Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

Results are only viewable after voting.
I can't be bothered to Multiquote, so I will paraphrase some things that have been said and respond.

Tastycles is only turning on Dagger Dias because he's in the David French Party

I don't know even who David French is. I have no idea who the candidates other than Coco were. I've been in the subforum a grand total of once. I joined because I thought Coco was the best candidate around. I have made precisely 0 disparaging comments about Crock. If it became a two horse race by the time I vote between Crock and Dagger, I'd vote Crock. I have no issue with Crock. Crock's welcome thread in the board room would get a hearty "Congratulations!" from me. If you've decided against Coco, vote Crock, for the love of Mod.

People are jealous of Dagger Dias

Are you fucking joking? The majority of people who are criticising are either a) mods, b) mods in waiting, c)ex-mods or d) openly reject being a mod. Fucking Milenko is taking the piss out of him. Milenko.

Mods opinions don't count for any more than anyone else's

That's the horse I've been flogging for almost 4 years. My opinion is worth no more than anyone on the forum. I'm not doubting Dias' ability to win thanks to the votes of so-called lesser posters, and that's all fair with the rules as they are. The problem is that the people who are actually active members of this forum are the ones that are affected by this election. Their vote is equal, but I can't say I blame them in trying to sway it away from someone who is going to win based on the votes of people who are not going to be affected by it. Saying the mods don't like him is a different matter. On the whole the board room is an agreeable place for all concerned, I'd like it to remain so. Should you listen? It's up to you.

Nobody's opinion is objectively more important than anyone else's, but there's no reason not to subjectively hold someone's views with greater gravity. I value the opinion of my friends more than people I don't like. I value the opinions of people voting for a reason and with passion than those who aren't.

I'm in ABC, I have to vote Dias









There's a Conspiracy

Of all of the mods currently serving, Ty Burna is the only one I've ever spoken to in a social context. It was about boxing games on the Xbox on MSN about 3 years ago after some people left a mass chat. If there's a conspiracy, it didn't get me or any of the mods after me (because I'd have to be in on it, naturally) into the board room. Let me just show you the list of regular mods to see how many have been mods longer than me:

Dagger helps new posters along

Prove it. Prove one poster who has gotten better thanks to Dagger Dias.

There's plenty of reasons not to vote for Dagger - most people in here have different ones - but let me give you another practical one. Dagger thinks he's some sort of relentless debater. What he means by that is that he gets bogged down in tedious arguments that I doubt even the participants are interested in. How is he going to cope in the WWE section when he, because he can't let go, has to respond to PMs like this all day:


The fact remains though, all of this is bunkum. The question is still for the Dagger supporters:

What can Dagger offer that Coco and Crock can't?

Not a single person has given a reason to vote for him, just reasons not to not vote for him.
I can't be bothered to Multiquote, so I will paraphrase some things that have been said and respond.

Tastycles is only turning on Dagger Dias because he's in the David French Party

I don't know even who David French is. I have no idea who the candidates other than Coco were. I've been in the subforum a grand total of once. I joined because I thought Coco was the best candidate around. I have made precisely 0 disparaging comments about Crock. If it became a two horse race by the time I vote between Crock and Dagger, I'd vote Crock. I have no issue with Crock. Crock's welcome thread in the board room would get a hearty "Congratulations!" from me. If you've decided against Coco, vote Crock, for the love of Mod.

People are jealous of Dagger Dias

Are you fucking joking? The majority of people who are criticising are either a) mods, b) mods in waiting, c)ex-mods or d) openly reject being a mod. Fucking Milenko is taking the piss out of him. Milenko.

Mods opinions don't count for any more than anyone else's

That's the horse I've been flogging for almost 4 years. My opinion is worth no more than anyone on the forum. I'm not doubting Dias' ability to win thanks to the votes of so-called lesser posters, and that's all fair with the rules as they are. The problem is that the people who are actually active members of this forum are the ones that are affected by this election. Their vote is equal, but I can't say I blame them in trying to sway it away from someone who is going to win based on the votes of people who are not going to be affected by it. Saying the mods don't like him is a different matter. On the whole the board room is an agreeable place for all concerned, I'd like it to remain so. Should you listen? It's up to you.

Nobody's opinion is objectively more important than anyone else's, but there's no reason not to subjectively hold someone's views with greater gravity. I value the opinion of my friends more than people I don't like. I value the opinions of people voting for a reason and with passion than those who aren't.

I'm in ABC, I have to vote Dias









There's a Conspiracy

Of all of the mods currently serving, Ty Burna is the only one I've ever spoken to in a social context. It was about boxing games on the Xbox on MSN about 3 years ago after some people left a mass chat. If there's a conspiracy, it didn't get me or any of the mods after me (because I'd have to be in on it, naturally) into the board room. Let me just show you the list of regular mods to see how many have been mods longer than me:

Dagger helps new posters along

Prove it. Prove one poster who has gotten better thanks to Dagger Dias.

There's plenty of reasons not to vote for Dagger - most people in here have different ones - but let me give you another practical one. Dagger thinks he's some sort of relentless debater. What he means by that is that he gets bogged down in tedious arguments that I doubt even the participants are interested in. How is he going to cope in the WWE section when he, because he can't let go, has to respond to PMs like this all day:

The fact remains though, all of this is bunkum. The question is still for the Dagger supporters:

What can Dagger offer that Coco and Crock can't?

Not a single person has given a reason to vote for him, just reasons not to not vote for him.

"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Tastycles again."

Keep fighting the good fight.
I still can't figure out why people feel like the long time posters, the veterans, the respected posters, the mods or former mods, feel like their votes or their opinions count so much more than anyone else. If that was the case, never mind the election, just have them appoint a mod of their choosing as has always been done before. People knew the rules of this thing before it started. If you don't like the rules, don't participate. As I see it, when Dagger wins, he will have to do his job effectively. If he doesn't, if he's the scourge of the forums as some of you suggest, he'll get demodded anyway (not that I expect that to happen). And if Coco, the poor helpless victim of all of this injustice is as good as you all say, and there is such a dire need for a spam mod anyway, the admins can always appoint him to the staff later anyway. It's not like it is he end of the world if Dagger wins and if Coco or Crock loses. People have been taking this contest way too seriously and personally if you ask me.

Don't be silly, our opinions matter more because we're smarter. We didn't get to be the respected posters through time served, we became the most respected posters because we're also the smartest posters.

If your best argument for voting for Dagger is because, "He's the candidate of the little guy," then maybe you should consider offing yourself. I'm pretty sure that's how George W. Bush won two elections.

You may be correct about the need for a spam mod, although personally I'm not totally sold on that. But if there really is a need, I'm sure the admins will appoint Coco to the position, after the election. I sure hope he and Dagger get along OK in the board room ;)

How ignorant can you be? Seriously... you continuously ignore facts and well informed opinions... and you still reject everything simply because you want to. I've met more open-minded religious fundamentalists than you.

Spam posts in non-spam sections make up only a fraction of the mess the mods have to clean up on this site, we also need to clean up prejudiced language, flaming other posters, duplicate topics, posts in the wrong sections, etc.

Do you know what section has the most posts in it? No, it's not the WWE section. It's the General Spam Discussion, followed by the Wrestling Spam Zone. And you know what? Apart from the spam rules, all of the rest of WrestleZone's rules apply in those sections, and they are broken constantly and need to be cleaned up.

And how about the Live Discussions? In just about every PPV LD someone asks for a stream. That's illegal, and needs to be infracted and deleted. We've had trouble with racist or homophobic language in the LDs in the past. That's illegal, and needs to be infracted and deleted. We've had advertising, flaming, and every type of rule broken, and all of it needs to be infracted and deleted.

KB and Sly have bigger things to worry about than deleting posts, and X, jmt, and D-Man can't be dedicated to working the spam sections.

So tell me, Habs, why aren't you sold?
You're a fucking moron if you are seriously unable to separate the ideas of using a consensus opinion on a wrestling forum as a model for charting a 2,000,000 strong television audience, and using the consensus opinion on a wrestling forum as a model for charting opinion on aforementioned wrestling forum.

I can easily separate them but you don't have a consensus. You are using a majority rules scenario from one thread as evidence of consensus on a forum. What is this thread something like 15-5 in favor of your ideas? There are literally 23,321 members on this site. In the primary elections Dagger consistently got more votes than anyone. Why is a larger sample size that crushes your theories ignored?

Even worse you can't even verify most of the information you keep referring to. You keep repeating second and third hand information. Can you believe Dagger had the audacity to send PMs for votes? I remember getting more PMs from you to join your quest for Coco than I do from Dagger (I only remember one from him and that was to alert me a poll was up for a primary that I didn't vote for him in). You on the other hand I remember at least two, the second of which you told me something along the lines of how disappointed you were that I passed up the grand opportunity you offered me to suck up to Norcal. Now how would I get the some of my "crazy" ideas from such an exchange?

The limitless quantity of people of the mindset that Dagger totally sucks are indeed relevant.

Common sense clearly says the quantity is indeed limited. Just another distorted exaggeration by Coco's campaign manager.

As for the rest; give me a break. You're the one who is reliably bemoaning the "social hierarchy". You talk about the ethereal silent majority, sneered at by spam posters. You regularly go on about the "Old Guard" ignoring or looking down upon new posters to preserve their status... and then you accuse everyone else of peddling conspiracy theories. Seriously?

I don't recall saying it was about preserving their status. It is about being egocentric and the search for acceptance.

On the subject of faulty logic, do you honestly see how laughable it is for you to be arguing that people don't appear to have a valid reason to hate Dagger in a thread full of people explaining in detail why they hate Dagger. Come to think of it, you seem to be displaying an undiscovered talent for interpreting people's motivation in clear contrast to what they are actually saying with your newest envy theory.

Where the hell is all the detail? Who besides Tasty has provided real details? The criteria for the hate is ridiculous and unequally applied. Why else would people hate him for following the well posted rules of the election? The way the report button is used is why people hate someone? That is absurd. Since when are mods supposed to bring board room business out into the forums? Since when are bar room feuds supposed to be brought out into the rest of the forum?

If I had to guess as to a part of Dagger's success it might just be not throwing that Ba-bomb guy under the proverbial bus for having the audacity to try without being name brand. If that is the case then what has happened here is interesting indeed.

One final myth I'd like to address is this so called need argument. If there was a need the powers that be would have addressed it. Arguing one place needs it more than another is silly IMO.

I like Coco, quite a bit actually, but how serious do you really expect him to take this? The enjoyment of Coco related products tends to decrease when he overdoes it and this situation has overdo me written all over it. You really think something magical is going to happen in the boardroom because they elect Coco in a campaign he spent much of joking around? I am sure Sly will immediately cede control of at least half his duties to Coco and make no attempt to get him to fall in line.
A lot of respected posters who I really like have come in here and spoken negatively of either Dagger's modship or Dagger himself. Coco, Gelgarin, Nate, SNS, GD, GSB, Nick, Justin, Tastycles, and SSC have all spoken in this thread as detractors of Dagger.

I don't care about Dagger either way. In fact, we've never had a negative word for one another. I think he's a nice guy. Being a mod isn't in his best interest. No one else likes him. No one. Why would he want the spot? Then again, I socially converse with very few mods, so I guess popularity doesn't mean much inside the Board Room.

I'm voting Coco because I think we're in for one fuck of a ride once his name goes bold. Dagger will provide zero flash, and as much as I like Crock, I doubt his winning this competition brings much entertainment value. I won't complain if Dagger wins, because I don't care, but Coco is easily the best poster this election has to offer.

For his sake, I hope Dagger loses.
Dagger's latest debate post only goes to further the idea that in his mind spam zones are really only there for flaming and trashing other posters. He literally attacks not only Coco and Crock but also most of the staff on this. Go read it. He actually accuses staff members of merely checking for spam and then running off to the spam zones like a teenager hiding behind the school yard to smoke dope. I get that he feels that's how he has to proceed; if I were in his ear right now I'd probably agree that he has few real options to campaign against Coco and Crock. But seriously, his answers are shit. Crock's response, while a little light, totally blew off all of his talk of "driving discussion" by highlighting that most Dagger threads are lucky to get past page one.
I would like to see someone provide one legitimate reason stating why spam posting is inferior to non-spam posting.
This is an interesting thread when you keep it all in perspective. Here's how I see it.

There's been talk of the dissolution of the ABC Party. Yet throughout the thread, I have seen several guys from the ABC Party continue to maintain their support for Dagger. A couple of guys have indicated that they intend to keep their options open, but these guys have stated that they still haven't ruled out voting for Dagger. Most of the ABC guys have chosen to stay silent, however they will not be silent come election time. I expect 40+ of the 48-49 guys who voted in the primaries to stay on Dagger's side. Of course all of us are simultaneously elitist and noobs, depending on who you listen to and in what context, which doesn't seem to make sense to me. I still haven't figured out where the notion came from that our party is made up of all new guys. Look at the roster, that's simply not true. I mean how could we all be a bunch of noobs, after all, we are a bunch of elitists after all.

A lot of respected posters who I really like have come in here and spoken negatively of either Dagger's modship or Dagger himself. Coco, Gelgarin, Nate, SNS, GD, GSB, Nick, Justin, Tastycles, and SSC have all spoken in this thread as detractors of Dagger. But let's call a spade a spade. These guys all belong to the David French Party, so they'd all be voting for Coco regardless of who opposes him. So as much as I respect their opinions (well, most of them anyway), having them campaign against the ABC Party and Dagger specifically is hardly a newsflash.

Same goes for Mozz, Harthan, RDV, Crock,and Milenko. Detractors of Dagger who just happen to belong to La Resistance and are likely Crock supporters. Again, all due respect, but I would expect nothing less.

Jose, JGlass, D-Man, Doc, and Megatron don't belong to either party and they have spoken against Dagger as mod. That's their prerogative obviously, but at the end of the day, that's 5 votes. Simply put, despite the passion of the Dagger opponents in this thread, I see very few votes going against Dagger except for guys who were going to vote for guys in their own parties in all likelihood anyway.

I still can't figure out why people feel like the long time posters, the veterans, the respected posters, the mods or former mods, feel like their votes or their opinions count so much more than anyone else. If that was the case, never mind the election, just have them appoint a mod of their choosing as has always been done before. People knew the rules of this thing before it started. If you don't like the rules, don't participate. As I see it, when Dagger wins, he will have to do his job effectively. If he doesn't, if he's the scourge of the forums as some of you suggest, he'll get demodded anyway (not that I expect that to happen). And if Coco, the poor helpless victim of all of this injustice is as good as you all say, and there is such a dire need for a spam mod anyway, the admins can always appoint him to the staff later anyway. It's not like it is he end of the world if Dagger wins and if Coco or Crock loses. People have been taking this contest way too seriously and personally if you ask me.

For Dagger's sake, I'd stop supporting him in these threads. Everything you touch turns to shit. Now if only your meaningless prose could translate into something else, you'd finally find a calling in life as a casino cooler.
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I would like to see someone provide one legitimate reason stating why spam posting is inferior to non-spam posting.

It isn't. In the end, it's the quality that counts.




Which has better discussion?

By the way, I would definably close that first one. It's attracting nothing but negative feedback and spam (the bad kind) and it's fantasy booking. Which would technically go on the Book This! section if the OP had actual detail.

Mods opinions don't count for any more than anyone else's

That's the horse I've been flogging for almost 4 years. My opinion is worth no more than anyone on the forum. I'm not doubting Dias' ability to win thanks to the votes of so-called lesser posters, and that's all fair with the rules as they are. The problem is that the people who are actually active members of this forum are the ones that are affected by this election. Their vote is equal, but I can't say I blame them in trying to sway it away from someone who is going to win based on the votes of people who are not going to be affected by it. Saying the mods don't like him is a different matter. On the whole the board room is an agreeable place for all concerned, I'd like it to remain so. Should you listen? It's up to you.

Nobody's opinion is objectively more important than anyone else's, but there's no reason not to subjectively hold someone's views with greater gravity. I value the opinion of my friends more than people I don't like. I value the opinions of people voting for a reason and with passion than those who aren't.

I really want to know how Dagger will affect the regulars of this forum. Dagger cannot really abuse his powers without getting de-modded and he has shown no inclination so far to abuse his powers. Most people might be trying to paint Dagger as this bad guy, but the truth is that he hardly socializes on here. He hardly knows any poster personally. He has hardly talked in the bar room. He is much more neutral towards you than anyone else.

Dagger helps new posters along

Prove it. Prove one poster who has gotten better thanks to Dagger Dias.

Hamler, Notorious, LSN, JWG have all been helped by Dagger. He encouraged them to post by giving them rep and also giving them a few tips on how to frame their posts. Also he recognized their potential when no one was giving a shit about them. Repping them also helped because people do tend to notice other people here on the basis of rep. I am not saying that what they are on this forum is only due to Dagger but he has done his bit.

The question is have Coco or Crock done the same. Sure, I hear they may have helped a few people out in WZCW with their RP's but Dagger's contribution in this regard is MUCH MUCH MUCH more than that of Crock or Coco.

The fact remains though, all of this is bunkum. The question is still for the Dagger supporters:

What can Dagger offer that Coco and Crock can't?

Not a single person has given a reason to vote for him, just reasons not to not vote for him.

Not be a dick. Tell me something. Why have people voted for DD ahead of quite a few great posters so far? Do you think they have no reason for doing so?

The reason is that Dagger has always helped them out. He learned the Rep for encourgement thing from NSL and he is following suit. He has been doing so for a long time, much before there was any talk of the election, and it is just paying off now. Maybe people would have voted for Coco had he not been such a dick. Crock is generally a dick to any new poster who isn't top notch. As Sly and KB said on the very first day, this is a popularity contest and maybe Dagger is just plain more popular than either Coco or Crock.

I would also like to say that I did not vote Dagger in the primaries so I am not really a blind supporter lest you start labelling me as such.
Crock's response, while a little light, totally blew off all of his talk of "driving discussion" by highlighting that most Dagger threads are lucky to get past page one.

All those threads belonged to the Music and the Video Game sections. Two sections Dagger isn't interested in modding at the moment and two sections wherein threads get very few responses anyway.
Hamler, Notorious, LSN, JWG have all been helped by Dagger. He encouraged them to post by giving them rep and also giving them a few tips on how to frame their posts. Also he recognized their potential when no one was giving a shit about them. Repping them also helped because people do tend to notice other people here on the basis of rep. I am not saying that what they are on this forum is only due to Dagger but he has done his bit.

Same with Coco and I. My posts were average at best and one day Coco repped me and offered me advice via PM and by listening to him and JGlass to a certain extent, I believe I've improved. Simply put, they encouraged me to be myself when posting and judging by the rep, it's working.
All those threads belonged to the Music and the Video Game sections. Two sections Dagger isn't interested in modding at the moment and two sections wherein threads get very few responses anyway.

Excuse me, but doesn't he mention at every chance that Video Games is a sections he has big plans for, and a section that he wants to have power over as well as the WWE zones? Many people are surprised that he's chose to run for WWE mod because of the fact that his primary interests and the base of most all of his knowledge is in gaming. Dagger has been trying for years to be a big name in the Video Games section, and he has yet to find success doing so. His best thread there is a music thread, and it's basically just a spam thread.
Don't be silly, our opinions matter more because we're smarter. We didn't get to be the respected posters through time served, we became the most respected posters because we're also the smartest posters.

First of all, I think I owe you an apology. I think throughout this thread, and certainly in this quoted paragraph, I missed the fact that you were simply being facetious. I thought some of your earlier comments were serious, but now I know you are speaking largely tongue in cheek.

How ignorant can you be? Seriously... you continuously ignore facts and well informed opinions... and you still reject everything simply because you want to. I've met more open-minded religious fundamentalists than you.

Spam posts in non-spam sections make up only a fraction of the mess the mods have to clean up on this site, we also need to clean up prejudiced language, flaming other posters, duplicate topics, posts in the wrong sections, etc.

Do you know what section has the most posts in it? No, it's not the WWE section. It's the General Spam Discussion, followed by the Wrestling Spam Zone. And you know what? Apart from the spam rules, all of the rest of WrestleZone's rules apply in those sections, and they are broken constantly and need to be cleaned up.

And how about the Live Discussions? In just about every PPV LD someone asks for a stream. That's illegal, and needs to be infracted and deleted. We've had trouble with racist or homophobic language in the LDs in the past. That's illegal, and needs to be infracted and deleted. We've had advertising, flaming, and every type of rule broken, and all of it needs to be infracted and deleted.

KB and Sly have bigger things to worry about than deleting posts, and X, jmt, and D-Man can't be dedicated to working the spam sections.

So tell me, Habs, why aren't you sold?

Spare me the name calling, and let's stick to the point. I'm not ignoring facts, I guess my perception of what you call facts differs from yours. It's called freedom of expression and difference of opinion.

I'm well aware of all of the tasks that the staff have to contend with in the various spam zones. And I'm also aware that they have been doing so for quite some time now without a specific spam mod. And I think that with all of the staff doing their respective jobs, they can continue to do so without a specific mod for this section. One point that I should make is that I am not particularly opposed to the concept of a spam mod per se. I just don't think it is the top priority, and I question the guy running for the spot, which is my prerogative the last time I checked.

That's why I am not sold, now let me pose some questions back to you. Why are you so vehemently opposed to Dagger becoming a mod? You seem, more so than anyone not directly involved, to have really made this a personal agenda of yours. Granted that's your right, but I can't help but wonder. I would expect Coco and his party supporters to attack Dagger (although not to the extent that has happened, but I digress). That's not a dig, that's part of an election process, with Coco and his guys attacking his opponent. Same goes for Crock and his guys. But you have no direct party affiliation, yet have been attacking Dagger really aggressively for days, and I can't help but wonder why that is? Why do you care so much either way? If Coco is such a great candidate as you claim, and there is such a dire need for a spam mod, his time will come anyway, by conventional means, so what's the big deal? I have no doubt that Crock's time will come too, and deservedly so, I'm a big fan of Crock and I think he knows that, even though in all likelihood he won't receive my vote here.

When Dagger wins, he'll have to learn then ropes like everyone else, and I'm sure he'll make mistakes along the way. Two of my favorite mods on here are LSN and IDR, and I don't think either of them would be offended by the suggestion that they had to learn on the fly at first, that at first weren't as strong as they both have clearly become. The same suggestion was made about Doc. I personally don't ever remember him being a poor mod at the beginning, but others on here, himself included, have suggested as much. But he became a tremendous mod. So when Dagger wins, if he needs a little time like these three did, so what?

Same applies to yourself, with all due respect. I think you have become a very effective moderator, but I would respectfully suggest that you had share of growing pains at the start too. You were cut some slack and became a good mod. Why doesn't Dagger deserve the same leeway? I just don't understand the venom unleashed his way, before he has even been given the opportunity to sink or swim. If he fails, he'll get demodded, no harm no foul (not that I see this coming). If he succeeds, all the better. If he earns then opportunity to try via this election, why do you have such firm opposition to it?
Habs, as much as I respect you trying to stand by your parties candidate, I just can't get over the fact that you've shown infinitely more passion and determination to get Dagger elected than he has.

I mean, I'm not jumping on the "I Hate Dagger" band wagon at all. I still think that Coco is the best candidate for mod. But Dagger needs to be here. Why is that you're the one defending him when he's even participating in the debates? I mean, maybe there is good reason for that but it comes with a whole world of reasons as why Coco, or even Crock, would make a more dedicated moderator.
Perhaps it's because Dagger feels that he is in a no-win situation. He has been often accused of being hot headed, and this entire thread is designed entirely to provoke a reaction out of him. It shows he is smart enough to sense a trap. What would happen if Dagger started posted here? He would be totally ganged up on, just like everyone is already doing without his presence. Nothing Dagger could say is going to change anyone's mind about anything, so why should he waste his time?

By staying out of the mudslinging, Dagger is showing a maturity that frankly, a lot of people seem to be missing. It's one of the reasons why I am still leaning towards Dagger, despite not believing that the WWE sections need yet another mod. Dagger is hot headed? He isn't the one behaving like a child.
Yeah, Dave, what Davi323 said.

I thought this election was supposed to be a fun contest to try to elect someone as mod by unconventional means. It has gotten way more personal than I expected. I mean, there are guys I support and guys I do not, but there have been no personal attacks from me either way.
I already told Dagger that he needs to stick up for himself if he want's my support. I'll give him time. I believe he can straighten himself out, but he has yet to show me otherwise. Part of proving people wrong is fighting this no-win situation. Trying to give us a reason to vote for him even when shot down is better than not giving one at all.
DirtyJosé;3627200 said:
Excuse me, but doesn't he mention at every chance that Video Games is a sections he has big plans for, and a section that he wants to have power over as well as the WWE zones? Many people are surprised that he's chose to run for WWE mod because of the fact that his primary interests and the base of most all of his knowledge is in gaming. Dagger has been trying for years to be a big name in the Video Games section, and he has yet to find success doing so. His best thread there is a music thread, and it's basically just a spam thread.

That's true, but you have to judge the success or the failure of the thread according to the section at hand. Very few threads in the VG&T section get more responses and anyone who is honest would have to admit that Dagger tries his hardest to think of some new topics for that section.

Also the topics that Crock dug up were discussions on a specific game which further hinders the possibility of discussion because it would really depend on how many people have played that game. Look at the thread he made on favorite villians in games also recently but was not used by Crock in his debate because it did not serve his purpose. It is a more inclusive topic and thereby has generated at least some discussion.
I already told Dagger that he needs to stick up for himself if he want's my support. I'll give him time. I believe he can straighten himself out, but he has yet to show me otherwise. Part of proving people wrong is fighting this no-win situation. Trying to give us a reason to vote for him even when shot down is better than not giving one at all.

He has already responded to Tastycles in his debate.
There really has been an interesting thread to read. People defending/attacking someone not here; arguments over the worst kind of minutiae - basically, everything bar the actual matters at hand and ignoring of the actual points brought up by the OP and others when it suits. And on top of that, telling others that their own personal thoughts even if they are influenced by events rather than just hearing of stories about the candidates are meaningless, when in fact it is those personal thoughts that will make people vote the way they will vote.

And some people think Slyfox is not a master of trolling...

And before anyone says anything about my leanings, I have long since distanced myself from the whole election process. Was I contacted about giving my support? Yes, but I immediately told that person that I would not be voting for him or anyone else and I will be keeping to that.

Anyhoo, since it was brought up here, I find the whole spam vs non spam poster to be strange, almost counter-intuitive.

Collect together a list of all the best posters on this forum and you will find that the vast majority of them spend the vast majority of their time posting spam. Off the top of my head, I can only think of the likes of Jack-Hammer and Rayne who post more non-spam than spam.

Whereas it is quite often the "try hards" and "poorer" posters who feel the need to either spam up the non-spam sections or fill it full of posts that copy or repeat arguments that have already been made.

Of course, I might just be saying this as I am predominantly a spam poster.

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