Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

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He has already responded to Tastycles in his debate.

Yeah that's not going to bode to well for him, since it was a flat out lie.

You guys really screwed the pooch not electing Killjoy. Sure people would have negative things to say about him, but he's superior than Dagger in ever possible way. He wouldn't have been as good a choice as Coco, but still.
Judge him from his responses in the debate.

Why can't he come here and respond to the 20+ critics instead and respond to their claims? This election was modeled after real life politics. In politics, the politician needs to respond to accusations directly to the people, not in a forum where responses are limited.
maybe because this isn't exactly neutral grounds? Would you seriously expect the GOP nominee to address every bitch session that occurs on the DailyKos or Huffington Post? Would you expect Obama to address the masses bitching about him on rushlimbaugh.com? Hardly.

This entire thread is nothing but an attack on Dagger, it stopped being about legitimate reasons not to vote for him and turned into nothing but a hate thread around page 2.

Don't we as the voting public, always criticize campaigns that engage in nothing but mudslinging? Isn't that the kind of dirty politics that we want to see go away? Yet, not only is everyone BUT Dagger engaging in it, but REVELING in it. Just a bunch of pigs rolling around in the mud. Oink, oink.

Tell me why I should vote FOR either Coco or Crock, not why I shouldn't vote for Dagger. Nobody has given many reasons why either deserves to be mod beyond "Dagger sucks".
Yeah that's not going to bode to well for him, since it was a flat out lie.

You seem to have some inside info on the story that we do not. Or is it because you think that whatever Dagger says is a lie.

There is no point in Dagger coming here because no matter how he responds here he will be seen as losing his cool and taking things too personally. What is happening now works fine with me.

Also KJ, if you are so hell bent on doing this in the real election style maybe we should also be making a "why shouldn't he get elected" thread for Coco and Crock too. It would not be fair otherwise.
You seem to have some inside info on the story that we do not. Or is it because you think that whatever Dagger says is a lie.

Not my place to speak on it. Those involved can do so if they choose.

And please. I don't know really know much about this Dagger situation, all I know is from what I've seen during this election and what I see in the WWE Section. He's just not that good. I don't have any personal issues with him.

Also KJ, if you are so hell bent on doing this in the real election style maybe we should also be making a "why shouldn't he get elected" thread for Coco and Crock too. It would not be fair otherwise.

How would those threads turn out any different than this one? It would be the same people proving you wrong and slamming Dagger in return.
maybe because this isn't exactly neutral grounds? Would you seriously expect the GOP nominee to address every bitch session that occurs on the DailyKos? Would you expect Obama to address the masses bitching about him on rushlimbaugh.com? Hardly.

This entire thread is nothing but an attack on Dagger, it stopped being about legitimate reasons not to vote for him and turned into nothing but a hate thread around page 2.

Don't we as the voting public, always criticize campaigns that engage in nothing but mudslinging? Isn't that the kind of dirty politics that we want to see go away? Yet, not only is everyone BUT Dagger engaging in it, but REVELING in it. Just a bunch of pigs rolling around in the mud.

oink, oink.

This wouldn't be Obama responding to one particular forum. It would be him responding to the entire population. Dagger is trying to get elected by the forum for the forum. But the forum is disapproving. Petty or not, he's still receiving a ton of heat from a majority of established posters. The one's that will indeed vote. If he doesn't stand up to at the least prove he can change, he has zero hope of winning.

I've only seen 5 or 6 guys stand up for him versus a good 20 firmly against him and 10 or so neutral ones. I was told people didn't vote for me despite believing in me because when they saw the poll and saw I was behind, they decided I wasn't gonna win and that they wouldn't throw away their votes. You think that won't be the case in the election? Especially now with all this heat? He needs to prove them wrong.
You seem to have some inside info on the story that we do not. Or is it because you think that whatever Dagger says is a lie.
Well he does have Board Room access.

There is no point in Dagger coming here because no matter how he responds here he will be seen as losing his cool and taking things too personally. What is happening now works fine with me.
But not for the other people. Even if some think he'll lose his cool standing up for himself is better than sitting and let others do the talking for you.
Also KJ, if you are so hell bent on doing this in the real election style maybe we should also be making a "why shouldn't he get elected" thread for Coco and Crock too. It would not be fair otherwise.
I'm not hell-bent on it. It is based on real life politics. But let's be honest. Maybe there's a reason said threads haven't been made.
If Coco is such a great candidate as you claim, and there is such a dire need for a spam mod, his time will come anyway, by conventional means, so what's the big deal? I have no doubt that Crock's time will come too, and deservedly so, I'm a big fan of Crock and I think he knows that, even though in all likelihood he won't receive my vote here.

When Dagger wins, he'll have to learn then ropes like everyone else, and I'm sure he'll make mistakes along the way.
"Coco and Crock are good enough to be a mod. Vote for Dagger because without this election, he wouldn't deserve that distinction."

That's literally the strongest argument I've seen from the Dagger camp this whole election. And I love it.

maybe because this isn't exactly neutral grounds? Would you seriously expect the GOP nominee to address every bitch session that occurs on the DailyKos or Huffington Post? Would you expect Obama to address the masses bitching about him on rushlimbaugh.com? Hardly.
Get some perspective. A large, influential chunk of the electorate has taken aim at Dagger's weakest points. Eventually Obama had to cave and talk directly to the birther's to defuse the situation. And the criticism here is certainly more pointed, legitimate, and potentially harmful than that make-believe birther stuff. Do I expect a presidential candidate to respond to the comment section on CNN.com story? No. But I certainly expect a candidate for mod of this forum to address something what well over half of the people who voted in the collctive primaries are saying about him.

Tell me why I should vote FOR either Coco or Crock, not why I shouldn't vote for Dagger. Nobody has given many reasons why either deserves to be mod beyond "Dagger sucks".
You're lying. The need for a spam mod has been established. My qualifications as spam mod has been established. What else is there to do but show you why nobody else is really a viable option? If anything, Dagger's the person who's given no great reason to vote FOR him.
I could talk about his character flaws, I could mention that I wouldnt trust him not to vindictively try to infract people that take the piss out of him a bit in the spam sections, about how I dont buy into his nice guy image.

I could, but why I wont be voting for him really boils down to that he's a boring generic poster who's trying to mod a section that doesnt need him when theres plenty better for that job waiting in line already, his whole premise is about driving discussion but he's shit at it, he'll add nothing, nothing. Sure he tries hard but Dagger would try hard in an egg and spoon race and probably tread on the feet of the other competitors.

On the other hand the spam sections need a mod if only to merge all of Milenko's shit threads. So sure vote the boring try hard into the section that doesnt need help at all, where he can sporadically appear in the video games section that gets about as much traffic as a country road in the middle of winter, even with his epic discussion driving and relentless debating. Or vote Coco, someone interesting and unique.
This wouldn't be Obama responding to one particular forum. It would be him responding to the entire population. Dagger is trying to get elected by the forum for the forum. But the forum is disapproving. Petty or not, he's still receiving a ton of heat from a majority of established posters. The one's that will indeed vote. If he doesn't stand up to at the least prove he can change, he has zero hope of winning.

I've only seen 5 or 6 guys stand up for him versus a good 20 firmly against him and 10 or so neutral ones. I was told people didn't vote for me despite believing in me because when they saw the poll and saw I was behind, they decided I wasn't gonna win and that they wouldn't throw away their votes. You think that won't be the case in the election? Especially now with all this heat? He needs to prove them wrong.

Except his style has already gotten him through two primary elections with an overwhelming vote count. He was the top vote getter, period. I hardly think that counts as zero hope. Hypothetically, if Crock's supporters, who are so anti-Dagger, decide to vote for Coco because they know Crock has no chance at winning, and will cross party lines just to ensure that Dagger doesn't get elected, how is that any different? Dagger is the one who has had the most support, via vote counts.

It seems to me that the forum as a whole being against Dagger is really just a VERY vocal minority. You claim that Dagger needs to respond to his critics, I say he doesn't need to stoop to their level. The longer Dagger stays out of this mess, the more inclined I am to vote for him, because he is the only one displaying any amount of maturity.

This stopped being a fun little election and quickly became a mission to crucify one guy mercilessly. It's embarrassing, really. This whole thing has gone WAY too far.
Eventually Obama had to cave and talk directly to the birther's to defuse the situation. And the criticism here is certainly more pointed, legitimate, and potentially harmful than that make-believe birther stuff. Do I expect a presidential candidate to respond to the comment section on CNN.com story? No. But I certainly expect a candidate for mod of this forum to address something what well over half of the people who voted in the collctive primaries are saying about him.

Yeah. After he had already been President for 2 years, after it was essentially a moot point, and even then, only after Donald Trump threatened to send investigators to Hawaii to do their own investigation. Maybe after Dagger gets elected, he might address some of the bitching too. God knows he didn't do anything about it while he was campaigning.
From what I heard, they're not crossing party lines because they're anti-Dagger. They're pro-Coco. Harthan's already admitted to jumping ship because he sees the need for a spam mod. Sounds like pro-Coco motivation to me. Ask around: A lot of people have both sound reasons to vote AGAINST Dagger and FOR me. It's not all about Dagger. Seriously: Ask.

Oh, and since you deserve to have your weak "you'd be fine with it if you had their support" counterargument to people not liking uninformed voters turned around on you:

This stopped being a fun little election and quickly became a mission to crucify one guy mercilessly. It's embarrassing, really. This whole thing has gone WAY too far.
You'd be fine with it if such legitimate hate existed for Crock or myself. But it doesn't.
Yeah. After he had already been President for 2 years, after it was essentially a moot point, and even then, only after Donald Trump threatened to send investigators to Hawaii to do their own investigation. Maybe after Dagger gets elected, he might address some of the bitching too. God knows he didn't do anything about it while he was campaigning.
Maybe Obama stayed quiet then because half of the participating electorate didn't also consider him a pussy. Yet.

Dagger certainly seems to have a problem with that though. The "Dagger is a pussy" brigade has grown a lot in the last couple days. If he's not going to snuff the fire out, than you certainly can't do anything for him other than make it look like mommy and daddy are running to the rescue.
"The forum as a whole being against Dagger is really just a VERY vocal minority."


I stand by it. The argument has been framed that it is the entire forum vs. Dagger Dias, when it clearly hasn't. If it was, there is no way Dagger would have even gotten past the first primary, let alone the second one. Dagger got more votes in favor of himself than any other candidate. Yet, we are led to believe by some of the hyperbole, that it never happened, that Dagger just scraped by, that everyone is really against him...when it's really just the same people blasting him, over and over and over again. People from the other parties, who were already against him, who now supposedly represent "EVERYONE", even though they don't. There are a lot of ABC, DFP and Resistance party members who have simply not gotten involved in this childish character assassination attempt, and they should be commended for that.

But, 20 people shouting seems louder than the 30 people talking in their indoor voices.
I really wish the polls were open just so we could see how many well established posters voted for Coco and Crock and how many clueless nobodies voted for Dagger.
I stand by it. The argument has been framed that it is the entire forum vs. Dagger Dias, when it clearly hasn't. If it was, there is no way Dagger would have even gotten past the first primary, let alone the second one. Dagger got more votes in favor of himself than any other candidate. Yet, we are led to believe by some of the hyperbole, that it never happened, that Dagger just scraped by, that everyone is really against him...when it's really just the same people blasting him, over and over and over again. People from the other parties, who were already against him, who now supposedly represent "EVERYONE", even though they don't. There are a lot of ABC, DFP and Resistance party members who have simply not gotten involved in this childish character assassination attempt, and they should be commended for that.

But, 20 people shouting seems louder than the 30 people talking in their indoor voices.
You can't believe that after all that's been said and done the main election votes will go just like the primaries, do you?
From what I heard, they're not crossing party lines because they're anti-Dagger. They're pro-Coco. Harthan's already admitted to jumping ship because he sees the need for a spam mod. Sounds like pro-Coco motivation to me. Ask around: A lot of people have both sound reasons to vote AGAINST Dagger and FOR me. It's not all about Dagger. Seriously: Ask.

Oh, and since you deserve to have your weak "you'd be fine with it if you had their support" counterargument to people not liking uninformed voters turned around on you:

You'd be fine with it if such legitimate hate existed for Crock or myself. But it doesn't.

Actually, I wouldn't. If you have noticed, I have NOT gone out of my way to attack either you or Crock. I have gotten a few good natured barbs in here and there, but I have not made it a mission in life to try to completely bury either you or Crock like some of you guys are trying to bury Dagger. I have my moments, but I am not really a vindictive type of guy. I don't hate either you or Crock, frankly, I don't know enough about either of you to really have an opinion one way or the other. I am one of those guys who roots hard for my team, but I never, ever root for players on the other side to get injured. It's just not good sportsmanship. Viciously attacking you or Crock the way Dagger has been attacked wouldn't be good sportsmanship either.

Neither you or Crock have done anything to me personally, there are no grudges. I have no reason to hate either of you. My reason for not supporting you is because of your platform, not because of anything personal between us. As far as I know, there is no animosity between us, have we ever had a knock down drag out fight that I don't remember? Been here since late 2007, don't remember us feuding about anything even marginally important.
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3627586 said:
I really wish the polls were open just so we could see how many well established posters voted for Coco and Crock and how many clueless nobodies voted for Dagger.
27 for Dagger, 20 for Habs, 2 for... me.
I stand by it. The argument has been framed that it is the entire forum vs. Dagger Dias, when it clearly hasn't. If it was, there is no way Dagger would have even gotten past the first primary, let alone the second one. Dagger got more votes in favor of himself than any other candidate. Yet, we are led to believe by some of the hyperbole, that it never happened, that Dagger just scraped by, that everyone is really against him...when it's really just the same people blasting him, over and over and over again. People from the other parties, who were already against him, who now supposedly represent "EVERYONE", even though they don't. There are a lot of ABC, DFP and Resistance party members who have simply not gotten involved in this childish character assassination attempt, and they should be commended for that.

But, 20 people shouting seems louder than the 30 people talking in their indoor voices.
Yes, Dagger received more votes in his primaries than anyone else. Whoopdeefuckingdoo. But it's also safe to say that because Crock and I spend most of our time on here in the spam sections, the majority of those voters are completely ignorant to what we're really about and the ways in which we're superior to Dagger. I'm sure all they've really seen of the three candidates is Dagger's name in their rep box, Dagger's name in mediocre non-spam posts all over the forum, and perhaps even Dagger's name in their PM box. Ignorant noobs and unknowns from the non-spam zone probably think he's a big deal with great qualifications. This thread is designed to offer some perspective. It's not the forum against Dagger. It's those who are informed giving the uninformed a little lesson in Daggernomics.
I don't hate either you or Crock, frankly, I don't know enough about either of you to really have an opinion one way or the other.
Sounds like you should be abstaining from the election.

My reason for not supporting you is because of your platform, not because of anything personal between us.
And Dagger's nonsensical platform is superior to mine because...?
I do try to be open about all types of lifestyle choices, and have no major problem with gays. However it would be different if I was raising a son who made that decision. There's a difference between being tolerant and what you allow in your house. That lifestyle goes agaihenst my personal and religious beliefs. I would be very uncomfortable with it, especially given how my family is obsessed with gender roles and what's considered "manly". I would perceive it as me failing as both a father and a man if my son in this scenario ended up being gay. Granted once he is over 18 and has moved out on his own he can make any choice he wants, but as long as he would be under my roof I would not tolerate such a lifestyle in my house. Call me oldschool or any other term all you want, but this is what I believe and I do not compromise on my beliefs. It would be a much tougher issue for men to accept than women and there certainly is a difference in how they would deal with this scenario due to the intense pressure on men having to be "manly" whereas a mother is more likely to have an easier time loving everything about her child no matter what choices the child makes.

Yeah, Dave, what Davi323 said.

I thought this election was supposed to be a fun contest to try to elect someone as mod by unconventional means. It has gotten way more personal than I expected. I mean, there are guys I support and guys I do not, but there have been no personal attacks from me either way.

But here's the thing. If you were the candidate it would not have reached this level. People feel very strongly that Dagger does not deserve to be a mod for a variety of reasons. They are expressing those opinions very openly and honestly because of the strength of their convictions. You can call them "personal attacks" but there is a lot of truth in what people are saying. I think even though you are a ABC/Dagger supporter you can't fully dismiss what people are saying.

I quoted the post above to show one of my personal reasons that I have disdain for Dagger. I am far from politically correct in my words (I recently made a post in the "Favorite Jericho Coming" thread that was full of penis and semen innuendo) but I have no tolerance for someone like Dagger's level of intolerance and sexism. I can't support someone who seems so biased and backwards to my own beliefs. I don't want to make this election on homosexuality or gender roles but religious beliefs or not, I don't want to see this type of person succeed in life.

You are far more respected by those outside of ABC than Dagger. You should have campaigned on what a general election was going to look like had you been the general election candidate. I guarantee it would look nothing like this.

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