Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

Results are only viewable after voting.
There's a rule that states that KB and Sly can deny candidacy if they see fit. If Dagger is so unapproved by the staff, why has said rule not been exercised? If he won't be appreciated on staff if he possibly win's, why make the ABC Party's candidacy spot seem so hopeless by keeping him on 'till the end? What if he wins? The ABC guys plan to support him. Hell, I might too. I have a commitment. He did have a large number of votes on the primaries. Are you gonna keep him around despite being disapproved of from the get-go when the spotlight can be on someone with a better shot on the party? Dagger went over me, Habs and Murkley to get to where he is. Is that all gonna go in vain?
If I were to make a logical guess, I would imagine that when Dagger wins, KB and Sly will allow him to join the staff. In the rules, they said that they reserve the right to withhold the mod position if someone is not taking things seriously and is making a mockery of the process. This doesn't apply to Dagger. Just because some of the existing staff members don't like Dagger hardly seems like reason enough to prevent his modship which he will have won fair and square.
Dagger's seriousness will become the bane of Sly and KB's existence. Or a great target for pranks. Only time will tell.

I say time will tell because he's definitely got this locked up. And don't you forget it.
I heard it was by a considerable margin, how did he do it?
I have no idea. I left during the holidays and when I came back, he has over 30 votes to Hab's 9 and whatever unlucky fucker decided to support me.
If I were to make a logical guess, I would imagine that when Dagger wins, KB and Sly will allow him to join the staff. In the rules, they said that they reserve the right to withhold the mod position if someone is not taking things seriously and is making a mockery of the process. This doesn't apply to Dagger. Just because some of the existing staff members don't like Dagger hardly seems like reason enough to prevent his modship which he will have won fair and square.

They also said the winner was not guaranteed the spot period.
This is the only thing officially posted on the subject. Unless you got a promotion you have no "final say" at all. In fact, the rule seems to indicate that if the election is taken seriously, which it seems to be, no one has a final say at all.

"Taken seriously" can mean many different things. Being that I've been on staff for the past two years, I've realized that one interpretation would be to vote someone in who obviously isn't qualified. In other words, if a n00b or an extremely disliked poster somehow net-blew enough other posters to gain votes.

What a coincidence... Dagger's done that.
Full opinion on Dagger:

He seems to be a good guy. But he was Doc, a year and a half ago. Dude needs to go outside. Getting a mod spot shouldn't be a priority in life. If his anti-anti-Division Blade Crusade is a good judgment of his character, imagine what would happen if people criticized his time on staff. He's lose his fucking mind. I'm actually surprised he hasn't lost his shit all over the forums right now, considering the criticism he's already getting, but I'm sure he's doing it in private anyway.

He might have what it "takes" to be a clean-up mod, because anyone with thumbs can do that, but he's not right for generating discussion. He already tries to do that, and it fails every time. He's the reason the VG section is on life support.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3624472 said:
Full opinion on Dagger:

He seems to be a good guy. But he was Doc, a year and a half ago. Dude needs to go outside. Getting a mod spot shouldn't be a priority in life. If his anti-anti-Division Blade Crusade is a good judgment of his character, imagine what would happen if people criticized his time on staff. He's lose his fucking mind. I'm actually surprised he hasn't lost his shit all over the forums right now, considering the criticism he's already getting, but I'm sure he's doing it in private anyway.

He might have what it "takes" to be a clean-up mod, because anyone with thumbs can do that, but he's not right for generating discussion. He already tries to do that, and it fails every time. He's the reason the VG section is on life support.

You type and click with your thumbs? You're weird.
Glad to see someone else weigh in with some insight on why Dagger is a shitty candidate, so props to Tasty on that one.

As for the debate about whether Dagger would pass that "Right to refuse" rule... why even test fate? There are two other candidates who are completely worthy of being modded and winning this competition, and electing Dagger only to be rejected by Sly and/or KB would be robbing them of their opportunity.

Also: The whole debate about the merit of driving discussion is silly. Discussion will be driven regardless of mod involvement. A mod may make a post that is better informed and more interesting, but rarely do they make discussion any better.

If driving discussion is the mark of a good mod, I'm the best mod ever. Look at this thread; 140 posts in two days! Not to mention my Bar Room thread is always hosting great discussions between great posters, and my thread about The Rock never coming back to wrestle got tons of hits, despite the fact it was boldly wrong.

Of course, I'm not the best mod ever. I likely don't crack the top 50% (unless there were a lot of really really really shit mods). Because driving discussion doesn't mean jack.
DirtyJosé;3623524 said:
Getting newer folk to start participating by helping them out and showing them the ropes when it comes to the rules and the standards (ha!) around here? Great. Good. Awesome.

Engaging the newer folk around here by promising them rep (and making rep seem more important than it is) and getting them to click on a poll about something they know next to nothing about? Um...yeah.

You're wrong. Dagger has always supported the new posters around here. The likes of Hamler and LSN have benefitted from him. And as you would be knowing this was around the time when there was no talk of any election and the surest way of becoming a mod seemed to be becoming BFF's with the upper echelon of the forum. Like Crock has been accused of doing.

The other thing that I find funny is this talk about Dagger's game. If his game was shit why didn't most guys tell him so when his game was released. Nope, most waited a total of 8 months before jumping on him in Mozzy's thread to give him constructive criticism. While the likes of Dirty and Doc were probably trying to do that, the others were just piling on and trying to get a rise out of Dagger. But I doubt if anyone in the forum, most of them who are Coco supporters and wannabe Coco's would want to admit that.

There is a simple reason for voting for Dagger. When a poster will get flamed in the bar room, Coco and Crock will try to pile on. Dagger is the guy that will bat for you. He may fail but he will try. The sadist Coco will jerk off to your plight and the wannabe cool dude Crock will not understand a lick of what is going on but will support the trolls coz that is the cool thing to do.
The likes of Hamler and LSN have benefitted from him.

If I remember correctly, LSN only ever came to prominence off the back of his Cigar Lounge group and the support of a few mods and non-spam posters who liked his style. While Dagger may have been one of those guys, he certainly wasn't the only one, nor was he the biggest supporter.

Furthermore, I know for fact that I was one of the very first posters to take Hamler under the wing. I can't take responsibility for his work in the last year or so, going back to his CLS days and before; that's all him. But to suggest that somehow Dagger helped him turn it all around is bullshit.

And as you would be knowing this was around the time when there was no talk of any election and the surest way of becoming a mod seemed to be becoming BFF's with the upper echelon of the forum. Like Crock has been accused of doing.

The surest way of becoming a mod always, to me, seemed to be to establish yourself as a capable regular poster with the time to spare for the job and an understanding of the rules. I can't claim to know either man's warning or infraction records, but I also don't see any other mods trotting out claims like JGlass made regarding Dagger's near-abuse of the report button. Tasty pointed out Lee's joke "how to be a mod" thread; I remember that thread well, and I totally see Dagger playing into it. Ambition to be a mod isn't a total bad thing, and I don't think we should be shitting on anyone for that alone, but I just respect Crock's approach more than I have Dagger's.

The other thing that I find funny is this talk about Dagger's game. If his game was shit why didn't most guys tell him so when his game was released. Nope, most waited a total of 8 months before jumping on him in Mozzy's thread to give him constructive criticism. While the likes of Dirty and Doc were probably trying to do that, the others were just piling on and trying to get a rise out of Dagger. But I doubt if anyone in the forum, most of them who are Coco supporters and wannabe Coco's would want to admit that.

Ok, so having been a part of that whole fiasco, I do have to agree that there were people there just to be a part of the feeding frenzy. However, to claim that people who waited months to say anything were only waiting because they were trolls is inaccurate. Dagger had been pushing that game for a long long time. I remember checking out info on it just after getting to know him around here, and I have to admit that I thought it looked like garbage. But, to answer your question, should I have told him then? No. Beyond not wanting just to shit on him for the sake of shitting on him, he hadn't asked for feedback on it from me so I wasn't going to disrespect him like that. It was only after it's release when he started plugging more and asking for thoughts.

This whole idea of Coco being the center of all negativity on this board is total shit. "Coco supporters and wannabe Coco's"? What the hell is that shit? People have made fun of other people for YEARS, probably since the dawn of man, and certainly before there was the internet. Coco wasn't even a big part of that whole event, so how is your description relevant? That was more of a Mozz thing, who is certainly NOT a "wannabe Coco".

There is a simple reason for voting for Dagger. When a poster will get flamed in the bar room, Coco and Crock will try to pile on. Dagger is the guy that will bat for you. He may fail but he will try. The sadist Coco will jerk off to your plight and the wannabe cool dude Crock will not understand a lick of what is going on but will support the trolls coz that is the cool thing to do.

This is ridiculously sad. Go look up most of the flame threads from the Bar Room. Go on. Go look up the old "calling out" style threads that really don't pop up that often. Go look up all the "fuck you mods" style threads that usually turn around on their starters, and why not, include all the "fuck you all" style threads too. Coco isn't usually involved in that kind of shit. When Coco wants to ride somebody, he does it in his own way and usually in his own threads.

And then there's Crock. Like myself, Crock more or less likes this place, and so he and I both are attracted to the fail-trolls, the "forum heels", the Jenks', the Bill Lesnars, the bigots, and the idiots. In fact, you claim he just "supports the trolls", but more often than not we are jumping on a wannabe troll or troll-like ******** (see also: Jenks, Furyof5). I guess I get why you would think this way, with your early days in the forums being smacked around for a bit by these guys, but if you are honest with yourself you'd also understand that you were a MUCH MUCH MUCH shittier poster then than you are now, and that you brought a lot of it onto yourself.

Finally, for the record, since you've looked up all those old threads like I've asked you too, go look in them for these instances of Dagger "sticking up" for anyone. I certainly can't remember it ever happening. I can certainly picture him sending a PM of support, maybe saying something like "just ignore it" or whatever, but that's hardly "going to bat for you", is it? Most of the time Dagger just ignores those sections because he's another one of those "spam posters aren't good for anything" type of dudes.

And that's the kicker here; I'm ready to admit that there a number of spam posters who really only exist here to smear some shit around, but are you and your ilk mature and honest enough to admit that your generalizations of spam posters is total bullshit rooted in your juvenile senses of victimization? Are you ready to admit that many spam posters actually contribute to making these forums as awesome as they are? Because that's the core issue for me; it's the meat and potatoes of Dagger's campaign stance, and it's utter bullshit.

I guess JGlass should've added another poll option;

"I'm not voting for Dagger because he represents the ignorant belief that non-spam posters are superior to spam posters"

That probably best captures my words and actions regarding this whole election thus far.
DirtyJosé;3624706 said:
If I remember correctly, LSN only ever came to prominence off the back of his Cigar Lounge group and the support of a few mods and non-spam posters who liked his style. While Dagger may have been one of those guys, he certainly wasn't the only one, nor was he the biggest supporter.

Furthermore, I know for fact that I was one of the very first posters to take Hamler under the wing. I can't take responsibility for his work in the last year or so, going back to his CLS days and before; that's all him. But to suggest that somehow Dagger helped him turn it all around is bullshit.

Dagger's connection with LSN dates further back than the Cigar Lounge Society. I think that before LSN started that group Dagger kind of took LSN under his wing and encouraged his work. This is something you can verify from both LSN and Dagger.

As for Hamler, yes I know of your association with you but Dagger was someone who was close to him too without being a mentor of any sort. Hamler himself posted in a thread now locked inside the ABC party HQ that Dagger was one of the reasons that he stayed in the forums when he felt like quitting at a number of times. I'll post that post in a seperate post here.

The surest way of becoming a mod always, to me, seemed to be to establish yourself as a capable regular poster with the time to spare for the job and an understanding of the rules. I can't claim to know either man's warning or infraction records, but I also don't see any other mods trotting out claims like JGlass made regarding Dagger's near-abuse of the report button. Tasty pointed out Lee's joke "how to be a mod" thread; I remember that thread well, and I totally see Dagger playing into it. Ambition to be a mod isn't a total bad thing, and I don't think we should be shitting on anyone for that alone, but I just respect Crock's approach more than I have Dagger's.

I think that reporting posts thing is being played a bit out of the hand. Dagger did not do that to become mod, he just did not have a sound understanding of the rules back then. Now, you can talk about how he has joined the forums in 2008 but he will himself tell you that he did not start posting regularly till much later. He meant well even though it did annoy a lot of people. One thing I do know is that he has a better understanding of the rules now.

Ok, so having been a part of that whole fiasco, I do have to agree that there were people there just to be a part of the feeding frenzy. However, to claim that people who waited months to say anything were only waiting because they were trolls is inaccurate. Dagger had been pushing that game for a long long time. I remember checking out info on it just after getting to know him around here, and I have to admit that I thought it looked like garbage. But, to answer your question, should I have told him then? No. Beyond not wanting just to shit on him for the sake of shitting on him, he hadn't asked for feedback on it from me so I wasn't going to disrespect him like that. It was only after it's release when he started plugging more and asking for thoughts.

Him asking for thoughts on the game had nothing to do with that thread. People were annoyed with his posts in the VG&T tournament threads and it was a case of one thing leading to another. The Dagger flaming everyone thing also had to do with the VG&T threads where Mozz flamed him once and Dagger did not like it and so he brought his frustrations from that thread into this thread itself. I remember Dagger replying to Doc's post and it was rather calm and he seemed to admit his faults. Again, something about issues being made bigger than they are.

Also it's not about you, it is about the rest of the forum as well. I distinctly remember comments of people praising his game when it was released and saying it was a great gesture to involve some of them as characters in the game. Things turned southwards just when Mozz made that thread, which is probably a good indication of how things go in these forums.

This whole idea of Coco being the center of all negativity on this board is total shit. "Coco supporters and wannabe Coco's"? What the hell is that shit? People have made fun of other people for YEARS, probably since the dawn of man, and certainly before there was the internet. Coco wasn't even a big part of that whole event, so how is your description relevant? That was more of a Mozz thing, who is certainly NOT a "wannabe Coco".

Yeah, people have been making fun of other people for years but they do not ONLY make fun of other people, which is what Coco seems to do all the time. And yes this is specifically aimed at Coco and a few other trolls and wannabes like him, not the people who post in the spam sections. Another issue which is taken out of hand which I will address later.

As for what it means in this context, I am saying that all the Coco supporters who are using this incident to bash Dagger did not even notice Dagger before this thing. They are trying to make this sound as if Dagger is some perenially butthurt creature. Tell me, when did Dagger ever lose his cool before that thread. I have certainly not seen it happen. What happened to Dagger could have happened to a lot of other smarter people. Dagger lost his cool because people were piling on rather than genuinely trying to help him. Those that did, like Doc, were well responded to.

This is ridiculously sad. Go look up most of the flame threads from the Bar Room. Go on. Go look up the old "calling out" style threads that really don't pop up that often. Go look up all the "fuck you mods" style threads that usually turn around on their starters, and why not, include all the "fuck you all" style threads too. Coco isn't usually involved in that kind of shit. When Coco wants to ride somebody, he does it in his own way and usually in his own threads.

Yeah sure, I have seen multiple times when people have been bashed and Coco enters this threads, takes a look of what is going on and then makes a thread on the person who is being bashed to bash him seperately in his own manner. Real classy of him.

He is a part of every noticeable flame war that has ever taken place on this forum. Real classy achievement there.

And then there's Crock. Like myself, Crock more or less likes this place, and so he and I both are attracted to the fail-trolls, the "forum heels", the Jenks', the Bill Lesnars, the bigots, and the idiots. In fact, you claim he just "supports the trolls", but more often than not we are jumping on a wannabe troll or troll-like ******** (see also: Jenks, Furyof5). I guess I get why you would think this way, with your early days in the forums being smacked around for a bit by these guys, but if you are honest with yourself you'd also understand that you were a MUCH MUCH MUCH shittier poster then than you are now, and that you brought a lot of it onto yourself

Yep, I was a bad poster. But you want to know how I improved? By listening to people who were willing to help me out. Like Dagger. Like Killjoy. People who encouraged me on. Like Naitch. If it had been left to the likes of Crock, I would have never ever improved a lick. He is someone who can just pile on the misery, like a lot of the others.

Finally, for the record, since you've looked up all those old threads like I've asked you too, go look in them for these instances of Dagger "sticking up" for anyone. I certainly can't remember it ever happening. I can certainly picture him sending a PM of support, maybe saying something like "just ignore it" or whatever, but that's hardly "going to bat for you", is it? Most of the time Dagger just ignores those sections because he's another one of those "spam posters aren't good for anything" type of dudes.

And that's the kicker here; I'm ready to admit that there a number of spam posters who really only exist here to smear some shit around, but are you and your ilk mature and honest enough to admit that your generalizations of spam posters is total bullshit rooted in your juvenile senses of victimization? Are you ready to admit that many spam posters actually contribute to making these forums as awesome as they are? Because that's the core issue for me; it's the meat and potatoes of Dagger's campaign stance, and it's utter bullshit.

I guess JGlass should've added another poll option;

"I'm not voting for Dagger because he represents the ignorant belief that non-spam posters are superior to spam posters"

That probably best captures my words and actions regarding this whole election thus far.

I really would like to know your reasons for thinking of this distinction between spam and non spam posters. I for one feel that there is little difference between a good spam and a good non spam post. You need a good reason to back up your opinion in either section. In spam sections it is not a requirement but most of the good posts there do follow this norm. Another issue that has been taken out of hand.

Niether Dagger nor I are shitting on non spammers, we are shitting on trolls. I think that you can understand the difference between the two. Dagger knows that as well. That is why he is saying that Coco is a troll. You post in the spam sections more but I can assure you that Dagger will not label you as a troll.

And sure Dagger may not always go into a thread to battle trolls but that is because he believes that you should not feed the trolls. He gives encouragement from the sidelines which let me tell you, in a sticky situation, is much more encouraging than what it may seem to be. Crock and Coco never do that. They pile in.
Yeah, people have been making fun of other people for years but they do not ONLY make fun of other people, which is what Coco seems to do all the time. And yes this is specifically aimed at Coco and a few other trolls and wannabes like him, not the people who post in the spam sections. Another issue which is taken out of hand which I will address later.

But that's the thing; you people only see Coco as that, and it's just flat out false. Coco is not ONLY out to make fun of people. The only people who think so are merely the people who don't get along with him, and even then not all of them. This is part of that whole thing about being above the spam zones, or acting like it; anyone you types don't get along with is just automatically a troll, and it's just not true.

As for what it means in this context, I am saying that all the Coco supporters who are using this incident to bash Dagger did not even notice Dagger before this thing. They are trying to make this sound as if Dagger is some perenially butthurt creature. Tell me, when did Dagger ever lose his cool before that thread. I have certainly not seen it happen. What happened to Dagger could have happened to a lot of other smarter people. Dagger lost his cool because people were piling on rather than genuinely trying to help him. Those that did, like Doc, were well responded to.

I've seen Dagger blow his cool before then. Monkey comes to mind. And not all of Dagger's responses were cool and well written, even to the people giving legitimate feedback.

Yeah sure, I have seen multiple times when people have been bashed and Coco enters this threads, takes a look of what is going on and then makes a thread on the person who is being bashed to bash him seperately in his own manner. Real classy of him.

Cite this, please. When Coco does go on the offensive, he's usually hunting bigger game than the type of people that typically get sucked into that kind of stuff. Coco usually enters, makes a comment or two, and then leaves, and that's if he posts anything at all. You people are so worked up over Coco like he's some sort of forum boogeyman that just him making any kind of post in a thread like that registers as flaming or trolling to you.

He is a part of every noticeable flame war that has ever taken place on this forum. Real classy achievement there.

Again, I'm going to have to ask you to cite this. Besides the fact that neither you nor I have been around for "every noticeable flame war that has ever taken place on this forum", this is just bullshit. People making accusations and criticisms of Dagger have typically had examples to cite when doing so, so please do us a favor and try to use actual facts and evidence to back up your claim. Otherwise, you're just coming off as a partisan stooge willing to say anything to help your man out.

Yep, I was a bad poster. But you want to know how I improved? By listening to people who were willing to help me out. Like Dagger. Like Killjoy. People who encouraged me on. Like Naitch. If it had been left to the likes of Crock, I would have never ever improved a lick. He is someone who can just pile on the misery, like a lot of the others.

You want to know how you improved? By letting the little things slide off your back. By not taking yourself so seriously that you had to respond to any perceived insult. By not trying so hard to be liked and respected.

And anyway, the point is that you act like Coco and Crock do NOTHING of ANY value to these forums, and it's just not true. It's just so much easier to call them trolls and stinkyheads and hope that it's enough than it is to actually know them well enough to know how to best campaign against them.

I really would like to know your reasons for thinking of this distinction between spam and non spam posters. I for one feel that there is little difference between a good spam and a good non spam post. You need a good reason to back up your opinion in either section. In spam sections it is not a requirement but most of the good posts there do follow this norm. Another issue that has been taken out of hand.

Niether Dagger nor I are shitting on non spammers, we are shitting on trolls. I think that you can understand the difference between the two. Dagger knows that as well. That is why he is saying that Coco is a troll. You post in the spam sections more but I can assure you that Dagger will not label you as a troll.

But neither of you actually knows what a troll is. At all. And so you just automatically assume that any primarily spam poster who you've butted heads with MUST be a troll. Or if they flame someone, they MUST be a troll. And neither of these are true. So you set up this little belief system where anyone who isn't holding hands and circle jerking each other off is a troll. Cool, totally the type of person I want to see as mod.

I mean, hey, I've got a question for a mod that might help clear this up:

How often does Dagger report a post for trolling. And then, how often is it actual trolling, and how often is it just someone he doesn't like or doesn't agree with?

And sure Dagger may not always go into a thread to battle trolls but that is because he believes that you should not feed the trolls. He gives encouragement from the sidelines which let me tell you, in a sticky situation, is much more encouraging than what it may seem to be. Crock and Coco never do that. They pile in.

So, first of all...how is that "going to bat for you"? Again, you speak more like someone looking out for his party's candidate more than someone actually feeling conviction in the words he's using. You pretty much just voided your own point about Dagger being a good candidate.

Secondly, you don't ever think Coco and Crock give support or help develop posters? Go look at the work both have done in WZCW. Both of them are (were in Coco's case) active in giving feedback and constructive criticism to not only other posters but to the creative department as well. I've gone to Crock and Coco plenty of times for their thoughts on an RP I had posted. You claim Crock is merely another "troll supporter" and that he never helps new people along, but I see him helping newer members in WZCW all the time. So, again, it just comes down to people making opinions based off a few interactions and then attempting to convince everyone else that these opinions are facts and denying any redeeming qualities exist. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they don't happen.

Dagger is not the worst person on these boards. I don't find him to be a bad person. I just feel he is a bad person for the job. I also feel he uses a rhetoric in his approach that attempts to paint those he disagrees with as "bad guys", and I find that pathetic.
I won't do a post breakdown again here because it is getting tiring. However I would address the following points.

1. I have yet to see Dagger lose his cool except in that game thread. The Monkey example you give me also came in either that thread or some other thread discussing the same thing post his game thread. Before that numerous barbs have been made at Dagger, Monkey especially has made many of them, but each and every time Dagger has kept his cool.

2. Crock adds to the value of the forum. He is a good poster. However that is not what Coco does. Coco may be smart but what I have mostly seen him do is troll. As for the every noticeable flame war thing, I only mention the time I have been on the forum. There is Stormtrooper, LSN, Me, Dagger, Sully and many more. Trolls, in my opinion, do not add to the value of the forums. Anyone who isn't lying would admit that Coco is recognized here for his trolling rather than his intelligent discussions. He is capable of having a discussion but what he really likes to do is shit on someone else, which is something I find very disturbing.

3. I do understand what a troll is. It is someone who follows a poster around trying to annoy him. I am not labelling just any post of his as a troll post and it has nothing to do with where he posts. But it is a pretty well known fact that he trolls most people and trolls them hard. He attacks people without any rhyme or reason when they are minding their own business. Wouldn't you consider that trolling?

And for the last time, whatever distinction there exists between the spam and the non spam sections exists in your head. I certainly do not think that way, nor does Dagger or anyone else who is supporting him.
Why is it that Dagger isn't defending himself? Why are his lackeys doing it?

The word is "friends" not lackeys. This thread is rather meaningless anyway. Sure it has generated a lot of discussion but it hasn't convinced anyone either way. His supporters still support him and his haters still hate him. No movement either way.

The other thing that I find funny is that people think that some posters joined our party because we doled out rep to them. Nope. The newer posters joined us because they saw a lot of members whom they see regularly posting and most possibly even like. I mean our party does have the role models of the likes of Jack-Hammer and LSN so it should not really come as a surprise.
The word is "friends" not lackeys. This thread is rather meaningless anyway. Sure it has generated a lot of discussion but it hasn't convinced anyone either way. His supporters still support him and his haters still hate him. No movement either way.

The other thing that I find funny is that people think that some posters joined our party because we doled out rep to them. Nope. The newer posters joined us because they saw a lot of members whom they see regularly posting and most possibly even like. I mean our party does have the role models of the likes of Jack-Hammer and LSN so it should not really come as a surprise.

The point remains. Why can't Dagger defend himself?
1. I have yet to see Dagger lose his cool except in that game thread. The Monkey example you give me also came in either that thread or some other thread discussing the same thing post his game thread. Before that numerous barbs have been made at Dagger, Monkey especially has made many of them, but each and every time Dagger has kept his cool.


Actually, it was a whole month before that Division Blade nonsense. And it includes another rant on "Bar Room Trolls" and his warped ideas on why people sometimes feel other posters are "bad posters". And to top it all off, it's another perfect example of the edginess and temper he can't afford to carry with him as a member of the mod team. Nice try at deflecting, though.

2. Crock adds to the value of the forum. He is a good poster. However that is not what Coco does. Coco may be smart but what I have mostly seen him do is troll. As for the every noticeable flame war thing, I only mention the time I have been on the forum. There is Stormtrooper, LSN, Me, Dagger, Sully and many more. Trolls, in my opinion, do not add to the value of the forums. Anyone who isn't lying would admit that Coco is recognized here for his trolling rather than his intelligent discussions. He is capable of having a discussion but what he really likes to do is shit on someone else, which is something I find very disturbing.

Again, you still don't actually seem to be capable of demonstrating that you know what a troll really is. Coco wasn't a big part of the Dagger/Division Blade fiasco. In fact, if you cared to actually look these things up instead of speaking out of your ass, you'd find that Coco posted in that thread a total of 3 times, and none of them were flames towards Dagger. I know it's easy to just assume that Coco is the source of all evil on the boards, but at least know what you are talking about before you open your mouth. I thought you learned that lesson already.

3. I do understand what a troll is. It is someone who follows a poster around trying to annoy him. I am not labelling just any post of his as a troll post and it has nothing to do with where he posts. But it is a pretty well known fact that he trolls most people and trolls them hard. He attacks people without any rhyme or reason when they are minding their own business. Wouldn't you consider that trolling?

LULZ! I'm sorry, just...with that closing bit of yours I started to picture Coco like he was some street urchin stick-up kid just hiding around corners waiting to jump a victim and get some rep. Now that I think about it, I think Gang Starr wrote a song about him.

But, back to the point. You are simply wrong here. Quick! Mods! Another question: how many active members do we have? Best estimate is fine. And then I want a list from you, Snakey baby, of how many poster Coco "trolls". I guarantee that any list you come up with, even with fabricated incidents like Coco's supposed "trolling" of Dagger in the Division Blade thread Mozz started, is still a tiny, tiny fraction of the number of posters around here. My point? That a statement like "he trolls most people" is just flat out bull shit.

And for the last time, whatever distinction there exists between the spam and the non spam sections exists in your head. I certainly do not think that way, nor does Dagger or anyone else who is supporting him.

Well, it's kinda hard to believe that when anyone who isn't 100% in line with your attitude is a "troll" or a "troll supporter". I've read his little inspirational post, with the shitty little video. And I've seen him and plenty of others in that party cop the attitude before and flat out say that they feel spam posters are useless. You can try and damage control and spin this however you want to save face for your party, but it's pretty common knowledge that what I'm saying is truth. I'm not speaking for a party; I'm not speaking for a candidate. I'm speaking as a member of these forums who simply feels that people who see things in such black and white terms are not fit to be in a position of power.

The word is "friends" not lackeys. This thread is rather meaningless anyway. Sure it has generated a lot of discussion but it hasn't convinced anyone either way. His supporters still support him and his haters still hate him. No movement either way.

The other thing that I find funny is that people think that some posters joined our party because we doled out rep to them. Nope. The newer posters joined us because they saw a lot of members whom they see regularly posting and most possibly even like. I mean our party does have the role models of the likes of Jack-Hammer and LSN so it should not really come as a surprise.

Actually, you can't even say that for sure. Haven't I seen a member of yours already defect from the party? Who's to say that this discussion isn't changing the minds of people like me who aren't party members, or newer posters in your own party who really didn't know anything about Dagger until recently. I wouldn't call multiple mods coming out in opposition to the idea of Dagger being a mod "meaningless". You are pretty bad at this politics game, Snakey.

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