Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

Results are only viewable after voting.
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3627627 said:
I meant like to see who voted for who. The fact that you only have 2 votes is a shambles in itself. Yes, you may be the moodiest and grumpiest old-man like wanker on here but, you'd make a better mod than most.

Out of the three of them, I'd have voted Killjoy.
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3627586 said:
I really wish the polls were open just so we could see how many well established posters voted for Coco and Crock and how many clueless nobodies voted for Dagger.

Have you taken the time to look at the members of the ABC Party? Not nearly as many "clueless nobodies" as you claim there were. Frankly there were about 15 people who I was unfamiliar with, most of whom came our way when Ba-Bomb's guys merged with us. And I would imagine these comprised the dozen or so people who didn't vote when the time came. Of the 48 or 49 people who voted, very few were not regulars. And come on now, you aren't suggesting that you were familiar with every member of the other two parties? Lots of unfamiliar names in there too. Granted, a lot of mods and former mods were on Coco's team but the last time I checked, their votes only count for one each like everyone else.
Yes, Dagger received more votes in his primaries than anyone else. Whoopdeefuckingdoo. But it's also safe to say that because Crock and I spend most of our time on here in the spam sections, the majority of those voters are completely ignorant to what we're really about and the ways in which we're superior to Dagger. I'm sure all they've really seen of the three candidates is Dagger's name in their rep box, Dagger's name in mediocre non-spam posts all over the forum, and perhaps even Dagger's name in their PM box. Ignorant noobs and unknowns from the non-spam zone probably think he's a big deal with great qualifications. This thread is designed to offer some perspective. It's not the forum against Dagger. It's those who are informed giving the uninformed a little lesson in Daggernomics.

I have.

Daggernomics: Word Fort Life
Sounds like you should be abstaining from the election.

And Dagger's nonsensical platform is superior to mine because...?

So, only people who hate at least one of the candidates should be allowed to vote, then?

If you recall in my going independent thread, I made it clear that I originally supported Dagger when he was gunning for for the VG&T thread, one of the modless ones, and that I was not thrilled that he is now going for WWE mod just like Crock. It was that decision that made me drop out of the ABC party, or at least declare that I was not going to automatically vote for Dagger. I have consistently maintained that I do not think the WWE Section needs another mod. Dagger lost a few points with me. But, I also kind of enjoy the chaotic nature of the spam threads. If like some of the others, I thought there was a huge need for a spam mod, You would probably have my support over both Dagger and Crock, because it would be a position of need...I just don't see it as a big of need as others do.

I am not defending Dagger's platform, that the WWE section needs another mod, because I don't believe it does. I am defending Dagger as a poster, simply because I think he is being made a target of systematic bullying, and that's not right. Had the attacks against Dagger not been so damned vicious, so mean spirited, I wouldn't be defending him like I am. I just think it's gone too far. If you were being attacked as hard as Dagger is, I would come to your defense too. Same with Crock. I am just not a big fan of people getting crucified mercilessly in a fucking internet election. Is the end result, getting a moderator position on a wrestling forum really worth all of the animosity being displayed? As far as all three of the candidate's platforms go, I don't see any as being superior to the others. The reason I am still planning on voting for Dagger is because so far, he has abstained from the hardcore mudslinging going on, stayed above the fracas. He has acted like an adult. If everyone is going take the elections so goddamn seriously, then I am going to vote for the guy that displays the most maturity.
Coco The Monkey - Yup.
Gelgarin - Yup.
Great White sam - Yup.
Wicked Valentine - Yup.
Sanka Coffie - Yup.
Joe's Gonna Kill You - Yup.
The_Mission - Yup.
ScreaminNormanSmiley - Yup.
George Steele's Barber - Yup.
Echelon - Yup.
the God-Damn Batman! - Yup.
OwenHart100%legend - To a certain extent no.
Tin-Tin Rebadowds - Yup-
The Champ - Yup.
Kotre Ibushimix - Yup.
Cult of Brohanity - Yup.
UnBEARaBULLfan - No.
jmt225 - Who the fuck is this guy? No, seriously, Yup.
Big Nick Dudley - Yup.
Dave - Yup.
Blue Chipper - Yup.
Uncle Phatso - Yup.
tdigle - Yup.
ryan86 - Yup.
Captain Insano - Yup.
Strugenfurmer - Yup.
justinsayne - Yup.
GD - Yup.
BieberHole69 - Yup.
Bdubbs - Nope.
Vega - Yup.
Tastycles - Yup.
HoHo - Yup.
The Dance Commander! - Yup.
Raven* - Nope.
Martin Gabriel - Nope.
The Artist - Yup.
Thom - Yup.
It's Damn Real! - Yup.
Tymedragon - Nope.
Nate - Yup.

That's only 5 nope's.

Not to mention new members like Harthan and other who have jumped ship.

Now, give me your list and we'll see how many yup's we garner up.
So, only people who hate at least one of the candidates should be allowed to vote, then?
You said you don't know enough about me to have an opinion. As such, I reckon you're not informed enough to have a voice.

If you recall in my going independent thread, I made it clear that I originally supported Dagger when he was gunning for for the VG&T thread, one of the modless ones, and that I was not thrilled that he is now going for WWE mod just like Crock. It was that decision that made me drop out of the ABC party, or at least declare that I was not going to automatically vote for Dagger. I have consistently maintained that I do not think the WWE Section needs another mod. Dagger lost a few points with me. But, I also kind of enjoy the chaotic nature of the spam threads. If like some of the others, I thought there was a huge need for a spam mod, You would probably have my support over both Dagger and Crock, because it would be a position of need...I just don't see it as a big of need as others do.
Examples of prejudiced language that are ignored by G-mods and admins have been brought to life. Surely you're not stupid enough to believe there are NO rules that need enforcing down here.

As far as all three of the candidate's platforms go, I don't see any as being superior to the others.
Your post at 11:43 eastern time leads me to believe otherwise. You should try to be a little clearly.

Anyhow, nice to know Dagger can't lay a finger on me as far as platform goes. Thanks, Davi.
What the fuck is that list about?

Also, you shouldn't vote for Dagger for several reasons. The first is that the WWE section needs a mod like a eunuch needs a condom. JH, Nate and Nick do a damn fine job. The second is that even if the WWE section needed a mod, Dagger wouldn't be high on anyone's list but his own, ergo voting him in would be voting in a worse candidate for the job. Reason 3: He's not good enough. This one speaks for itself, Dagger is simply not good at anything. He sucks at making an RPG, he sucks at stimulating discussion, he sucks at debating and he'd suck as a moderator. Now I'm by no means a great poster but I can say without any shadow of a doubt that I'm better than Dagger. Reason 4: He's a bitch and an asshole. When people criticised his game he threw a hissy fit. When Tasty talked about why he won't be voting for him, he called him a liar in a thread that only three people can post in. How's he going to cope when he finds out that being a mod gets you no thanks and a lot of harassment? Reason 5: He's the worst candidate on offer. I'm not going to talk about Coco because as you can probably guess I'm biased. However in a vote between Crock and Dagger, for a WWE mod spot Crock is better in all areas. Is he perfect? No, but he's still damn good and, unlike Dagger hasn't been here for 3 years and still suck. Reason 6: He's an uninformed jackass. His reasoning for why Coco and Crock shouldn't be mods: They spend too much time posting spam and thinks the section's a waste of data. Calling something shit without knowing anything about it is an insult to intelligence and reasoned debate, which I cannot agree with. Reason 7: Everything posted in this thread.
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You said you don't know enough about me to have an opinion. As such, I reckon you're not informed enough to have a voice.

Examples of prejudiced language that are ignored by G-mods and admins have been brought to life. Surely you're not stupid enough to believe there are NO rules that need enforcing down here.

Your post at 11:43 eastern time leads me to believe otherwise. You should try to be a little clearly.

Anyhow, nice to know Dagger can't lay a finger on me as far as platform goes. Thanks, Davi.

It was poorly worded. What I meant was that I don't believe the spam sections need a mod, thus the lack of support for your platform. In fact, I don't really support the platform of any of the candidates. I did support Dagger's, when it was about one of the modless sections, but since he decided to switch to WWE, that support ended. I am not supporting any of the candidates based on their platform. I should not have singled you out in that post, I should have said I wasn't supporting any of the candidates based on platform. For that, I apologize for the lack of clarity.

With that being said, If you were running for mod in a section that I thought we had a need for, I would be supporting you, because your platform would have been the only one of the three that I saw the need in. I just don't see the need in the spam sections, given the number of mods who already visit with the power to take care of problems. The spam sections are where most of the existing mods already hang out, if it was as big a deal as you claim, what good is one more mod among many? Don't G-Mods pretty much have the power to infract/take care of business wherever they want? And barring that, KB certainly has the power, and he frequents the spam sections too...Lots of hammer power already there. You being a mod there would be like a cop bar, frequented by police officers, even if they are off-duty, hiring a bouncer. Redundant.

That's my objection to your platform. But, it's largely the same as my objections to both Dagger and Crock wanting a WWE Moderator spot as well. In my opinion, that matters to absolutely nobody but me, neither the WWE or spam sections would benefit from another mod all that much. So, being completely indifferent to the actual platforms, I have to use other criteria to determine who to support in the election. Dagger has acted more maturely, so he gets it. If he decides to come here, and lash out at all of his detractors the way they have lashed out at him, if he resorts in the same mudslinging as everyone else, my support for Dagger will completely vanish, and it will be a 3-way tie. Others may gain respect for Dagger for doing that, but I wouldn't. I only have the one vote, relatively insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it's mine to cast as I see fit.
Thanks for the apology.

Your objection to my platform has been debunked by multiple mods who have more insight than you into what the G-mods and admins ACTUALLY do in the spam zone. In an ideal world, your criticism would be dead on. But several mods see it as ignoring a gap in their team.
Wow, somehow I hadn't read Dagger's homophobic tirade before. The man sits around all day losing his jobs to "evil bitches", watching his puppies wither away because he can't hold a job, has likely spent more hours of his life playing shitty JRPG than anything else, and has decided that his career path is to be a fucking retail outlet salesman, and he thinks he has any clue what being "manly" is about? Lulz.
Hamler, Notorious, LSN, JWG have all been helped by Dagger. He encouraged them to post by giving them rep and also giving them a few tips on how to frame their posts. Also he recognized their potential when no one was giving a shit about them. Repping them also helped because people do tend to notice other people here on the basis of rep. I am not saying that what they are on this forum is only due to Dagger but he has done his bit.

Just saw this.

Really? I HIGHLY doubt it, dawg. LSN was a self-made man, Hamler was impacted more by his CLS time, and the whole "nobody gave a shit" argument is ******ed. I've been a fan of JWG and Notorious for a long time and rep them quite often, they're my buddies, don't get it twisted, dude. I don't go around saying, "HI GUYS I REPPED 'SO AND SO' TODAY!" because that would be asinine, but I'm a regular repper and I don't actually think it means all that much. Yeah, it's a nice little token when you're new, but some people don't care about it. Rep doesn't mean much, hell, I rarely look at someone's rep bar and say, "Oh, he has a rep power of 5, I'll choose to notice him today!"

That's such misguided drivel.
I've shared many a PM and rep comment with Crock. I like to think I made him the man he is today. Who would you rather vote for: The student or the mastah?
Didn't you get the memo, Crock? You and Coco only ever troll and flame people. You only ever send red rep. Dagger and his supporters said so! Dagger actually green reps people, HE WILL SAVE THE FORUMS!
I gave DirtyJose the first red rep he ever received on here.

Hey, Dirty: Who are you voting for come election day?
And that red rep changed my life for the better.

As for who I will be voting for, it will be the candidate I feel is best suited for the job. Naturally.
DirtyJosé;3628158 said:
Didn't you get the memo, Crock? You and Coco only ever troll and flame people. You only ever send red rep. Dagger and his supporters said so! Dagger actually green reps people, HE WILL SAVE THE FORUMS!


This is all a front for the return of FuryOf5 to get revenge on me for all those red reps.
Oh, and another thing about Dagger:

I read somewhere that he hasn't been here to defend himself and is dragging his ass in the debate thread because of work and such shit. This makes me laugh because another keystone in his campaign is that he's the kind of go-getter that'll mod from work on his lunch breaks and such. He doesn't seem to be living up to his word on that so far. Furthermore, I have to wonder what his employers must think of Dagger rushing off to check an internet forum every chance he gets.

InB4: He gets let go for constantly being on the forums at work and claims it was just because his boss didn't want him to become mod.

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