spoke with (name withheld) who informed me that I should inquire about General Wrestling instead. So I asked Sly and KB if any further help was needed, and they said not right now. Both of the mods I had spoken to, as well as a third(name withheld), told me to start by reporting posts. This is the part that JGlass has brought up several times. Yes, I made a mistake that day and the next by reporting too much. I am man enough to admit it. It only lasted a couple of days until a fourth mod (name withheld) told me one of my reports was wrong, and D-Man (not withheld since he himself brought it up in another thread) told me I should stop, and I did.
You see folks, I don't doubt that Dagger is telling the truth here. But it's not the whole story. You see Dagger bothers mods about mod spots all the fucking time. He's still asking for support off them now, quite selfishly ignoring people saying that they have done what they can.
But that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about the incident when Dagger sent this PM to a mod:
Hey man remember how you said you'd throw my name out if they are looking for new people to bring onto the staff? I noticed in particular that Tastycles has not been on in days, is no longer modding one of his former sections, and had not been doing much in either of his sections for quite some time now. Is he stepping down? I'd be happy to look after the General Wrestling section if he steps down. Anyways, if they are looking for anyone at the moment I would really appreciate it if you'd still name me if they are looking. Doesn't really matter which section, I'd do pretty much any of them. Thanks.
I'm not bringing board room stuff out here. But the overwhelming reaction was to tell Dagger to fuck off. This was sent while I was moving home. Now, you might say Dagger didn't know that. That's true, so why did he stick his wick in?
He's called me a liar, when here is empirical proof that he essentially tried to get me sacked. Despite the fact he has no idea how much I do or don't do. Despite the fact that he "deals with people in private". Do you Dagger? Did you ask me if I was stepping down? Or did you go behind my back?
Dagger Dias has lied to his friends by calling me a liar. I have no ulterior motive to do this, to say any of this. I'm not bothered who is on staff, on the whole, if you ever get to the board room, you'll see I've never put the kibosh on anyone before. I'm doing this because Dagger as a mod is bad news.
If you support Dagger, that's your choice, but remember he has lied to you by saying he never did this. For me, I'd rather have a mod who acts above board to his fellow mods and the members of the forum, like I have, than someone like Dagger.
Since Dagger will debate anyone, anytime, anywhere unless it's relevant to him, I don't expect a response. If someone wants to post this elsewhere so he sees it, be my guest, but I'm doing this for all of you, not for him. There will be no whitewash in the bar room.
This is not a hate thread. This is the truth.