The likes of Hamler and LSN have benefitted from him.
If I remember correctly, LSN only ever came to prominence off the back of his Cigar Lounge group and the support of a few mods and non-spam posters who liked his style. While Dagger may have been one of those guys, he certainly wasn't the only one, nor was he the biggest supporter.
Furthermore, I know for fact that I was one of the very first posters to take Hamler under the wing. I can't take responsibility for his work in the last year or so, going back to his CLS days and before; that's all him. But to suggest that somehow Dagger helped him turn it all around is bullshit.
And as you would be knowing this was around the time when there was no talk of any election and the surest way of becoming a mod seemed to be becoming BFF's with the upper echelon of the forum. Like Crock has been accused of doing.
The surest way of becoming a mod always, to me, seemed to be to establish yourself as a capable regular poster with the time to spare for the job and an understanding of the rules. I can't claim to know either man's warning or infraction records, but I also don't see any other mods trotting out claims like JGlass made regarding Dagger's near-abuse of the report button. Tasty pointed out Lee's joke "how to be a mod" thread; I remember that thread well, and I totally see Dagger playing into it. Ambition to be a mod isn't a total bad thing, and I don't think we should be shitting on anyone for that alone, but I just respect Crock's approach more than I have Dagger's.
The other thing that I find funny is this talk about Dagger's game. If his game was shit why didn't most guys tell him so when his game was released. Nope, most waited a total of 8 months before jumping on him in Mozzy's thread to give him constructive criticism. While the likes of Dirty and Doc were probably trying to do that, the others were just piling on and trying to get a rise out of Dagger. But I doubt if anyone in the forum, most of them who are Coco supporters and wannabe Coco's would want to admit that.
Ok, so having been a part of that whole fiasco, I do have to agree that there were people there just to be a part of the feeding frenzy. However, to claim that people who waited months to say anything were only waiting because they were trolls is inaccurate. Dagger had been pushing that game for a long long time. I remember checking out info on it just after getting to know him around here, and I have to admit that I thought it looked like garbage. But, to answer your question, should I have told him then? No. Beyond not wanting just to shit on him for the sake of shitting on him, he hadn't asked for feedback on it from me so I wasn't going to disrespect him like that. It was only after it's release when he started plugging more and asking for thoughts.
This whole idea of Coco being the center of all negativity on this board is total shit. "Coco supporters and wannabe Coco's"? What the hell is that shit? People have made fun of other people for YEARS, probably since the dawn of man, and certainly before there was the internet. Coco wasn't even a big part of that whole event, so how is your description relevant? That was more of a Mozz thing, who is certainly NOT a "wannabe Coco".
There is a simple reason for voting for Dagger. When a poster will get flamed in the bar room, Coco and Crock will try to pile on. Dagger is the guy that will bat for you. He may fail but he will try. The sadist Coco will jerk off to your plight and the wannabe cool dude Crock will not understand a lick of what is going on but will support the trolls coz that is the cool thing to do.
This is ridiculously sad. Go look up most of the flame threads from the Bar Room. Go on. Go look up the old "calling out" style threads that really don't pop up that often. Go look up all the "fuck you mods" style threads that usually turn around on their starters, and why not, include all the "fuck you all" style threads too. Coco isn't usually involved in that kind of shit. When Coco wants to ride somebody, he does it in his own way and usually in his own threads.
And then there's Crock. Like myself, Crock more or less likes this place, and so he and I both are attracted to the fail-trolls, the "forum heels", the Jenks', the Bill Lesnars, the bigots, and the idiots. In fact, you claim he just "supports the trolls", but more often than not we are jumping on a wannabe troll or troll-like ******** (see also: Jenks, Furyof5). I guess I get why you would think this way, with your early days in the forums being smacked around for a bit by these guys, but if you are honest with yourself you'd also understand that you were a MUCH MUCH MUCH shittier poster then than you are now, and that you brought a lot of it onto yourself.
Finally, for the record, since you've looked up all those old threads like I've asked you too, go look in them for these instances of Dagger "sticking up" for anyone. I certainly can't remember it ever happening. I can certainly picture him sending a PM of support, maybe saying something like "just ignore it" or whatever, but that's hardly "going to bat for you", is it? Most of the time Dagger just ignores those sections because he's another one of those "spam posters aren't good for anything" type of dudes.
And that's the kicker here; I'm ready to admit that there a number of spam posters who really only exist here to smear some shit around, but are you and your ilk mature and honest enough to admit that your generalizations of spam posters is total bullshit rooted in your juvenile senses of victimization? Are you ready to admit that many spam posters actually contribute to making these forums as awesome as they are? Because that's the core issue for me; it's the meat and potatoes of Dagger's campaign stance, and it's utter bullshit.
I guess JGlass should've added another poll option;
"I'm not voting for Dagger because he represents the ignorant belief that non-spam posters are superior to spam posters"
That probably best captures my words and actions regarding this whole election thus far.