You said you don't know enough about me to have an opinion. As such, I reckon you're not informed enough to have a voice.
Examples of prejudiced language that are ignored by G-mods and admins have been brought to life. Surely you're not stupid enough to believe there are NO rules that need enforcing down here.
Your post at 11:43 eastern time leads me to believe otherwise. You should try to be a little clearly.
Anyhow, nice to know Dagger can't lay a finger on me as far as platform goes. Thanks, Davi.
It was poorly worded. What I meant was that I don't believe the spam sections need a mod, thus the lack of support for your platform. In fact, I don't really support the platform of any of the candidates. I did support Dagger's, when it was about one of the modless sections, but since he decided to switch to WWE, that support ended. I am not supporting any of the candidates based on their platform. I should not have singled you out in that post, I should have said I wasn't supporting any of the candidates based on platform. For that, I apologize for the lack of clarity.
With that being said, If you were running for mod in a section that I thought we had a need for, I would be supporting you, because your platform would have been the only one of the three that I saw the need in. I just don't see the need in the spam sections, given the number of mods who already visit with the power to take care of problems. The spam sections are where most of the existing mods already hang out, if it was as big a deal as you claim, what good is one more mod among many? Don't G-Mods pretty much have the power to infract/take care of business wherever they want? And barring that, KB certainly has the power, and he frequents the spam sections too...Lots of hammer power already there. You being a mod there would be like a cop bar, frequented by police officers, even if they are off-duty, hiring a bouncer. Redundant.
That's my objection to your platform. But, it's largely the same as my objections to both Dagger and Crock wanting a WWE Moderator spot as well. In my opinion, that matters to absolutely nobody but me, neither the WWE or spam sections would benefit from another mod all that much. So, being completely indifferent to the actual platforms, I have to use other criteria to determine who to support in the election. Dagger has acted more maturely, so he gets it. If he decides to come here, and lash out at all of his detractors the way they have lashed out at him, if he resorts in the same mudslinging as everyone else, my support for Dagger will completely vanish, and it will be a 3-way tie. Others may gain respect for Dagger for doing that, but I wouldn't. I only have the one vote, relatively insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it's mine to cast as I see fit.